#some of these points assume you may offer prints/stickers in envelopes but can still apply if you're offering traditional art
vodid · 1 year
Question if you’re fine answering!
What’s advice you would give young people wanting to open an art store for the first time? If that makes sense?
this is a very general question and there is SO much to cover so i'll just put a buncha different points:
research research research all your store platform options (etsy, shopify, bigcartel, kofi, etc.) before choosing one and, when you find one that will work for you, look into how established artists structure their stores if you need help on building your own. you'll want products to have a decent picture and a description that lists its size and shipment options. not required but def recommended, i'd see about adding a faq page too that mentions shipping times, if you'll replace damaged artwork, etc.
prioritize having pictures of the physical product over the digital file (if applicable) customers want to see what they're getting!
keep track of all your finances (easiest way is to just use a google spreadsheet) track your revenue, fees, production costs, shipping costs, supplies, everything you spent money on for your store. i can give a tutorial on how to set up a spreadsheet if you need!
DO NOT SKIMP on protective measures for your art. buy chipboard, buy plastic sleeves/baggies, buy rigid envelopes, buy extras of your products! have lots of scotch tape! chipboard i think is the most important one that i hear some artists don't use. PLEASE USE IT HSDFSDFS it's a sturdy but flexible and thin piece of cardboard! this will make sure your artwork won't be as easily bent or creased during shipment. you can find these at crafts stores or online!
research post offices in your area. (if US) look into cost of postage, travel times to the post office, if you have a post office with a 24/7 kiosk available, and decide if you are willing to ship international (no shame in choosing not to!) — for this and the last bullet, i have a lot more about how to ship your art if you need it
optional but strongly recommended: handwrite your thank you notes! nothing makes people feel better than to see a personal touch in their order saying it was packaged with care by the artist themselves. you don't need good handwriting to write a simple ty 💕
be annoying about your store. promote it like fucking crazy (on your own blog, please don't self-promo on other ppl's blogs hsdfsdfs) and make it fun!
i hope that helps :') feel free to ask for clarification or about other things and i'll try my best to provide an answer!
and last thing, i'm not sure what you define as "young", but keep in mind that most platforms and paypal require you to be 18 or older to use their services!
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