#someone hijack i am summoning u all
Cancelled Episode 13 "Frozen heart"
"Yo mama so ugly, when I asked Chatgpt to write up a code that translates to Shrek doing her, it responded with "I am sorry, but that is ogre abuse. To ask Shrek to do such an ugly woman"."
-yo mama jokes series
"You're...the target," Erik admits our entire plan and motive to THE TARGET. WHY THANK YOU MASTER, AS IF THAT WAS SOMETHING THAT NEEDED EXPLAINING.
"Well, I don't think I need much explaining, now, rather, it's you intruders who harm my Oxygenium, and..." she stops her sentence midway and turns her eyes to fix her gaze upon...Snowball. That man, those goddamned Moonshadow Elves, always bringing trouble to people!
Although...I guess the same could be said for many of us in this cage here...
Well, there's no time to talk! The girl is plunging at us with her spear now, desiring to attack and stab us all in the heart with it like we're some bloodthirsty vampires. The fox is now either a cowardly mess, or simply an onwatcher, watching from the darkness of the shadows, not caring to intefere.
I ready my weapon and prepare to attack. Well, looks like I'm late to the party-from the moment the girl noticed the Moonshadow Elf ears of Snowball's.
Here she comes! I raise my sword defensively, preparing to parry her attacks...BUT OF COURSE, SHE GOES FOR SNOWBALL FIRST. I MEAN, I GUESS I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN.
But luckily, as insufferable as a Moonshadow Elf he is, he's not entirely useless, and immediately parried her blow-and even better, directed it towards the lock.
Now, I don't know how, I don't know how but one way or another, the seal on the lock that was supposed to withstand magic...broke and released us! Hooray for the Moonshadow Elf, I guess!
Then the lock burst open and exploded, creating a field of smoke. The perfect smokescreen. Of course it sent both ally and enemy forces stumbling back, but we have the strength in numbers, and quickly got back on our feet before the enemy team recovered from the shock.
She's still lying there, but we all know it's only a few seconds before she regains her senses. But that's ok-a few seconds is all we need to gain the upper hand.
Nemean rushes to seize her-a fatal mistake. He grabs his weapon a split second too late and-is now the one seized by the girl.
Well the spear is gone, now it's a gun. Where she got that from, I have no idea. What's important now is that she's holding a gun towards Nemean's head while grabbing him by the neck, SHE'S HOLDING HIM AT GUNPOINT. MY GOD.
And really, it's only now that the explosion messed up her cloak st we get to see her true face-angel horns on one half and demon horns on the other. Angel wings on one half and demon wings on another. And most importantly-a weird aura is emanating from her hand. It looks...ingested with some poisonous, toxic dark, ominous, liquid, like it's hijacked her veins and replaced her blood with it-actually, no, the hand doesn't look like it belongs on her, considering it's on the angel side of her, maybe it hijacked her hand and took it over by force? Merged with her own hand? Who knows.
"Stop! Step back! Or the man gets it!" She shouts defensively while flailing her gun desperately at us. Clearly someone's first time taking hostages, eh.
"Ok, ok, just don't harm him, we'll put our weapons down," Disparage signals to the team to "surrender".
We all put up our hands in the air and lower our weapons down on the floor slowly.
"This is ridiculous, NEMEAN! JUST CONCENTRATE AND USE YOUR MOONSHADOW ELF POWER!" Snowball shouted from across the den, before conjuring a spout of magic from weird finger movements and shooting it at Nemean.
Well, mainly that's part of the reason why they failed in their rebellion.
Before anyone and certainly not the girl has time to react, Nemean summons a bout of strong energy that is undoubtedly Moonshadow Elf. Just confirmed my deepest fears right there, well done, kid.
Anyway, the girl is knocked down by his bout of energy, but that certainly doesn't knock her out of the playing field yet. She's up and about in just a few seconds.
But this time she doesn't take us lightly. First, she retreats into the darkness, but of course, in the darkness where we can't see anything, it's the best place to ambush, so we keep our guards up.
Then an unbelievable thing happened. She whistled and called to the fox, who then, from his watchtower of uninteference, rushed to her side, and MERGED WITH HER. LIKE STRAIGHT-ON JUST FUSED TOGETHER AS ONE.
Then they started to burn with lots of heat, like they were being lit on fire. Then from the darkness came her final fox transformation(a rather stark contrast from the fire)-A WATER PRINCESS.
Well, she looks completely different now-angel and demon wings and horns still present, of course, and the black toxic substance blood hand is still there, but now she's even grown fox ears and a fox tail. Her previous dakr cloak is gone, now-she's grown a water dress that creates the illusion of water splashing down. A waterfall illusion, even.
Regardless, she's too dangerous to be left alive.
So, of course, we engage her with all our might.
I summon my sword and charge it with magical energy before letting out a strong and powerful attack surge, temporarily stunning the girl.
Nemean is doing his classic suspiciously Moonshadow Elf attacks and movements. He really isn't even bothering to hide it anymore now that it's been revealed what he really is, I guess. Eh, suit himself.
Erik is playing a flute quite a safe distance away while the rest of us are risking our lives to neutralise the girl. Playing a flute in hopes of some magic happening. Really befitting of the title of "Angel of Music", really. Well, the flute music did help to paralyse her a little, but that's beside the point.
And the girl isn't the only one undergoing a magical transformation too. Disparage has already sprouted some very suspicious Tengu wings, horns and claws. Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, completely human all the same.
What's scary about him now, though, is that his eyes are glowing bright purple-the colour of Tengu legends. An emotionless look on his face, same as the eyes of the fox water girl now. Like they're both mindless killing machines once they transform. Well, I'm not complaining-he does wield immense Tengu power and abilities and can strike powerful attacks, so why would I complain?
"You know, Alex, you're kinda like your Master, both disfigured as hell, immature yet know when to be serious, I like you!" Snowball whispered to me halfway during the fight.
"Well and for a second there I thought I could just forget my own shortcomings until you came along. Nemean has shortcomings of his own, being his vanishing, right? Why do you approach him? Because you're interested in him too?" I answer violently while kicking away the girl's water attacks.
To that Snowball says nothing. Again confirming my deepest fears. Thank you ever so much.
Well, I prepare to charge up a sudden, strong bout of shadow and light energy to attack, because clearly normal physical attacks aren't gonna be enough...maybe, because there are so many of us, she's distracted enough that I have the element of surprise...
And then suddenly-a peculiar thing happens. The magic attacks I charged up in my hand and sword just diffused and lost power. Like it was a burning, raging fire, and someone just doused an entire bucket of water over it.
Before I could even react, my whole body was seized by a sudden bout of pain-particularly my heart. I collapsed over in shock, clenching my heart like I was in a play dramatically acting out heartbreak.
But this pain was so real. It was so intense and unlike any other. My heart kept pumping so fast, with each beat came another bout of pain. I felt like I couldn't breathe, either-like someone had laid a heavy stone on my lungs, pressing against it and preventing it from inflating with air.
I struggled to breathe. I gasped for breath. I could feel beads of sweat trickling down my forehead. This was definitely something life-threatening....but what the hell was it?
By this time, it's clear that everyone has stopped the fight upon seeing me in this state. Not even the girl took this opportunity to ambush us while in shock.
Then she un-transformed from her fox water form, splitting her body into two-then, with another burst of fire, reverted back to the separate fox and girl bodies.
Then she placed her hand (yes, the hand with the weird black toxic substance blood) on my heart and just WHOOSH! Sucked some strange black substance out of my heart. And finally the pain stopped and I could breathe normally again.
"What...the hell was that?" Erik asked in a tone of disbelief.
"Well, you all know what Kineticores are, right? Orbs that grant humans kinesis powers, granted by the Dragon Lord to leverage the playing field between other supernatural beings...but what you don't know is that those are surveillance cameras put in place by him to monitor ya'll, exploding to kill ya'll whenever he deems you a threat to his rule. They're basically ticking time bombs in your heart,"
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quackspot · 4 years
i started thinking about that gay bastard oc of yours. platano. can u tell me about him
omg u wer thinkgin about platano..... mr banana man... mr 4011. i am obsessed with the banana code srry i just got back from work (it was good :-D)
any way. um. im going below the cut. he kidnaps people and he murders people and i hate him because he’s also a massive weeb so. hm
HISTORY OF PLATANO... yea his name is spanish for banana
his father, pablo, will probably get a name change someday but i literally never think of his father since the only thing he did in platano’s backstory was disappear 
since platano’s world has characters based off like. fruits and vegetables (there aren’t really any limit to what the characters are based off of. it was in my lazy google translate name phase so we have like... a gay character named arcenciel who becomes dadlike through my powerful canon-changing touch. also arcenciel wears the colors of the rainbow as often as he can i haven’t figured out a good design for him since i’m not used to using more than 5 colors. he also owns a hat factory)
i think arcenciel and platano are friends they met when platano was like. 17 probably and arcenciel would be around uhhhhh ummmmmmm 21??? idk man but in canon he’s probably around 30 . yes i m saying “in canon” because i wrote a really dumb and horrible story back in 2018 arcenciel used to have HUGE internalized homophobia and i turned that into a running joke and i dislike that so that’s a reason why i’m not sharing the fun little story i wrote for my friends
(the best part of that story is when arcenciel threw his light-up rainbow heelies at platano, thus starting the boss fight which the main cast LOST.)
ok back to the topic at hand. platano.
i have a whole doc named platano where i just wrote drabbles about him so i’m going to summarize them
the first one was his friend, percisi (my only cishet oc he’s very short and very aggressive while also dressing in a soft-colored turtleneck since he’s based off of peaches) using a misunderstood form of satanism to summon satan. guess what percisi and platano summoned satan for. it was a manga update! wow
i won’t say the mangas name it was an inside joke
so platano was like “hey satan can i have this manga now please please” and satan went “sure just kill people for me” 
that determined platanos job for the next 7 or so years <3 wonderful. 
(it was basically me writing a backstory for a scene to happen in the main writing i wrote for my friends. he killed someone because someone else in the building was trying to summon satan. very confusing but okay i guess.)
i think right after that i wrote about platano meeting his boyfriend, sage, for the first time. i have horribly mixed feelings about their relationship since it’s very. Hm.
so platano kidnaps people to watch anime with him because all his friends left him and his best friend, mangue, is too busy being a dictator over the Land of the Fruits. i shit you not fruits oppressed the vegetables. i wrote that dynamic between the two because i was learning about the revolutionary war in US History. something like that at least
(the Land of the Fruits is not the official name)
on the topic of kidnapping people. guess who his favorite person was. sage. it was sage. so he tried to take sage often but they probably discussed Proper boundaries since everyone else tried to run away. hmm i am now going to write a bit right now 
“Platano,” Sage started. “Why do you keep kidnapping me? It’s rude and I hate it.”
“What else am I supposed to do?” The yellow-haired fool leaned on his sword, digging the tip deeper into the ground. 
“I can do that?”
“You keep making my dads worried.” Sage looked around the area, fidgeting with his hands. 
“Oh. Okay. Want to hang out? Watch some anime?” Platano paused for a moment, but managed to say “Maybe kiss?” before Sage got to answer.
“I- KISS??? We can watch anime together. We can go now.” 
Sage ushered Platano through a portal as fast as he could. 
His dads were never worried.
hmmm maybe that’s alright idk i’m a little tired so it’s probably a little out of character. sage probably isn’t that loud but i think it was trying to be the dynamic of “oh, we’re not dating” when they kiss every sunday at 5 pm by a romantic river scene 
he’s a character who is, at his very core, horrible and bad. he is portrayed in a way i DESPISE but i’m too lazy to correct it. his interest in sage actually started with me going “hmm i think platano would draw sage like this” then sauce giving me fun facts about his oc, sage, yea sage is sauce’s oc <3 epic win . so sauce gave me fun facts about sage and i was like “time to doodle these in platanos ‘art style’” when in reality it’s just the mockery of people just getting into an anime art style, with the chin so pointy it could cut a cake 
i might reread my old writing from 2018. i gotta agree with the judges for that year i did not write very well
it mightve actually been made in 2017 which would be FUCKIN CRAZY im gonna check rn 
yea it was started in 2018. february 14th... huh . finished it completely in june of that year it was 41 pages total and it’s not even double spaced how did i write something without double spacing it
so bob is a fluffy little anthro cloud with a grey top hat and bowtie. he is amazing. i love bob. bob is another one of sauce’s character and mangue (mentioned earlier) was made by my friend jamie 
(you can always ask for their tumblrs but i’d ask them if its okay to share their tumblrs. i might just look at them and reblog their stuff cuz i like their art!!! maybe jamie posted a drawing she made recently on her blog but tbh i don’t think she would she’s more of a twitter user)
ok so im skimming thru UMG which is the story it stands for “Universe of Magic Gardens” and it was originally made for a prank on ponytown so people would go “what’s UMG” and my friends and i would be like “ur mom gay xDDDDDD” or something like that . horrible but i’m glad i’ve changed from . that.
here’s a bit i actually like AKLJFISJFIO
“What the actual FUCK, Ilkie?!” Arcenciel cringed in fear. “Put it back- it’s too ugly.” He pointed at Platano, whose arms were crossed. 
why is it bolded. anyway.
i just saw a part where eau used y’all... water cowboy moments <333 i really need to make refs for all of those old characters. all of my umg-related characters have to be my oldest-living ocs. 
i cant believe this is making me genuinely reread my old writing just to go “WJHFSIDAJKSFIOJ WTF????” 
some of the lines on it sound like something you would hear on like. a school bus or somethin 
looking at umg like “wtf how did i add so much Meat to this writing” bc most of my writing now is mostly quotations to progress the story (like the quickie i wrote earlier. i could add meat to it but im  tired lol)
OK THIS IS MORE GENERAL BUT MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT THIS WAS WRITING HAIKUS FOR PORTALS. after you visit a place enough times it’s kind of just an instinct to open a portal there so you don’t have to recite a haiku 
uhh ok here’s another bit becuase im feeling like living la vida loca.  ur biggest regret should be “can you tell me about him” by this point bc i’ve written too much to go back now
He landed on his face once he was outside of the hat. Meko quickly walked over to the guest room, opened the Portals for Dummies book, and flipped to a page. It looked devious.
“Banana, mango,
Each tasting amazingly.
A taste of evil.” 
Meko did the dance on the page, it consisted of something that looks like it’s from an anime. A portal opened, the familiar scent of bananas and mangoes coming from it. With some hesitation, Meko stepped in. He quickly made it so only his head peeked in.
it wasnt bolded this time but i like it bolded. ok i understand how i added meat it was just shitty expired meat ALKFSJSHDAIUJKFEIODSJAK . it wasnt even that much meat DAMN. it just looked like more.
actually that’s all i will write. i could  do more w platano but yea at his base he is a blonde twink who kills people because he wanted a manga but now he’s friends with a dictator. woo! wow. amazing character writing. i cant wait to get motivation to rewrite everything and make platano a good villain (he will still be very interested in anime sadly. idk why around that time i liked making characters who were obsessed with anime i didn’t even watch it much myself. i think it was because i wanted to put capes on them)
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mpuzzlegirl · 6 years
DOMA Ruins, CH 3
So despite the technical difficulties I initially ran into today, I did end up getting this chapter finished! I am trying to post the chapters on Thursdays because that is when I have the most time. This is also the last chapter that is based off of my initial written shorts I wrote three years ago. Chapter 4 and so on will be brand new writing. I also want to give a huge shout out to my friend @bitterpixiebros for helping me edit these chapters, you’re incredible!
Disclaimer: This takes place in an alternate events timeline of an alternative universe. YGO and it’s associated characters belongs to Kazuki Takahashi, and the ocs featured belong to me. This story does cover dark themes of death, violence, as well as other disturbing themes, please be advised. If you do not wish to read or view this, please block the tag au: doma ruins.
Was she imagining this? After weeks of solitude and wandering the destroyed remnants of her hometown, Isabel began to question her own sanity. But even in her isolation, no way could she imagine people with such detail.
“Miss Corazón?” the blond man spoke first, nearly dissolving her doubts of the situation.
“Are...are you real?” she asked once her voice returned to her. It was rough from the disuse, but still audible over the low hum of the motors.
The three men exchanged varying degrees of startled and crestfallen looks---though the redhead was the hardest of them to read. The large man took a deep breath as he spoke again.
“We are, Miss Corazón...we’re real.”
“How do you know my name? Who are you?”
“We’ve met before, not too long ago. My name is Raphael. You’re not safe out here, we can take you out of the city, to Carmon.”
At the mention of her sister's name, her heart almost beat out of her chest. But before Isabel could ask about Carmon, she noticed the necklace around the man's neck. The aqua stone looked similar to the claws the creatures she encountered had, but somehow was more menacing than it appeared.
“I… I can't recall meeting you,” the hispanic girl managed to tactfully get out. “And you seem like someone I wouldn't forget meeting… Where did… we…”
...The train continued down the tracks, each bump causing the car to jump a little more uneasily as they rode. Their car was tense, either from Pharaoh’s sorrow of what happened to his partner, or because of another force laying in wait... 
The other two seemed familiar too, but she was struggling to recall where she had seen them.
“Carmon, get behind me!” Isabel shouted as a figure loomed over them, the younger ready to leap into action to defend her sister.
She noticed the slender man also had a necklace like Raphael’s. The third one didn't, but she could see the ring on his finger
Isabel had turned her weapon into a duel disk, to fight the man from DOMA.
Something about these three made her uneasy.
“Miss Corazón, are you-?” “-will lose this duel, just as Pharaoh did,” he stated plainly, his once blue eyes now red beating down on her, magic pulsing from the stone around his neck. “You claim to be a Guardian, but you fail to understand the weight of that task. Allow my Guardians to teach you that lesson, with the help of the Seal of Orichalcos!”
“ISABEL!” two female voices screamed, and she felt a strong hand pull her away from the light, and Nanu was consumed by the seal.
Isabel looked back from Valon and Alister back to Raphael, her green eyes no longer clouded in confusion.
She remembered now.
They were working for Dartz.
And Raphael was the one who took Yuugi and hijacked the train, leaving Carmon and her to die when their car derailed.
The leader of the group realized she had pieced everything together and was about to speak, but Isabel had already made up her mind. She put her helmet back on and kicked the kickstand up, speeding away from the three of them.
She was gripping the handle bars as tightly as she could, rage and fear coursing through her veins. Like hell she would go with them; how dare they use Carmon as a means to trap her!
It didn't take long for the roar of their engines to catch up with her, but the girl was determined not to be caught. She may have been outnumber and outmatched, but they were playing this game of chase on her turf. Isabel knew her city, and even deserted, the City of Angels always took care of its own.
Making many sharp turns and changing speeds, she maneuvered around debris and rubble to lose her pursuers. She could still hear them close behind, and the road was before her was blocked by a large pile up of cars. Looking over her shoulder, she could see the red bike on her right and the yellow on her left; the black was invisible in the low light. Running out of road and unsure of where the third rider was, Isabel decided to take a risk.
Turning to the left, Isabel pulled the handles up as she made a close u-turn and sped forward to slip right between the two colorful riders. Neither one had the chance to reach out for her, and skidded to a stop just as she slipped down another corner.  
“Raphael,” Alister hissed into his helmet, his headphone picking up the faint sound of rubber on concrete. “She’s gone down Chatworths street, I think she’s headed to the Freeway.”
“I’ll catch up with her, but I need you two to cut off any potential exits.”
Needing no further instruction, Alister and Valon raced around the same corner, but found no trace of her. The redhead spat an angry curse as the Australian called their third companion with an update.
Isabel was waiting in a shadows of building, her engine turned off, crouched low, listening for her pursuers. A few streets over, she could hear the faint roars of the two she escaped, but the fact that she lost track of the third was what concerned her the most. After waiting for several minutes, she just about breathed a sigh of relief when the sound of an approaching motorcycle broke the silence. The final bike came into into her line of sight and she pressed herself against the dumpster as she heard the rider turn off the bike and dismount very close by.
“Miss Corazón,” Raphael’s gruff voice called out, echoing off every nook and surface of the empty street. “Please, we don’t want to hurt you! Things have changed, and all we want is to reunite you with Carmon. She won’t listen to us...but she will listen to you. Please, hear us out and we will take you to her.”
Her heartbeat speed up as his voice wandered closer to her hiding place, so much so that she feared it would give her away. Slowly, she crawled on all fours towards her vehicle, hoping to at least be prepared for an escape.
The man’s pleading and the girl’s trek was halted when a series of growls and clicks began to descend the area. From the roof and the windows came red eyed beasts, horns and talons sharp, teeth chomping excitedly at the potential new victim. Isabel was staring at many pairs of glowing eyes from the darkness of the alleyway she hid in, they slowly moved towards her. Many began sharpening their green claws on the wall and ground, deep gouges trailed behind them.
She started the engine and tore away, the monsters now running to catch her.
Raphael was shouting something after the teenager, but he was drowned out by the screeching and animalistic calls that took over. As Isabel approached the intersection, the other two motorists zipped from the left, Valon skidding between Isabel and the monsters, a hand raised towards the oncoming hoard. Alister pulled in beside his companion, and their small blockade was all Isabel needed to make her escape down the strip.
Hours had passed since she had encountered the DOMA swordsmen and the hoard of Orichalcos monsters. She rode as far as her engine could take her, until she ran out of gas and could barely keep the bike upright. Isabel toppled over and laid limply on the side of the road, dried grass was the only thing to cushion her. Breathing was getting more difficult with the helmet on, and upon ripping it off, hot tears were staining her face and her nose stuffed from crying. Good God, how long was she crying for.
Staring up at the sky with blurred vision, Isabel began to replay the memories that she rediscovered from her encounter with Raphael and his partners.
She had dueled Raphael on the train. She lost. But at the last second, Nanu had pulled her out of the seal’s grasp, sacrificing herself to let Isabel live.
Isabel raised her gloved hands to her face, pressing her palms to her eyes.
Nanu was gone...she was gone, and, most likely, so were her powers too.
Powerless and alone…
No, not alone.
If there was one thing that the encounter with the DOMA members brought to light, it was that Carmon was more than likely alive. They knew where she was, and in turn, the other survivors.
She had to find Carmon now.
As Isabel sat herself up, she noticed something in the sky. Something, in between the dark clouds, wriggled. Standing up, she squinted at the spot, trying to see if it was a trick of the faint light...but another section in the sky wriggled too, adjusting itself for another section to fit better.
Isabel suddenly remembered a name left for her in the voicemail, the name of the thing that Dartz had managed to summon.
Leviathan was blocking out the sun.
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