#someone reposted this edit and got 40k why
bringmoreknives · 3 years
tagged by @awsugar and @iero to do this!! i’ve never done this one so ty :’)
1. Why did you chose your url
when i REALLY got into mcr in like january 2020 (i’d been a fan before but pretty much only listened to about half of revenge and then tbp and dd) sorrows was one of the very first songs of bullets i got into specifically the knives/sorrow demo on mdnsy. i was checking for canon mcr urls and i saw that this one was taken and i was DESPERATE to have it (also because it’s a bit more ~niche~ reference to our lady) so on the off chance i dm’ed the blog and its owner just happened to check tumblr for the first time in years a few days later and let me have it :) akdjfhksdjhf that was so long
2. Any sideblogs?
technically THIS is a sideblog because @wakemeupbeforeyouvangogh is my main (i didn’t understand how accounts work when i made this blog) but i also run @seaborns (tv, mostly criminal minds and the west wing), @njolras (les mis), i used to run @vsuvia (the arcana) but it’s inactive now, and i also make gifs and content for @daily-cm
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
it was my ninth anniversary on my birthday ;____;
4. Do you have a queue tag?
yeah, it used to be #still into queue but now i don’t wanna use that bc ch*d so it’s #drain the fantasy of queue which is from pool by paramore aka THEEEEE song. i try to keep a pretty active queue but i forget a lot
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
my friend sarah had a blog in sixth grade and it was all about superwholock (of course) i can still so clearly picture the photo of the eleventh doctor she had in her sidebar. but my parents were super strict on the internet (and also i had just recently had someone creep on me on instagram) so they didn’t let me get a blog until i was 13 and it had to be about something educational (hence the van gogh theme for my main). until then i checked a few blogs like the morning paper. and i made this blog because my dad didn’t know how tumblr worked and i was getting into bandom and bored of not posting about it
6. Why did you chose your icon/pfp?
love of my life
7. Why did you choose your header?
it’s not the best picture of it but i really love the brand new eyes stage setup with the picture frames and it goes with my icon
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
it’s this hayley edit with almost 40k which is so embarrassing because i didn’t properly source either of the pictures and i think the second one is actually someone else’s edited pic that i just slapped a sepia filter over...... i was 14 i didn’t know better
9. How many mutuals do you have?
it’s really hard to tell bc mutual checker doesn’t work since this is my sideblog
10. How many followers do yo have?
3,160 <333
11. How many people do you follow?
okay please don’t lose your minds but 2,308..... a ton of them are inactive it’s just genuinely too many to unfollow with inactivity checker
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
yeah lasjfhlaskdjfhh a ton i think my best shitpost is the compilation of star wars actors trashing kylo ren
13. How often do yo use tumblr a day?
it really depends and it’s kind of less rn because i work a lot but i’m assuming i’ll be more active when im home in a few days with nothing to do but i tend to try to at least queue some stuff before i go to bed
14. Have you ever had an argument/fight with another blog?
yeah jdfhdkjfh multiple times. when i was younger it was dramatic but now it just tends to be arguing with reposters
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
if it’s like political or about something going on in the world then i’ll probably reblog it, if it’s one of those old-fashioned “LISTEN HERE FUCKERS LET ME EXPLAIN U A THING” then i will ignore it. unfortunately reblog bait (i.e. reblog this for good luck or you’ll have the worst day of your life) gets me because i have ocd
16. Do you like tag games?
yeah i love them i’m just so bad at remembering to do them
17. Do you like ask games?
YES i absolutely adore them but for some reason like EVERY time i post one i have to go do something else but i want to do more
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i honestly have no idea. mack and kay both have a lot of followers but idk if that counts as tumblr famous... is tumblr famous even a thing anymore
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i am in a healthy loving relationship with my polycule the bandom creators server <3
20. Tags
hm i tag: @dangersday @smileandasong @raytorosaurus @lolalovesu @girlfriend-frank @adamlazzara and @mikeywayinc! sorry if any of you have been tagged before i cannot read <3
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