#sorry dohee is the worST
fmdsilverarchive · 7 years
all. \ o /
text meme - not accepting!
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] oh no! i fell asleep before i could say goodnight![ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] so i guess now i should just say good morning.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] good morning![ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] is it warm there? it’s so cold here.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] where are you again?[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i wish i could be there with you.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] because it’s warm. there.
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i know you think i was drunk.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] but when you said ‘stop being a baby’.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ]  i meant it when i said i’m your whiny baby.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] fuck i like you but i’m scared.
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i told dohee i was on my way[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] THTA WAs TEN MIN aGO.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i can’t fine myshirt WHERE DID YOU THROW IT
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] gd’ayyy mate imnoah.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] hahhahaa no your noah[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] do uk now noah[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] yeahhh ido![ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] hhaha waiti siad that[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] haaahha wait ur noah
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] we’re supposed to have our ‘artistic meeting’ with mr. choi in twenty minutes.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] but i think i heard you in that studio.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] and now all i can think about is me kneeling on the ground in front of you.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] is twenty minutes enough time?
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] it’s really late, i know[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] but you usually stay up late, right?[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i can’t sleep.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i’m tired and i just...[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i would sleep a lot better if you were next to me.
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] it’s not OUR song[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] but it’s our song for sex[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] and i heard you, i came in because i thought you were alone and heard you fucking her to it.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] don’t ever play body language again.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i hate that song. 😠
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] what if aliens are actually really cool guys?[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] what if there’s an alien who looks like me?[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] that would be so cute we’d be alien twins.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] wait would you like human me or alien me more?[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i’m sorry i can’t be like alien me.
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] are you okay???[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i just had a nightmare that was more like a flashback[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] with the car accident, i haven’t had that in so long.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] this time you were in the car.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] and i just need you to tell me you’re okay and not hurt because sometimes i think i might be psychic but a bad kind who only sees bad things and they happen.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] NOAH ANSWER ME.
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i don’t know why anyone would give you up.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i know i never knew your mom but i think you must be just like her.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] because your dad sounds like the worst and you’re the opposite of him.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] you’re wonderful.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] so she must have been kind and thoughtful and passionate and talented too.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] if you ever talk to her, will you tell her thank you from me?[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] because i don’t know if i would have made it through these past few months without you.
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] will you pleeeeease tell me what you’re cooking?[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] it’s bad enough that you won’t let me in the kitchen.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i’m not that distracting okay.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] just sometimes i think of stuff and i say it and then you get distracted and the meal burns.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] that’s not on me.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] TELL ME WHAT WE’RE HAVING FOR DINNER.
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] THEY LIKED IT![ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] that song we worked on together CEO CHOI LIKED IT![ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] THEY’RE GOING TO RELEASE IT![ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] it’s not going to be promoted or anything but it will be out there and people will hear it![ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] thank you thank you thank you for helping me do it[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i mean you did more than help but you know what i mean.
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] okay but do you think he’d like this set[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] sent a photo.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] or this set better?[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] sent a photo.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] oh wait this isn’t holly.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] but while you’re here, which lingerie do you prefer?
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[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] maybe we should see each other less.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] last time i let something like this happen it didn’t end well.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] it destroyed me and i know it’s silly because it wasn’t some long serious relationship.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] but maybe i’m just fragile.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] and maybe i’m not put back together yet.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i know me and i know if i can’t let myself fall, i’ll ruin it.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] just like he said i ruined it before by leaving.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] it’s what i do, i get scared and i run and it’s not fair but when i didn’t do that it hurt so much.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] i can’t do that to you. i won’t do that to you.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] you deserve someone who is fixed. or maybe never broken.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] it’s just sex but what if one day it’s not for one of us. or both of us.[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] it can only end badly, right?five minutes later[ ✉ → noaahhhhh 👑 ] please come over and just hold me.
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