#sorry they are quite redacted. don't wanna deadname or dox anyone
beastofwant · 10 months
In 2020, I was contacted by an associate of CT (of cryptotheism and normal-horoscopes notoreity) in order to design three enamel pins based, loosely, off of a shitpost CT had made. The antifa catgirl, catboy, and nyanbinary designs, for the curious.
The agreement was made, and a contract was signed, so that profits would be split into three parts. One for them, one for said associate, and one for myself. At first, I received payments promptly. They were a big deal for me at the time, as I'd never made that much money off of my own artwork before, and I was trying to get my then-boyfriend out of an abusive living situation, so every little bit really did (and does) count.
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In June of 2021, I received what would be the last payment. $20, along with a note telling me that the shop would be down for a bit but then be opened again. No notice of the designs being removed from the store, no notice that my portion of the profits would no longer be shared with me... Yet since June 2021 I haven't received a penny of the profits from my own designs despite those designs still being up for sale as both pins and stickers where the rest of CT's merch is sold.
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Admittedly, it hadn't been on the forefront of my own mind, but it wasn't until this year that I was able to get my own apartment rather than bouncing from couch to couch in an effort to stay off the streets, so I think I could probably be excused for some forgetfulness! The last 5 years have not been easy, or kind, upon me.
I emailed at the start of this week to see what had happened. I haven't heard anything back yet.
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