#so yeah she's just black cat 2099 lol
persephoneggsy · 1 year
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decided to be cringe and made a marvel OC to ship with Miguel (bc i’m not really vibing with his more popular ships)
her name is Celenia Bast, she goes by “Cel”, and she works as a low-level engineer at Alchemax. She’ll occasionally cross paths with Miguel O’Hara, a smug coworker that she fucking hates. 
She works two other jobs due to having to support her two younger sisters and an infirmed grandfather, and had to give up on her dreams of owning her own workshop. One day, buried under stress and bills, she snaps and decides to start a crime spree. Inspired by the Heroic Era’s Black Cat, she prowls the rich neighborhoods of Nueva York to take what she pleases. She’s far from a Robin Hood-esque hero, however; all her ill-gotten gains go towards just herself and her family - she cares very little about anyone else.
Well, except for Spider-Man; Cel is absolutely infatuated with the wall-crawler, delighting in making him fluster and chase her (that he’s also ripped probably helps). She really wants to know who’s under that mask... obviously, once she finds out, she’s in for a rude awakening.
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redstarwriting · 1 year
spider squad x black cat!fem!reader
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request?: yes
request: “hi! okay i love your works and my brains been rotting thinking abt this lol. i was wondering if i could request a black cat variant! reader that somehow (idk how sorry ), she's apart of the spider-society? Given that black cats backstory isn't all that nice, maybe she has a deal W miguel to let her stay if she makes sure she uses her skills to help the society instead of stealing? and how the squad(miles, gwen, pav, hobie) meet her in the society?”
requested by: anon​
word count: 2.1k
genre: platonic and chaotic LMAO
Warnings: language, stealing, bad Spanish, slight Gwen crush if you squint but also like not really
A/N: STOP I LOVE WRITING PLATONIC AND CHAOTIC THINGS!! i did change up the prompt a bit as they didn’t meet her in spider society necessarily (even though the did, they just didn’t know it lol) i hope you enjoy this anon! also if anyone wants to knows some of the specific songs that gave me black cat 2099 vibes lemme know 👀 i’ll make a post
pt ii - becoming hobie’s bestie
Gwen, Miles, Pavitr, and Hobie were called to “the principal’s office” as they started calling it. So here they are, in front of Miguel, waiting to be reprimanded for something they did. “I have a mission for the three of you,” he says, pointing to Miles, Gwen, and Pav. “Hobie, you’re not needed.”
“Like ‘ell I’m not,” he says, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. Miguel subtly smiles to himself. Reverse psychology. Works every time.
“Wait, what?” Miles asks, eyes wide. “You aren’t gonna yell at us for existing?” Gwen asks, equally as surprised. Miguel rolls his eyes. “For existing? When have I ever…” he trails off as Pav, Hobie, and Gwen point at Miles. 
And Miles points at himself. 
“Dios mío,” Miguel mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose. “No. I’m not doing that. This time.”
“What’s the mission then? Are we going somewhere new? Oh! Can I bring back a souvenir?” Pavitr asks, excitedly. “No, but I’m sure you’ll end up with some sort of souvenir regardless,” Miguel grumbles, and Hobie raises his eyebrow. “Well, what do you mean by that?” Gwen asks and Miguel types into his computer. A picture of a girl pops up on the screen. “I need you to bring me her.”
“Uhhh what? You want us to bring you a… civilian?” Miles asks, and Miguel nods. “She’ll respond to you all better. You’re the same age,” Miguel says, and they all glance at each other. “Can you not be secretive for like, a couple of seconds? Is she an anomaly?”
“No, Gwen. Just bring her to Spider Society, please. She’s from this universe, so I’m just sending you to where I need you to go,” Miguel says, opening a portal for them to go through. They all glance at each other before Gwen shrugs, walking through the portal. Miles and Pav follow her, and Hobie rolls his eyes following the three of them. They find themselves… at a show? They’re on top of the catwalk in a stadium show, looking down at the audience. “What the hell?” Gwen mumbles and Hobie is intrigued when he sees the instruments on the stage. “Now why did he send us to a concert?” Miles asks, and Pav shrugs. Right at that moment, the lights go down and everyone starts to scream. “So, you think she’s in the crowd? How are we supposed to find someone in all of these people?” Miles asks, and Pav shrugs. “I can do it, easily,” Pav says, and Miles and Gwen give him a Look™. “What?! It’s simple you just look for her face! Miguel showed us a picture of her.”
“Aye, ‘e’s right. Found her,” Hobie says, and they all look at him. He’s pointing, and they follow his finger. “SHE’S THE SINGER?!” Gwen yells as the music starts. “Yeah. Guess we gotta wait for the set to finish,” Hobie says, shrugging and sitting on the catwalk, “Gettin’ a free show outta this shit at least.”
“Oh, please, every show you’ve ever been to has been free,” Gwen says, sitting next to him, taking her mask off. Hobie, Pav, and Miles all follow suit. “What does Miguel want with a singer?”
“I like her outfit,” Pav says, ignoring Miles’ question and sitting next to Gwen. Miles quickly slips between Pav and Gwen, shooing him away slightly. “Not my style. Lyrics ain’t bad,” Hobie says, leaning back and observing the performance, “She can sing, I’ll give ‘er ‘at.”
“I fuck with it. Lyrics speak to me,” Gwen says, and Pav nods. “She seems angry.”
“Yeah, that’s why I can respect what she’s doin’. Threatenin’ and angry music is cool,” Hobie says, bobbing his head up and down. Gwen nods. “Okay, guys, seriously, what does Miguel want with a singer?”
“Maybe she’s a scientist or something? Miguel needs her help?” Gwen suggests, and Miles shakes his head. “Nah, I feel like he’d just meet with her then.”
“He did mention she was close to our age, though. And her songs make it sound like she has an issue with authority,” Pav mentions, and Hobie nods. “I fuck with ‘er.” They all look at him. “Oh, I get it. She’s Hobie’s age,” Gwen says, and Hobie raises his eyebrow. “What does ‘at ‘ave to do with anythin’?”
“You two are the same age, both have a problem with authority… whatever she is, she needs someone she can relate to to actually come with us,” Gwen says, and Hobie nods. “Guess ‘at makes sense.” The four of them continue watching the concert. Even though it isn’t necessarily punk music, Hobie loves the lyrics. And Gwen loves all of the songs because she understands the lyrics more than the other guys. Miles is enjoying it because Gwen is enjoying it, and Pav is enjoying it because other people are enjoying it. However, neither of them would probably listen to this after this mission. When you’re nearing the end, Miles slips his mask back on. “Alright, everyone. What’s the plan?”
“We need to get backstage,” Gwen says, slipping her mask on as well. “‘ave a gander down there,” Hobie says, pointing at some marks on the stage. “What’s that?” Pav asks. “Pyrotechnics. When they go off, we go in,” Hobie says, and they all nod. “Hope they’re big enough that no one sees us,” Gwen mumbles and Hobie scoffs. “Gwendy, it’s a stadium show. It’s ‘bout to be big,” he says. The four of them prepare, running along the catwalk and getting ready to web back to where you would disappear to. Sure enough, the pyrotechnics go off and Hobie was right. They’re big. It gives them the advantage as they slip undetected backstage. They hide high up, watching as you run offstage after your encore. They silently follow you to your dressing room and Miles points at an air vent. Gwen nods, quietly yanking it off of its hinges. She crawls inside, taking a glance to make sure you’re still clothed, and then motions for the boys to follow.
Meanwhile, you’re wiping your makeup off, sipping on some water to soothe your throat from your performance. You walk away from the giant mirror to go grab a snack in the corner of the room when, suddenly, you feel like someone is watching you. You subtly unsheathe your hairbrush, which doubles as a dagger. Just in case. You take a deep breath, turning around, and throwing it. Miles leaps out of the way, and the other three’s eyes are wide. The accuracy with that throw was a little too good. “None of you are Miguel,” you say, on edge still. “Ay, don’t compare me to that bloody bloke. I’d rather die than be called ‘im,” Hobie says, and you give him an amused look. “I can arrange that,” you say, and Gwen clears her throat. “I just wanted to say your concert was like, totally, awesome.”
“Aw, thanks! Did you pay to watch?” you ask and she looks around. “Well uh… I, um—” She gets cut off by your laugh. “I’m kidding. I don’t give a fuck if you didn’t. In fact, I would prefer you didn’t,” you explain. “Oh! Then no. Too cool to pay, you know?” Gwen rambles and Miles turns his head to her, giving her a look that translates into ‘What the hell are you talking about?’ You chuckle. “Why are you four here, then? Señor O’Hara miss me?” you take a bite of the snack you picked, leaning against the wall. “How do you know Miguel?” Pav asks and you snort. “Long story. Oh! He finally find out I took something from him?” you ask, tossing your food to the side and crossing your arms. “I… we actually don’t know. He just said we had to bring you back to—”
“Wait he’s actually inviting me into his super secret spider society?” you ask, a look of excitement spreading across your face. “Uh. Yes?” Miles says, and you squeal. “This is so exciting! My first time being invited, okay, great, hold on,” you say, quickly running off and behind the changing room divider. “Uh… you’re just gonna come with us?” Gwen asks, and you yell a quick ‘yep!’ They all look at each other and shrug. “No offense, sweet’eart, but I thought it woulda been ‘arder to convince ya. Wasn’t aware bein’ invited by a stuck-up wanker like ‘im was all it would take,” Hobie says, and they hear a giggle from behind the screen. “Oh this isn’t my first time in his little fanclub,” you step out from behind the divider, garnishing an all-black catsuit with shiny black gloves coming to claws at the fingers. A small eye mask adorns your face, and you smirk. “It’s just the first time he’ll know I’m there.”
“Holy shit, no way! You’re Black Cat!” Gwen says, and you do a little curtsy. “Pleased to make your acquaintance officially, Gwen Stacy,” you say, and her eyes get big. “How did you know—”
“Like I said. Not my first time there. Surprising since you all have that spidey sense or whatever, but guess I’m just that good,” you say, pulling out a dimension-hopping watch. “When did you—”
“Do I have to say I’ve been to your Spidertopia already again? Come on, I’m sure your pendejo of a boss is waiting for us,” you grin, and Hobie shakes his head. “Not my boss. I like you, though. Gettin’ fuck the establishment vibes,” he says, and you wink at him. “Thanks, Hobie Brown. Appreciate it. Also, Pavitr, you need to tell me what your haircare routine is,” you walk through the portal, and the four of them follow after you. Sure enough, you step out of the portal and stand right in front of Miguel’s desk. “Hello there, Spider-Boy,” you say, and he sighs. “(Y/n). Give me the device back. Now.”
“I’m good, actually. Been having too much fun with it,” you say, placing it on your wrist. He mutters something in Spanish as the four of them appear behind you. “Wait, if you’re Black Cat, why are you like… a superstar?” Miles asks, taking his mask off. “Was told at a young age to never settle for second best. So, I never did. Also if you want to steal from the big leagues, you have to be in with the big leagues,” you say, shrugging. “Damn, she is… so cool,” Gwen whispers. “We have an agreement, (Y/n),” MIguel says and you groan. “Miguel! Big guy, amigo, can I call you that?”
“Don’t care, when have I ever stuck with an agreement?” you ask and he frowns. “This is all because you want to be able to come here whenever you want, isn’t it?” he asks and you grin. “You’re so smart, bestie,” you say and he groans. “You’re impossible.”
“I know. So can I come here and not have to worry about multiple spiders biting me all at once?” you ask, and he sighs. “Yes.”
“Fuck, there’s a but,” you groan, as he continues talking, “No. Stealing.” You feign offense. “What makes you think I would ever steal something from here?” He points to your wrist. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. This was gifted to me.”
“By who.”
“Esta maldita chica,” he mumbles, and you grin. “Well, thank you so much for approving my breaking and entering of your little arachnid club. I’ll be sure to return everything I’ve taken in hopes that you would notice I wanted to be invited,” you grin, and he clenches his jaw. “You step one toe out of line—”
“I woooon’t! Promise! Before I return everything though, I kinda have a heist planned in Earth-42,” you shrug, pulling up a portal. “I’ll tell Miles you said hi, Miles,” you give him a smirk, but before disappearing into the portal, you hear Miguel. “When you’re done come back here. I actually might be able to use you for something.”
You smile at him. “Say less, Spider-Man.” Then, you disappear. “We’re about to see a lot more of her, aren’t we?” Miles asks, and Miguel sighs and nods. “Dude! She is so cool!” Gwen says, and Hobie nods. “She don’t take shit from no one. Respectable.”
“She’s funny! And she was able to shut you down, Miguel, that never happens,” Pav says, laughing a bit. “She seems kinda crazy,” Miles says.”
“What, like we aren’t?” Gwen retaliates and he shrugs. “I am perfectly sane! Most of the time…”
Miguel runs his hand through his hair in frustration as the four of them continue discussing you while walking out of the room.
He was not looking forward to the friendship the five of you were about to form.
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bxtchesbreakenhearts · 3 months
Miguel x Reader
A DISCLAIMER: I wrote this on my phone. (I’m poor, I don’t have a computer lol.) Typos may occur, I don’t usually proof-read my work.
[Part 1]
His name is Miguel O’Hara. That’s right. We’re going to do this much, much differently. He was the one and only Spider-Man of this universe. Not so much anymore though, huh? He’s invited all these others…
“I don’t always like what I do!” Miguel argued. He’s voice was tired, frustrated even. He hadn’t slept in days. I could sense his hands shaking with fatigue as he dismissed multiple floating monitors from in front of him. I scoffed at his childish behaviour, at which he perked up and turned to me swiftly with a defense at the ready.
“What? What do you want me to do?! Millions could die, there are lives on the line!” He snapped.
“Yeah and what about you, Miggy? You look like you’re about ready to keel over, die, and turn to dust yourself! You look like my grandma!” Miguel took offense to your words. His glare made my heart sink, but I wasn’t willing to let it drop to the floor. “I don’t care about their lives, Miguel. I care about yours.”
Miguel twitched at the sound of his first name leaving my lips.
“I’m helping you because you care about them. Not because I do.” I continued. I watched his expression soften. Finally. I’m getting some-
“You’re being selfish… This is a selfish request…” he warned, pointing a finger in my direction at my chest. Oh come on!
Looking from his hand, up at him, craning his neck to hear me, I was thankful he was listening at least.
“I have to choose between one person and en entire world, Cariño…” I cut him off
“You don’t choose a world. You choose two states.” I smarted off. He scoffed with disbelief.
“The entire multiverse then.” He argued.
“You’re trying to save people who can handle their own universes.” I retort.
“Now listen here you little shi—“ I shot him a glare of strong recommendation he reselects his words, to which he retreated.
“Miggy… Please. Come to bed… Please?” I beg as he turned his back from me and started in the opposite direction.
“I have to fix this…” Miguel finished. I sighed almost ready to give up when I noticed a trail behind from where he was walking.
A trail of what looked like a black ink in the lighting of the blue light in the room clashing with the red. I reached down towards the alarming amounts of liquid that then turned crimson as I picked up a layer of blood from my fingertips. My heart sank as I followed the trail -that seemed to turn into a bright shade of red- to Miguel. Blood oozed from his right arm. How could I have not noticed this?! Fuck!
“Miggy-!” He turned around to see his blood on my hands and looked down at the floor and covered his arm.
“Damn it, Lyla-!” he snapped at the little lady of golden light at his shoulder. She shrugged it off.
“Sorry boss~!” She sang and disappeared as he shook his hand at her, swatting her away.
Miguel slowly turned to face me with a nervous expression. I sighed and walked over to him, a glare clearly in my face, as spiders parted the waters while I dragged Miguel by his injured limb. Miguel winced and complained behind me. I lead him to our apartment and made him sit in the kitchen.
“SIT.” I demanded
“What are you, my mo-?”
“MIGUEL O’HARA.” I snapped. He sat with a pouting lip. “It’s not even that bad. It’s just a scratch…” he muttered as I examined his wounds.
“Miggy you got shot…” I sighed, pulling out a medkit and began working on his wounds. He watched me carefully.
I was frustrated with him as I patched up his wounds. I could hear the trilling of his suit deactivating his gloves and felt his gentle hand slip against the crevice of my neck and caress my cheek. I looked up at him sympathetically examining his tired face.
“Better?” He asked, his voice was quiet, close to a whisper, low, and gravelly. I nodded, placing my hand over his. He giggled woozily and looked at our hands. “You’re shorter than my cat…”
“Miggy, we don’t have a cat.” I replied. “I gave you a sedative. Let’s go to bed now.” His hand stiffened with realizing of your actions.
“You little-” he muttered.
“Come on, Miggy.” I repeated. He sighed and followed me to bed knowing that he’d rather pass out in our mattress than the kitchen floor. He flopped down on the bed, dragging me down with him.
“MIGGY!” I yelped and struggled under his weight. He muttered something I couldn’t quite make out. “What?” I snapped.
“Cuddle with me” he pouted, turning his head to my face, our noses touching. “Face the consequences of your actions.” He added, his eyelids gliding down his eyes slowly.
“Just go to sleep, Teddy Bear.” I replied.
“Don’t call me that…” he muttered his last words before drifting into a deep sleep, his soft snores filling the room’s quiet air.
With a gentle kiss on his lips, I fell asleep with him , his body, now bare, now that his suit deactivated, keeping me warm, even though I tried to wait for him to wake…
Anyone interested in what happens when you wake up with him?
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