#srsly go and watch oz it's brilliant
appleelevengreen · 2 years
Why does everybody on here go on about Bobby Cannavale as gyp rosetti and vince from will and grace but nobody ever talks about him as alonzo torquemada? Why. I mean look at him
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hc for Bill having his own human body (what he would look like, what he would wear, what he would do first)
Hoo boi my friend. You came to the right place cause I’m a huge Bill Cipher fanatic. Like tbh before I had nothing but Oz Monster Prom icons it was Bill. Hell, he’s still my computer and google plus icon. Tbh he’s single handedly responsible for me being into a number of things I”m into now like cipher codes and swing/jazz music tbh (thanks to a good number of playlists I found of him if any of yall are interested). Like I may not show it a lot, but ye I love Bill a lot tbh. But I digress. Time for some hcs. (srsly if you guys wanna keep asking me about Bill I”ll be ever so delighted to talk about him cause I got a ton of thoughts on him.)
~I’m gonna be oh so generic here and say he’s def got the blonde hair. I think we can agree on that let’s be real. 
~Tbh the eyepatch I often see is up for debate. It’s optional for him whether he wants to give off an unsettling feeling or not, but most of the time he doesn’t have it on. 
~His eyes are golden like the sun on fire. Full of cunning and full of life. You could swear he has a spark in them when he gets an idea. It’s like a supernova: explosive, brilliant and beautiful. 
~He’s a pretty tall guy (not that you could tell when he’s floating about all the time). Very slim. You could probably throw him, but you’d probably fail. 
~You may not know this, but he’s got the most brilliant smile that’s really full of a lot of emotion. It always gives what he’s feeling dead away due to how endlessly expressive he is. (His eye too. Always look into his eyes if you want to know what he’s thinking). 
~He talks with his hands a lot I will say. He sometimes puts his whole body into when he’s talking. It’s really charming to watch. 
~As for his clothes, I assure you they vary more than just a suit and tie (tho that’s what he does wear a lot). Tho he really does love a well tailored suit, he’s not far from taking on a more casual look. 
~And when I say casual I mean either the memeist or purposefully cringey/tacky thing you’ve seen for the purpose of being a little shit. 
~Actual Bill Cipher here:
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Also Bill:
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This but with heelies on this feet. Truly a man that radiates gay fashion disaster.
Ok so what about Bill if he were to say take on a more corporeal form.
~Well, he’ll never admit but there’s many things he wants to do having watched people for god knows how long. 
~He’d want to do some exploring first. See what the world is like outside of any limitations or having to see it from some place else. 
~He’d probably love a good jazz club first. Despite being memey as all hell, he’s a classy guy. 
~Will he actually buy any shiny interesting thing he sees fit? Yes yes he will.
~Likes to collect any occult or strange item he finds. Trust me the occult schtik he’s got going on is more than just aesthetic. He’s actually really into it. 
~Will more than likely do a lot of traveling. He’s got a lot of places to see and go. 
~Ngl I love the idea of him just dropping by a history college class during a lecture and going “WELL ACTUALLY” either to correct the professor or just plain fuck with them. 
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