#soft boiled egg supremacy
nonbiriyani · 3 years
Ok so im just gonna fork over my 'feel like shit wanna not Be Here' meal 💃🏽 its like the simplest shit but it tastes pretty good for what it is,
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skygrl · 2 years
how do you make such a perfect little poached egg? i’ve never tried making them before but your food pics make them look so appetizing
Omg thank u I'm glad they seem perfect and little :):):):) TBH I think the secret is to just not mess with it and let it do it's thing... These days I've been bringing water + a little vinegar + a little salt to a soft boil in a shallow pan and carefully and gently cracking the egg in. A lot of people stir the water to make a "vortex" that's supposed to make the egg stick to itself better, but I find sometimes that can totally mess me up so I just don't. Especially with the vinegar, the egg coagulates just fine. I probs leave it in there like 4 minutes tops and then scoop it out with a slotted spoon. If its a sooooper shallow pan, the whites might not set great at the top of the egg bc its sticking out a bit, in which case I kind of baste it with the boiling water and a spoon. Hope this makes sense + is helpful!!! Poached egg supremacy I eat one like one a day mins
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eyeless-cunt · 3 years
ahEm, please can i get some hoodie fluff of him cuddling reader? take the money. 💵💵💵💵-whipped cream anon
I LOVE WRITING HOODIE ASKS I LOVE HOODIE MWAH HOODIE SUPREMACY. This is female reader. if someone would like something like this but with a different reader: male, non binary, etc—let me know!
TW: ...? Lying, Manipulation, Hoodie makes bad decisions...as usual...Angst? FLUFF I THINK ????
Please as if this idiot knows what the fuck he’s doing. He’s just a personality that manifested in someone’s brain and kicked the main one out. Sure he gained all Brian’s knowledge and skills...for the most part...but he’s still lacking in some areas. This includes the one that deals with social things. People, affection, conversation, social cues, etc.
So when Brian’s cute little S/o (I use little as in...not physical but...soft) rushes into his arms while he’s in the bathroom tearing through it looking for medication—you can guess that he doesn’t know how to react. He can’t kill them. Sure his host is technically dead, but this is still his girlfriend—who has no idea she’ll never see her boyfriend again.
So what’s he supposed to do? Tell her that he’s not her boyfriend? Tell her there won’t be a funeral because he’s not kind enough to pretend to be dead long enough for them to stick his body in a casket to mourn? Pull out his gun and scare her off? No matter what he did—he’d crush her. And he knew exactly how that little bottom lip of hers would tremble because he had all of Brian’s memories. He could see how clearly she’d smile as him, hesitantly, as if she couldn’t understand the ‘joke’. How her eyes would bubble up with tears when he told her to fuck off—that they were done.
So guess what he did? He pretended. He pretended to be Brian. He took off his mask and became an actor every time she entered the room. He pulled her close and held her hand as she pushed him into the living room to watch movies with her. He kissed her forehead and held her close at night. He played with her hair and made her eggs in the mornings when she had to get up for work. Was this wrong? Should he just have told her the truth? Before it got to the point where he wasn’t acting? Before the point where his emotions boiled to a single point where he didn’t want her to be Brian’s girlfriend—he wanted her to be his. Was that wrong?
Was this fair to her? Those are the thoughts that ran through his head as he downed medication, sitting on a chopped down tree trunk in the woods—crowbar in his other hand. I mean, she had to know something was up, right? He barely spoke, he was always out doing something—usually during the hours Brian would usually be home. He didn’t talk about work, or their shared friend group, or their families. He was an entirely different person—the only difference being that he was far more affectionate than even Brian was when he was alive. At first that was because he didn’t want her to know something was up, just because he physically could not bring himself to talk about people he didn’t care about, or couldn’t force himself to actually hang out with those idiots Brian had loved. So he compensated. He gave you all the affection you could ever ask for. And ended up accidentally loving you even more than his host had. Fuck.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
🎵 anon
my boredom has peaked and ive decided to continue the fic but its crack because im like this
Loud shouting can be heard from the back. The words are muddled apart from one singular word. "EGG"
thats my contribution, thank you.
if you dont get it, teyvat fried eggs, just nom nom
on a side note, I REALLY LIKE EGGS I EAT THEM FOR BREAKFAST EVERY DAY idk you can make poached eggs, soft boiled, sunny side up eggs, scrambled eggs with anything you want 🤤 egg supremacy
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sirjustice400-blog · 4 years
What it takes in the boom process
When u place purple fruit as Zambarau or yam or orange peel in the boom in Garbage, solution makes even range rovers, Cadillac, heavy machinery, electrical appliances and accessories, jets, planes, military vehicle, when what u want u place their cut diagonal photo as well. When it fails with charcoal water, pumpkin, pineapple, coconut leaves/sticks or as those mentioned above try as well with the above and even the Fanta black currents u can add into the solution 4 more results with other gadgets that has not been made as u keep on trying to get the best results dude.
Germans time is the essence, u sponsor some men who behaves like your own to say shit in my ears, i cant dude, take it all away, who is greatest, what has disturbed u 4 ages, here i come and i give the client like nation b4 u like Uganda, Tz and Jamaica and still not ashamed like Internet and pay TV, phones and home appliances. Cant u see u r a toddler to me, get ya way dude, what i can do great to ya, is sleep with ya woman not to marry but to pay as will bring bad disturbing kid without respect. U r the epicenter, u came with Illuminati and must eradicate it lest u r annihilated dude.
Shinny airplanes like the USA or air peace Benin made 1 are made with Garbage but much ripe mango of the same magnitude added to give it that feeling dude or rye as u add made or after the plane made, repaint it with shinny paint as with like Burkina Faso or Mali 1 in the links below which aint shinny
Getting money online thinking u got by as a head of ya pals, then shortly u r forced to pay like with 2goinvoice, even getting jobs 4 kids and building homestead 4 respects, which eliminates the same altogether so u get back to insulting ya long ago homies 4 no apparent reason. U Mexican as u heard carli or Texas were the same so wanting good life 4 ya kids and connected with Mexicans 4 that to happens as enjoy bar kalare make u insane water now can be made much in the boom process as in tumblr a/c sirjustice350, so ya plan fails so harsh with others. Eblotong'i bwana, warn them if u r not their described dude and Christ thing infused on 1 now failed, eating corp of this tribe or person made u to be innovative, so sell the same to the whole world to get cash as failed dude. Go to hell and die, where now are ya long time plans, dead and gone dude, stop ya shit bro lest 1 cut ya with machiethe
The timer technology described below can also have the wall clock technology, where the tip of like hour pointed hand rubs on metallic plates at intervals within the clock like timer on how its set to switch on on places that it rubs on metallic plates connected with wire to meet the metallic hour counting hand and switches off the circuit when it turns on areas where aint got the same rubbing metallic feeling, they can be made many to switch off/on many times within an hour depending with the machine which harbor that timer. As in the song link below, Christ with rabbi to aid us dude, women my life kinda, that way, i have been drinking a little bit getting tipsy and smoking myth/says dude
Think if u r rude, u will be accommodated by me, take your rudeness all away dude and die, as we know now well how gadgets are made, not trying to make such in ya ways and all ya dubious ways to swag blocked. Die bro, so much coffins in the market requiring customers like you, so those who sell also as well get money. Die we bury ya. Just wants to give birth to kids 4 no apparent reason and disturb us with, carry ya luggage as 1 does to his at the airport, don’t rush to settle scores on 1 as that ya fucking the pussy result child. Cannot consult with any tribe now or want to join them as they are gotten off guard with what they produce can be made much in the boom process. Dont play cool that u r different from the rest in ya group to be accommodated, eat ya sweet dude or die ya own death
Yam crushed mixed with much water the below inserted as maize cob, thinner, raw mango etc makes even the purple baby star-soft and shampoo and even soaps dude as what Bringanya does so respect nations producing the same as in the link below, of much intense effect than others thus selling much high in price
Negros were taken to USA so they say what they are saying cause they produce little per state of which corn is the widely grown, so thought not of artificial boom made 1 to open their mouths wide as they do, if it was Canada they were taken they could be off respect cause it has much wheat, rye and cooking oil, so it was a test of character and they did not know of Alternator generator technology as E-car or airplane, so knew the earth crust 16 km so oil will be finished and the next car or plane will be powered by solar not knowing we go batteries that can open outlet along the way where they just replace ya car 1 once it atrophies along the road, thought white people will come to Africa during winter out of the above so their play dude
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, Podi ong’ya kaochong’o riyo bird, mind ya business u sleek silly man, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
EATING BOILED maize smeared with chilies even makes much gadgets in the boom process when what placed in as below are inserted. Makes even big airplanes, heavy machinery, houses on media as u cut the photos diagonally b4 heaping to the garbage, military equipment and any dude
Thick tire wheels inside the bullet proof vest technology or pieces of like armored glass (coin like) placed inside at raw to bar the bullet from getting to the inflated rubber to burst the tire, can aid in military maneuvers dude
Burkina Faso, Congo brazaville, Congo, Finland, Guinea made airplane in the link below and many west African nations as stated in the links below
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sirjustice399-blog · 4 years
What is placed in the boom process and more dude
When u place purple fruit as Zambarau or yam or orange peel in the boom in Garbage, solution makes even range rovers, Cadillac, heavy machinery, electrical appliances and accessories, jets, planes, military vehicle, when what u want u place their cut diagonal photo as well. When it fails with charcoal water, pumpkin, pineapple, coconut leaves/sticks or as those mentioned above try as well with the above and even the Fanta black currents u can add into the solution 4 more results with other gadgets that has not been made as u keep on trying to get the best results dude.
Germans time is the essence, u sponsor some men who behaves like your own to say shit in my ears, i cant dude, take it all away, who is greatest, what has disturbed u 4 ages, here i come and i give the client like nation b4 u like Uganda, Tz and Jamaica and still not ashamed like Internet and pay TV, phones and home appliances. Cant u see u r a toddler to me, get ya way dude, what i can do great to ya, is sleep with ya woman not to marry but to pay as will bring bad disturbing kid without respect. U r the epicenter, u came with Illuminati and must eradicate it lest u r annihilated dude.
The timer technology described below can also have the wall clock technology, where the tip of like hour pointed hand rubs on metallic plates at intervals within the clock like timer on how its set to switch on on places that it rubs on metallic plates connected with wire to meet the metallic hour counting hand and switches off the circuit when it turns on areas where aint got the same rubbing metallic feeling, they can be made many to switch off/on many times within an hour depending with the machine which harbor that timer. As in the song link below, Christ with rabbi to aid us dude, women my life kinda, that way, i have been drinking a little bit getting tipsy and smoking myth/says dude
Think if u r rude, u will be accommodated by me, take your rudeness all away dude and die, as we know now well how gadgets are made, not trying to make such in ya ways and all ya dubious ways to swag blocked. Die bro, so much coffins in the market requiring customers like you, so those who sell also as well get money. Die we bury ya. Just wants to give birth to kids 4 no apparent reason and disturb us with, carry ya luggage as 1 does to his at the airport, don’t rush to settle scores on 1 as that ya fucking the pussy result child. Cannot consult with any tribe now or want to join them as they are gotten off guard with what they produce can be made much in the boom process. Dont play cool that u r different from the rest in ya group to be accommodated, eat ya sweet dude or die ya own death
Yam crushed mixed with much water the below inserted as maize cob, thinner, raw mango etc makes even the purple baby star-soft and shampoo and even soaps dude as what Bringanya does so respect nations producing the same as in the link below, of much intense effect than others thus selling much high in price
Negros were taken to USA so they say what they are saying cause they produce little per state of which corn is the widely grown, so thought not of artificial boom made 1 to open their mouths wide as they do, if it was Canada they were taken they could be off respect cause it has much wheat, rye and cooking oil, so it was a test of character and they did not know of Alternator generator technology as E-car or airplane, so knew the earth crust 16 km so oil will be finished and the next car or plane will be powered by solar not knowing we go batteries that can open outlet along the way where they just replace ya car 1 once it atrophies along the road, thought white people will come to Africa during winter out of the above so their play dude
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, Podi ong’ya kaochong’o riyo bird, mind ya business u sleek silly man, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
EATING BOILED maize smeared with chilies even makes much gadgets in the boom process when what placed in as below are inserted. Makes even big airplanes, heavy machinery, houses on media as u cut the photos diagonally b4 heaping to the garbage, military equipment and any dude
Thick tire wheels inside the bullet proof vest technology or pieces of like armored glass (coin like) placed inside at raw to bar the bullet from getting to the inflated rubber to burst the tire, can aid in military maneuvers dude
Burkina Faso, Congo brazaville, Congo, Finland, Guinea made airplane in the link below and many west African nations as stated in the links below
Internet and pay TV servers are made when old used auto-mobile tires are placed in sewer water or city garbage where many photos of such cut diagonally as well can be placed into the solution 4 better results dude in the boom process while the decoders are made just with broad leaves of any tree around ya placed in the same in the boom process bro.
Music software mix that u can heap many music and it placed them at the music selection at minutes intervals as all take a certain time b4 1 comes in and all music selected and downloaded are recorded there as long as u got the pas-code to eliminate flash-disk or Cd once u have the internet bro.
Temptations of Christ are well written and who saw them, Probably Mr Hindu blooded men as that Colombian blood, so u are in a well position to tell us the same at what time such happened, don’t bother us with what was brought unto us but the beauty now it atrophies as a kid who was very pimply but now all lost as face appears gloomy to attract much a women thinking one ejaculated much sperm 4 him to rub on his face or mucus as a toddler so needs 1 to wipe 4 him as take care of him, so the concern dude or was be-rived and cried 4 long 4 a lost 1 like Abraham did to Sarah at her death dude
With Cadillac car is made with cut bones of human or teeth placed in Garbage or cut many type of color flowers sprinkled and boom ya car as much as u can add cut diagonal photos of the said car pictures while Range rover is made with many onions placed in the same above or rye solution or cut flower sprinkled and boom ya car in the boom process
Naphtali and Gard tribe father as in Genesis 49 was not an end though i might be 1 of them as Gad tribe their skin appear reddish as white-men of Russia are known, so don’t get me together with u those who claim the same as outside marriage he slept with other women which aint documented in the bible and i fall there not the Kikuyu blooded wives as above who gives to insanity in their play synonymous with today’s Kikuyu blooded men portrayed character. Russia change ya character cause the employ the same u do claiming they are Russian cause ya land still vast they wanna get their, bad dude, consumes us bro and now again they talk as Italians do in Casino claiming the same but stopped when told the make u insane water at bar kalare, Gem, Kenya can be made much in the boom process as now they got it along time Kenya was Italy. Locating the best and wants u to join or if u claim u r Naphtali they also claim as well, What u want dude, with me i can live anywhere provided i got tiny roof or food synonymous with my life in Kenya now bro, locate ya life don’t follow me dude, Now u wanna claim the writings in Tumblrs yours as making gadgets, question is why have u not come up with machines 1st, dude, stop being a little child calls 4 annihilation if u relent not dude, now we got ya dude
Black doted bird feather when placed in garbage in the boom process makes even American (decra roofing) type of roofing, when u have not succeeded in making the same, try adding African broom sticks as oleng in local jargon or papyrus reed pieces stick and boom ya smooth roof signaling respect dude as in the link below and with any gadget dude
Utility of beans or Ground nuts to those states or country that produce the same, can be used to make leather velvet for seats and jackets or brown wood card-boards used as lining in container houses and even shoes when pieces of African broom as above inserted or maize cob in the boom process and many wooden electric appliances bro.
I though i behaved badly in my past not to find that those who held me to that were of hunger with their plans to set me even more free and even with the many women i wanted without course. Happy are those people phrases maybe, all guilt elevated dude.
Dollars are made with cut dry cassava, white plastics or cut flowers as much as human nails placed in garbage adding maize cob as above and ya dollar notes in the boom process bro
Carrot makes even smokies when added to pumpkin/cabbage water in the boom process making such products to be cheap dude. Carrots as well can take the place of groundnuts as explained above and even makes rubber products as slippers which when inserted in Garbage solution as above makes even big space rockets or saucer jets in the boom process bro.
Starter comp, u rotate a motor inside then connect to a solar charger controller then to a high watt inverter to power your house as the comp u can use the solar lights in the link below to rotate the motor in between during the day and at night as it saves power on the inside battery as Walkman motor uses less energy when alone as that power in the battery can turn the motor 4 more than 12 hrs b4 it atrophies dude
If u Injure 1 who goes to hell or already magma as thrown to hell fire and still on earth investigating amounts to absolute nothing as such cases on ya are erased, it will be prudent to do such when the incumbent still all alive like kebi hitting a woman at Bar Kalare, when will u get this dude, stop Mr Hindu of such cause u judging others aint sure of being salvaged from hell fire as above. Live ya own life stop cashing into others lives bro
Shop online in Kenya at the link below dude
Laser sensor motion lights in the link below dude, click to get a glimpse as if u got a large compound u can place WI-fi controlled Motion sensor alarms to detect foreign particles early dude and hang on ya bulb holder Bluetooth enabled speakers
Invest wisely as in the link below
Yacht made in Nigeria link below dude, click well to get a glimpse bro
SA military vehicle in the link below dude and Iran submarine
Stop war accept triumph not defeat and compensate the owner dude
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sirjustice398-blog · 4 years
The below calls 4 shoot out if not fathomed dude
The timer technology described below can also have the wall clock technology, where the tip of like hour pointed hand rubs on metallic plates at intervals within the clock like timer on how its set to switch on on places that it rubs on metallic plates connected with wire to meet the metallic hour counting hand and switches off the circuit when it turns on areas where aint got the same rubbing metallic feeling, they can be made many to switch off/on many times within an hour depending with the machine which harbor that timer. As in the song link below, Christ with rabbi to aid us dude, women my life kinda, that way, i have been drinking a little bit getting tipsy and smoking myth/says dude
Think if u r rude, u will be accommodated by me, take your rudeness all away dude and die, as we know now well how gadgets are made, not trying to make such in ya ways and all ya dubious ways to swag blocked. Die bro, so much coffins in the market requiring customers like you, so those who sell also as well get money. Die we bury ya. Just wants to give birth to kids 4 no apparent reason and disturb us with, carry ya luggage as 1 does to his at the airport, don't rush to settle scores on 1 as that ya fucking the pussy result child. Cannot consult with any tribe now or want to join them as they are gotten off guard with what they produce can be made much in the boom process. Dont play cool that u r different from the rest in ya group to be accommodated, eat ya sweet dude or die ya own death
Yam crushed mixed with much water the below inserted as maize cob, thinner, raw mango etc makes even the purple baby star-soft and shampoo and even soaps dude as what Bringanya does so respect nations producing the same as in the link below, of much intense effect than others thus selling much high in price
Negros were taken to USA so they say what they are saying cause they produce little per state of which corn is the widely grown, so thought not of artificial boom made 1 to open their mouths wide as they do, if it was Canada they were taken they could be off respect cause it has much wheat, rye and cooking oil, so it was a test of character and they did not know of Alternator generator technology as E-car or airplane, so knew the earth crust 16 km so oil will be finished and the next car or plane will be powered by solar not knowing we go batteries that can open outlet along the way where they just replace ya car 1 once it atrophies along the road, thought white people will come to Africa during winter out of the above so their play dude
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, Podi ong’ya kaochong’o riyo bird, mind ya business u sleek silly man, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
EATING BOILED maize smeared with chilies even makes much gadgets in the boom process when what placed in as below are inserted. Makes even big airplanes, heavy machinery, houses on media as u cut the photos diagonally b4 heaping to the garbage, military equipment and any dude
Thick tire wheels inside the bullet proof vest technology or pieces of like armored glass (coin like) placed inside at raw to bar the bullet from getting to the inflated rubber to burst the tire, can aid in military maneuvers dude
Burkina Faso, Guinea made airplane in the link below and many west african nations as stated in the links below
Internet and pay TV servers are made when old used auto-mobile tires are placed in sewer water or city garbage where many photos of such cut diagonally as well can be placed into the solution 4 better results dude in the boom process while the decoders are made just with broad leaves of any tree around ya placed in the same in the boom process bro.
Music software mix that u can heap many music and it placed them at the music selection at minutes intervals as all take a certain time b4 1 comes in and all music selected and downloaded are recorded there as long as u got the pas-code to eliminate flash-disk or Cd once u have the internet bro.
Temptations of Christ are well written and who saw them, Probably Mr Hindu blooded men as that Colombian blood, so u are in a well position to tell us the same at what time such happened, don’t bother us with what was brought unto us but the beauty now it atrophies as a kid who was very pimply but now all lost as face appears gloomy to attract much a women thinking one ejaculated much sperm 4 him to rub on his face or mucus as a toddler so needs 1 to wipe 4 him as take care of him, so the concern dude or was be-rived and cried 4 long 4 a lost 1 like Abraham did to Sarah at her death dude
With Cadillac car is made with cut bones of human or teeth placed in Garbage or cut many type of color flowers sprinkled and boom ya car as much as u can add cut diagonal photos of the said car pictures while Range rover is made with many onions placed in the same above or rye solution or cut flower sprinkled and boom ya car in the boom process
Naphtali and Gard tribe father as in Genesis 49 was not an end though i might be 1 of them as Gad tribe their skin appear reddish as white-men of Russia are known, so don’t get me together with u those who claim the same as outside marriage he slept with other women which aint documented in the bible and i fall there not the Kikuyu blooded wives as above who gives to insanity in their play synonymous with today’s Kikuyu blooded men portrayed character. Russia change ya character cause the employ the same u do claiming they are Russian cause ya land still vast they wanna get their, bad dude, consumes us bro and now again they talk as Italians do in Casino claiming the same but stopped when told the make u insane water at bar kalare, Gem, Kenya can be made much in the boom process as now they got it along time Kenya was Italy. Locating the best and wants u to join or if u claim u r Naphtali they also claim as well, What u want dude, with me i can live anywhere provided i got tiny roof or food synonymous with my life in Kenya now bro, locate ya life don’t follow me dude, Now u wanna claim the writings in Tumblrs yours as making gadgets, question is why have u not come up with machines 1st, dude, stop being a little child calls 4 annihilation if u relent not dude, now we got ya dude
Black doted bird feather when placed in garbage in the boom process makes even American (decra roofing) type of roofing, when u have not succeeded in making the same, try adding African broom sticks as oleng in local jargon or papyrus reed pieces stick and boom ya smooth roof signaling respect dude as in the link below and with any gadget dude
Utility of beans or Ground nuts to those states or country that produce the same, can be used to make leather velvet for seats and jackets or brown wood card-boards used as lining in container houses and even shoes when pieces of African broom as above inserted or maize cob in the boom process and many wooden electric appliances bro.
I though i behaved badly in my past not to find that those who held me to that were of hunger with their plans to set me even more free and even with the many women i wanted without course. Happy are those people phrases maybe, all guilt elevated dude.
Dollars are made with cut dry cassava, white plastics or cut flowers as much as human nails placed in garbage adding maize cob as above and ya dollar notes in the boom process bro
Carrot makes even smokies when added to pumpkin/cabbage water in the boom process making such products to be cheap dude. Carrots as well can take the place of groundnuts as explained above and even makes rubber products as slippers which when inserted in Garbage solution as above makes even big space rockets or saucer jets in the boom process bro.
Starter comp, u rotate a motor inside then connect to a solar charger controller then to a high watt inverter to power your house as the comp u can use the solar lights in the link below to rotate the motor in between during the day and at night as it saves power on the inside battery as Walkman motor uses less energy when alone as that power in the battery can turn the motor 4 more than 12 hrs b4 it atrophies dude
If u Injure 1 who goes to hell or already magma as thrown to hell fire and still on earth investigating amounts to absolute nothing as such cases on ya are erased, it will be prudent to do such when the incumbent still all alive like kebi hitting a woman at Bar Kalare, when will u get this dude, stop Mr Hindu of such cause u judging others aint sure of being salvaged from hell fire as above. Live ya own life stop cashing into others lives bro
Shop online in Kenya at the link below dude
Laser sensor motion lights in the link below dude, click to get a glimpse as if u got a large compound u can place WI-fi controlled Motion sensor alarms to detect foreign particles early dude and hang on ya bulb holder Bluetooth enabled speakers
Invest wisely as in the link below
Yacht made in Nigeria link below dude, click well to get a glimpse bro
SA military vehicle in the link below dude and Iran submarine
Stop war accept triumph not defeat and compensate the owner dude
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sirjustice397-blog · 4 years
Timer technology
The timer technology described below can also have the wall clock technology, where the tip of like hour pointed hand rubs on metallic plates at intervals within the clock like timer on how its set to switch on on places that it rubs on metallic plates connected with wire to meet the metallic hour counting hand and switches off the circuit when it turns on areas where aint got the same rubbing metallic feeling, they can be made many to switch off/on many times within an hour depending with the machine which harbor that timer. As in the song link below, Christ with rabbi to aid us dude
Think if u r rude, u will be accommodated by me, take your rudeness all away dude and die, as we know now well how gadgets are made, not trying to make such in ya ways and all ya dubious ways to swag blocked. Die bro, so much coffins in the market requiring customers like you, so those who sell also as well get money. Die we bury ya. Just wants to give birth to kids 4 no apparent reason and disturb us with, carry ya luggage as 1 does to his at the airport, don't rush to settle scores on 1 as that ya fucking the pussy result child. Cannot consult with any tribe now or want to join them as they are gotten off guard with what they produce can be made much in the boom process. Dont play cool that u r different from the rest in ya group to be accommodated, eat ya sweet dude or die ya own death
Yam crushed mixed with much water the below inserted as maize cob, thinner, raw mango etc makes even the purple baby star-soft and shampoo and even soaps dude as what Bringanya does so respect nations producing the same as in the link below, of much intense effect than others thus selling much high in price
Negros were taken to USA so they say what they are saying cause they produce little per state of which corn is the widely grown, so thought not of artificial boom made 1 to open their mouths wide as they do, if it was Canada they were taken they could be off respect cause it has much wheat, rye and cooking oil, so it was a test of character and they did not know of Alternator generator technology as E-car or airplane, so knew the earth crust 16 km so oil will be finished and the next car or plane will be powered by solar not knowing we go batteries that can open outlet along the way where they just replace ya car 1 once it atrophies along the road, thought white people will come to Africa during winter out of the above so their play dude
Gear motor like 4 the ceiling lights moving much slowly as can increase, decrease speed to either lengthen or shorten timer set time, where the outside gear to the push and pull switch that whether on or off the switch tip on same position- rotates to take it down to either switch the circuit on or off after another sequence as in the links below
The motor can be made of wire covered with firefighter fire proof cloth so to burn not as in the link below that type not the downer link type but the above, esp microwave motor style or Micah fan style not other wire coiled in the middle motor style that needs brass that get depleted to be replenished dude
When not yet in store u can uncoiled the above and place such clothes linen to recoil ya motor with even 4 airplane b4 u tie it to a belt to a new similar motor to start it as recoiled motor sometimes fail to kick on or start altogether lest the shaft rotated with bear hand or as explained above much more if it were a Dynamo where the motors with the belt rotating the same can be 2 with timer to alternate as the Dynamo remains one as cant burn up out of the recoiled fireproof cloth.
With the boom process u can place as well egg shell or sweet banana in the solution which as well when placed in garbage makes beds, sofa sets and kitchen ware and linings but wooden bro. The can replace the coconut made African broom option or mango as thinner option, pineapple, mushroom or cut pumpkin, can be used interchangeably or heaped together 4 better results outcome. The same precept makes even plastic mobile toilets and portacabin container houses
If u make other nation brand machines in ya nation or in client nation as well aid in the sinking of ya land synonymous with now many a nations doing the same which is a dirty game yet they ought to open outlets 4 repair and sale to curb the same and protect the buyers from illicit traders dude charging more and reaping huge from sales of other nation gadgets spare-parts. America contributes to the fall of ya land if u know not dude, so better address the same homey.
Armored glass helmet china made and coveralls, must have in ya house if vice verse of kebis being poor  
edwayie koro inn, Podi ong’ya kaochong’o riyo bird, mind ya business u sleek silly man, black supremacy, we want to destroy that sharp pointed nose, though kidding, that nose of hate, now talk, many nations got missiles and guns as usa and even airplanes, i told them how to make the same, so will send me some cash, any company willing like with innoson and more, any company that comes up after 2013, u kisii, mean, nyamawho fresh mouth herb can be made much as explained in tumblr sirjustice350, so stay with ya money, always away out of no-way dude. Gonna be war, u came with bible, when African tribes did not know about such yet u bother people that this or that is Jesus must end like with airplane with linear motion yet siren gas, and earth radius is 1000km yet 16 km and like outside air has no air yet got, as u got satellite yet not and more u heap on others, what remains is to kill ya and take ya land and what am up-to dude, clouds with rain yet clouds smoke like dude as the song link below, rob bank with armored all round glass helmet and ware as tumblr above tells u how such is made, armored glass coverall
EATING BOILED maize smeared with chilies even makes much gadgets in the boom process when what placed in as below are inserted. Makes even big airplanes, heavy machinery, houses on media as u cut the photos diagonally b4 heaping to the garbage, military equipment and any dude
Internet and pay TV servers are made when old used auto-mobile tires are placed in sewer water or city garbage where many photos of such cut diagonally as well can be placed into the solution 4 better results dude in the boom process while the decoders are made just with broad leaves of any tree around ya placed in the same in the boom process bro.
Music software mix that u can heap many music and it placed them at the music selection at minutes intervals as all take a certain time b4 1 comes in and all music selected and downloaded are recorded there as long as u got the pas-code to eliminate flash-disk or Cd once u have the internet bro.
Temptations of Christ are well written and who saw them, Probably Mr Hindu blooded men as that Colombian blood, so u are in a well position to tell us the same at what time such happened, don’t bother us with what was brought unto us but the beauty now it atrophies as a kid who was very pimply but now all lost as face appears gloomy to attract much a women thinking one ejaculated much sperm 4 him to rub on his face or mucus as a toddler so needs 1 to wipe 4 him as take care of him, so the concern dude or was be-rived and cried 4 long 4 a lost 1 like Abraham did to Sarah at her death dude
With Cadillac car is made with cut bones of human or teeth placed in Garbage or cut many type of color flowers sprinkled and boom ya car as much as u can add cut diagonal photos of the said car pictures while Range rover is made with many onions placed in the same above or rye solution or cut flower sprinkled and boom ya car in the boom process
Naphtali and Gard tribe father as in Genesis 49 was not an end though i might be 1 of them as Gad tribe their skin appear reddish as white-men of Russia are known, so don’t get me together with u those who claim the same as outside marriage he slept with other women which aint documented in the bible and i fall there not the Kikuyu blooded wives as above who gives to insanity in their play synonymous with today’s Kikuyu blooded men portrayed character. Russia change ya character cause the employ the same u do claiming they are Russian cause ya land still vast they wanna get their, bad dude, consumes us bro and now again they talk as Italians do in Casino claiming the same but stopped when told the make u insane water at bar kalare, Gem, Kenya can be made much in the boom process as now they got it along time Kenya was Italy. Locating the best and wants u to join or if u claim u r Naphtali they also claim as well, What u want dude, with me i can live anywhere provided i got tiny roof or food synonymous with my life in Kenya now bro, locate ya life don’t follow me dude, Now u wanna claim the writings in Tumblrs yours as making gadgets, question is why have u not come up with machines 1st, dude, stop being a little child calls 4 annihilation if u relent not dude, now we got ya dude
Black doted bird feather when placed in garbage in the boom process makes even American (decra roofing) type of roofing, when u have not succeeded in making the same, try adding African broom sticks as oleng in local jargon or papyrus reed pieces stick and boom ya smooth roof signaling respect dude as in the link below and with any gadget dude
Utility of beans or Ground nuts to those states or country that produce the same, can be used to make leather velvet for seats and jackets or brown wood card-boards used as lining in container houses and even shoes when pieces of African broom as above inserted or maize cob in the boom process and many wooden electric appliances bro.
I though i behaved badly in my past not to find that those who held me to that were of hunger with their plans to set me even more free and even with the many women i wanted without course. Happy are those people phrases maybe, all guilt elevated dude.
Dollars are made with cut dry cassava, white plastics or cut flowers as much as human nails placed in garbage adding maize cob as above and ya dollar notes in the boom process bro
Carrot makes even smokies when added to pumpkin/cabbage water in the boom process making such products to be cheap dude. Carrots as well can take the place of groundnuts as explained above and even makes rubber products as slippers which when inserted in Garbage solution as above makes even big space rockets or saucer jets in the boom process bro.
Starter comp, u rotate a motor inside then connect to a solar charger controller then to a high watt inverter to power your house as the comp u can use the solar lights in the link below to rotate the motor in between during the day and at night as it saves power on the inside battery as Walkman motor uses less energy when alone as that power in the battery can turn the motor 4 more than 12 hrs b4 it atrophies dude
If u Injure 1 who goes to hell or already magma as thrown to hell fire and still on earth investigating amounts to absolute nothing as such cases on ya are erased, it will be prudent to do such when the incumbent still all alive like kebi hitting a woman at Bar Kalare, when will u get this dude, stop Mr Hindu of such cause u judging others aint sure of being salvaged from hell fire as above. Live ya own life stop cashing into others lives bro
Shop online in Kenya at the link below dude
Laser sensor motion lights in the link below dude, click to get a glimpse as if u got a large compound u can place WI-fi controlled Motion sensor alarms to detect foreign particles early dude and hang on ya bulb holder Bluetooth enabled speakers
Invest wisely as in the link below
Yacht made in Nigeria link below dude, click well to get a glimpse bro
SA military vehicle in the link below dude and Iran submarine
Stop war accept triumph not defeat and compensate the owner dude
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