dfc-cakes · 2 years
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Ask/rp blog for Deltafell Crimson K_K!
Ask here, @deltafell-crimson , or @dfc-susie about joining the AU!
- You can be rude to K_K, but not to me, the mod (or any of the other mods on other blogs)
- You can flirt with them I guess??
- Don’t send anything NSFW whatsoever, and anything suggestive will be tagged properly (but if it’s over the top the ask will likely be deleted.)
- AU, runs off of asks and headcanons
- Please spam with asks /gen
- M!A (to some extent) is allowed!
- More may be added
- They’re a robot, they don’t really do the whole aging thing, but they’re definitely an adult
- 8’11”
- Non-binary, they/them
- Panromantic Asexual
- So many stims. Mostly vocal
- They’re still nice, but will threaten you
- Can and has curb-stomped bigots
- Just as capable of violence as anybody else
- Crime
- The gun is just for show
- More may be added
About the mod
- My name is Pocky, pronouns are star/they/it
- Deltarune is great and SCC gives me life
- My motivation is weird so if this blog dies for like. Weeks at a time I’m sorry ;;
- My main is @the-pocky-stix
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