#sometimes people look at scenes like this as tommy having provoked arthur's violence by what he said
deadendtracks · 8 months
"There's also the fact that in their last confrontational scene Arthur attacked Tommy physically when Tommy called him out on things."
Which episode / whenabouts was this? I'm trying to remember when a scene like that would have happened but coming up empty.
in the second episode of season 2, after arthur kills the boy in the boxing ring. when tommy goes to talk to him about it arthur gets angry that Tommy tells him to shut the door [on the war] like Tommy did. Arthur abruptly shoots up from the chair and grabbing him near the neck shoves him against the fireplace pretty violently, then grabs at his face. These aren't gifs so don't quite convey the struggle (Tommy mostly just hangs on and attempts not to escalate things) but Arthur does attack him here.
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images courtesy @vertigosuite
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violetsdicaprio · 5 years
-Part 1-
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Tommy x Oc
Warnings: Violence, death, blood, swearing, alcohol, smoking and bad writing:))
Word count:
The Caldin’s where a mystery. Moving into Small Heath during the war, they had grew close with the Shelby women while the men where away. However, one person the boys could figure out was Myra Caldin, best friend of Ada Shelby. They had become inseparable and would only listen to each other...
“Ada! You’re barking mad.” Myra shouted over to her frantic friend.
“Well, what do you expect me to fuckin’ do? Sit here while Freddie gets himself fuckin’ killed.” She shouted back beginning to march out the house.
Myra scrambled up the stairs throwing on a black dress and covering it with a long coat. Charging down the stairs, she slipped on her heels and grabbed the gun on the side and ran , hopefully, in the right direction. She flicked the barrel open and threw some bullets in the dedicated slots before spinning the barrel and clicking it back shut in a few seconds. By the time she rounded a few dirty streets she could hear Ada’s voice.
“For fuck sake.” She groaned, seeming to be always fixing everyone else’s messes, but she wasn’t going to let one of the only people she trusted end up dead; was she.
“Move!” She heard Ada’s voice ring out into the ashy air. Swiftly following the sound of her voice through the deserted soot covered streets.
“What are you doing?!” Freddie asked as the baby started to wail. What was Ada thinking?
“I believe you boys call this ‘no-man’s land’.” She replied, spiking Myra’s ears. This wasn’t going to end well so she charged forward trying to protect her crazy best friend.
“Ada!” Freddie protested, with good reason.
“Shut up and listen.” The woman snapped back.
“Have you lost your mind?” He retorted.
“I said shut up.” She silenced him. While Myra rounded the street, the one that held the Garrison and was all too familiar, she could tell both parties where equally confused by her appearance, “Now most of you were in France, so you all know what happens next.” Although the message was good; Myra had too much experience and new this would provoke so kind of sour action. “I’ve got brothers and a husband here but you’ve all got somebody waiting for you. Now, I’m wearing black in preparation.i want you to look at me.” She demanded, as faint echoes of a babies cry could be heard whilst Myra crept forward. Nearing Kimber. “I want you all to look at me.” She added. “Who’ll be wearing black for you?” She questioned making a lot of the men hesitate and question themselves. “Think about them. Think about them right now. And fight if you want to but that baby ain’t moving anywhere.” Ada contined. ‘She’s lost it’ Myra thought. “And neither and am I.”
“She’s right you know. Why should all you men die?” He stated, pointing at the ones across from him. Myra smiles slightly, maybe it had gone right and she began to slip the gun into her pocket.
“It should be them who caused it. He frantically stated pulling out his gun, and Myra had not time to process before both screams and gunshots swirled into the air.
“Don’t shoot!” Freddie exclaimed, while other mumbles curled the group.
“Hold your guns up!” John shouted, and Tommy raised his gun to a giggling Kimber but before he could squeeze the trigger another shot ran through the air, alerting the men. It sound further off. Suddenly Billy went limp and a deathly silence ran through the street. His body slowly fell forward, oozing blood trickled down the back of his balding head.
“Enough!” The attention diverted from his body to the angel dressed in black that lowered her gun to reveal her identity as she stepped forward. Slightly shocking both sides with her capability. “Billy and Kimber fought this battle one on one. It’s over.” She declared as Billy’s men cautiously raised there guns at her. Then she looked at Tommy while still addressing everyone, “Go home to your families.” With a few mumbles and looks between the men. They began to disperse, passing her with their heads down. The Shelby clan didn’t say a word as Tommy removes his eye contact and it targeted his dead friend who laid cold in the pile of his own blood and rain water.
“Scudboat, Curly, pick him up.” Tommy ordered as Myra sauntered over to Ada to check if she was alright, feeling the eyes of JohnShelby burn into her. They got on really well as John was only a few months older than her and some aspects of personality was similar, he didn’t realise how similar till now.
“What the hell was you thinking!” Myra mumbles to the younger woman who stood staring blankly.
“I could ask you the same damn thing.” Ada shot back looking down at the revolver Myra held. She quickly slipped it into her pocket with a sigh. The Shelby’s left with Danny, not before Tommy locked eyes with her for one last time, but this time she looked away as Freddie approached the two women...
She had left Ada and Freddie and scurried off to catch up with the men and when she entered she could hear Tommy’s terrorising screams and once she entered the room she new why. Jeremiah was trying to take out the bullet from the injury he has sustained from Billy Kimber. As she looked on she couldn’t help but intervene.
“Oh hell, you gonna damage his fuckin’ tissue” she rolled her eyes “pass it here.” She stated, Jeremiah instantly obeyed not have a clue what she was on about. Myra climbed next to Tommy with the tweezer type instrument in one hand, as she went in his painful screams changed to flinches and small grunts. Then she pulled it out, the small metal bullet doused in crimson liquid. “There.” She said softly and then placed it in a glass. Arthur patted the back of his head passing him a bottle of liquor.
“Have a drink.” He said, Arthur nodded towards her and she cleared of to get a bandage while he attacked his wound with a splash of alcohol. Once she was back, the room was vacant apart from Tommy who sat there, striking up a match.
“Could’ve been worse, you could of needed me to give you stitches after Jeremiah’s attempt.” She smiled lightly but he just looked at her with vacant eyes. Myra quickly cleared her throat and bowed her head. “Sorry.” She mumbled. Sitting by him, she began bandgeging him up in silence. Feeling as though she had burned down heaven; his stare never left her face. Analysing. Intaking. Discovering.
As she tied it off, across his shoulder, Myra gave him a warm smile. Never knowing how he truely felt, she was always alert around him. Feeling like she’d be ripped a part just by his simple glaze.
“Ab-” she began to speak but quickly cut off.
“Thank you.” He mumbled, buttoning up his shirt slightly as he stood to exit. “I’ll expect to see you at the Garrison later.” His deep brummie voice rung out, then he disappeared behind the timber doors. Myra let a large breath she didn’t realise she was holding...
For a second or more, she stared at the door in silence. Not realising her body begin to levitate in that direction, soon enough she was in the hallway. Traces of smoke still lingered in the mouldered entrance as she was swift to exit. The harsh tapping of her shoes echoed down the little hallway as though she was being dragged like a child. She knew exactly were she was going, quite familiar with the journey that she hadn’t dared to take in months.
There it was, the meadow of yellowing grass cluttered with some large and some small pieces of carved stone. She dragged herself past clusters of graves, unusual for the part of the cemetery; she found one freshly filled, yet there was no flowers that laid beside it. Looking down at her hands she placed a single pink rose on top of the mound and carried on with the bucay she picked up on the way.
Upon her approach she saw them, two graves laying by one another under the large oak tree. Seeming to be the only place riddled with life. Slowly she sat in front of the two, under the towering tree, it was her brothers. The unlucky souls, never making it back to their homeland. She split the bunch and placed them by the headstones. Despite the fact they were both dead, she came here to console herself like she went to them in life...
Myra had 6 brothers, all older than her, and a younger sister. Now she only had 3 siblings left. 2 brothers taken by the war, a brother taken before she was born and another dying a few years back after contracting a disease. Her family stayed strong, began making money, trying to break through the class boundaries similar to the Shelby’s. Her father was a fair man, trained her like the boys, respected her like one too. He was honest, good man. After all the trauma the family had experienced -not just from the loss of love ones- George Caldin was determined.
Maybe she spent far to long there. Maybe she should’ve never came. Maybe she was broken, not to mention a blubbering mess as she spoke to their graves as if they were here. Everyone believed she was tough -and she was- but sometimes she needed to let it all out. And not being here for months it had started to collect.
The darkness had seeped through the sky, making the stars appear behind the thick city smog. Moonlight dances on her face, illuminating her high points as she exited the field as a cart, with a few men she knew, passed with the body of Danny whiz-bang. Sighing deeply, remembering she missed the gathering at the Garrison.
Soon enough she was there, hearing a few faint whispers she pushed open the first set of doors but stopped when she heard Polly’s voice.
“There’ll be others” she spoke quietly as Myra listened in. She began to push the door open when she heard Tommy reply “To the others.” She stepped back and exited the Garrison, the small moment she shared with Thomas was nothing, but for some reason she wanted it to be more. Mean more. But he was set on Grace, Myra remembered, and by the way he looked at her, nothing would change that even if she broke his heart...
(A/n: So I’ve been wanting to do that whole Kimber scene forever and I Haven’t seen anyone do such a thing. Please let me know what you think! Future parts will hold all the answers to you questions ((: Also I wrote this at 3am so they may be a lot of spelling mistakes!)
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