#something about how saori looks up to toka might've been the reason she's a dj??? something about how that is the reason she met m4???
caramelmochacrow · 6 months
im tearing up and crying about the CoA event story rn abt airi and her connection to unichord and abyssmare because of how her character of the teacher/advisor to tsubaki, kyoko and happy ara is evolved to being the idol/goal to be to neo because aria was to her just. aough.
her character (and artemis in general) went from the background to literally the most important figure in d4 ever is just. ough.
(cut cause i rambled)
something about how aria taught airi how to sing with emotion and love and that the reason tsubaki and kyoko are the amazing vocalists they are. something about how because airi sang, she helped rinku reconnect with muni, make new connections and not be lonely with the stars anymore is. ??? something about how because of that, rei found her love for piano again and gave a certain dj the confidence to reach d4fes???? like. aughhghghg. something about how because artemis formed, aoi is the person she is now which let her save tsubaki??? something about how because aoi is who she is, it helped hiiro get over her fears??? something about how because aoi recruited nagisa, she isnt a lonely wanderer anymore?? something about how artemis formed, photon gained this chance to find new sides of themselves they never knew existed??? something about how because artemis is the reason photon is here, it inspired lyrilily to be a unit???
something about how tsubaki and kyoko along with lumina (the literal embodiment of aria) taught neo how to sing with emotion paralleling to what aria did w airi??? something about how even if neo went through so much hardship, because of the voice and singing of aria, she helped sophia, weronika and elsie be saved and be who they are??? something about how because lumina is the embodiment of aria, she helped kokoa move on from her resentment of michiru??? something about how she helped kokoa, hayate and michiru not be lonely anymore???
something about how almost all of those people were about to go through what aria did, but because of the people around them made them able to keep singing??? something about how because of the passion and love she passed it helped them find people who will make sure that, no matter how many times they fall, will always find a way to return to that passion???
something about how because aria passed her love of singing to airi she is still helping so many people find passion and regained passion even after she died???
why is the writing for this franchise so good?
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