#sorry for the long post but i don't wanna combine readmores and links bc i think it screws up formatting
gnomeniche · 2 years
lesley as the world itself
hey guys hey guys hey guys. another theory about what lesley could be struck me out of nowhere.
let's dive right in: lesley could be a personification of the show/world the students live in.
what led me here? well, it's a little weird that the back of lesley’s coat has bricks on it. the rest of her design is filled with imagery from the lessons, and though there have been bricks in the series, they aren't an especially prominent motif. but they are in such a prominent place on her design. she's even introduced back-first.
as i was ruminating, the thought struck me: a house is made of bricks. the house that the students can’t leave, the house that is their whole world, is made of bricks.
so then i looked for other repeated elements in her design.
besides the bricks, the back of her coat features the sky, a sun, and a grassy landscape, which are the only features of the world outside the house.
and speaking of the sky, there are so many sky patterns on the rest of her clothing. it's most obvious on her shirt, but the pattern is on her trousers, too. the sky is heavily associated with the world's constructed and electric nature. in the tv show, it goes out altogether when the electricity is gone. even in the webseries, its artificiality was notable; it constantly changes with the whims of the teachers.
the large areas of pink on her coat are also notable, as the house is pink, and there are bits of patterned black and white on her, which calls to mind the floor tiles, though she doesn't have checkerboards exactly. these patterns are zigzagged in some way, though, which may suggest tv static.
she has so much imagery associated with the world in her clothing, which is a deliberate design choice. thus, it could reflect what she is, and i feel like what she is might be an appendage of the world. we know that lesley is likely not a real human, so she could be a constructed image of one. and i've said for a while that i feel like the world itself is sentient. maybe she is a mouthpiece through which the world can speak and interact? which might suggest some interesting things about the world's state, given how much internal torment comes through in how lesley acts and speaks about her role and existence.
and if i am to glue this to my theory that there was a real showrunner lesley once and our lesley represents the host character she may have played, it could make sense that an abandoned, sentient show/world would piece together a puppet of its long-gone creator/host for its own use, or even that the host character is so tied to the show as a show that their consciousnesses are one.
the exact mechanics of it aren't important; it could be a lot of things. what is important is the theory that lesley might be synonymous with the show/world, so the show's will and whims are lesley's and vice versa.
(of course, we don't have enough information to really say anything definitive about what lesley might be, but i find this an intriguing and exciting idea.)
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