#sorry tumblr was a jerk and erased everything I did so here's a quick retype
derevitive · 3 years
Important stuff from today’s Tales of the SMP if you missed it!
- Four fisherman - Issac, Cletis, Charles and Benjamin are the characters of this tale. This tales episode takes place a hundred (hundreds?) of years in the future.
- They come upon the underwater Lost City of Mizu and run into a supposed descendant of Ranboo, “Ranbob”. Ranbob suffers from the same memory issues as current Ranboo does, and proves to be an unreliable narrator as the story progresses.
- The set for this episode was INCREDIBLE! I highly recommend going back to watch the VOD if you have time! The buildup to the end was incredible. 
- The fisherman are curious, and Ranbob, who claims to be losing it from years in isolation leads them around the city and its stories left behind. 
- The city has stories and books all over it about the “history” of people in the SMP. This includes George, Sapnap, Tommy, Tubbo, BBH, Skeppy, Fundy, Quackity and Dream. All of these stories prove to be skewed rewritings of what actually happened, with the Dream Team painted in a much more positive light. 
- Interestingly enough, many of the other Dream SMP members were either written out of history, or is there is nothing left of their lives/stories to have been recorded. There is no note of them, most notably Technoblade, Wilbur, Philza, Puffy, Niki, etc. 
- Significant rewrites of history and some notable points of things that have not happened yet - Eret is written as a tyrant who murdered George. George is written as a long ruling, benevolent King. Sapnap was a warrior who began the pet wars for good. Tubbo was written as a leader while Tommy was his follower and best friend. No one knows if Fundy was a pet or a person. Skeppy at some point will become a yellow version of himself. All of their stories do not align with what we know to have happened in the SMP so far. 
- Each of these stories are found in rooms that are decorated in a museum-like fashion that reflect the person the story is about. Notably, BBH’s room has some visual reflections of the egg arc, and we see Karl’s green/purple scheme implicating a room for him as well.
- Karl’s story talks about him as a person who is seen in one important moment and gone in the next (time traveler Karl confirmed). 
- The four fisherman eventually make it to a large dome room with a tree! Ranbob vanishes. When Cletis tries to get to the next key/story on top of the tree, Ranbob says that “no one leaves here alive” and sets the tree on fire and lights TNT on it. Cletis perishes and the other three run off. 
- The three remaining fisherman find a lava filled room with their way to escape. Benjamin perishes in the lava after failing to make it to the top. 
-Issac and Charles manage to get the room key and find the final hidden room, which is written to be the only way out. Upon entering the visual motif is all about Dream. Diamond armor lines the green walls with the end of the hall having his iconic smiley face staring on the other side of glass. 
- It gets significantly creepier. 
- Ranbob reappears and after some questions thrown around about who this person is, Ranbob claims that Dream was greatly revered by people and he was a “good person, depending on what you’re definition of good is”. 
-Isaac breaks the glass and as Ranbob says that “no one leaves her alive”, he murders Issac and Charles with a diamond sword. 
- It fades to black and we later see present day Karl emerging from what appears to be a time traveling portal (?). He climbs up a dark cave to his room and writes notes about the tale. 
- We learn that time traveling causes Karl to lose his memory and he remembers less and less each time. He does so in attempts to somehow stop some of the bad that will come in the future, but he might also forget who he is entirely. He reminds himself to write notes down as soon as he returns so he does not forget.
- Karl aims to continue time traveling, and it looks like there will be eight tales total (for now). Three have been told already. 
- Karl time traveler CONFIRMED canon! Also Karl’s character is incredible. He’s an incredibly selfless hero who is willing to give up his own self to stop the future bad events from occurring. Karl opens his door back to present day Dream SMP. 
- Karl did an AMAZING job with this tales, can not wait to see more!!!
- Important notes: It’s eerie that the dream team was written in an extremely positive light, with Dream’s whole history being revered and the “final room” before the fisherman were murdered, the stories of the SMP and Mizu dying with them.
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