#sokka's tertiary Fe stands for F-eldest E-sibling
sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
what is mai and sokka's mbti?
mai is an intj!
sokka — ENTP (NeTiFeSi)
sokka’s creativity, innovation, and love for science all come from his extroverted intuition. he never waits and observes, like a Ni dominant/auxiliary (entj; sokka is NOT an entj) would do. instead he puts himself out there for observation. sokka also never just accepts a solution alone for its tangible results without considering the logic behind the solution; he’s interested in the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the way things work, and from there he can get his own results. even unconsciously, his plans are more about seeing what would happen if x, even if getting results is also important to him bc his auxiliary thinking function. he prefers to focus on the situations and patterns in the moment and add on to that one in particular rather than reusing plans he already knows worked in the past in similar situations (like an estj; sokka is also NOT an estj).
he also expresses himself in a very extroverted, open, quick manner. he has a very charming wit and his ideas and movements are often pretty scattered. his body language + the way he speaks matches an entp almost to a T.
even though sokka is very versatile intellectually speaking, there is a very specific structure that is ingrained in his mind, and when he learns new information he doesn’t actually change his perspective, but he adds it on to what he already believes. this is why he’s able to be a skeptic while travelling with the avatar, meeting spirits left and right, calling waterbending “magic”. to sokka, these are all elements that exist, that cannot be explained right now by science, but that they can be, and they must be.
while sokka does have a sense of moral justice, he’s a lot more practical when it comes to it. katara is ruled by her Fi, aka her internal moral compass, and when she passes through a poor and hungry village that she can help (the painted lady), even though it’s an objectively minor thing to focus on and an irrational decision to make, she helps anyway. sokka does not follow an internal moral compass of his; he follows his head, and his logic. he understands they can only aid temporarily as of right now, and so helping the village wouldn’t be worth the time they would be sacrificing in order to do it since they have other bigger things to attend to (namely his SCHEDULE).
i was surprised to find sokka is not actually a very unhealthy Fe. an unhealthy extroverted feeler looks a bit more like azula, who is able to tell the needs and feelings of other people and use and manipulate them to her own benefit, but who also wants to be liked desperately. while sokka can read other people’s needs and feelings as well, he doesn’t just manipulate them to fit his agenda (though sometimes i wish he would, and sometimes he does?? but it’s more of a skill than an instinct. it’s complicated), and instead he tries to find a way to incorporate those needs into his plans. he does desperately want to be liked, too, but it’s more of a punishment on himself than others, unlike azula’s. i wouldn’t say he’s a perfectly healthy Fe because he’s still a little bit of a people-pleaser sometimes (in like. a weird way. in a way none of you actually understand.) but he’s getting there.
sokka’s Fe also gives him something to focus all of his thinking and intuition on. sokka has an urge to take care of people, whether that is his overpowered little sister, the 12-year-old avatar, his overpowered 12-year-old little sister, or anyone he likes as a person really, OR the entire world. when he refuses to waste time aiding the village in the painted lady, his Ti is able to tell him where that suffering is coming from—the fire nation’s messed up regime—and is able to make the connection that if they focus on overthrowing this regime that is hurting the village, the village will be saved eventually, and along with a bunch of other villages at that. but he does want to help. he is helping, actively, all the time.
we don’t actually see a lot of sokka’s introverted sensing but my guess is that his Si manifests as he often forgets about the smaller details in big, well-thought out plans (the boiling rock) but under external pressure (the day of black sun) he gets really picky and neurotic about everything going well. (tho the boiling rock wasn’t exactly his prime moment either and the inferior function is suppsed to come out intensely when in not-exactly-prime moments, with almost no operation in regular circumstances. so ???).
it also comes in waves, like how actually long it took him to go ‘hey, so maybe we should plan the scenario for aang to actually have an opportunity to get all this defeat-the-firelord business going’ and it had to be sokka’s inferior Si because katara’s tertiary Si was busy being nostalgic. other than that sokka’s Si doesn’t seem to be particularly underdeveloped or unhealthy, since he has no issue following plans through. who knows!!
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