#sometimes i'll read it with trans goggles on
deadpanwalking · 7 months
A Cooking Egg by T.S. Eliot
    En l'an trentiesme de mon aage     Que toutes mes hontes j'ay beues
Pipit sate upright in her chair Some distance from where I was sitting; Views of the Oxford Colleges Lay on the table, with the knitting.
Daguerreotypes and silhouettes, Her grandfather and great great aunts, Supported on the mantelpiece An Invitation to the Dance.
. . . . .
I shall not want Honour in Heaven For I shall meet Sir Philip Sidney And have talk with Coriolanus And other heroes of that kidney.
I shall not want Capital in Heaven For I shall meet Sir Alfred Mond: We two shall lie together, lapt In a five per cent Exchequer Bond.
I shall not want Society in Heaven, Lucretia Borgia shall be my Bride; Her anecdotes will be more amusing Than Pipit's experience could provide.
I shall not want Pipit in Heaven: Madame Blavatsky will instruct me In the Seven Sacred Trances; Piccarda de Donati will conduct me …
. . . . .
But where is the penny world I bought To eat with Pipit behind the screen? The red-eyed scavengers are creeping From Kentish Town and Golder's Green;
Where are the eagles and the trumpets?
Buried beneath some snow-deep Alps. Over buttered scones and crumpets Weeping, weeping multitudes Droop in a hundred A.B.C.'s.
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ravenhilarious · 4 years
Hyperfixating on fiction is not that bad, you guys are just ableist
I've probably said something like this before, but as a neurodivergent person, I would appreciate if people weren’t so condescending to people deeply into fandoms
I'll use Harry Potter as an example bc i’ve been in that fandom for 10+ years even if I'm trans and hate jkr 
when we compare real life problems and current events to fiction – when we compare coronavirus to the petrification of students in the second book, when we compare politicians to Voldemort or Umbridge, when we use the Dursleys as a reference to child abuse, heck when I made a post comparing the Hogwarts house system to cisnormativity and the gender binary – it’s not to disregard or minimize real life problems. it’s not because we don’t care about those. 
it’s because of hyperfixations. sometimes, we can’t help looking at the world through the eyes of our special interest, and if that happens to be fiction? so be it.
sometimes comparing real life events to fiction helps us understand them better. and I don’t understand what is so bad about that.
when literature majors use 1984 or Shakespeare as references to current events, they’re applauded for being able to understand and analyze and connect the things so well.
when neurodivergent people (especially younger nd people like me) do it, we’re told to “read another book”, “stop comparing everything to your fandom”, “take your fiction goggles off”.
i have literally seen Tumblr users with “DNI if you like Harry Potter” in their bios. putting people with interests in the same box as the bigots they (rightfully) don’t want on their blogs either.
idk, I feel like I keep repeating myself, but TLDR, fiction is a big deal to many neurodivergent people, and shaming us for that is ableist.
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