#someone plssss I'm dying out here
I'm going to start killing people with my teeth if I don't see kim/trant content soon
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Lovely Ari!! 🌼
I'm so happy you liked/enjoyed my ideas/thoughts re Kenjaku! ❤️
Honestly, sometimes Kenjaku occupies a little bit too much of my brain space! :)
That is so true – I would just love to know the extent to which Kenny relates to the figures surrounding their host's body. (Do they feel a stronger connection, perhaps, to Yuji than Choso considering the whole pregnancy aspect? I can just... never get over that! I can't believe Kenny was PREGNANT. That's so crazy! Especially considering how tough pregnancy is!!)
(Also, also, I know I'm going on a little bit of a semi-deranged ramble here, but imagine if Kenny had a child with their first partner in their 'original' life? Or if their partner and that (perhaps unborn, just to make things cruel for Kenny) child died and so that's almost another perhaps subconscious reason as to why Kenny ended up spawning so many children? Or maybe that never happened at all! Maybe they don't feel any sort of affection/feelings towards their numerous children! Who knows?)
Also, do they prefer some hosts over others, irrespective of their abilities/usefulness? Like do they prefer Suguru over Kaori? Kaori over Noritoshi? Do they care about looks? Do they miss their original body? What did they look like? Does that even matter? Would their memories from their first life be memorable at this point since so many centuries have passed since then? (I'm guessing their partner's body would be their favourite host? Or... or would it be the reverse? A constant reminder of their untimely demise?)
I... I almost imagine Kenjaku discovering their ability in response to their lover dying. Or perhaps they did know beforehand? But hoped that it would never come to this. I'm not sure... (Like how did they even discover that they have this ability? Did their partner know beforehand? Did their partner give them the green light to take over their body before they died? If so, then why? Was it because it was a useful body? A powerful one with coveted abilities? Would that even matter to Kenny at that point? Or was Kenny just so desperate to keep something of their partner? Like when exactly did they start cooking up their plan?)
But I just... I find the idea of Kenny having a partner who just indulged them and listened to their ramblings with a soft smile so romantic? And imagine Kenny just missing that? Like even after all those centuries, they just miss their person who just used to smile at them and softly cup their face as they rambled on and on, only to shut them up with a soft, loving kiss? Like Kenny just yaps so much, but imagine there being someone who just found that endearing? 
Like would Kenny want to try and substitute that presence by finding someone else? Or would that connection be something sacred that they would cling onto and make it a vow not to have a connection like that with anyone because no one can replace the beauty of their lover in their mind?
And about the body... I am just so intrigued by the idea of Kenny assuming the body of their former lover. Like imagine touching the body that you used to touch? Like Kenny used to pleasure that body, and now it's their body? How insane is that?! 
And would they recreate their lover's mannerisms from memory, too, just to feel some sort of connection to them? Or would that be too traumatic? Or would they just... try out doing that only to dissolve into tears? I just... I find it so fascinating. 
I'm sorry for the long message... I just... I have a lot of thoughts, and I'm glad I can finally get them off my chest! :))
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first of all!! forgive meeee for how long this has been rotting in my drafts 😭😭 i thought of it yesterday and finally got my brain to cooperate w me :’3 I LOVE ALL OF YOUR THOUGHTS SM!!!! kenny is suchhh a fascinating and fun character…… and thinking abt their potential love life is also so fun hehe.
AND PLSSSS kenny being pregnant will never not make me insane 😭😭 the fact that his domain expansion is literally modelled after a buddhist womb realm too LMAO….. i love it sm bc of how. insane it is but also bc it makes so much sense!!! kenny has lived for so long, pondering abt the human existence…. ofc they’d want to experience giving birth at some point. even just as an intellectual curiosity!!!! i also kinda love all the fandom jokes abt kenny getting pregnant all the time 💀 the idea of him enjoying pregnancy as a fun hobby makes me LOSE it . he’s a freak!!!
i also really like your idea abt kenny’s connection to children!!! it’d be super interesting if kenny had a child in their original life …. somehow i feel like they didn’t, but . we just don’t know!!! and their connection to their current children is one of the most interesting things abt them imo. the idea of him maybe feeling more ”love” towards yuji bc he carried him in his own womb is rlly tasty to me…. his ”thank you for getting along with my son” moment is one of my favs!!! like!!!!!!! does he see him as a son? or just a means to meet an end??
and !!!! all your thoughts abt his possible past lover r soso interesting to me too!!!!! :3 there are so many possibilities ……. him puppeteering his beloved’s corpse is suchhhh a good concept. AND. i also wonder abt his ability all the time!!!! how the hell did he even discover it??? 😭😭 hhhhhhh i wanna see their backstory SOOOO bad i need gege to bring them back rn…….. we want answers!!!
AND 🥺🥺🥺 wahhhh i also love that dynamic soso much. kenny being a yapper and his partner being a listener…… ohhhh that’s so precious to me. his yapping IS so endearing!!!!! T_T the idea of his s/o being calm and sweet…... and him missing them…… talking to himself and wishing they were there to reply ……….. kenny is just so detached i think. the idea of him Not being like that is so foreign to me but!!! i’m sure that was the case during his first life :’3…
Like would Kenny want to try and substitute that presence by finding someone else? Or would that connection be something sacred that they would cling onto and make it a vow not to have a connection like that with anyone because no one can replace the beauty of their lover in their mind?
^ AND THIS!!!! ANONNNNN i love this sm…… personally i think it’s the latter!!!!! i feel like kenjaku isn’t the type to replace his old friends and lovers with new ones…… he’s met so many people, lost so many people, and i think that if anything he’s the type to just . remember them. if he really loves them. people just can’t be replaced and i think someone who’s lived as long as kenny has knows that!!! i lovelovelove the idea of him wanting to keep the memory of his lover intact 🥺 i feel like he’s kind of a romantic…. deep down….. not conventionally…… but it’s there.
wahhhh thank you sm for sharing these thoughts w me!!!! :3 i’ve been thinking of him a lot lately…. and i think his past is . just . so fun to wonder abt!!!! i rlly rlly rlly hope we can get some kenny crumbs in the manga soon……. sniffle
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lowkeyerror · 3 years
Just My Luck
Poison Ivy x Reader
Word Count: 1925
No Warnings
An: Ivy doesn't get nearly enough fan service. More Ivy fics plssss
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Everyone knows that Gotham is full of lowlifes and criminals. It's not a place to raise a family or settle down in. You're lucky if you make it through the day without someone trying to rob you at the least.
All of that aside, Gotham is the only home you've ever known. You were just a regular person trying to live your day to day without dying. Which was hard with your condition.
You called it a condition but no one else had seen it that way. You were terribly unlucky when it came to avoiding danger. So unlucky that you had cited yourself as a victim of Murphy's Law. Anything bad that could happen would happen.
You had so many close encounters with the villains of Gotham that they knew you by name. They actually really like you because you were around that meant they'd be getting away with whatever it was they were doing.
You'd met Scarecrow, Penguin, Riddler, Deathstroke, The Joker and all scared the living shit out of you. Seeing a fucking psychopath smile when they see you is always horrifying.
You had met some of Gotham's most illustrious women but it was different with them. Catwoman and Harley were always awfully flirty whenever they came across you.
You knew that they weren't necessarily good guys but it seemed like a stretch to say that they were just as bad as the guys.
Your thoughts always wander back to topics like these. Even at times like this, where all you were doing was sitting on the rooftop of your workplace for your break.
You had your legs dangling off the edge of the building, eating your turkey sandwich, minding your own business.
That was it until you heard thuds on the rooftop. With your sandwich in hand you turned around. You weren’t fazed when you saw Harley and Catwoman panting with their backs flat against the concrete.
They immediately put their guard up when they heard the footsteps approaching them but relaxed when they saw you.
" Thank God you're here I don't think I could run anymore'" Catwoman let her body fall back to the concrete.
" How ya doin princess?" Harley asked, causing you to blush.
" I'm ok, should I even ask what you guys are doing?"
" The usual taking something that doesn't belong to us," Harley answers for the both of them.
Your eyes dart to their bag of stolen goods. You see some clothes, some jewelry, and an odd looking plant.
" See something you like, Y/nn"
You let your eyes linger on the plant before answering," That just seems a little misplaced Catwoman"
" Does she not know your name kitty?" Harley ignores most of your comments.
" You can call me Selena, beautiful and the plant is for Ivy"
You weren’t dumb, you knew they were talking about Poison Ivy. The only villain that you hadn’t had an encounter with. Part of you was really curious as to how you hadn’t run into the woman. She was honestly hard to miss with her having green skin and all.
" Never met her"
Harley's eyes almost looked like they were going to pop out of her head," HOW HAVE YOU NEVER MET IVY? Oh my goodness, you'd love her. No chemicals needed of course."
You shook your head," You think so?"
" Ivy's more than a crazy plant lady; she's actually a certified chemist," Harley adds on.
" You know she could probably help you with your thing," Selena comments, making your eyebrows lift.
" You think she could help me with Murphy's law?"
Selena shrugs," She could at least tell you if its a chemical imbalance or something else"
All the doctors you'd previously been to were no help. They didn't take your disease seriously. They didn't believe that being unlucky was something that they could diagnose. Maybe you needed someone who was a little unhinged to check it out. Someone who would be interested enough to figure out what was wrong with you.
" I want to meet her"
Harley and Selena looked at each other for a minute as if they were having a secret conversation. Selena looked to be on the more hostile side of things whereas Harley was more relaxed.
After they'd come to a conclusion they turned their attention back to you," Well looks like you're coming with us today"
Selena led the way and Harley had dragged you along behind her. You didn't talk much during the walk, too immersed in thought.
This should've been a red flag for you. Why on Earth were you letting two fugitives take you to another fugitive on the basis that she might be able to help you? Maybe you had spent too much time around the criminals. Enough to be desensitized from their horrible deeds and be able to see them as just any other person.
Desensitized didn't feel like the right word though. A small part of your brain liked to convince you that Harley and Selena were kind of like your friends. Though you only learned Selena's name today it just felt organic with them.
" Not that I'm surprised but you're pretty quiet, beautiful. Thinking about going home?" Selena spared a glance back at you but kept her brisk walking pace.
" No, I just- it's dumb nevermind"
" Well now you've just gotta share with the class Y/nn," Harley swung your intertwined hands higher in the air causing you to laugh a little.
" Fine, it's just that I don't get out much, you know. Which means I don't have many friends and I don't know. Sometimes I like to think you guys are my friends"
Selena stopped in her tracks and turned around to make sure you could see her rolling her eyes at you," Well what a crazy thought that is. It's not like we're taking you to possibly find out a reason behind this… whatever the fuck you call it, that plagues your life"
" I-"
" Even though from a business standpoint it'd be better for us to just let you keep the chaos coming"
Harley smiles at you," What she's trying to say is of course we're friends princess. I mean trust me if we didn't like ya, you'd know by now"
You could feel the back of your neck warming with embarrassment," Well um that's good to know"
Selena scoffs a little before walking back towards you and Harley and grabbing your other hand," In all seriousness we are your friends, probably your only friends. We may be criminals but we've got your back okay?"
" Kitty's right, you can call us for anything; if ya get stuck on the toilet with no tissue, if ya need us to get rid of somebody, or if ya just wanna hang out."
" Don't call me for toilet paper Y/n," Selena says slightly disgusted, "The other stuff is fine. You could even just stop by our place." She nodded her head towards what looked to be a rundown apartment building.
" Thanks guys that means a lot"
Selena released your hand," Enough of that now, let's get you to Ivy"
When you entered their apartment it was surprisingly what you had expected. There were a couple of things scattered around that could only belong to Harley Quinn. There were a couple of claw marks on the wall that most likely came from Selena. There were also a couple of vines just laying around the floor which you assumed was Ivy's doing.
" Honey, we're home and we gotcha somethin special," Harley called out before plopping down on the couch.
You followed suit and sat right next to her. You hadn't really been nervous up until this point but when your eyes landed on Ivy your heart rate almost tripled.
You could see why she was so intoxicating. Unbeknownst to yourself, your eyes traveled the length of her body. From her toned long legs all the way up to her flowing red hair.
A panic shot through you when you realized she was strutting towards you. If your heart hadn’t wasn't beating fast before, now it was trying to escape your chest.
One of her hands reached out and brought your chin down so that you were forced to look into her eyes.
She took her time looking over you before her eyes snapped back to yours," If you two brought me this pretty little flower it must be my lucky day"
Your eyes went wide and you struggled to find the words you wanted to say.
" Absolutely not, we brought you a plant. That's Y/n"
Ivy hummed at what Selena said but didn't show any signs of moving away from you," Well Y/n, I'm Ivy. I've heard a lot about you but no one told me you were so easy on the eyes"
One of her fingers traced your jaw causing you to lose any thought that previously occupied your head.
" We were actually wondering if you could help her, Ives," Harley said, reminding you that you were right next to her.
Ivy didn't bother glancing at Harley," Are you always this reserved little flower?"
That statement was enough to slightly break you from your trance," God is a woman and her celestial beauty has made me speechless"
" Good going Ivy, you broke her even more," Harley pushed the other woman away from you before slapping you in the face.
" Y/n if you can hear speak normally. Not like you're in some cheesy romance novel. Who even uses the word celestial?"
" Ouch, what the fuck Harley?"
" Ivy's pheromones were getting all in your brain"
Selena was laughing in her seat, " Harley, I don't think those were Ivy's pheromones. I think Y/n here was good old fashioned flustered"
Your eyes shifted away in embarrassment, " So you mean to tell me you meant to say that celestial beauty line?"
" I mean, meant to say it is kind of a strong phrase. It just kind of slipped out," your eyes were focused on anything but any of the three women in the room.
" Don't worry about it Y/n, I thought it was very cute. And Harley if you ever push me again I'll leave you tied to a street lamp for a week," Ivy dusted herself off and sent a glare at Harley.
Harley rolled her eyes," Don't be so dramatic Ives."
Selena cleared her throat," I think we're getting off course. We brought Y/n here to see if you could help her with her bad luck thingy"
" Murphy's law," you corrected her.
Ivy's eyes lit up at the mention of it," Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
You nodded, " That's the one."
She circled around you a few times making you stand up straighter," I can run a few tests but I don't want to do that until after I've… thoroughly studied you"
You could feel your mouth dry almost instantly," W-well how long will that take?"
You could feel the green woman leaning closer to you from behind," Let's just say we'll be spending a lot of time together."
You almost fainted when her lips grazed your ears," Dear God"
" Yes?" Ivy answered in a melodic tone.
This was the start of a new chapter in your life. You could already tell that meeting Poison Ivy was going to change your life. It only took one look in her eyes for you to become enthralled by her. Having her help you figure out this "bad luck thing" was definitely going to be an experience.
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