#sorry this the second manny drawing i know people don't like him
shiloh-game · 8 months
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bluemoonbeam15 · 3 years
Okay so, can you pls answer the questions: 1, 2, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, and 18? :O
My Favorite Character Overall?
Absolutely Hopper, with Flik coming in for a close second. I've already stated how I hate his death in the movie and all that. More so, there's a personal connection I have with his character -- especially with the background I gave him. Hopper is essentially my outlet to write about my own trials and traumas without it being extremely obvious. I've discussed it with a close friend of mine on Discord, but this is, I guess, an open testament as to how I write Hopper's character. A lot of his mannerisms and past experiences are based on my own.
My Favorite Piece of ABL Merchandise?
Honestly, I don't have any ABL merchandise XD. One thing I can say is that my older brother used to have this room guard toy when we were little. It was a Hopper toy that would speak/yell whenever I tried sneaking into his room. As a child, Hopper terrified me, not gonna lie. So, I ended up sneaking back into his room and flinging something at it before it could speak and the toy broke. So, sorry Hopper, but I felt proud of myself in that moment XD.
My Favorite Pairing/Ship?
Gypsy and Manny have the golden relationship that I dream to have myself one day. They are the perfect couple, in my opinion. I also adore Gypsy's heart that she portrays in the movie and how Manny wholeheartedly uplifts her in everything. Also, it blesses my heart that Gypsy is the star of his performance and he intentionally has her in the transformation scene for others to gawk over her beauty. He is just so astounded by her that he keeps her in the spotlight of his own act.
The Character I Am Most Like?
I mentioned in the first question how I write through Hopper, but I'll disregard the backstories I've created for the characters and focus on their canon personalities. In that case, I am most like Flik. As much as I try to be this unemotional and detached person, I am very tenderhearted and will bend over backwards to help others. As well as trying to see the best in the worst and being outcasted by those around him. Flik and I also tend to pour our hearts out to people who treat us like trash and still ignore the way they treated us for the sake of a connection.
My Favorite ABL Fanfic?
Answered that in another post. "Find Your Wings" and "Unlikely Alliance" are absolutely masterpieces in my opinion. Many other stories stand out to me but those are the main stories that drove me to write for A Bug's Life.
My Favorite ABL Fanart?
Literally EVERYTHING that @petitefrancis has posted on her Patreon. I do have a favorite drawing, though, but I can't disclose that picture without permission. Highly recommend following her Patreon if ya'll haven't already because ever work she does is an absolute beauty that Picasso would be jealous of.
My Name For the ABL Fandom?
I guess for this Tumblr it is officially Bluemoonbeam, or Blue for short. I still haven't come up with a persona or something that Kiri told me about. Like a bug personality that would essentially be me in their world. But I'm hoping to come up with one before long!
Have I Ever Cried While Watching This Movie?
Absolutely. I doubt any of you will be surprised to know that, even to this day, Hopper's death drives me to tears and I can't watch it. And everything after that scene loses color in my eyes. Basically, I have become emotionally attached to Hopper and that last scene kills me too. I honestly want nothing more than to rescue him and hold him tight away from the bird so it doesn't lay a single claw in him.
Thank you for the ask!
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