#sqishy diaper
hugs-n-stuffies · 11 months
I just made the biggest mess on the train...
So I had to get up super early today to get the train. I accidentally overslept and had to rush out the door. As such, I didn't have time to go to the potty or do my morning messy before leaving.
I made it to the train station with a few minutes spare, so I grabbed some breakfast to eat on my journey.
The trip there went fine, I was only a little wet by the end of it. I got to my appointment, and my belly started gurgling a little bit. I was still fine, and by the end of my appointment, I had completely forgotten about needing to go.
So I headed back to the station to go home. I had 45 minutes to wait for the train. The longer I waited, the worse my belly got. It was really hurting now. Not wanting to mess myself, I started looking around frantically for the bathroom. I spotted them just slightly further down the platform. Walking quickly, but making sure not to run, I approached the bathroom and tried to open the door. Locked. Not a problem. I could hold it till I was on the train.
An agonising 5 minutes later, the train arrived, and I boarded, ensuring I got on a carriage with a bathroom. The doors closed behind me, and I turned to squeeze past the people to the bathroom. On my way, I noticed a piece of taped to the door.
I slipped into the nearest free seat in defeated, praying I could hold it. The train departed. Only 35 minutes until I was home, I just needed to hold it till then. My belly really hurt now. The cramps were coming more frequently and with more gusto. I could feel everything inside fighting to come out. I clutched my stomach and tried to act casual. I decided that the best thing to do was put my earphones in and try to ignore it. I bent forward to grab my earphones out my back.
Big mistake!
As I bent forward, the dam burst. Mush began flowing out of me, filling my diaper. I panicked and tried to stop. Eventually, I managed to regain some control. Quickly running my hands across my rear, I determined the mess in my pants wasn't noticeable for now and sat back.
A few minutes later, the cramps we back. Having already messed myself a little, I resigned. I lifted my butt of the seat a little and started pushing. My mess came out easily to being with, forming a soft sqishy lump underneath me. In the commotion, my bladder joined in, emptying its contents and warming my already wet diaper.
The mess stopped again. Still feeling like I needed to go, I pushed harder. Nothing happened. I pushed again, harder this time. Finally overcoming the restriction of the onesie mommy insisted I wear, the rest of my mess exploded out of me. More and more pushed out, spreading up my the back of my diaper and forward to my pussy.
When I finally finished, I sat down, forcing more towards my pussy and further spreading my mess. I could smell myself, but it wasn't too bad. I put my headphones in and begged for the time to go quicker.
The mess felt kinda good. I was glad to have it out of me and to no longer be in pain. It was also warm and the way it pushed up against my clit when I shifted in my seat really turned me on.
2 stops later, and I was there. I got off the train and rushed out of the station. Every step jostled the mess in my pants, smooshing it about, stimulating me as I walked. My arousal was growing ever stronger.
It was only a 7 minute walk to my house, but by the time I got there, I could barely keep myself in check. I rushed inside to see mommy.
Mommy smelt me instantly. Praising me for being a good boy and using my diaper, she ushered me to the changing station. I lay down and started touching myself, pushing on the front of my diaper, aching to get reprieve. Having spotted this mommy looked at me in that way that she always does when she is disappointed.
She grabbed my hands, stopped me from playing with myself, and tied them above my head. Now I was unable to intervene, she undid the tabs on the front of my diaper and began to clean my pussy. All the while chastising me for being a smelly baby boy and messing my diaper. Once I was clean, she quickly put another diaper on me.
She backed away, admiring her handwork. Noticing me struggle against the restraints, she turned to the door and walked out, informing me that she was going to start making lunch and that I was to take a nap. I lied there, tied to the changing table, unbelievably frustrated and completely unable to do anything about it. Mommy was right, though. I was tired. I tried to relax and quickly found myself drifting off. The last thing I remember before I finally fell asleep was the feeling of warmth spreading through me as my bladder emptied itself into my awaiting diaper.
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diaperfans · 3 years
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#Diaper #wet #abdl #sqishy
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