#sometimes i wish thermometry wasn't the only like. cornerstone hiiai moment but they r still young enstars so it's okay
cubesugarss · 1 year
One thing i really like about hiiai's dynamic is that they contrast each other in so many ways. Hiiro who is super honest about everything vs. Aira who expresses himself differently depending on who he's talking to. Hiiro the naturally talented genius vs. Aira the "ugly duckling" who constantly feels left behind. Hiiro with no personal ambition to become an idol (initially) vs. Aira who has had one clear dream since childhood
I love thinking about their early dynamic bc it's a lot of Aira looking at Hiiro who is everything he ever wished he was in terms of being an idol and he just feels so. Conflicted. He knows he's in the wrong for thinking of Hiiro in such a negative light because they're Unitmates for god's sake, but he can't help but be a little selfish when he does what Aira's always wanted so effortlessly. He admires him and wishes he were like him but also resents him for how good he is at everything. The fact that Hiiro was only really there to get his brother back was also like rubbing salt in the wound
But then u look into them a little more and ur like oh. They're each other's first and best friend. Thermometry means so much bc it's the first time their demeanors completely switch around.. this time, Hiiro lets himself be vulnerable in front of Aira and Aira kind of pours his heart out and that's when u realize they Both feel like they would be back at square one if they didn't have each other.
I love how meaningful of a relationship they managed to develop despite how they're basically complete opposites. There's a lot of push and pull with them but look at them now. They are best friends and each other's idol. They go from rivals in the I'm going to kill you way to the you make me want to become a better person way. I'm sick!!!!! I'm so sick!!!!!!!!!
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