#sometimes they'll just be fascinated or it'll simply hold their attention really well
byanyan · 7 months
if you spend any amount of time around byan, but especially if they're in your home regularly or you share a living space with them, you will have to deal with them looming over your shoulder, invading your personal space, so they can watch you do whatever it is you're doing at the time. a lot of the time they'll get bored really quickly and fuck off, but sometimes they'll just stay there for an absurdly long time, watching so intently. ...in those instances, they also have a tendency to just start leaning on you.
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aibloomie · 2 years
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ft :: xiao, diluc, yoimiya x gn!reader
wrote these like a year ago and I barely found them </3 also omg yoimiya I love her so much I need her to be my girlfriend
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━ he finds it cute when you're fascinated by random things. like the times where you're walking alongside him and find yourself distracted by a harmless insect you have never seen before. with a scoff, he'll step towards you, "that could be dangerous you know?" but once you have your back turned, his eyes will soften with adoration over the way you find beauty in everything. you're the reason he has began to appreciate the little things in his excruciating long life. plus, there's absolutely no way he'd let you touch anything if he knew it was dangerous in the first place.
━ adepti don't require any sleep, but if he isn't needed anywhere, xiao will lay beside you until you have fallen asleep. depending on how far you are in the relationship and the boundaries you have established, he might even hold you and soothe you to sleep. he doesn't want his lover to come home to an empty bed, much less have to wonder why they're all alone. and on the frequent nights when he can't be there, he'll check in on you every once in a while throughout the night, before vanishing once more to attend to his duties.
━ sometimes he comes back from his travels with gifts for you, he usually brings them when you're asleep so he can simply put them on a counter and spare himself from the embarrassment of ACTUALLY facing you and giving them to you directly. sometimes it's a pretty flower or sort of plant that reminded him of your beauty. other times it's a crystal or fruit that you recently mentioned.
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━ you could ask diluc to draw a straight line or to bring you a glass filled to the brink and he'd have no problem doing the task, his hands are steady. perhaps that's the main reason why you always feel so at ease when he gently holds your hips. diluc would feel prideful over how quickly you relax and feel safe with his touch.
━ it could be due to having a pyro vision, but his hands are always warm. do you have goosebumps from the sheer cold or maybe a chilly breeze that grazed your skin? you can always come to him, the feeling of his hands flush against your body will have you warming up in no time. you wouldn't even need gloves during the winter time, you can rely on him instead.
━ he doesn't mind if you accompany him to places he needs to go. in fact, he'll find himself smiling a little whenever he's working and lifts his gaze up, only to see you sitting on a bar stool near him. whenever there aren't any customers needing anything, he'll turn all his attention over to you. whenever he has to deal with the frustration of kaeya so smugly entering the tavern, he can just glance over at you and feel all of his anger subsiding.
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— it's highly probable that she's the one who confessed to you! she's upfront about her feelings and doesn't like secrecy or the idea of being held back by being unable to communicate. her boldness overpowers everything even if she's really nervous, so if you're shy or struggle with speaking then don't worry! she'll be your voice
— she can literally talk about you for hours whenever your name is brought up. even if you are someone who wasn't initially well known, you'll gain a lot of popularity since yoimiya speaks highly of you and will declare her feelings for you to everyone she knows
— many of the kids in inazuma look up to her, so since you guys are together so often they'll begin seeing you as parental figures.
— it'll take a while for her to tell her dad that she's in a relationship with you since she wants to make sure he'll actually be able to hear, even if it means she has to yell a lot. however, she's so enthusiastic! she adores her dad and wants him to know <3
"hey dad! this is my—" she waved her arms around before cupping her hands together and putting them on the sides of her mouth to make her voice louder. "dad! dad!...dad! ugh...it's no use, maybe we can tell him another time yeah?"
— you'll be able to tell she has a lot on her mind whenever she's silent or when she gazes off into the sky. yoimiya will definitely make a firework that's exclusive to the two of you! if you're ever away on a journey then she'll light one up and smile upon reminiscing memories she cherishes with you.
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ivesambrose · 4 years
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Pick a gif which tugs at your heart and/or evokes a long lost memory or a dream. 💙
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected] 💫
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You've prayed for them, manifested them into your life. You've asked and received.
They've broken tradition in some way. Either in their family, social group/community or they will be the one who breaks your usual type.
A very good listener. Has a penetrative gaze, their facial expressions are actually very emotive. You'd actually find it fascinating.
Anytime they're stressed they'll go and take a walk or be out in nature. They gather inspiration from there as well. They value they quiet time but they also work well with others. They know several people likely but trust very few. Probably have this same set of close friends for the past several years. They don't really open up easily but their aura is comforting. Pretty non judgemental and grounded.
A leader / has latent leadership qualities in a group setting. (can have a strong Aries or Mars influence in them)
Might be into puzzles, board games, putting things together.
Experimental and changes their look often. But they pull it off brilliantly.
Looks really good in red and / or white.
Strong morals, strong sense of right and wrong. They could be going through something but it's not easily visible on their face. Could have an air rising (gemini, libra or aquarius) or can keep a poker face.
Very attractive. Since they do change their appearance often they have definitely bleached their hair at one point. Fair skin with a sun-kissed glow / tan to them. Broad - strong shoulders, narrow waist, strong legs. Might have played sports or is good at sports. This is someone who learns things relatively quick given how attentive they are.
I'm tempted to say they have daddy vibes. Yes even if they identify as female. They have the BDE.
Ambivert but leaning a little more towards the introvert side. However in social settings they do handle things well given their confidence regardless of how shy they can be. However once you get to know them they'd be very quirky and funny around you. The kind to randomly do a weird tik tok challenge but for you/close friends/cuz they felt like it and not the camera
Cinematography, cinema, editing, photography.
Well travelled, street smart and knowledgeable.
They love hoarding knowledge, you'd be surprised.
You'll meet them when you leave a place/location or situation that's been causing you stress and giving you more anxiety and repression than peace and progress. Highly likely during travel or once you've relocated to some place.
Sensual. So damn sensual and captivating. They look unreal sometimes honestly it's intimidating.
Something about their voice is downright so enchanting and sexy. You can't help but feel attracted to them, it's almost annoying how drawn you feel. (possible lilith rising, could have scorpio and taurus or capricorn placements) I mean I wouldn't be surprised if they sing, have an asmr channel, are a speaker, spokesperson or representative etc
Very dreamy, rather spiritual as well. They definitely have faith in something that they feel is above them. They seem a little prone to really vivid dreams as well as nightmares. Might even be a bit clairvoyant or Clairsentient.
Secure in their business and career might own a business actually. Thing is there is a lot of goals they want to accomplish. But they're not the kind to stall it, they actively go for it. They don't care, they'll achieve it. Especially if you tell them that they can't, then they definitely will. However their ambitions aren't the shallow kind, they really do want to leave a mark or simply express themselves for how they are on the inside.
Either they look like a complete softie, care bear, mom friend or they look like a siren or what Christian Grey thought he was or they have the aura Eric Draven had in The Crow or Maleficent carries. There's no in between. They switching positions like that Ariana song.
They have the most kissable lips.
Highly likely have tattoos because they love the sensation of getting inked.
Tall, lean, Dark hair, dark eyes, beauty spots, really nice hands. Look really good in every shade of blue and green, black (definitely black) and even certain floral or geometric prints. They may also like wearing accessories a lot.
For some reason I saw a crown.
Emotional and intense, they need a creative outlet of expression or they shut down. Like, I kid you not they need to at least once completely lose themselves in something then come home and pass out on the sofa.
Expect a lot of thoughtful random gifts and display of affections from them. They're a bit possesive, I almost feel they can be a little bratty but oh when they look at you, they have eyes only for you. Talking to them is finding a best friend from a life you have no knowledge of but yet it feels right.
Beach baby / loves the water. Doesn't really like the cold as much.
They may have a pet? They seem to be very good with animals.
You'd meet them when you feel really good about yourself, you'd be really feeling yourself or would have achieved something. Making travel plans or setting your next goals it might even be night. It'll feel perfect actually, right it happened at the right time. You'd be getting signs though but I feel you'd be preparing yourself for other exciting stuff to take proper note of them and boom it happens.
An explorer, a seeker, a student who wants to keep learning, keep being a ray of sunshine in everyone's life.
They seek their soul family/found family or would really want a family of their own someday. Very good with kids likely or at most, very patient with different types of people.
Honestly if they were a Pokémon they'd be bulbasaur.
Regardless of their age they're very youthful, the inner child is intact.
They might dress very vintage or old school. Very laid back actually. Also something about walking barefeet on wooden floors came up. They look they belong in a old photograph / polaroid almost. I'm not getting much on their looks besides they look like they belong in a painting or old polaroid. They feel like home, they feel like laying in a field and relishing the golden hour, they feel the the type whose hand you'd hold and run off with. Red and browns are definitely their color, they pull of the muted tones really well. (almost thought of Taylor Swift's Willow music video)
Might have a strong aquarius and capricorn influence in their chart as well.
Their upbringing may not have been in the best conditions but they've worked very hard or are working very hard to improve their quality of life or give back to their family in some way. In some way they've turned their life around. They did a full 180. Crazy.
Deep voice. Warm whispers.
Honey in tea.
Carnations, lilies and red grapes.
They'd like to celebrate the little victories in their life with you. They get happy over the simple things so much, I can just feel my heart melt because of this person and their smile. They're so affectionate and kind and it's making me tear up almost. Wow.
Also they smell really nice. Flowery notes maybe?
They love touching foreheads.
Might play an instrument or paint.
Honestly, I kid you not. They feel straight out of a fantasy book. The closest characters I can think of is Westley from Princess Bride, Aurora from Maleficent and Belle from Beauty and the beast.
You'll likely meet them when you've shut out something toxic in your life. You may not even be looking for love, this might be after a break up even, you may even be escaping a situation or be away from a gathering and be around New people / faces you aren't as familiar with when this happens. Your anxiety will ease around this person. You might even had a passing thought or dream of this scenario before it happens but you'll brush off the thought thinking that isn't possible or something, then you'll be in for a surprise regardless.
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