#sorta sad simon couldn't also talk to shermy ethier as another ow my heart moment but i get it!!!
slymanner · 9 months
obsessed with simon meeting jake and finn's recantations in the future that's literally the coolest shit EVER, he doesn't know it's them, he just thinks it's another reality cause he's been to so many with fionna and cake, and this is the closest finn and jake's recarnations can meet A simon in their current time, mostly beth cause she's the one to interact with simon the most!!! and i love how this is basically just simon and jake meeting one last time, even if he doesn't know this IS jake but recarnated, and it's cute that simon get's advice from beth before he understands about how much betty sacrificed for him, it's like jake's soul giving him one last thing of advice to keep with him for the rest of his life as a last goodbye, even if they both don't know who they are <'333
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