#stay slay goobers
wegworks · 11 months
Foxy and Bonnie hit the slay button (FNAF)
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"Arr, so much more spacious in here! I may stay a while." -Foxy the pirate fox
Decided to do a fun render of two goobers, bonnie and foxy chillin in the cove like they do in UCN.I wonder what they got planned, any ideas?
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prince-of-red-lions · 6 months
@kiwi-der-vogel-alt. YOU WERE MY FIRST EVER MUTUAL. i love your art so much it is so SHAPED and they are all so BLORBO!!!! you are a wonderful person and your so funny and i hope you had a good christmas. I LOVE THE GATOS YOU DRAW BTW-
@whyoneartheven. EVIE!! HI! you are a WONDERFUL PERSON. thank you so much for all the kindness you given me! you were also one of my first moots, and im glad i met you. i hope you had a good christmas! YOUR AMAZING 💖
@uniquevoidflowers UNIIII. HEBLO!!! i love your writing SO MUCH its SO GOOD. and your a sweet person as well, and your so nice. :) thanks for all the kind words you've given me! KEEP ON WRITING GIRLIE YOU SLAAY 💪💪
@turdofanerd WHATS UP TURDO. YOU SILLY CREATURE. we don't talk much but i KNOW your SUPER COOL. BECAUSE YOU ARE. thank you for your quiet but strong support on everything i've done! your a wonderful person!
@akchimp75 AKKKK. HI! ak your so silly. soooo silly /pos. you have a fiery spirit and your a joy to talk to! thank you for being SO COOL. its always fun to see you on my dash! STAY AWESOME AK 💖💖💖🔥🔥
@margindoodles2407. MARGIN! we may not talk much, but im still glad were mutuals. I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH! your just a wonderful person and your FUNNY!!! thank you for all the support, margin, and MERRY CHRISTMASSS
@vio-starzz HEY MOSS! we don't talk a whole lot either, and we're new mutuals, but that doesn't make you ANY LESS AMAZING. your art is SO CUTE and you have a FANTASTIC personality. KEEP IT UP IM PROUD 💖💖
@taddy-cat OMG TADDY. HI. your are just. SO COOL. when you first started messaging me i had no idea what to do, but now im SO GRATEFUL FOR IT. your always there and someone to chat with. you have such COOL art ideas and CUTE ART AS WELL and your work stories are HILARIOUS. thank you for always being there and getting me to socialize more. YOUR TRULY WONDERFUL AND YOUR ART IS BEAUTIFUL 💖💖💖
@ladye-zelda another mutual i dont talk much with 😔BUT YOUR SO AWESOME. ladye, your art is amazing and i hope you had an AWESOME CHRISTMAS. keep it up because you SLAY EVERYDAY 💖
@hiimgin. OMG AMOUR. YOOO WHATS UP. amour your such a sweet and genuine person. your art is so SHAPED and COOL and COLORFUL. you are so FUN TO TALK WITH!!! you truly are a kind person and i thank you for everything nice you've said to me. you make me feel SO SPECIAL <3
@almost-an-artist L.B. YOU. HI. your art is so WONDERFUL. its so CUTE AND ADORABLE AND I LOVE IT. and YOU are wonderful too! you are a pleasure to talk to and i hope you stay sweet forever! thank you for all the art you've given me and know that I LOVE YOU!!! (/p). don't ever change you AMAZING PERSON 💖💖💖💖 @killuagobrrrrr HELLO! we may not have interacted much, but your HILARIOUS. thank you for all the fun convo's we've had! merry christmas!
OKAY, I THINK THATS EVERYONE! :D MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL. your all WONDERFUL people and you've all made me feel so special and so loved and you guys deserve the world. seriously. thank you for everything, and i hope you all understand how much i appreciate each and every one of you. the talents you all possess are AMAZING, don't ever give them up. times will get tough but keep moving! im always supporting and cheering you folks on, so DON'T GIVE UP! 💖💖💖💖💖 please remember to talk care of ya'lls selfs, otherwise i will come over and smack you myself. <3
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starlightsuncrow · 1 month
Heyyy :3 can I hear about how Crow and Momo met each other for the first time in each version? I know you mentioned in Starfall at least that there should've been a rivalry between them, but how exactly does that go? And at what point in GW2 do they meet? (Am also curious to hear more about the Starfall Guild if you'd like to talk on that as well!) - @magitechbatt
Oh this will be so fun to explain!!! I'll start with the meetings and if i got space, the guild ! If not, i'll make a post <3 In Gw2 Crow stayed under Dragora's wing for a long time, but in s2, right after the meeting in the grove and its disastrous ending, Dragora urged Crow to join the commander and the others, since he couldn't. Thing is... Crow is very quiet in general. So you got this weird sylvari who barely talks and has a piercing gaze following you around because a firstborn told you they would be helpful. Okkk. Caoimhe wasn't impressed, but hey, any help is appreciated. At least he was extremely cuuuurious in understanding them though!
Crow who doesn't care about titles and actually despises them , which didn't help in this case, it's less about Momo as a person and more because...of the role? and Caoimhe who doesn't quite know...how to approach warmly this guy. Very formal for a long time! Until HoT starts and that's where formality was thrown into the wind. Working together closely and for survival truly does wonders to relationships. It's not as serious as I make it out though. They trip on each other because social stuff is neither strong suit.
As for Starfall! The meeting is funnier. Crow was scraping for money ( he's wanted by the Guild and so hunted constantly. I mean it) and went for bounties in small areas where the help is highly needed but less "seen". Momo was staying in the same area, driven by his purpose, meaning slaying anything that was a danger to a magic imbalance. So uh... Crow was looking at the bounties on a wall and uh.. Momo kiiinda was asking him to move, putting a hand on their shoulder but uh. Crow reacted and punched immediately. Startled them. Not a great impression. Crow decided to work together with him because it's safer and as a ...favor? apology? for that. It was supposed to be just for one big bounty. They kept going. First it was for safety, then to test each other, became a sort of amicable rivalry in who was gonna deliver the final blows and such, friendly competition. As for last...well, the company was nice wasn't it? Crow doesn't know yet he's a fae and Momo frankly didn't care in telling anything, because he thought it was gonna be a fleeting moment with a person. Too bad Momo <3. The rivalry was in part due to the dryad/fae thing, it isn't easy to surpass this eternal hate the two have, but ...neither Crow or Momo are quite normal for their own race standards. The other part is because they are goobers. Both isolated and tripping over social cues and stuff, they bonded over spars and fights and moments of reprise until it got harder to imagine going back to be alone ( It happens in Starfall for a while sadly <3)
They're enemies by race, rivals and friends by progression and then something more i dont have the right label for it and neither do they ahah. There's always that sort of friction with them but they make it work! As for the Guild... that's all me ! It's a place, a bit isolated from the big city, where the mages get "reformed" into mage hunters. Starfall is a world where magic in the big towns and stuff is considered scary and kind of forbidden. So if people got caught or seeing a child with magic? Guild time. In Northward ( city) a mage child has to go to the Guild. Mandatory. In the public's eye it's just normal! Nothing bad happens to them after all. ( wrong). There's a lot of propaganda and brainwash. The Guild is formed by recruits, hunters, teachers, professionists, a leader and its right hand. Plus other mansions that don't need soldiers like librarians and such. Recruits go through a period of training and learning, slowly forgetting the outside and learning rules and what's needed to survive. Passing the test, which gives you a lovely magic brand ( tracker), you are now bound to the Guild, going out needs permission and the brand acts as a leash. Fun, i know. Hunters then go through actual training, where they can slowly decide what profession they wanna be: Spellbreaker, Assassin and Reflector. Each of them is to stop a mage to cast and be captured/killed ( the black gradients on the body is a tattoo that indicates how many tasks you completed. It's painful. It's a stain) In picking one or more, you get your own mentor. Not many can pick 2 or even 3, it's a lot of work and dedication ( or high ranks want you to shine). The more you prove you're a good asset , the more you're sponsored? That's how Crow ends up with two professions and a lot of people who wanted to see him rising up in the high ranks. This is where they form teams too, after seeing how the hunters work together in the trials and missions. It's where teams solidify , due to mentors being friends too or smth. (In my case... Crow and Swan were a team, no i've never shown Swan here aaaa) High ranks are mentors usually, people who can go in the fields but usually are the trainers and the ones with power to discuss and decide with the Leader. One of them is also the right hand. Hunters usually ...die in the fields. Not many had the chance to retire and work in the Guild, even less Hunters who were able to retire out of it ( these...usually are killed from the Guild itself to protect secrets ) It's a bleak prospect for a future but the brainwash is so powerful they don't quite realize or fight against it, and when it's too late...well... you know. Mentors don't treat you bad per se, but... it's all to create soldiers and weapons after all, there's affection or care but rarely it goes beyond that. You're numbers to them unless you're ,again, sponsored and quite loved in the Guild due to status etc... Let's not add the fact Crow got the worst mentor ever , that added even more fucked up things to the training and we're good /jk. There's some snippets still but they're related to Crow mostly. Like...you have no contact with the outside even if your family is alive. Yeah, it's a secret, yeah Crow found it, no the reaction to know it wasn't pretty and it was one of the small sparks that made him fight back. In Fallen Au... Crow becomes the leader of it and it's 10x more fucked up. I think this is the gist of it! Sorry about the length! And thank you so much for asking!! The Guild is my personal playground >:)
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Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening
Summary: A younger Roman trying to fight the sky with a wooden sword to protect his fellow frightened sides. 
Tag list: @fancifulfox @dudlebuggs @amydiddle @thisimmortalnerd @lackingroman @smutty-sanders-sins @ssides @gloomy-goober
They had been warned about the storm that was due to drench the entirety of the city in rain, but had ignored it. It was sunny now, why wait inside for the weather to change when they could go and enjoy it while they could? So, donning armor and swords made from cardboard and paint, the four of them ran out into the yard.
Well, Roman and Patton ran out into the yard. Roman held his wooden sword high, proclaiming that there was a dragon terrorizing a nearby village and they had to save them before it was burned to the ground. Patton, giggling, followed suit. He was a knight, wearing blue armor over his shirt and a sword tucked into a belt.
Logan was busy reading. It was truly a fascinating book, but none of the others were interested when he tried to explain what it was about. He sat down on the step, out of the sun, and continued to immerse himself in the environment the book provided.
Virgil stood on the porch, hands in his pockets. He hadn’t wanted to go outside, perfectly content curled up on his bed with his iPod, but had been dragged outside anyway. Roman had presented him with a hastily made dragon mask and wings, which he had refused to put on out of embarrassment. They;d have to find and slay something else.
“Come, my knight in shining armor!” Roman proclaimed proudly, standing on top of a rock with his sword held to the sky, “there’s a town in peril, we must go and save them, for we are heroes!” The young boy smiled, showing the gap where he had lost a tooth a few days ago. Patton eagerly agreed.
“What a cutting remark! Get it? Cutting? Because you have a sword?”
Roman rolled his eyes before taking off down the hill at full speed.
“Come on! We have to go slay a dragon!” Patton grabbed hold of both Virgil and Logan, dragging them along.
Behind the house was a thick wooded area, where they would often go and play. Hide and seek was a favorite game of theirs, and sometimes, Roman would insist that the forest went on forever, and would lead them to a magical, make believe land like in the fairy tales. Marching along, he made it clear that was exactly where they were going, it was the most likely place a real dragon would call home, after all.
No one seemed to notice the darkening skies over head until rain began to fall. Small drops, at first. Logan raised a hand, feeling the rain upon it, and complained that his book would get all wet and then he’d have nothing stimulating to read.
Roman assured him that it would be just fine if he just tucked it into his jacket- they were too close to turn back now.
And then, a flash. It lit up the entire sky and felt uncomfortably close. Next came the loud, almost unbearable thunder that shook the ground, caused Logan to drop his book, and made Patton cover his ears. Once it was over, the four of them huddled close together.
“I want to go home,” Patton whispered tearfully, gripping the back of Logan’s shirt. Virgil nodded quickly, staying very close to Roman, whose sword was still drawn. They linked arms and started back the way they came, walking briskly, when another flash lit up the sky.
And then the thunder.
Counting the seconds between each rumble, Logan guessed that the storm was getting closer- and soon it would be directly overhead.
“Do not fear, I will protect you!” Roman announced, pointing his sword towards the sky.
“…from a storm? With a sword made of wood?” Virgil looked skeptical.
“Quiet, you! The Gods know not to mess with Prince Roman!” He waved the little sword about frantically, keeping the other three behind him as they backed carefully through the forest.
Another flash, another rumble, it was almost as if the sky was falling. Terror filled their hearts, but still they stood tall, until they were back on the safety of the porch, drenched with rain.
Roman would not shut up about how the time he saved them all from certain destruction for the next week.
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