#some MAY still be slightly late but eh c'est la vie
ace-the-fox · 1 year
So, again, as a surprise to no-one, I've settled for Frandrew. BUT I'm going to (probably, though I MIGHT do a quick doodle instead for the free day lol) write all the prompts. Bc I've been doing exams and it was just kinda easier lol.
So without further ado...
Day 1: Kisses!
"Andrew, I need your help."
Andrew lowered his book just enough to reveal the bored look in those otherwise sharp green eyes. He quirked up an eyebrow. This ought to be good. Any and all of Frank's requests were often ridiculous ideas he spontaneously came up with that he required Andrew to help him carry, against the brunette's better judgement. Andrew wasn't sure why he went along with anything Frank said anymore, but he still didn't turn him down now.
"Go on."
Frank inhaled a breath, almost wincing now. Andrew lowered the book completely. It was odd how unsteady the usually overly confident and bold blonde was. Maybe this wasn't going to be too ridiculous after all...
"You know how I've been dating Sam for a while now?" Frank started.
Andrew just barely managed to mask a look of disdain as he nodded. Samantha Greenwood was Frank's most recent conquest in finding his one true love. Andrew had been used to this system for years now. Frank would talk up a girl, they'd date for two weeks and then Andrew would get a call (always at some ungodly hour for whatever reason) from a teary Frank that they'd broken up. The mourning would last for a week and then Frank would be right as rain and more than ready to start up the whole cycle again.
But, this time, his and Samatha's relationship had been... going well. They'd been together for a month now, which, in terms of Frank's relationships, was nothing to scoff at. And, as much as Andrew kicked himself for it, he wasn't as happy as he thought he'd be. Even for someone he considered his best friend.
He wanted to be happy for Frank, he really did. But he also knew, having realised it for the past for years now, that he so badly wished he could take Samantha's place (and the girl before her, and the girl before her...).
"Well, I kinda read her texts- NOT on purpose," Frank continued. "They were just open and I was feeling curious-"
"You mean nosy?"
"Whatever, man. Anyways, she's really holding onto having her first kiss with me next date."
"Which would be my first kiss too."
"But I've never kissed a girl before."
"Oka- Wait, what are you getting at here?"
Frank inhaled a breath, shoving his hands in his pockets awkwardly. Unsteadily, he presented his request to Andrew. "Well... you've basically been getting action since you came out the womb, right? So, you must have... kissed... a girl?"
Andrew shot Frank the classic "you can't be fucking serious" face. Frank immediately backed down, with a sheepish expression.
"Heh, no, you're right. You probably wouldn't have-"
"I have. And what?"
Andrew hadn't. Well, obviously. Other than something vaguely resembling flirting she had enacted with some of the girls that were far enamoured by him (often in front of his father, to keep up his oh so definitely straight image), he hadn't been that romantic with anyone. He had no real experience that could help Frank.
But the idea of Frank needing his help with something so intimate... It felt a little bit creepy of him, Andrew couldn't lie to himself, but he also just couldn't stop himself.
Frank started bouncing, like an excited puppy. It was strangely adorable, Andrew thought. "R-Really?! Could you give me like... like, a crash course, or something?" Then he forced himself to yield a little. "I-If that's not too, like, weird or anything..."
Andrew smirked, just a little, though he knew he really shouldn't. "No, not weird at all," he fibbed. "Though... we might not be better off doing it quite so immediately."
Frank nodded, completely understanding. "Do you want me to, uh, call my mom? See if I can swing by yours after school?"
Andrew nodded. Neither one bothered to mention asking Andrew's father. It'd be a no, for one reason or another, if they asked. Usually, however, Frank just kind of showed up at Andrew's house and Paul just politely let him stay. The older man always tried to play it off as him being simply gentlemanly, but both boys knew that Frank's stern, no-nonsense business woman mom intimidated Paul more than he'd like to admit.
Andrew ignored the tender, beginnings of a flame beginning to lick at his belly as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah... See you there."
"Okay, so..."
Frank stared at Andrew. Andrew stared back. It was so strange. They had been friends since their very first year at Appleton and, here they were. Staring at each other like strangers locked in an escape room. Andrew might have laughed if he wasn't trying to subdue the stabbings of nerves in his belly.
"So, who did you kiss, anyways?" Frank asked, with a new smirk on his face and a raised eyebrow.
Andrew jolted. Shit. That seemed like such an obvious possible question he probably should have prepared for. He stuttered embarrassingly for a few seconds.
"She was... just a date my father set up for me last year," Andrew shrugged, not entirely a lie. There had been a date, but it had been short and miserable and the furthest thing from romantic. In fact, if Andrew remembered correctly, the girl had ended up in a huff because of it.
Frank shrugged. "Makes sense. Still, not exactly a true love's kiss or anything, huh?"
Andrew grit his teeth, hoping his jaw didn't show as being too tight. Love. Frank was in love with Samantha, of course. The same way Andrew loved Frank, even if he really shouldn't.
"Well, you asked me for help, so are you taking it or not?" The question was really just intended as being another sarcastic quip of his, but had a little more bite to it than initially intended. Though fortunately, as per usual, Frank was too good to either notice it or directly call him out on it.
"You're right, you're right," he merely shrugged, a little too easily for their current situation. Though, if Andrew knew the man well enough (and he did) it may as well have been a front. "So... you gonna give me some pointers?"
"Well, that is what I had initially considered..." Andrew started. It wasn't, not even for a moment, but Frank didn't need to know that. "But... kissing is a little too tactile for simple words, I figured."
Frank began to pink up, already seeing where Andrew was going with this. "Oh! Uhh..."
Andrew sighed, feeling like smacking himself in the face. "Yeah, no, I know. You don't have to, I just thought that it maybe... No! Just forget it–"
"I'll do it."
Andrew's head whipped up to stare at the blonde in bewilderment. "What?"
"Sure, I'll kiss you. Just for practice... right?"
Andrew shifted, in his space where they were both sat on his bed. He inhaled a deep breath, trying to figure out how to make something up that would make it sound like he truly knew what he was doing. "So, you just... close your eyes, lean in slowly – bending your head a little to one side, so your noses don't bump – and gently press your lips against hers. Softly. Tenderly."
Andrew was going more off his guilty pleasure romance novel descriptions than anything real. But that hardly mattered when he fluttered his own eyes closed and, within seconds, Frank's lips were on his. Andrew felt the gentle scrapings of stubble against his fair skin. Pressed back into the kiss ever so slightly (just giving Frank a more realistic demonstration, he told himself). Resisted the urge to grab onto him, as though he were a lifeline. God, he tasted so sweet. Like one of those cookies he had in his lunch...
They parted after a few short moments, but they were the best moments of Andrew's life. They both looked at each other, a little shell-shocked. They had really just done that.
Frank quickly averted the brunette's gaze. "I, uh... Was that... right?" he asked awkwardly. He sounded endearingly like he did when Andrew had to tutor him in maths, if a lot more anxious about it.
Of course. Your lips feel so good. You're so handsome. I love you. Date me instead. Marry me, even–
"Not bad," Andrew nodded, with a smirk. "Could be improved though. Why don't you try again?"
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