#some of y'all are acting as if vegans are solely responsible for enslavement and destroying the earth
winglssdemon · 4 years
While I'm pointing out things that should be obvious, did y'all know vegans are not actually solely responsible for child labor and microplastics? Like vegans don't only eat quinoa and chocolate and only use pleather ( tidbit: a ton of vegans dislike plastic leather because it looks too much like real leather). There are other options besides plastic.
As for quinoa, a bunch of it is used in non plant based dishes. Vegans are not the only consumers of quinoa. Also quinoa is a gluten free grain that is used in gluten free items.
And agave? Yeah there's other sweeteners that aren't agave that vegans tend to use more often, you know like sugar. Plus agave is commonly used for tequila.
Chocolate? Do you buy nestle products or Hershey products? Or Kraft, Cadbury, H&M, the Gap, Forever 21, etc. Unless you're buying the $5+ certified non-slave labor chocolate bars (and i promise you, the majority of people are not) non vegans are also contributing.
Animals that die in vegetable harvests? The migrant workers? Do y'all not eat vegetables? Even if you straight up ate nothing but meat, guess what is fed to the animals???
And if you are pretending to care about migrant farm workers, why don't you ever bring up the problems in the meat industry? The fact that it's dangerous mentally and physically (and especially with covid) and immigrants also work in the meat industry
That brings us to soy! Oh soy is bad for the environment? Glad you think so, just over 70% of U.S. soy goes to livestock with 15% of it going into frying and salad oil. (This can be found on the USDA Coexistence Fact Sheet "Soybeans".)
There is no ethical consumerism under capitalism. Stop getting pissed at vegans for not eating animals and start getting pissed at the corporations using slave labor and taking advantage of people. Dont pretend eating animals somehow makes you above it all.
Here's pre-emptive answers to the questions people like to ask whenever a vegan is in their proximity.
*Cruelty-free is not a real term.* I DO understand the issue with calling veganism cruelty-free so that is not a term I use. And from what I've noticed in the vegan communities the phrase is becoming less and less popular. However, we can't actually stop companies from using the phrase.
*Why don't vegans eat honey????* First, because vegans dont believe in taking the honey from the bees. That's literally the answer.
*Wait I dont actually know what veganism is?* That's okay! Veganism is the practice of avoiding animal products as much as possible. Its generally assumed among reasonable people that things like medicine and vaccines are still acceptable and encouraged. Vegans dont eat or use animal products and aim to do as little harm as possible within the constraints of capitalism.
*Why don't you care about humans?* Did you know it's possible to care about both humans AND animals?
*PETA is the worst!* Yes, they are. The majority of vegans know this already. Did you know the Salvation Army is literally the worst? And Autism Speaks is literally the worst? There's awful groups for every cause.
Edit: Almost forgot!
*Not everyone can be vegan!!! Like disabled people and poor people!* Okay, yes not everyone can be vegan. We know. But don't speak for all disabled and poor people and use them as a gotcha! argument. Im disabled and on EBT, and gluten intolerant. I am also vegan. Also like, you dont have to be vegan to respect others who are.
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