#stellaRUN hunters
valeriasdream · 25 days
Stellaron Hunters
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One of the Stellaron Hunters, she works closely with Blade and even gave him the nickname "Bladie". She has an ability that helps calm the mara when it starts to take over his mind, so when I'm not with him she's the other person who is able to calm him down. Overall she's a bit demure, coy, kind of mysterious... Honestly I don't know much about Kafka but we get along in my DR. She's also a lesbian. Her MBTI is ENTJ.
Silver Wolf
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Again, she works with Blade as one of the Stellaron Hunters. They have a cute dynamic, because she's quite young and she loves video games, so he will often ask me about games that SW talks about or slang she uses that he doesn't understand. She uses a TON of slang oml, it's so funny because Blade does not understand any of it. We get along well too, we mostly talk about video games. Her MBTI is ENTP.
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The third Stellaron Hunter, he's actually a robot... I don't know much about Sam, other than he is pretty serious. MBTI is unknown.
Elio (No pic of him, sorry! He hasn't been revealed yet~)
The mysterious "leader" of the Stellarun Hunters. He has these "scripts" for each other the members of the Hunters that basically lays out their destined path and when Blade met me again, it was revealed that I'm actually in Blade's "script" as part of his destined path, along with Dan Heng. (I'm NOT one of the three who "must pay the price" that Blade talks about if you play the game! But I am in his script.) But I don't know Elio or know anything about him beyond that.
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chronicas · 4 years
A lot of people followed me for Salem and he is one of my favorites in the Main 14 so I’m gonna infodump about him a little bit.
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Here’s my first real drawing of him! I came up with Salem while listening to Touch Tone Telephone, because the shit slaps and I wanted to run a Monster of the Week campaign. For the campaign I needed a character that would aid the players in solving the mysteries and bringing all their characters together. The first two characters I made for the campaign were Salem and Danial Cedarwood (who was inspired by Stan Pines and Ned Chicane) Originally, Salem was a Terran radio host and monster hunter. He was supposed to have a contract with the Greater Forest Spirit, Astacagoth (Mothman) that would lend him some of the spirit’s strength. So in the beginning he was just a regular human man who had a contract with a forest spirit. There was also another unnamed NPC who had the same setup as Salem but with Bigfoot, he was scrapped in the end but was still neat.
At the time I had just started listening to TAZ Amnesty and hadn’t met Indrid yet, when I did meet Indrid and Griffin discribed him having the iconic red tinted sunglasses I thought “hm maybe it would be more fun if Salem was literally just Mothman” It was something I had already considered but I wanted to make sure Salem wasn’t like Indrid. I turned away from Salem’s original more mysterious personality and decided to make him incredibly cocky with a very good heart. He became the guy who always put himself between his friends and danger and also was just an absolute himbo.
Salem’s backstory was about Astacagoth, a tired spirit who couldn’t be killed, being hunted by monster hunters who saw him as a threat. After being slain many times, he desired to move on instead of being resurrected over and over again. Helaphiel was an angel and a friend of Astacagoth’s, he asked her to help him move on. Since spirits exist as something between the realm of the living and the dead, they can’t really die. So to allow him to die, the energy in his soul, his essence basically, needed to be repurposed. One night, 13 year old Salem Graves was exploring the woods during one of Astacagoth and Helaphiel’s meetings. Helaphiel agreed to take a portion of Astacagoth’s soul and give it to Salem. So Astacagoth became a mortal soul and moved on while Salem was basically upgraded from mortal to Greater Forest Spirit. Becoming Mothman.
When I started to flesh out his backstory I remembered one of my abandoned characters, Rian. Rian has been at least 3 different characters. Her name, appearance, and personality stay the same every time, but her story changes. I decided to finalize her as Salem’s younger sister. With this new family dynamic I created the two’s backstory. The two were orphaned when Salem was 10 and Rian was only 3. Rian and Salem were half siblings, sharing the same father, they were both raised by Salem’s mother and their father, Rian never knowing her biological mother. Originally, the two shared a mother because Rian’s father was Satan. However I thought it might be fun to put a twist on antichrist by making her the opposite of Christ. You have the Son of God, God being the Father, and the Daughter of Satan, Satan being the Mother.
With Rian as the antichrist I was able to more properly tie in Helaphiel to the story. Rian is one of many antichrists, one of Helaphiel’s sacred duties was to keep an eye on these children and keep them isolated from the devil, postponing the apocalypse. Angels and Forest Spirits tend to get along, so originally the only reason Helaphiel had anything to do with the Graves Siblings was that they happened to live in Astacagoth’s territory, but with Rian in the mix it became a bit flipped. Helaphiel was there for Rian and she would happen to run into Astacagoth from time to time. After Salem became the new Mothman, Helaphiel decided to adopt them because she felt guilty for what she did to Salem. Her original thought was that by making Salem a powerful spirit, he could protect his sister from the demons that would inevitably come to influence her, totally did not consider that she would be turning a 13 yo child into a big scary monster.
Helaphiel is also a member of the High Magic Council of Genesis, at this point in the timeline, Agael Stellarune is the Emissary of the Goddesses of Magic and head of the Council. My girl Lumaria has not been born yet. Salem has no connection to the Council yet.
Fast forward 5 years after Salem’s incident, Salem is 18, Rian is 11. At this point Salem has just graduated High School and Helaphiel leaves Salem alone to take care of Rian so she can return to her job at the Council full time. Salem starts working for the local paper after his online blog starts to grow in popularity. He basically writes stories about the strange happenings in his hometown, of which there are many. He uses this as a way to get information from people so he can better do his job as a Forest Spirit. (Which is to protect his territory and everyone who lives on it)
At this point the war with the Izebellian Empire has begun, Izebel herself is only 8, but by the time she was 5 she was a worthy vessel of Circe’s curse. Ageal forms the New Genesis Alliance as a response.
Three years later, Ageal is murdered by the knight September. Despite the Council assuring her that she doesn’t need to take the position because she’s literally only 10, Lumaria Stellarune takes her mother’s place as Emissary due to her already strong connection to Ashtia and Arcadia.
Under Lumaria’s lead (with Helaphiel, Xoul, and Madam Veronica acting as her closest advisors) Salem begins working closely with the Council as a Terran operative. In this same time, the Vandals move to West Virginia to help with the increase of spiritual activity near Point Pleasant. One night, Qwynn and Anastasiya Vandal encounter Salem and lesser forest spirit, Vistrag, while Salem is in his true form. Qwynn, eager to prove herself as an amateur monster hunter to her parents, makes a familiar contract with Vistrag.
Which is super helpful to Salem when the Vandals move to Valewood, Colorado. /s
After having to move out of his designated territory (something a greater forest spirit hasn’t ever really done before) along with 50+ lesser forest spirits just so one (1) idiot teenager can keep her familiar, Salem moves into the adjacent town, Aderdeen, and starts working at the radio station. There he continues his same gig that he had as a journalist except now he’s a radio show host. Him and a group of college students (of which includes local cryptid enthusiast, Susan Monroe) create a show called The Valewood Night Watch. The actual Valewood Nightwatch consists of Salem, Rian, and local (normal) hunter and bastard Danial Cedarwood who finds out Salem’s secret while hunting one night and decides to help protect his town.
Then my MotW campaign starts. The campaign kicks off with the death of Jack Harper, who was out hiking at night with his best friend Jessica North. The next day Jessica calls the Valewood Night Watch and reports that the thing that killed her friend was some kind of large creature with black leathery wings and tall deer antlers. This will be the hook that will bring together a group of unlikely heroes that will eventually start a forest fire, fail to save the local weatherman from Zombie Jack Harper, get a local sheriff abducted by the Men in Black, and other dumb shit that I love them for.
I don’t know how the campaign will end, but nothing will happen that will drastically change the canon timeline. Everything else is spoilers for the start of Unorthodox ;)
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