#sorry for being crap at tagging but it's 1am and i have work tomorrow and should absolutely be asleep rn lol
endwersed · 7 months
First & Last Lines
Tagged by the always delightful @dear-massacre 😘
Rules: Post the first and last lines of the last 10 fics you worked on. WIPs are allowed!
striking out, explicit, WIP (AO3 posting to begin this weekend)
First: The locker room is just how Derek remembers it. Last: “Oh god,” Stiles whines, fucked and reedy as his hands scramble for purchase on Derek’s sweat-slick shoulders. “Oh fuck, Derek, don’t stop, I’m begging you not to stop, please, just – do not fucking stop, oh my god.”
feels so good inside, explicit, complete
First: The worst thing about being an eighteen-year-old virgin and loser is, well – being an eighteen-year-old virgin and loser. Last: Laura laughs so hard she almost bursts a blood vessel.
in flux, explicit, complete
First: By Derek Hale’s junior year of college, he has come to know that there is nothing quite like the party after scoring the winning basket of a game. Last: Stiles tips his head in a loud bray of laughter, and Derek can only let himself be pulled along, a stupidly happy smile on his face and his boyfriend’s fingers tangled up with his.
another name for love, explicit, complete
First: Derek wakes up to the sound of a door creaking open slowly, a faint and careful noise nudging into his dreamless sleep and dragging him into consciousness. Last: “Yeah,” he replies, pulling her closer. “She would be.”
does one good, explicit, complete
First: Stiles is still mostly focused on towelling at his damp hair as he pads into the living room of his apartment on bare feet, humming a repetitive tune under his breath and scratching lazily at a patch of skin just under the hem of his t-shirt, over the waistband of his boxers. Last: Obviously Stiles doesn’t consider Scott people.
as dear as a brother, explicit, complete
First: Stiles Stilinski meets Scott Delgado on the first day of freshman orientation at Berkeley and immediately knows they’ll be best bros for life. Last: They cry for two.
and i'll write you a tragedy, explicit, complete
First: It’s pretty cool living in a world with superheroes, all things considered. Last: Even cooler when you’re one of them.
the lie is beautiful, explicit, WIP (AO3 posting to begin... eventually)
First: The glass of Stiles’ phone screen is cool against his ear as he sits in the driver’s seat of his Jeep, gaping up at the house in front of him. Last: Stiles burns even redder than before, like that’s possible, and spins as quickly as he can on his heel to beat the fastest retreat of all time.
say something, explicit, WIP (AO3 posting... god, at some point)
First: This isn’t what Stiles signed up for when he opted to spend spring break back in Beacon Hills. Last: “This is my way of saying I also,” Derek says slowly, pausing between words to bite at Stiles’ jaw, “want to suck your dick.”
the concept of character, explicit, WIP (AO3 posting... maybe one day)
First: It starts with a party. Last: Four months of stolen moments, four months to become addicted to the feel of Derek’s hands on him, in him, the feel of Derek curled up behind him, knees tucked behind knees and a palm flat over his chest for the short time Stiles allows himself before he gets up, showers, leaves for his real home, his real boyfriend.
Open tag to anyone who wants in!
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