#sscoded no 210
sasusakucoded · 9 months
Sasuke is an introvert. He likes staying at home with his fanily whenever he's in the village. However, he feels uneasy when he's left alone and both of his girls are away from home.
Sasuke: You're going?
Sarada: Yeah, Papa. I have to train today then tonight we'll travel for the mission.
Sasuke: Hn. Do you want me to watch your training?
Sarada: It's focused on taijutsu though.. So, I think Konohamaru-sensei will do just fine..
Sasuke: Are you sure?
Sarada: Yes, Papa.. Bye!
Sasuke: Sarada.
Sarada: Hm?
Sasuke: I— I want to see your taijutsu.
Sarada: Don't you trust Konohamaru-sensei?
Sasuke: I do!
Sarada: Papa?
Sasuke: Fine. Bye.
Sarada: /thinks/ Why does he look upset? Papa? Do you have any plans for today?
Sasuke: *shakes his head*
Sarada: D-Do you want to come with me?
Sasuke: Yeah.
Sarada: /thinks/ Ah, why can't he just say it straight up??
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Sasuke: *lights up* Okay, wait for me here. I'll just bring some snacks.
Sarada: Sure.
Sasuke: Can we also drop by the hospital after?
Sarada: Why, you miss Mama? *teases*
Sasuke: *nervous* N-No. Maybe she wants to walk home together.
Sarada: Yeah, right. *chuckles* Anyway, you watching me train makes me excited somwhow. I'll show you my progress!
Sasuke: *smiles* Yeah.
Sakura: Anata, it's Ino's birthday today.. *kisses him* We'll have a girls night out.. Bye!
Sasuke: Sakura. *reaches for her arm*
Sakura: Hm?
Sasuke: Will it take long?
Sakura: Yeah.. We'll drink a bit.. *giggles*
Sasuke: Hn. Maybe I should come.
Sakura: Anata, it's GIRLS night out.. I'll be fine.
Sasuke: ...
Sakura: *realizes he hasn't let go of her arm* Anata?
Sasuke: Y-You need me there.
Sakura: I won't drink much, I promise.
Sasuke: ... *let's go of her finally*
Sakura: It's not that?
Sasuke: I— I mean— Sarada is not here.. And I'm also friends with Ino and Sai. In a way..
Sakura: *sighs* But— Okay, how about this.. I'll call Ino and ask for her permission first. It's up to her to decide. Sounds fair?
Sasuke: *nods*
Sakura: *dials Ino's number* Hello Ino? *asks if Sasuke can come with her*
Sasuke: *realizes Ino didn't agree from Sakura's reaction*
Sakura: Okay.. Bye! *hangs up*
Sasuke: You take care.
Sakura: I'm sorry, Anata.. Ino's just worried that the other girls would feel uncomfy with a guy around.
Sasuke: I understand.
Sakura: I'll try to come home early!
Sasuke: No, don't. Enjoy the party and drink a lot. It's fine if you take long. I'll just pick you up later.
Sakura: Okay.. I'll call you if we're almost done.. There's food in the fridge. You just need to microwave that if you feel hungry later.
Sasuke: *nods*
Sakura: Call me if you need anything!
Ino: Drink more, Sakura! Wooh!
Sakura: Yeah. Thanks!
Ino: *about to pour more wine* Hey, you haven't even finished your first glass!
Sakura: I'm drinking moderately tonight. *laughs it off*
Ino: Hey, I'm sorry.. It's about Sasuke-kun, right?
Sakura: N-No.. He actually told me to enjoy the party and drink to my heart's content.
Ino: Yeah but it's obvious that your mind is elsewhere.
Sakura: Hey, I'm enjoying the party, what are you saying? Don't mind me, birthday girl. *chuckles*
Ino: What if we invite him?
Sakura: Nooo! He's fine at home for sure..
Ino: Hmm. How did you know?
Sakura: Well..
Ino: You know what, let me ask the girls. If they agree, we'll invite Sasuke.
Sakura: Hey, really.. No need.
Ino: I can't take you sulking in the corner because you feel bad for your husband. *laughs* Give me a minute.
Ino: *calls Uchiha's landline*
Sasuke: *answers on the 1st ring* Hello Sakura? You guys are done?
Ino: Whoa, chill man! Ino here!
Sasuke: Oh.
Ino: Sasuke-kun, I'm inviting you to my birthday party. I've let the girls know and asked for their permission too.
Sasuke: No.. I'll just wait for it to finish..
Ino: I don't accept "no" as an answer!! And on my birthday, really?? Please come. I can't take seeing your wife pouting in the corner. *laughs* So see you! Get here as soon as you can! *hangs up*
Sakura: Thanks, Ino.. Thanks, ladies!
Temari: Ah, you should've asked earlier. Sasuke doesn't even talk, so he won't be troublesome. *laughs*
Hinata: Yeah, for sure he just wants to be with Sakura.
Tenten: Agreed. We can let the quiet men in. Not the likes of Lee or Lord Seventh. *laughs*
Hinata: Hey! *laughs*
Ino: It's funny how fast Sasuke-kun answered the phone. He's sitting beside it all night. *laughs* If Sai didn't have a mission, he'll enjoy his company.
Sakura: Yeah.. *smiles*
Sakura: Are you okay, Anata?
Sasuke: *smiling down at his drink* Yeah. Thanks, Sakura.
Sakura: You should thank Ino and the girls.. *giggles*
Sasuke: Yeah—
Ino: Hey, let's take a picture!
Naruto: Oi, Sasuke! I saw pictures from Ino's birthday.. How come you're there?
Shikamaru: I thought it was a girls night out?
Sasuke: It was.
Lee: Why were you there then?
Sasuke: I was invited—
Shikamaru: I was her teammate and almost have the same birthday as her and she didn't invite me?
Sasuke: I heard they only allow quiet men.
Naruto: What?!
Lee: What?!
Sasuke: I don't make the rules..
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