#sorry guys I'm probably gonna be yammering about this game a lot until it comes out next year lol
moonybadger · 2 years
Just a few thoughts on the Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life character design updates!
Okay so let’s start off on a good note:
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Honestly she looks great
Her design was already pretty flawless, and it translated well to the updated art style
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Honestly not bad! I also don’t mind her new name 
With Molly though (and with one other resident that I’ll get to later) I like the ART of her more then the actual character model?
It’s a very nitpicky thing, but I feel like her hair lost a lot of the volume it had in the original game. It looks a lot wispier, and I prefer how thick it used to look.
Other then that though, she looks great. I like the small changes to her outfit a lot
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I actually like this design even more then her original one!
I like that they made her look more tomboyish to contrast just how feminine all the other romance options are
Her old design was also very good, but it was very much of it’s time. This one feels a little more timeless imo
I wonder what her new english name is going to be? I don’t think I’ve seen it anywhere yet
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Like Celia, they didn’t change her look too much because it was already really good!
I like that they made her look older and taller, while still making her look younger then other marriage candidates; that’s a pretty important part of Lumina’s character overall.
Her older design also looks very nice!
I also don’t think we’ve seen her new english name either! I wonder what it’ll be? Maybe Luna? Maybe they’ll just keep her japanese name, which is Leona.
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OKAY now we’re getting into the weeds a little more
Honestly I don’t MIND this one so much? I mainly miss his big nose and witch hat, which I think they could have incorporated more into the new design. But it could have been worse!
However, just like Molly I don’t like his in game model as much as I like his art! He looks EVEN more cleaned up then he does here and I really don’t like the eyes they gave him! 
Yeah, you probably aren’t gonna see them that much, but you can see them when he’s in profile! And I don’t like them!
They’re like the narrower, sexy anime eyes. But I feel like Gustafa should have either rounder, friendlier eyes or just have them be constantly closed in a 😊 type expression
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Now for me, Matthew is the opposite of Molly and Gustafa where I actually like his in game model MORE then his art!
I feel like his in game model better captures the old Marlin energy, especially his expression. He also has a longer chin then his art does, which is reminiscent of his old design. See?
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That doesn’t mean it’s perfect however; I really wish they’d kept his hair a lot closer to his original design. Like I guess I can understand loosing the mullet, but I wish they’d kept it curlier and darker
It’s also throwing me off that he looks so much skinnier for some reason? Though that’s an element of all the new designs, for some reason it’s throwing me more with him. That might just be a me thing though
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Honestly he looks fine, no real notes here!
I’m glad at least one bachelor didn’t go through a major overhaul lmao
I think he also made the transition the most gracefully into the new design of all the bachelors 
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Wish we had a better image of Cody or some art at least, but this is what we got for now!
I do actually like that they made Cody a bachelor, though I dunno about this design?
He’s so... boringly handsome
I do like that he’s noticeably buffer then the other marriage candidates at least, but they scrubbed off a ton of his old personality. Like what a boring looking shirt and hair style. I miss the mohawk!
Whenever they release his art though, it’ll probably have more going for it.
Tbh, I’ve actually thought most of the bachelor designs in the last like... TWO Story of Seasons games have been sooooo bland looking. Trio of Towns was the last game where there was some interesting guys, but I thought both the redesigns of the bachelors in the Friends of Mineral Town and the designs of the bachelors in Pioneers of Olive Town were so forgettable (ESPECIALLY compared to the girls, who have continued to be very cute and unique!)
That’s it for the marriage candidates we’ve seen so far! I don’t know if we’ll get any more (it looks like Flora’s being confirmed as non-romancable; though who knows, we might get some DLC later or something that changes that! And I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought in new characters entirely like they did with FoMT) I don’t have many thoughts on the other villagers since they didn’t have any major changes, but I think they’re all looking really good for the most part!
On the few that did get a few updates, here’s just a few thoughts on them!
Vesta looks pretty good! I do miss her apron, I think it had a little more personality then the vest she’s got on now, but it’s fine. I’m glad they kept her buff and with giant head
I do also think Hugh was cuter as a kid in the chubbier artstyle, I wish they’d kept that
Chris’s pantsuit is ADORABLE and works a lot better then her old pencil skirt
I DIDN’T REALIZE TEI HAD A MUSTACHE. In the original art I thought he just had a really big mouth! I’m glad I can see the mustache better in the new design LOL
I ALMOST FORGOT PUI. I know a lot of people don’t like his “glow up” but I honestly don’t mind it, I think it looks cute! He’s not a character I really have a strong opinion on lol
The main characters look great! I know there’s gonna be character customization options, but I don’t know if I’ll have the heart to change them from their defaults; I’m too nostalgically attached to them!
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