#sorry if this is still a lil incoherent i didnt want to keep ya'll waiting for another 200 years
yoylechess · 1 year
alright.. finally, here is my hot freaks forever "review" this is my first i guess "formal" review so BE NICE TO ME. also most of this is just me attempting to make my original notes from my very first listen not completely incoherent, so that incoherent-ness may fade into the current post sitting in front of you.
now, i adore hot freaks. they are one of my top bands NO DOUBT with their debut album being one of my absolutely favorite albums. so you can imagine my pure excitement at a new hot freaks album! well.. i started my listen and... eh.... i dont hate this album, i CANT hate this album... but i dont love it... i suppose i shouldnt have gotten my hopes up for more of their previous music, its been YEARS since theyve released anything for god sakes! and to be completely honest im unsure of what i wanted at all, or at least i couldnt possibly put it into words. despite my disappointment with this album i still have been enjoying it! it has certainly grown on me...
i will be going through each song, briefly talking about what i think, and then giving a rating outta ten as this is the easiest way for me to talk about the album.
starting off with together above, i love the floaty vocals here and this plucky instrument (that i am unsure on the name of) being played after the chorus. i also like the electric guitar here, and the introduction of a violin is a change that surprised me but i welcome wholly! also im not a fan of this twinkling at the end here. im generally not a fan of glitter-esque sounds in music but i really dont like it here.. also music video was released and it.. is a music video! nothing to write home about 6.5/10
lets start a country: inoffensive simple catchy pop song that while doesn't bring too much to the table i still enjoy with funny lyrics and a catchy chorus that makes me want to get up and bounce around. i wish that the lyrics were a tad stronger but otherwise in terms of doing its job of being a good pop song it works very well! also music video is fine i like the tedx stuff and its more interesting than together above's 4/10
end of the night: ...bland its genuinely hard for me to think of anything else to say not bad but not necessarily good no other comments 2.3/10
stuart little vibes: what is happening with the lyrics in this song?? what is going on??? what is that tts voice?? that instrument??? is that a fucking harmonica???????????????? i dont like this song i really dont 1/10 (chorus does trick me for a second into liking this song though) this song makes me want to ram my head through drywall i got angry THINKING about this song the other day i hate this stupid mouse fuck i dont care enough to fix this one up you just get my raw original note. they put the trumpets in to try to appease me but its not working
not concerned with everything: this early instrument feels out of place and the vocals feel offset(?) in the beginning like as if this song was a picture the vocals are slightly off center in certain places. i like the new vibe to this song! was starting to sound a little repetitive the violin really shines in this track it made me really appreciate its presence. the breakdown at the end is just fantastic just great 8.5/10
boyfriend: kicking the dirt at my feet.. i do like the track.... i listened to it a lot before i was able to sit down and listen to the full album. and yes i think its simple and maybe the most boring uninspired song in the album taking in the full picture but im all attached now..... my long time friend.. boyfriend by hot freaks.... my dearly beloved... also what the hell is the ending what was that (/silly) 7/10 🎵oh you are my boyfriend come get me after work~🎵
for nothing: why does it feel like a song from a children's cartoon im forced to sit down to watch with my 3-4 yr old siblings (/neg) i like its bounce and slight new sound for the album. however, they could be doing so much more give me MORE please im on my hands and knees hot freaks im groveling get me out of poorly animated children's cartoon land. violin is of course a highlight of this song 3/10
i want you to be my daddy: strong opening to this track! makes me think of gorillaz, was expecting to hear damon albarn start singing in my ear for a second there tbh. big fan of the vocals here and of course we have to have a horny hot freaks song it is MANDATORY and it is good !!!!!! its so good!!!! makes me pine for hsbf these ending vocals are just a delight i love this track a ton man. horny hot freaks song on top 8.5~9/10
lioness: unfortunately after iwytbmd this track has a lot to live up to for me. but not a bad track at all! reminds me of puppy princess i dont have much to say about this one here 6.3/10
what can i do: just like the end of hot freaks (album) the final song feels entirely disconnected from the rest of the album in topic. hollywood machine may have been attempting to obscure its meaning a bit compared to this straight forward song that doesnt even attempt to hide anything. however, hollywood machine had its distincter sound to hold it up when compered to the rest of the album, while this track seems to sound way too similar to hot freaks forever to stand out in any meaningful way to me. the start's sharp violin sound and harp are unusual and im not all that in love with it. the harp is fine the other times its used i guess but its just not the best. and as usual, (minus the beginning) the violin can not be trumped as it is also pretty good here. 5/10
overall thoughts: of course the vocals preformed by leo vondracek are stunning as is customary for hot freaks but i feel the album leaves a lot to be desired if youre going in expecting something similar to their previously released music. hot freaks forever feels a little lost confused by its own meandering love songs with a bland uninspired beachy vibe. the tracks all feel bouncy which is fine i like bouncy but i would also like it if they mixed it up a little bit more. it feels as if they are desperate to keep inoffensive as to stay in the new spotlight their work has (rightfully) gained as of late. i hope that in the future we can get another album more like their debut, and i dont doubt that we can, i can absolutely see it happening. i just want them to do MORE and give me MORE in terms of sound. i enjoy how they play with their lyrics but i need them to play with the music now please. i do like the new violins though theyre fantastic im a big big fan of the violins. 6/10
my favorite track: i want you to be my daddy (not concerned with everything is a close follow up however!)
my least favorite track: sturat little vibes i hate the song i hate it so much i hate ot oh my god
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