#sorry I've been obsessed with this movie and album for a bit my 4-5 year long obsession strikes yet again
rh0mbus0fruin · 4 months
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if Robert Cyger listened/watched this movie he would get so mad he'd punch holes into the wall
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trivialoveclub · 4 years
2020 Year in Review!
hey! i was tagged by the absolute angel that is ⚘ @unefleurofferte ⚘(tysm my love! 💞) for this 2020 tag! first off (even tho it's the middle of january already 🤡) i wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! not to get sappy 💀 but even tho i don't rlly talk/interact that much, it brings me a lot of happiness seeing u guys on my dash 🥺💗 i genuinely am supporting and rooting for you all and i wish u guys all the love and kindness in this new year bc you deserve it babes 💖
Rules: answer the questions about 2020 and tag some people to pass it on!
5 Fav Films You Watched in 2020
🎬 Soul (2020) "Your spark isn't your purpose. That last box fills in when you're ready to come live."
🎬 Onward (2020) "I never had a dad, but I always had you."
🎬 Klaus (2019) "A true selfless act always sparks another."
🎬 Diecisiete (2019) "You think I'd be doing all of this if I had no heart?
Maybe you're trying to get it back."
🎬 East Side Sushi (2014) "You know behind every great restaurant here, there are great latinos, in the back, in the kitchen, hidden. Prepping the food and making you all look good. Well, I don't want to be in the back anymore."
5 Fav TV Shows You Watched In 2020
📺 Like in The Movies (2020) "Do you ever feel like you're not the protagonist of your own story?"
📺 Given (2019) "Do you have anyone you like, Haruki-san? If that person suddenly disappeared from this world, what would you say?"
📺 Banana Fish (2018) "My soul is always with you."
📺 Masterchef Junior (2013-) Not a quote but Gordon Ramsay always says the dishes has "finesse" and now i can't stop saying it in everything 😭
📺 Next in Fashion (2020)
5 Fav Songs You Listened To In 2020
🎶 UGH! : BTS 🎶 "You're allowed to be angry, but bothering someone else's life, I don't like"
🎶 Fuyu No Hanashi : Given 🎶 "Just like the snow that hasn't completely melted in the shade I continue on with these feelings inside of me."
🎶 So Beautiful : DPR Ian 🎶 "My love is turning kinda gray / My heart is looking the other way."
🎶 PSYCHE : Joohoney 🎶 "All of the world pay attention"
🎶 Stay Tonight : Chungha 🎶 "Tell me what you wanna do, run away or stay tonight"
Top 5 Albums of 2020
💿 Map of The Soul 7 : BTS
UGH! ⏯ Black Swan ⏯ Inner Child
💿 Fatal Love : Monsta X
Sorry I'm Not Sorry ⏯ Nobody Else ⏯ Guess Who
💿 Ungodly Hour : Chloe x Halle
ROYL ⏯ Forgive Me ⏯ Lonely
💿 Mixtape [ PSYCHE ] : Joohoney
PSYCHE ⏯ Intro (Ambition) ⏯ DIA
💿 Chromatica : Lady Gaga
Replay ⏯ Sour Candy ⏯ Alice
Top 5 Books You Read in 2020
🤡 🤡 🤡
...i haven't read for fun in years 😔 i used to read a book every single day :(( but! i already have a list of ones i want to read so this year for sure im gonna be that girl again 🤧💅🏼
💌 How did you spend your birthday this year? 💌
uh hahaha 🤡 suddenly i can't read 🤡
well...i had to take my drivers test but i had no idea how to park so i mean obvs i was gonna fail 💀 so i got super anxious and then had a breakdown in the back seat when it was getting closer to my turn 😭 my parents had to reschedule it and take me home. i felt like such a disappointment. so it started off absolutely horrible, fortunately the rest of the day was a lot better but oof 🤪
💌 What was your most memorable day? 💌
i honestly cannot remember anything 😭 it's like one big blur but ummm...probably finishing high school! i felt like i could finally breathe 🥲
💌 What was your most memorable meal you had this year? 💌
hmm...ooo probably when my abuelita made us a bunch of paches de papa 🥺 i ate them for a whole week and i loved it entirely...my heart is pache shaped 🤧💘
💌 Did you find any new hobbies or interests in quarantine? 💌
hmm i don't think i got any new ones but i did get to be reminded again on how much i genuinely enjoy making food and like decorating/personalizing things! ☺💖
💌 What was the last big event/thing you remember doing before covid? 💌
uhhh i honestly can't think of anything? i literally don't go out 🤡 like im in chilling in this quarantine lifestyle bc nothing has changed for me 🤪
💌 5 good/positive things that happened to you in 2020? 💌
🌱 i finally escaped high school! 🎓🎉
🌱 i decided to take a gap year and the burnt out student inside me feels like she can finally exhale
🌱 i can't remember if it was in early 2020 or late 2019 but anyways I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENSE 😝😝 i honestly...do not know how i got it...i took 15+ minutes to park (as u can see your girl didn't learn her lesson) but bless that man for passing me i hope u have a beautiful life sir 😭💖 however i have not stepped in the driver's seat since then 💋 i refuse 💋
🌱 i honestly would say watching Soul 🥲💗 i've always been obsessed w my meaning and purpose in life and that movie rlly just hit home for me...i think about it everyday and im literally starting to tear up right now so let me just stop 🤪
🌱 hmm honestly just being home 💗 i now have an excuse to stay in all time and that brings me so much peace in my heart 🤧
💌 Biggest messages or lessons learnt from this year? 💌
that there's a lot to live for. and i rlly want to enjoy it? and like w the gap year i still feel guilty and still feel like im wasting time and not being productive (love being a capricorn 🤪) but im trying to not think like that...and the fact that Soul came out and it's whole message is literally like life is beautiful and it's meant to be lived 🥺 it rlly like...set that for me u know...there's so many little things that truly make me excited about life and i want to enjoy it and after those 4 years in high school of constant work and stress and losing my entire mind maybe i actually deserve it 🥲 so um yeah..sjdkajd
💌 And what are you most looking forward to in 2021? 💌
a lot ☺ everything honestly...wow omg that's so weird asjakjd ahhh 😭😭💘 [insert that paul rudd who would have thought not me meme] but i wanna do sm much!! bake and cook and learn to knit! and personalize my clothes and READ! and watch movies and shows! and i'll also be going back to school so i rlllllllllyyyyyyyy want to learn how to manage my time bc my procrastination truly fucked me in the ass in hs 🤡 but yeah im excited ahh! ☺
And We're Done!
oof my memory is so awful i feel like i can't remember anything that happened in 2020 🤡 this ended up being a bit long 💀 so if u made it to the end...thank u for reading...ily 😚💌 besitos for you! 💞
tagging these cuties 💘: @moonlattae @fluorescente @glossierjoon @ardores @star99 @jooniephoria @ahearthrob @catboyjm @yoongidisease @violetmoonlits @koyan @stardustyoongi @7blueside @m1amor @sobsyub @m8nstruck @souheii @1okyos @virgomoon @alevchaan @jihyoist
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Tagging Game
tagged by @sdewan6 (thank youuuuuuu:))
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better. (bold of you to assume i know 21 people)
Nicknames: Luce, Loops, Loopy, Lucifer, Satan (i’m not evil, my name just means the same as Lucifer sooooo ye)
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5′ 10″
Last movie I saw: I can’t tell you the last film i actually put on and sat down to watch cos i can’t remember lmao, but there was a film that came on after something i was watching the other day called the maiden heist(?) i think??? it had william h macy, morgan freeman and christopher walken and they were all like horny for art it was weird but yeah that happened
Last thing I googled: okay no this is too funny so i just googled the exact definition of bigot cos i needed it and this is what came up
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I died 
(apparently it only comes up if you accidentally type ‘bigoty’ definition which i may or may not have done lmao but nonetheless, trump is the definition according to google and i, personally, 110% agree)
Favorite Musician: Tonight Alive is my all time fav band but classical wise it’s my main man Shosty
Song stuck in my head: heaven by bryan adams cos i've used it in the fic i’m writing and you can bet your arse it’s for a sad reason (i love my harringrove boys, i do, but this fic is currently 20k words of heartbreak and i’m not sorry, pls love me)
Other blogs: i have one but i barely ever use it and it’s just filled with sad shit tbh, i only ever use it when i’m mentally in a v bad place and tbh it probably doesn’t help but LOL oh well, queen of self destruction me
Do I get asks: occasionally and i treasure each and every single one like a dog does its human
Following: 1958 lmao
Amount of sleep: 6 hours on a weekday probably but like maybe 8 on the weekend providing my mental health is okay™, if not then like 4 maybe
Lucky Number: 10
What I’m wearing: grey ripped jeans, a black t shirt and my school leavers hoodie
Dream job: can i get paid to write fanfic for a living? I do that whilst i’m at work now lmao. But seriously, classical flautist in a classical orchestra would be my ultimate dream yet i currently work in tv go figure (i did previously want to be an editor but since having this job and being able to do some of the edit, i have realised that mentally i cannot cope with 12 hour days stuck looking at a screen in the same bleak office with strict deadlines and arsehole supervisors so yeah, tv is fun and all, i like the fact that you’re not bound to the same people forever and there are some lovely people in the industry, the hours make you go mad granted but i get to drive the actors around and stuff in my current job and they are lovely, but i need something more creative and freeing and yeah, i like my job, i really do, but i think mentally it is having a negative impact on me and that isn’t great™) music has always been the one thing i fall back to and never really leave though so if i can’t get paid to write fanfic for a living then i guess i’ll have to go with that lmao (jks, music is my life i can’t live without it, i need to work in music to stay somewhat sane)
Dream trip: travelling round Scandinavia because it’s all so pretty and also maybe a visit to Ōkunoshima island becuase so. many. BUNNIES.
Favorite Food: any and all fruit, mainly strawberries, kiwis and pears though like omG they are a blessing but yes give me fruit all day every day
Do you play any instruments?: i play the flute mainly and i love it with my whole heart, but i can also play piano, sing and dabble on violin and guitar
Languages: I speak English fluently, but i know a bit of Italian, very basic Norwegian and i studied Spanish for like 4 years so i think i’d probably know a bit if i tried lmao (my teacher was s h i t)
Favourite songs: Power of One by Tonight Alive is like an all time fav of mine and 'Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente' by Ermal Meta&Fabrizio Moro has a very firm forever place in my heart but i’m currently obsessed with ‘Dance Like Nobody’s Watching’ - Saara Aalto, ‘Go Beyond’ - Rasmussen, ‘Чудова Мить’ - Mélovin, Candlelight - Jack Savoretti, La Venda - Miki Nuñez and Freaks - Jordan Clarke because i’m still in denial about our entry (i am severe eurovision trash if that wasn’t obvious lmao) but there are so many i love and like it depends what mood i’m in, they can all be my fav in that moment but you’ve caught me on a good day so you get the happy ones, not the really sad and depressing ones that would make everyone severely worry about my mental health lmao
Random Fact: i have metal plates in both of my knees cos i used to be a wonky bitch
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: a long drive through the night, warm enough to have the windows down but not too warm it’s uncomfortable, you’re favourite album is on repeat, the sky so clear you can see each and every star lighting your way, feeling so relaxed, there isn’t a single thing bothering you or making the moment seem less than what it is, it’s just seconds, minutes, hours of unwavering, blissful, happiness, it doesn’t solve your problems, but it makes you feel the best you’ve felt in a while. (whelp that got out of hand, but my god do that if you never have, it is so f r e e i n g)
Tagging: @billyscamar0 @harringtons-bf @billnsteve @absolutedad @call-me-haley @uncle-keery @bananase221 @pretty-pendragon @spacegaiys and literally anyone else out there who wants to do it, i tag you all 
feel free to ignore, i won’t take it personally lmao
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