Vulcan Dialogue from Star Trek: The Motion Picture
I recently dug up a PDF file introducing the Vulcan language. Marc Okrand was involved in its construction as he was for Klingon. The dialogue I have been after, from the three movies, was transcribed in it.
Here's how the Kolinahr dialogue from TMP reads:-
Dakh orfikkel aushfamaluhr s haukaush fi'aifa mazhiv Here on these sands, our forebears cast out their animal passions
Sha'koshtri korseivel bai'elkhrul-akteibuhl t'Kolinahr And our race was saved by the fullest attainment of Kolinahr
Kolinahr -- k'kvai'ei ek'zherka t'forti foshuhl Kolinahr: Through which all emotion is finally shed
Zup-tor vu akarshif - Spahkh You have labored long, Spock
I'poprah fasei setebihk t'ovsotuhl-ozhika Now receive from us this symbol of total logic
*Spock stays T'Sai's hand. Somebody plays some big loud bongy thing.*
Nahp - hif-bi tu throks Your thoughts, give them to me
Kashkau - Spahkh - wuhkuh eh teretuhr Our minds, Spock, one and together
Tish hokni'es kwi'shoret -- This consciousness calling to you from space ...
Estuhl terrupik khaf - Spahkh It touches your human blood, Spock ("It stirs your ruby half, Spock.")
Du vravshal srashiv t'Kolinahr You have not achieved Kolinahr
Ti kilko-srashiv kitok-wilat He will not achieve his goal with us
I'tah tehrai k'etwel His answer lies elsewhere Dif-tor heh smusma - Spahkh Live long and prosper, Spock
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pencagil · 6 months
I began learning golic vulcan a couple days ago and it seems that Spock's name has been misspelled throughout his whole life?? Turns out the federation universal translator goofs up regularly, misplacing letters and adding some that doesn't even exist on the vulcan alphabet, like C for example. But i also get him for not bringing the issue because being named Spahkh is kinda embarrassing already.
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