sghq-gossip-blog · 2 years
most vs least messy family?
Most? Just one?
Shepherds and Torres-Robbins are holding a nice little spot in my heart for the little quiet shitshows that they are. Absent parents that're leaving their messy young adult children to teach themselves how to be adults and a family that's so fallen apart and passive agressive about it? How could I choose just one?
As for least messy, I'll throw two families out there as well.
Karevs, and the fruity Shepherds. The Karevs are just.. they're all so sweetly rough and tough. I don't know, it's charming. As for the fruity Shepherds, they're just living their sweet little mildly messy lives.
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mentioned: @dbshepherd @ellisheps @pedskates @isabellatorresrobbins @sofxrst @alexkarevac @audreykarev @dramberk @dr-shephcrd @scoutshep @charlotteshep @mariposashepherd
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lousloan · 2 years
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If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have anyone to blame my mistakes on.
@sofxrst @annabellesloan @noahgreysloan
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doctorlexipedia · 6 years
Work had been getting busy the last few weeks. The interns were all busy studying, and there seemed to be an influx of people with aneurysm, tumors, and brain bleeds coming through the doors of the hospital. She was excited to have an afternoon off. The ferry boat rides seemed like a nice way to unwind after all of the crazy. 
It was going so smoothly. To make things even better, she was with Sofia. Lexie loved when she got to spend time with Sofia, just the two of them. Her bond with her was one of her favorite things. They stood near the railing for a while, before Lexie decided they should go into a middle, inside area of the ferry boat for a while. Taking off her jacket, she let out a soft sigh. She was relaxed, she was happy. She had been in a funk for a while now, off and on, but it was still there. This was good, and it felt like just what she needed.
“You know, you really shouldn’t have given Amelia that weed,” she lectured. She paused, looking over at Sofia. “But thank you for giving it to her even though you weren’t supposed it. It was great,” she said. She realized she had given away that she had smoked some of it too, but she wasn’t too concerned. It’s not like Sofia had to know about the bath part of her night with the other neurosurgeon. 
“Don’t do it again though,” she said with a small laugh. Everything seemed to be going so perfectly. That is, until suddenly the boat crashed and Lexie found herself hitting the ground with a thud. Things were dark for a moment, mainly because she was too afraid to open her eyes and her ears were trying to tune out the sounds around her.
Laying on the ground, she peered around, still in shock from what had just happened. She didn’t feel anything at first. The first thing Lexie noticed was the smell of burning flesh, and that in itself was enough to send her into a panic. ‘Please don’t be me, please don’t be me,’ she thought. But it was. Flames danced through the open space where the window used to be, slowly engulfing the area of the wall around her right arm. She immediately scooted away as best as she could, looking at the bubbling skin on her forearm. 
As she moved, Lexie could hear the crunch of something beneath her, and she was suddenly struck by pain all over her body. The fact that the window was an open space hadn’t clicked fully until that moment when she saw the shattered shards of glass. 
Breathing was quite a task- not because of the smoke that was starting to flow through the air, but because of the anxiety and fear she was being overwhelmed by. She didn’t know how many more times she was going to be in situations like this in her life, but she was at her limit. Lexie didn’t know how much more of this she could take before it completely broke her. Disasters seemed to be drawn to her like a magnet. She didn’t understand why.
Lexie remembered Sofia was there with her, and looked over. Her daughter was far enough from the flames that she wasn’t too concerned about that- not yet anyway. She didn’t know what to say. Sofia had cuts too, and Lexie immediately began to worry. “Sof..” she said. The other girl was just laughing. She moved closer, and knelt down beside her. “Sofia, what..” She shook her head.
“SOFIA,” she yelled. “I know you’re scared a-and I.. This.. It’s a lot and I’m... We should get out of here, we.. we should get out,” she stumbled over her words, swallowing hard.
Touching her face, there was blood on her fingers. She looked down at her arms, abdomen, and the rips in her shirt. She could see shards of glass sticking out from her skin. Nothing was in there deep enough to cause any real damage, and it wasn’t big pieces, but it was still there. She had blood trickling out from all of the cuts, and the small burn was starting to sting. “Oh my god,” she breathed out. 
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emilyxtr · 6 years
“Can you not be so loud” Emily groaned and buried her head in her hands, rubbing the sides of her head. “I have a massive headache so I need you to just, shh” the blonde said looking up at her sister. “I’m sorry, ignore me, what were you saying?” She asked, even though she wasn’t sure if Sofia had actually said something.
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drmeverettsloan · 6 years
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racesloan · 7 years
TASK.  Mentioned: @edenavery @doctorlexipedia @drmeverettsloan @sofxrst + Torres-Robbins family. 
1. What’s your character’s favorite part of Thanksgiving?    BLAZE loves food, so the food for sure. But also the fact that his family always try their best to have a dinner together, even if it might be later because of either LEXI or MARK working late – or both. but he also gets the chance to hang out more with his siblings who all have busy lives, so if they all get together; he had a fun time.  2. What is your character’s favorite Thanksgiving memory?   the one Thanksgiving where BLAZE had just turned eleven, and after most likely asking and bagging for at least five years; his mom and dad decided that he could have a dog. so the two decided to give him a early Christmas present; and there he was; his new dog. not only because he got the dog, but also because they were all together; they celebrated with the Torres-Robbins: so a lot of people was around. because of SOFIA, has BLAZE always felt like he have a really big family, and he really likes it. 3. How does your character imagine their Thanksgiving 10 years from now? not that he will ever tell anyone, but in a perfect world, and perfect future ––– will his Thanksgiving be spent with EDEN. his future wife. they will have animals, and some kids if they are lucky. he would love to invite his mom and dad && his brother and sisters. BLAZE just really wish for a big happy family situation. 
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sghq-gossip-blog · 2 years
most likely to vanish without a word and never return from each family?
Here's my best guesses for most families:
Shepherds - Ellis is really the obvious answer here. I don't think Bailey would have it in him, and she just seems very much done with it all sometimes.
Avery - Mia's the only choice, but it'd make sense still. Poor thing always looks so stressed out.
Torres-Robbins - Pretty sure Sofia'd do it if she could, but I can't imagine it would be easy with 30 family members around all of the time.
Sloan - Anna, that girl always looks like she's so on edge. She'd have it in her to snap and vanish.
Shepherd - Charlotte? But, like, not on purpose. She'd do it on accident, and it would be a whole thing.
Karev - Audrey, only because of the fact that it would be so dramatic and shocking given that she's so family-oriented.
Deluca-Bishop - Carlin, because I'd also be pissed if my mom banged someone that I also banged.. which wouldn't have been a problem if fidelity was a thing.
Bailey/Warren - Jameson feels like a mean answer, because of recent events, but fingers crossed he doesn't leave the kid.. again?
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mentioned: @ellisheps @dbshepherd @majesticmia @sofxrst @annabellesloan @charlotteshep @audreykarev @carlindb @jamesonwarren
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drmeverettsloan · 7 years
( @sofxrst, @kadensloan, @veronicasloan, @molliesloan, @tulsanotsulsa)
“Hey, kiddo. Can I talk to you for a minute?”
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drmeverettsloan · 7 years
Task (Thanksgiving)
@drrcbbiins, @sofxrst, callie @drmcdreamyshepherd, @dr-shephcrd, Carolyn, other Shepherds
1. How did your character celebrate Thanksgiving when they were younger with their families?
Mark never really celebrated Thanksgiving with his parents. They were never really around for the Holidays, much more interested in whatever it was that they could do away from the home. 
2. What is your character’s favorite childhood Thanksgiving memory? 
Mark’s favorite memory of a Thanksgiving during his childhood, has always been the memory of the first Thanksgiving that he was brought to the Shepherd place for a Thanksgiving. It was also the first Thanksgiving that he actually celebrated in general. While the atmosphere was a bit down due to the absence of the Shepherd father, it was still a happier Thanksgiving than he could have ever remembered. That year, and for years afterwards, the thing that he was most thankful for was always the Shepherd family and the way that they had opened up their home to a kid that probably didn’t deserve it.
3. What is your character’s favorite Thanksgiving memory with their own children?
Mark’s favorite Thanksgiving, to this day, is probably the first Thanksgiving after Sofia was born. Back before they started splitting their holidays. On the first Thanksgiving all of them were together, Callie, Arizona, and Mark; and of course Sofia. They had turned the day into a game for all of them and had spent the day loving on Sofia as much as they all possibly could (which was a lot). While it’s not a day that Sofia remembers, and is one of the least complicated holidays they’ve ever had, it’s also one of the ones that sticks out to him the most.
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