#speculate bc its interesting but most just be like we'll see what happens
demadogs · 2 years
/1/Do you think Will can also be part of the ace spectrum? idk but to me it seems like he can be too, something about "it's just been him and mike", the show never really emphasizing him being attracted to others boys or at least make him look like he is interested, being repulsed from PDA, also the rain fight but for me when i first heard it i thought, it also meant in general, he wasn't into relationship/romance, but at that time since i didn't know about byler and never really saw him having-
/2/eyes for anyone, i just assumed it meant like that but now, i still think he might be part of the spectrum but maybe he is more like demi romantic/sexual and that's why beside Mike there is no one that the boy really feels like that to, or the authors just didn't want to explore his sexuality that deep, that's why we don't see him being attracted to anyone yet or maybe in season 4 we'll see him crushing over another boy in his school but from what Noah said-
/3/i feel like beside Mike there is no one Will can yet create a deep bond that may actually feels more than platonic with, thus why i think he can also be demi. (sorry for the length of my speculations)
i see why you think he could be demi but i think the duffers intentionally never showed will eyeing any other boy so they wouldnt lead the audience to believe byler wouldnt happen. the hints they have to byler right now are subtle (although the way they show his feelings are way less subtle than mike’s) so i think if they deliberately showed will looking at another boy theyd make the audience think that would be his love interest and be thrown off if it ended up being mike. a better way to show him being queer would be to watch a movie with some hot male actor and show his reaction or something like that but i think the reason they havent is because they simply dont need to. they queer coded will so well that they didnt need to do something that obvious. most the general audience is in agreement that will is gay and the biggest thing that i think led everyone to believe that is “its not my fault you dont like girls”.
maybe the reason will likes mike and only mike is bc he’s demi but i think what we’ve seen of will and his feelings for him only is more for the sake of consistent storytelling and foreshadowing byler than implying will’s character is on the ace spectrum.
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Starting to think about who the main cast might be chilling out with us in Cantha! We know it will be likely be some characters we're familiar with, some new Canthans, and that they have some more freedom with the core cast:
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Gonna throw this under a cut. It got long. I ramble, sorry.
So let's start with our most frequent compatriots, Dragon's Watch:
Taimi - Whether it be in-person or through comms, I feel like this is a gimme. She's our resident dragon magic expert, so ofc she's got to tag along in some capacity as we somehow tackle the dragon problem for the last time. Plus it's about time to make good on the S4 revelations with her illness no longer being in remission. (Also I think we'll see Gorrik, but he'll be with Taimi. Though there are beetles in Cantha too!)
Kasmeer - Likely, but I'm also a little torn on this one. We definitely need more Kas and Jory time (and not just as a unit). Anet didn't really get the chance to make good on their plans for the two in IBS, but Kasmeer was also with us in PoF. Will they double up on expansion exposure time? I think she will make an appearance but may spend a good chunk of that time doing her own thing. (I will say this: if we get a status update on the Kasjory situation as they like to do, it better be invitations to the wedding. Let them be happy ffs)
Marjory - This is a given, and not just bc Marjory's of Canthan descent. Ofc she needs more screentime and a dedicated character arc. We gotta deliver on the whole "my dead sister is inhabiting my sword" thing . And if there's weird stuff going down in Cantha? We're gonna want our detective friend with us. She's also got some potential family stuff that can be brought up with it being mentioned in S2 that her mother isn't very trusting of strangers. Why is that?
Rytlock - More a maybe, venturing into unlikely. His story reached its head in IBS, and it ended in a natural stepping off point. He's literally had more screen time than any other member of Dragon's Watch, bar maybe Taimi if you count comm chatter. I think it's likely he'll be spending more time in the Homelands instead of traipsing around with us. BUT he's also basically the game's mascot, and he was with us in both HoT and PoF in significant capacities. Will EoD follow that trend?
Braham - Also a maybe. I flip-flop constantly with this. His arc also reached its close in IBS. He had a lot of dedicated growth in S4 even before that. But there are things that make me think we may see him in EoD or at least in post-EoD story plans: a) being distinctly not dead after the IBS finale and b) the story potential there. Now that he's free from his mother's legacy and the choking reins of prophecy, there's room to explore what he does now with that freedom. Where does he go next? (On a side note, in the Sunqua Peak fractal there's that 'very tall and strong' character Hyo-Sonn introduced that is speculated to be a norn. Could be our in!)
Rox - Highly unlikely at this point I fear. However it was executed, her arc was clearly done in S4. She appeared for one DRM, but if we ever hear from her again, I'm pretty sure it will just be another cameo.
Now onto core characters that would either be new, or in one case, very recently introduced to us:
Jumping off the Braham bullet point, I think we're going to be dealing with some kind of isolated Norn community from the teases in Sunqua Peak! Norn are naturally loners that wander, so it kind of makes sense to me that a group might have found their way to Cantha at some point in history. Did they go so far north they wrapped around the pole and circumnavigated the globe to Cantha? Does that mysterious hole in the Far Shiverpeaks lead to Cantha? Dredge tunnels?? Regardless of how they got there, we'll probably have a representative from them with us in some capacity. They've just got to be careful to make it feel not too much like an Olmakhan situation.
Canthan character(s). Duh, this is a gimme. We're going to need some local friends. We know this lady from the concept art shown so far will be a character. Going off of art alone, I'm speculating she has some sort of ties to the Jade Wind and/or Sea. We shall find out! Beyond that, I don't want to speculate too much since so much of Canthan culture has likely changed since GW1.
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And then the one we just met, Kalidris Sparrowhawk - Oh you know, the Tengu have beef with Cantha. If they're reopening their borders in any capacity, something's going to happen there. Kalidris stood out too much to be a one-off character in a DRM, and it sounded like she'd earned a bit of prestige for her actions there. Maybe she gets sent with us as a Tengu envoy of sorts? Either way, I feel like we're definitely getting the peppy birb.
Bonus round: cameos! Characters who I think will not be part of the core cast but may show up in some extremely minor way:
Faren - It's tradition at this point. If he doesn't show up out of left field doing something you would expect Faren to be doing, well, that'd just be sad. He'll probably appoint himself Kryta's ambassador to Cantha or something.
Canach - Another out of left field one. He's done adventuring with us, but I don't think he's gotten over that gambling problem. We'll probably find him in some shady betting ring in the dank depths of Kaineng City. And once EoD wraps up, he'll take his winnings and buy up all of Tyria. The reign of Canach begins.
Bangar - Hear me out. He's another case of "oh, he's not dead? interesting." Which means we have the melted snowcone available for comedic relief over comms. What do you think it should be? Snargle Goldclaw reading his latest novel out loud to an unwilling captive audience? It's what he deserves.
EDIT: smh I forgot to add a potential returning character, and it's a big one - Mai Trinn. It's a mystery where she went at the end of S1. There are Aetherblade teases in the trailer. She will probably factor in.
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