#something something hiding so much of herself behind a persona that she doesn't recognize who *she* is anymore
tacticalhimbo · 8 months
tagged by the gorgeous @perpetuagf , who also made the banner in this post and has me STILL cryin over them 🩷 anyway, putting the oc(s) through this uquiz [ link ] ! i'm gonna steal the tag list from my last few posts so sorry for the spam! these are always no pressure tags, so dw if you wanna skip over any 🩷 @vendettavalor (always love tagging ur rp blog for these hehe) , @ollierachnid , @alexxmason , @kourumi , @carlosoliveiraa , @scarfacemarston , @bbrocklesnar , and anybody else who wants to hop on!
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Where are you? Why are you hiding? What are you hiding? You're passive but there's something bubbling beneath that surface. Spit it out, be open with yourself, express your pain.
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maxphilippa · 6 months
max having thoughts about lucy and how the fandom treated her. this also goes alongside with the way people treated rex
just generally it comes iffy to me how people downgrade lucy's character to her stereotype and don't understand that tlm is based around deconstructing said stereotypes and that people are much more complex than you think and trying to put them on a black or white perspective completely misses the point
and how they either don't recognize that her behaviours towards emmet weren't the best, or they do but completely take it only to the extreme
this also applies to rex's character although leaning more on the second one, since he is the antagonist per say
what troubles me the most i think is that i think that both rex and lucy are really good at deconstructing the stereotypes/main ideas they're based on and people demonizing or not focussing on it sucks ass.
like with lucy they genuinely do forget the implications of her genuinely being happy pre-wyldstyle until everything went down and how the guilt is eating her alive since something she created with so much love caused so much pain at the same time. like the reason as to why she's like that for almost all of the two movies is because the pain and guilt is still there with her and it fucking sucks. it gets worse on the second movie because she does genuinely think that they're on danger and meanwhile she genuinely wants to protect emmet, she also forgot that they're a team and that proper communication is the key. that's why her arc goes around growth and opening her heart again. she took the wyldstyle persona so she wouldn't be hurt again anymore, and possibly so people don't view her as weak.
so that's why her losing her hair dye means so much to her actually growing. she can't keep hiding herself any longer and she has to accept that hey, maybe, she has to be more versatile on her point of view. that things can still change. just like emmet said. she genuinely cares about her friends and didn't take the best decisions because of that but that is okay ultimately. she is not perfect but like that's the thing. she doesn't have to be. the second movie allowed her to grow and to heal.
which is also a parallel with rex.
but we do know already that people constantly treat rex as a monster just for having terrible mental health and shitty copying mechanisms when like. depression does that to you. being isolated does that to you. thinking that your friends left you behind does that to you. and like that is super messed up actually. people more than often don't get that the reasons as to why rex got to that extreme was because he genuinely didn't want emmet to be hurt the same way he was on the past. he cares about emmet. he is so hurt by seeing lucy but he doesn't hate her. he is a mess of emotions and thoughts and the way people demonized his struggles with mental health is genuinely fucked up.
because. yeah. rex DID shitty stuff. but he had very fair reasons. he was badly hurt and left behind. he thought that his friends left him just like that. he thought that they never cared. hell, his whole persona is an copying mechanism because he didn't want to be hurt again.
he was emmet once. and people forget that always. he is not abusive nor is he a terrible person nor is he completely innocent he's hurt and tired and angry and sad and misses his friends. and lucy isn't cold hearted or uncaring or one dimensional,hell, even if we go by the hints of her band, you can even argue that she's going through survivor's guilt.
what i'm saying is that the tlm fandom doesn't understand that mental health can be awful and shitty and that it won't get better unless said people who are going through it have a support system or are trying themselves and that struggling and making bad decisions, especially with good intentions, doesn't make you a bad person.
hell the whole theme of the movie is about CHANGE and GROWTH. rex and lucy ALSO had those. but anyway what do i know i barely remember anything of the movies as of now but as someone who kind of is going through the same thing. having a character portrayed as abusive for having terrible mental health and making bad choices that DID HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS MIND YOU is terrible and i genuinely hope people get that at one point. like hell rex didn't even. fucking want to hurt emmet. sure he lied but that's because he thought it was for the best. same goes for lucy.
tldr: shut up about your twink (benny) and actually start focussing on rex and lucy on the proper way
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