#speaking of bestie. he's currently not hanging out with me bc he's with MY ex
no-one-hears-me · 10 months
I don't even need a rich husband at this point I just need a nice man with a job
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Can I get an emergency ask of the paladins saving S/O from an abusive relationship and them falling for each other? Don't worry about doing this if you don't have time, I'm just looking for some paladin love to get through a tough spot. Thank you
Shit hon, I hope you’re doing ok! I’ll be sending good vibes and mental hugs your way, since I can’t do petty revenge over the net. I hope your situation works out with as little trauma as possible
now he’s not a man to go after somone else’s S/O, but he’s still drawn to your side
he’s very content to be besties, or at least very close friends
even if his heart is telling him he wants more
but when he finds out your current relationship is abusive? He’s fucking pissed and filled with a self-righteous fury and it’s only the thought of you getting caught in the middle that stops him from stomping over to beat the ever living shit outta them
so he makes it a point to hang out with you as much as he can, being your human shield
if he witnesses any sort of abuse he quickly shuts that shit down. nuh-uh, not in front of him. no fucking way
and if your current s/o starts trying to hide it, Shiro will call them out the moment he finds out
ends up finally confessing to you not longer after becoming your impromptu knight in shining armor
he’s sobbing but it’s mostly because he knows you absolutely deserve better. And he may be biased but he honestly thinks you deserve the world and even if it’s not with him, he just wants you to be happy
and he’s ecstatic when you tell him you like him back because now? Now he can do something rather than just be a buffer
offers for you to stay with him if you need to. as a safe place.
if you don’t want that then he’s still gonna be like a guard dog, staying around as long as he can. just in case.
absolutely is present when you tell your ex it’s over. he’s not gonna argue for you, but he’s gonna be your threatening support. 
you know you’re safe as long as Shiro is around
afterwords he just takes you back to his place and rolls you up in a comfy blanket, holding you and murmuring words of encouragement about how strong you are, and how much you deserve to be happy
he rubs your back and his hands through your hair until you can fall asleep
your peaceful face fills him with sorrow and happiness; he’s so mad and upset that you’ve had to survive an abusive relationship, but he’s here now to show you how a proper relationship works. you call the shots here.
your ex is a fight-on-sight for Shiro. but only if you’re not around. he doesn’t ever want you to see him be violent. in case he triggers some form of PTSD for you.
the most supportive and sweet man
your sweet vengeful angel, really
he knows you’re in an abusive relationship and he hates it, he hates it so much 
wants to burst in and punch your s/o and then pick you up over the shoulder and walk out like a bamf. 
like he puts on shades and there’s an explosion behind him
and then there’s confetti and a parade with victorious music
he’s daydreamed about this a lot
he can’t do anything you don’t want him to, so he settles for being your best friend. the number one supportive mom friend who’s always available for you
he’s so easy to talk to. and he never makes you feel guilty about anything.
he’s clearly very angry when you talk about the abuse, but he always thinks about you, what you need from him.
doesn’t mince words though. turns out Hunk curses when he’s angry.
“Yeah, that’s gaslighting and it’s abusive as fuck.”
“They did what? Ok, not cool. You don’t deserve that. I’m sorry they’re shitty and insecure and take everything out on you.”
“You want to know what I think? I think you need to fucking leave. That’s what I think. I’ve thought about it at length, Y/n.”
“You’re your own person, Y/n. They aren’t allowed to control everything you do.”
One day he realizes that he’s taking everything extremely personally because he loves you
“...I would never treat Y/n like that. They deserve homemade breakfast, flowers, teddy bears with chocolates, and gentle kisses. I would make them feel cherised, and loved and...Oh my quiznack...I love Y/n.”
he might be worried that his feelings might scare you off, but he’s always going on and on about honesty so he can’t be a hypocrite now
tells you his feelings after picking you up after a particularly hard fight. 
after you’ve calmed down and realize you’re in a safe place, of course
he didn’t mean to tell you, it just kind of burst out when he was hugging you that he loves you. no tact this man.
there’s a panic moment before you tell him you love him too and then he’s ecstatic because he’s gonna be your Disney Prince, of sorts...
like with the Balmera, Hunk has no time to waste. he needs you safe and sound, and he needs it now. everything gets put on hold.
he’s calling everyone else for support and before you know it you’ve got all of team Voltron supporting you as you prepare to break it off with your abusive s/o
you feel undefeatable with Hunk at your side (and it helps that everyone else is around too.) 
as you’re leaving Hunk decides to have a few words with your ex. In private. He doesn’t tell you what he said, but you never see them again and Hunk is pretty smug
isn’t above petty revenge. he in canon killed someone for tailgating, man
might have put sand in their gas tank. when you have an alibi of course. in case ‘McDouche’ tries to press charges. Hunk puts you first, even in his revenge
they got plants outside? well now they’re dead. salt bitch.
loudly talking shit about them when he sees them in public
probably routinely leaves flaming dog poop around
might have seriously contemplated giving them a serious punch to the face. but decided they weren’t worth potential jail time. or possibly making you feel uncomfortable.
ok, probably handles things the worst
no fucking joke the moment he finds out you’re in an abusive relationship he’s all action
straight up just bursts into your s/o’s home and proceeds to beat them up. now you know why Keith got expelled from the garrison.
unless they’re female, then he’ll at least restrain his fists and just yell at them. getting in her face and just going off
he tells them to never go near you again, they aren’t worthy. You deserve better than them and they should count their lucky stars that he cares about you enough to not put them in the hospital.
and of course you’re floored and kind of scared because Keith was terrifying
he realizes that he may have made things worse just a little too late
but he’s in for it now so he just, “Get your things y/n. You’re done with this asshat.”
he lets you collect things on your own. he’s content to watch over your ex. they don’t get to speak. they lost that right the moment they thought they could hurt you.
Keith apologizes to you vehemently the moment he’s got you in his car. 
“I’m so sorry Y/n. That was probably really wrong of me and I know that but I couldn’t just let you suffer for a moment longer with that-that thing. You’re too precious to me and I....I know this is inappropriate, b-but I think I love you? B-but I totally understand if you never want to see me again after this because I ju--”
You shut him up with a tight hug
he doesn’t even know that you daydreamed about him saving you for a while now. 
you didn’t let yourself entertain the idea that he felt the same way
Keith is a good nugget though
he doesn’t rush you. at all. he’s determined to let you have some time as a single person before rushing straight into another relationship
but his feelings for you never waiver and he’s content to let you call the shots. He’s just feels lucky to be able to be in your presence.
oh no, he’s got it bad
this boy, this boy falls fast and he falls hard but he respects that you’re in a relationship 
but he’s still flirty, not like over the line though. more like, he’s absolutely down if you ever become single
and he ends up becoming like, a best friend. the ride or die friend.
and somewhere between the late night text comfort sessions and wiping away your years, he fell in love
realizes that he has to tell you. you deserve to know.
wasn’t expecting you to like him back
“Wait--what? But, you’re with whatstheirface? I-I don’t understand?”
then you have to tell him more about your current relationship, and about how abusive it is
and oh, HELL NO. 
Lance is pissed, so pissed. because his momma and poppa raised him to respect his partners and you don’t deserve that--that monster!
he’s offended for both of you
“Ok listen, I’m gonna get you out of this. But we need some help.”
His plan? He’s gonna show up on a white horse, use it to kick your s/o in the face. pull you up onto the horse one handed. make the horse rear while the sun sets spectacularly behind you, and ride off into the night.
but he doesn’t have a horse.
so new plan. You and Lance sneak over to their place, get any stuff you might have. Switch the locks for giggles while Shiro and Keith stand guard.
Hunk finds their car and slashes 3 tires while Pidge makes sure no video feeds have proof it was him. 3 tires bc then the insurance won’t pay for it.
Lance then uses your phone to call your current s/o to let them know that under no uncertain terms where they ever to contact you again, the abusive bastard. then there’s some more ranting in spanish where Lance continues to call them out until he runs out of creative names
and don’t worry about your ex trying to get back at you. Lance spends every moment he can with you, he’s a Paladin for Voltron’s sake, he’s gonna protect you
also he has everyone on speed dial in case he needs help
brings you flowers weekly, takes you out on dates all the time
he’s determined to make you feel like his princess
because as far as Lance is concerned, every moment spent with you is a gift
a simple girl. but doesn’t fall in love right away. she’s just a friend for a while, someone you can chill with every once in a while
until she happens to randomly notice your s/o being abusive then they think no one is around
“Hey Chucklefuck! What the hell was that?!”
She’s furious, she’s yelling at them and not letting them defend themselves. No turning this around on you, because she saw the whole thing.
then she turns to you and asks if you’re gonna be ok. because she is there for you. absolutely, 100%. 
from then on Pidge is your go-to. She’s always making you feel better and helping you realize that you don’t deserve any of the bad shit that’s happening to you
she’s tiny and angry but vehemently supportive
at some point you both realize you like each other more than friends, but what do you do?
Pidge takes off her glasses, “Well it’s simple really,” she puts them back on, “We kill them.”
“Nah, I’m kidding. Well, half kidding.”
Her ideal plan? A snap of the two of you with the caption “I stole ur bae, bitch bye”
buuuut, that’s probably not good for closure. so she opts to be your support for confronting your s/o
she stands there angrily, glaring daggers as they try to defend themselves
she can only hold her tongue for so long and when they start shifting the blame to you she snaps
she’s up in their face, not caring about how tiny she is because “there is no way on God’s green Earth that I am letting your abusive ass hurt Y/n. You. Fucking. Monster!”
continues to defend you and yell at your now official ex, not letting them get a single word in edgewise because they don’t deserve to
she’s absolutely livid until you both leave, happy to have the whole ordeal done and over with.
then she kisses you on the cheek, offers you her arm, and is now determined to be a proper girlfriend
might routinely dox your ex and write letters to their employers about what a piece of shit they are. for giggles.
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