#so youre really an unlucky hunter if he does on YOUR MATCH. 😭 they think he's a little shit
deduction-substitute · 6 months
Silly little thing of no one really expecting shit from Lucky. No one has seen him enter a match since FOREVER and so they think he's going to be a "newbie" if he gets called to participate in a match. Even the veterans cant recall the last time Lucky's ever participated in one, but they have enough sense to know that Lucky is EXPERIENCED.
There's a reason why he was the first one in the manor.
One day, Lucky gets called to a match. Everyone pats him on the back, giving him tips and pointers because hey! It's the guy's "first" match. As much as itd be funny seeing him flail around, they were newbies once too. The only reason they ever learned the game was because of the journal that every survivor has seen at least once that explains the mechanics (which also happens to be. written by Lucky.)
The last thing they hear before the chosen survivors and hunter (is teleported into the match is the unlucky hunter suddenly going "You've GOT to be fucking KIDDING ME-" and trailing off into a groan
The match ends quickly. The survivors win.
Lucky carried the whole team.
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