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What is the age of groundwater venting at submerged karst sinkholes?
Dear AGU,  
Mysteries abound regarding ground water composition, inventories and fluxes. This is particularly true for the age of ground water venting from submarine and sublacustrine vents such as the submerged karst sinkholes in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Currently, we have no idea if the groundwater venting out of nearshore and offshore sinkholes in Lake Huron is days, years, centuries, or even many millennia old – even though this know-how is key to understanding aquifer recharge and turnover, assessing its contribution to lake levels and the potential for groundwater contamination and its transfer to the lake’s interior.
            Here onboard NOAA’s R/V Storm, divers have just brought up groundwater samples in airtight Van Dorn bottles from the bottom of Middle Island Sinkhole (~23 m depth). Working underneath the shade of an umbrella, research technician Tony Weinke and graduate student Cecilia Howard are carefully draining the groundwater samples into copper collection tubes that will be sealed without bubbles and exposure to atmosphere for sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) measurements. Since anthropogenic SF6 arose about 70 years ago, its presence or absence in venting groundwater will inform us if it is relatively young or quite old, respectively.   
— Bopi Biddanda and Tony Weinke, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State University (https://www.gvsu.edu/wri/); Cecilia Howard and Diana Velazquez, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan (https://lsa.umich.edu/earth); and Steve Ruberg, NOAA-Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (https://www.glerl.noaa.gov/), Michigan.
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Doctoral Seminar Image
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  16/12/2021 from 13h00 - 17h00
Online - reservation and information: [email protected]
After reservation, a link to the seminar will be send the day before the seminar. 
 This seminar focuses on the new (post)doctoral projects that have been initiated within the Research Unit Image. 
 13h00 - 13u10: Introduction
13h10 - 13h20: Can Boyan
13h20 - 13h30: Charlotte Dorn
13h30 - 13h40: Ciel Grommen
13h40 - 13h50: Fiona Hallinan
13h50 - 14h00: Dragana Radanović
 14h10 - 14h20: Jay Mar Albaos
14h20 - 14h30: Stijn Van Dorpe
14h30 - 14h40: Pablo Calderon
14h40 - 14h50: Roel Kerkhofs
14h50 - 15h00: Ans Mertens
 15h10 - 15h20: Kaat Celis
15h20 - 15h30: Lore Smolders
15h30 - 15h40: Veronika Romhany
15h40 - 15h50: Nairy Eivazy
15h50 - 16h00: Vincent Thornhill
 16h10 - 16h20: Mostafa Youssef
16h20 - 16h30: Yingda Dong
16h30 - 17h00: Gabri Molist in conversation with Steve Michiels
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genewolf · 3 years
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about when the 23rd version of the Air Jordan can go on sale.. Twice she could not even find her own room in the cellar and had to sleep on the floor at the base of the steps. Please put yourself in their shoes. Same thing can happen with bicycles. The downtown route takes you through the beautiful town of Sellwood and papuci de casa din pasla along the Portland you can ride across two bridges that are for pedestrians and bikes only! (We provide 4 bikes at request).We are about 6 minutes from Sellwood area featuring antique shops, amazing restaurants, a beautiful waterfront area including the historical "Oaks Amusement Park and Skating Rink" built in the early 1900's! Mt.
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arsmusica · 5 years
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Jazz - Groove
Mitwirkende: Natalie Elwood
Mathias Engl
Roger Jannotta
Thorsten Klentze
Paul Tietze
Thomas Elwenspoek
Datum: Fr, 31.01.2020, 20:00 Uhr
Ende: 22:00 Uhr
Eintritt: VVK € 17,- / erm. € 14,- *** AK € 18,- / € 15,-
Das, von Roger Jannotta und Thorsten Klentze initiierte Ensemble folgt nicht den gewohnten Klischees: “Band begleitet Sängerin“. - Vielmehr finden sich hier 6 gleichberechtigte Partner, die es verstehen, mit einschmeichelnden Melodien zu verzaubern, aber auch solistisch gerne mal verrückte Dinge ausprobieren. So entstehen vielschichtige Klangbilder über den
Kompositionen der beiden Bandleader.
Der US Amerikaner Roger Jannotta arbeitete in seiner langjährigen Karriere mit Carla Bley, Michael Mantler, Steve Swallow, Tom van der Geld zusammen. Als Theatermusiker komponierte er viele Jahre für die Münchner Kammerspiele unter Dieter Dorn. Seit 2007 leitet er das „Passau Jazz Orchester“. Er arrangierte für die Bigband des Hessischen Rundfunks und die Münchner Bigband „Blechschaden“.
Der aus Hamburg stammende Gitarrist Thorsten Klentze kooperierte mit der Saxophon-Legende Charlie Mariano und dem Vibraphonisten David Friedman. Seine ausgefallenen Formationen sind das Fenster für seine kompositorischen Arbeiten und die Quelle seiner Inspiration. Zahlreiche Konzerte und 12 CDs dokumentieren seinen kompositorischen Weg.
Natalie Elwood ist ein “Rising Star“ der europäischen Jazz-Szene. Ihre klangvolle Stimme setzt sie auch instrumental ein und hinterlässt dabei unvergessliche Gefühlsspuren in ihren zauberhaften Improvisationen. Neben ihren eigenen Projekten ist sie eine gefragte Stimme der Münchner Szene. 2018 war sie Teil von Bobby Mc Ferrins 12-köpfigen Vocalensemble in der Münchner Philharmonie.
Mathias Engls kristallklares, geschmeidiges Flügelhorn und seine packend swingende Trompete sind seit vielen Jahren ein unverkennbares Element in der Münchner Szene. Er spielte 11 Jahre mit dem Harald Rüschenbaum Jazz Orchstra und als Solist in den Bigbands von Dusko Gojkovic und Al Porcino.
Energiegeladen, mitreißend grooved der Bass von Paul Tietze - mit traumwandlerischer Leichtigkeit und Spielwitz gibt er der Musik die Erdung. Paul Tietze arbeitete als Theatermusiker an der Münchner Staatsoper und war mit Ecco DiLorenzo, Claudio Roditi, Julio Barbossa auf Tournee. Er ist auch auf Alben von Lisa Fitz und der Spider Murphy Gang zu hören.
Das mit großem emotionalen Ausdruck gestaltete polyrhythmische Spiel Thomas Elwenspoeks ist ein weiteres prägnantes Merkmal
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technouk · 5 years
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Fashion Meets Music: Eastern European Summer Festivals With Best Streetstyle This summer marks the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, an event that has changed cultural landscape. Over thirty musical acts performed for nearly half a million people whose style turned flower power into a major fashion moment. Contemporary music festivals like Coachella or Rock in Rio owe their massive popularity and social relevance (Beychella!) to the post-Woodstock influences. Music festivals have played an important part in cultural diplomacy, particularly in the decades after the Cold War. Sopot Festival in Poland and Golden Orpheus in Bulgaria were two major music events of the socialist era. Throughout the 1970’s and ‘80s musicians behind the Iron Curtain cherished limited opportunities to play with their Western peers while style-hungry festival goers flocked to the Baltic and Black Sea coasts, respectively, for the latest in Eastern European fashion. Among the occasional “western” headliners were Tina Turner, Boy George, Whitney Houston, Elton John and other iconic stars. Nowadays, thousands of people travel to Eastern Europe for a range of music festivals famous in equal measure both for its guest lineups and amazing streetstyle. The Summer of Love Fashion at Coachella Music Festival Getty Here is the list of top destination festivals in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Hungary, and Croatia for those looking to travel with a purpose: enjoy top musical acts, flaunt and/or observe latest fashion trends, and discover cultures still unaffected by mass tourism. Streetstyle at Open'er 2018 Roza Smolka Open’er Festival in Gdynia, Poland One of the biggest cultural events in Poland takes over the Gdynia-Kosakowo Airport for four days of music and culture. It runs separate dedicated spaces for several genres, including techno. This July the main stage will feature such style icons as Lana del Rey, Travis Scott, Robyn, and the rising Spanish star Rosalia. You can also visit nearby Sopot to see the quiet seaside resort where Eastern European music revolution began. Follow Open’er on Instagram and mark the dates: July 3-6, 2019. Atlas Weekend in Kyiv, Ukraine Atlas Weekend in Kiev, Ukraine Ilya Kolotiy Last year Atlas Weekend broke regional attendance records with 527k visitors. This year promises to one-up its own status with the help of Black Eyed Peas, Liam Gallagher, Télépopmusik and such vastly different acts as the Russian hipster sensation Monetochka and the Israeli Eurovision diva Netta. Fashion has been a progressive part of Ukraine’s nation branding in recent years, so Atlas-goers are bound to be rocking the most style-forward looks. Among the many reasons to book a trip to Kiev is the chance to experience Ukrainian culture at the beginning of “the Ze Era” following a shockingly successful Presidential run by a stand-up comedian Volodymyr Zelensky earlier this year. From political kitsch to top 40 hits, this just might be the festival destination of the summer! Follow Atlas Weekend on Instagram and mark the dates: July 9-14, 2019. Ultra Europe in Split, Croatia Ultra Music Europe Festival in Split, Croatia. Zvonimir Barisin / CROPIX Lovers of EDM (electronic dance music) have raved about this stretch of the magnificent Adriatic coastline in the Balkans for years. It’s no surprise! Who is who of the genre power up the DJ booths night after night: David Guetta, Steve Aoki, Armin van Buuren and others. When it comes to the insta-aesthetic of the dance marathon outfits, here fetish gear meets cosplay meets wildest pool party outside of the North American spring break circuit. Follow Ultra Europe on Instagram and mark the dates: July 12-14, 2019. Afisha Picnic in Moscow, Russia Afisha Picnic in Moscow, Russia Courtesy of Afisha Picnic This fest takes place just outside Moscow city limits in Kolomenskoe, a summer playground of the Russian Tsars. Popularity of hip-hop has been steadily rising in the country. This year Pusha-T will share headliner duties with Basta (Russia’s “Jay-Z” with his own label Gazgolder). The impact of the largest fashion week in Eastern Europe is evident at the exclusive “trends islands” onsite, catering to music loving fashionistas. Follow Afisha Picnic on Instagram and mark the date: August 3, 2019. Sziget Festival in Budapest, Hungary Sziget Festival in Budapest, Hungary Courtesy of Sziget Festival Production budget of almost $35 million make this week-long fest one of the most massive in Europe. For this edition Foo Fighters, Ed Sheeran and Post Malone headline the Island of Freedom on the Danube. Ukrainian pop idol Ivan Dorn and youtuber Alyona Alyona (she also performs at Atlas Weekend) provide neighborly support and unorthodox meme-worthy streetstyle! Some see Sziget as escapism from toxic domestic politics. Follow Sziget on Instagram and mark the dates: August 7-13, 2019. " readability="82.144605809129"> This summer marks the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, an event that has changed cultural landscape. Over thirty musical acts performed for nearly half a million people whose style turned flower power into a major fashion moment. Contemporary music festivals like Coachella or Rock in Rio owe their massive popularity and social relevance (Beychella!) to the post-Woodstock influences. Music festivals have played an important part in cultural diplomacy, particularly in the decades after the Cold War. Sopot Festival in Poland and Golden Orpheus in Bulgaria were two major music events of the socialist era. Throughout the 1970’s and ‘80s musicians behind the Iron Curtain cherished limited opportunities to play with their Western peers while style-hungry festival goers flocked to the Baltic and Black Sea coasts, respectively, for the latest in Eastern European fashion. Among the occasional “western” headliners were Tina Turner, Boy George, Whitney Houston, Elton John and other iconic stars. Nowadays, thousands of people travel to Eastern Europe for a range of music festivals famous in equal measure both for its guest lineups and amazing streetstyle. Here is the list of top destination festivals in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Hungary, and Croatia for those looking to travel with a purpose: enjoy top musical acts, flaunt and/or observe latest fashion trends, and discover cultures still unaffected by mass tourism. Open’er Festival in Gdynia, Poland One of the biggest cultural events in Poland takes over the Gdynia-Kosakowo Airport for four days of music and culture. It runs separate dedicated spaces for several genres, including techno. This July the main stage will feature such style icons as Lana del Rey, Travis Scott, Robyn, and the rising Spanish star Rosalia. You can also visit nearby Sopot to see the quiet seaside resort where Eastern European music revolution began. Follow Open’er on Instagram and mark the dates: July 3-6, 2019. Atlas Weekend in Kyiv, Ukraine Last year Atlas Weekend broke regional attendance records with 527k visitors. This year promises to one-up its own status with the help of Black Eyed Peas, Liam Gallagher, Télépopmusik and such vastly different acts as the Russian hipster sensation Monetochka and the Israeli Eurovision diva Netta. Fashion has been a progressive part of Ukraine’s nation branding in recent years, so Atlas-goers are bound to be rocking the most style-forward looks. Among the many reasons to book a trip to Kiev is the chance to experience Ukrainian culture at the beginning of “the Ze Era” following a shockingly successful Presidential run by a stand-up comedian Volodymyr Zelensky earlier this year. From political kitsch to top 40 hits, this just might be the festival destination of the summer! Follow Atlas Weekend on Instagram and mark the dates: July 9-14, 2019. Ultra Europe in Split, Croatia Lovers of EDM (electronic dance music) have raved about this stretch of the magnificent Adriatic coastline in the Balkans for years. It’s no surprise! Who is who of the genre power up the DJ booths night after night: David Guetta, Steve Aoki, Armin van Buuren and others. When it comes to the insta-aesthetic of the dance marathon outfits, here fetish gear meets cosplay meets wildest pool party outside of the North American spring break circuit. Follow Ultra Europe on Instagram and mark the dates: July 12-14, 2019. Afisha Picnic in Moscow, Russia This fest takes place just outside Moscow city limits in Kolomenskoe, a summer playground of the Russian Tsars. Popularity of hip-hop has been steadily rising in the country. This year Pusha-T will share headliner duties with Basta (Russia’s “Jay-Z” with his own label Gazgolder). The impact of the largest fashion week in Eastern Europe is evident at the exclusive “trends islands” onsite, catering to music loving fashionistas. Follow Afisha Picnic on Instagram and mark the date: August 3, 2019. Sziget Festival in Budapest, Hungary Production budget of almost $35 million make this week-long fest one of the most massive in Europe. For this edition Foo Fighters, Ed Sheeran and Post Malone headline the Island of Freedom on the Danube. Ukrainian pop idol Ivan Dorn and youtuber Alyona Alyona (she also performs at Atlas Weekend) provide neighborly support and unorthodox meme-worthy streetstyle! Some see Sziget as escapism from toxic domestic politics. Follow Sziget on Instagram and mark the dates: August 7-13, 2019. Read More
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allanjfoto · 6 years
RED Gemini vs Monstro vs Helium side by side Test from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.
Here is a test done to demonstrate various aspects of the three sensors side by side.
Take a peek and feel free to DOWNLOAD the file. I HIGHLY recommend you evaluate this test on a 4K monitor and a PC - not on a smartphone screen for obvious reasons.
Editor Cleigh Reed
Producers Vincent Laforet Andrew Gombert DC Chavez Mike Flores Blake Steigerwald
Talent (in order of appearance)
Gemini & Iceland Eliana Laforet Noah Laforet Bruce Dorn Eric Soderquist
LA Test Shoot: Neo Melanthiou Fiorella Occhipinti Casey Dee
Special Thanks:
RED Jarred Land Brent Carter Chris Ragsdale Graeme Nattress Red Store Hollywood (who are the peeps I’m forgetting?) Matthew Eidenbock Marco Sandoval & Jim Jannard
BB& S Lighting Toby Sali Peter Plenser
Canon CPS Frank Freni Steve Losi
CoreSWX Caitlin Stroke Zachary Shanon
G-Technology Matt Bennion Greg Crosby My Phung Leelianna Fazeli
Really Right Stuff Joe Johnston Sr. Joe Jonston Jr.
Tiffen Steve Tiffen Andy Tiffen Vitec / Sachtler Tobias Keuthen Susan Lewis Elaine Pritchard Barbara Jaumann Jeffrey Plushko
Wine Country Camera & Blackstone ND Rod Clark
Zeiss Rich Schleuning Snehal Patel
Black Magic Paul Saccone Alexis Van Hurkman
Kessler Sliders Eric Kessler Chris Beller Michael Sutton
Sigma David Metz Rick Booth Aubrey Duclos Brian Linhoff
B&H Manny Steigman
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telferscotfc-blog · 7 years
Honours even as captains choose wisely
Greens  4   v   4  Reds (Van Doorslaer (2), Amerasekera, Madert (og))  (Madert (2), Maroussas (2))
Despite the snow that kept people away, the pitch was arguably more playable last week than today when the squad were presented with a playing surface which a Chinese peasant farmer would be proud to call a paddyfield, albeit one with an unusual amount of dog shit. Regardless, the teams maintained an admirable standard of football. Both teams seemed well organised and goals were quality finishes rather than unforced defensive errors.
Team selection was down to captains Steve Davis and Jonathan Dalling. This old school technique worked well creating a balanced game which could have gone either way.
Greens: Dalling (Cap), Amerasekera, Van Doorslaer, Nnadi Reds: Davis (Cap), Madert, Maroussas, Dorn, Stober (Rolling sub 2H)
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Original Courthouse during 1862 occupation. Notice Yankee tents and wagons
Starke Miller, a local historian who specializes in the Civil War, reintroduces a chapter of Oxford history that over time has “gone with the wind.” Steve Vassallo sat down with Miller to learn more about the Oxford Square during the time of the Civil War.
HottyToddy.com: Starke, is it true that Grant arrived here in December 1862 with 50,000 troops, or is this our imagination?
Starke Miller: Grant came to Oxford on December 4 and 5 with 50,000 men. Another 30,000 were stationed at College Hill.
HottyToddy.com: What was his objective?
Starke Miller: Grant thought he was going down the Mississippi Central Railroad to take Jackson, and then he was going to Vicksburg. He was going to use the railroad for his supply line.
HottyToddy.com: You once told me that if the railroad into Oxford had not been completed in 1859, the war would have never crossed our path in Lafayette County.
Starke Miller: The railroad brought overnight mail and same- or next-day newspapers. It cut travel time from days to hours. It even brought fresh oysters to Oxford. But it also brought the Yankees and all their destruction.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Earl Van Dorn somewhat threw a monkey wrench into Grant’s plans. How did this impact Oxford?
Starke Miller: Van Dorn raided Grant’s supply depot at Holly Springs. Grant realized he could never fully protect the rail line or his supplies behind him. He realized he had to go down the Mississippi River to get to Vicksburg. He knew the Confederates could not tear up or burn the river like they could the railroad.
HottyToddy.com: In 1863 more cavalry was passing through Oxford. Which army had control over the town at that time?
Starke Miller: A few thousand Union Cavalry passed through Oxford one day that summer on their way to wreck the railroad engines, cars, shops and the round house at Grenada. It probably took them at least three hours to pass through Oxford. They would have gone into most of the stores on the Square and bought, or stolen, whatever they wanted. There also would have been some harassment of citizens.
1864 Union sketch of the burning of Oxford. Yes, that is a Doctor’s office skeleton a Union Cavalryman had on his horse.
HottyToddy.com: Fast-forward to 1864. Union General A.J. “Whiskey” Smith was intent on burning the town and Ole Miss. Did he succeed?
General Andrew Jackson Smith
Starke Miller: Smith had burned Ripley one month before, and in the same manner, he burned Oxford. He was chasing Nathan Bedford Forrest both times. Forrest had left here two days before and had raided Memphis. Out of anger, I believe, Smith ordered the town of Oxford and the University of Mississippi burned.
HottyToddy.com: Some individuals believe Oxford was burned in retaliation for the destruction of Chambersburg, Penn. by Confederate troops. Is there any truth to this theory?
Starke Miller: That did happen just before the Yankees came to Oxford. There is a story that the Yankees in Oxford learned of that burning from a Southern newspaper they found in Oxford. But I have an account of a messenger riding up to A.J. Smith, as he sat on his horse on the north side of the Square, with the news Forrest had slipped around him to the West and that he had raided Memphis the night before. That is when Smith ordered the town and University burned. I believe it was purely anger. There was no military need for it.
HottyToddy.com: Who was Jacob Thompson, and why was his mansion significant to Oxford?
Starke Miller: Jacob Thompson was probably the wealthiest man in Oxford, with the largest, finest furnished house in town. He had been a member of President Buchanan’s cabinet before the war. He was a member of Jeff Davis’ government during the war. His fine mansion, with its furniture, nearly all imported from Europe, was burned by A.J. Smith the same day the town was burned in 1864.
HottyToddy.com: Was Thompson truly a Southern spy, or is this simply a fabrication orchestrated by abolitionists? 
Starke Miller: After the Union Dahlgren raid on Richmond, when it was discovered the Raiders had one of their objectives to kill Jefferson Davis, the Southern gloves came off. Southerners hatched a plan to kidnap Lincoln, and Jacob Thompson was sent to Canada with a large amount of gold to finance a number of Confederate schemes against the North.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was in and out of Oxford a lot. Why so?
Starke Miller: From January to August of 1864, Forrest used Oxford for his headquarters.
  HottyToddy.com: Describe the Oxford Square in 1861.
Starke Miller: Very similar to today in layout. Probably at least half the buildings were wood. The courthouse was a bit smaller. One very interesting thing I figured out, from the census, was that right at 40% of the business owners and clerks were foreign-born. In walking into the stores, you would have heard a lot of different accents.
August 1864 ~ The ruins of Oxford after Union General “Whiskey” Smith burned the town. The white columned building is Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Photo from Jack Case Wilson’s, “Faulkners, Fortunes and Flames”
HottyToddy.com: Did the Yankees declare martial law in Oxford? 
Starke Miller: Whenever the Yankees were in town overnight, they would impose a dusk-to-dawn curfew on the townspeople. They did not want pot shots taken at them in the dark and also just for their general security.
  HottyToddy.com: Looking to 1865, what transpired in postwar Oxford? Wasn’t a certain German immigrant a major player in rebuilding the Square?
Starke Miller: Hermann Wholleben was a 27-year-old blacksmith in Oxford before the war. He joined the 1st Mississippi Cavalry, and he participated in Earl Van Dorn’s raid on Holly Springs in 1862. Instead of grabbing a new saddle or a repeating rifle or a nice Yankee overcoat or simply getting drunk, he went to the paymaster’s office and grabbed a sheaf of uncut Yankee $20 bills. After the war, he bought about half the Square and was a very wealthy man. Faulkner used this story in one of his books. Will Lewis (owner of Neilson’s) and I believe it also.
Plaque on a building on the Square
HottyToddy.com: One individual, Alfred H. Kendal, who is buried in St. Peter’s, was an unsung hero for Oxford and Lafayette County at age 14. Few of us know who he is and why he is important.
Starke Miller: When the Courthouse was set on fire by Smith’s men in 1864, Alfred Kendal took a wagon up to the door, and he saved most of the marriage, probate and land records out of the courthouse. He was a brave young man.
Starke Miller, a Civil War historian and expert on the University Greys, conducts tours of Oxford, Ole Miss, and St. Peter’s Cemetery. 
Steve Vassallo is a HottyToddy.com contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at [email protected] or call him at 985-852-7745.
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss…
The post Top Stories of 2017: Historian Looks Back at Oxford During Civil War appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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foroelgrancapitan · 7 years
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La batalla de Franklin, Tennessee. Artista Steve Ford. La batalla de Franklin se libró el 30 de noviembre de 1864 en Franklin, Tennessee , como parte de la Campaña Franklin-Nashville de la Guerra Civil Estadounidense . Fue uno de los peores desastres de la guerra para el Ejército de los Estados Confederados . El teniente general confederado John Bell Hood del Ejército de Tennessee llevó a cabo numerosos ataques frontales contra posiciones fortificadas ocupadas por las fuerzas de la Unión bajo el mando del Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield y no pudo romper o evitar que Schofield se retirara ordenadamente. a Nashville . El asalto confederado de seis divisiones de infantería que contenían dieciocho brigadas con 100 regimientos que sumaban casi 20,000 hombres, a veces llamado " Carga de Pickett del Oeste", resultó en pérdidas devastadoras para los hombres y el liderazgo del Ejército de Tennessee: catorce generales confederados (seis asesinados, siete heridos y uno capturado) y 55 comandantes de regimiento fueron víctimas. Después de su derrota contra el mayor general George H. Thomas en la posterior Batalla de Nashville , el ejército de Tennessee se retiró con apenas la mitad de los hombres de los que había comenzado la ofensiva, y fue efectivamente destruido como una fuerza de combate por el resto de la guerra. La Batalla de Franklin de 1864 fue la segunda acción militar en esta zona; una batalla en 1863 fue una acción menor asociada con un reconocimiento en la fuerza por el líder de caballería confederado el Mayor General Earl Van Dorn el 10 de abril http://ift.tt/2Bh4dqr http://ift.tt/2BWRUTH
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flauntpage · 7 years
Four Mock Drafts for the Vegas Golden Knights
Protected lists! They are here! It's Christmas morning!
That is, it's like Christmas morning if you were a bad kid and your parents got you nothing but socks and sweaters to teach you a lesson. Yeah, you need socks and sweaters, but no matter how many packages you tear open, there will not be a Nintendo (or whatever the kids play these days).
Likewise, the NHL is giving fans a new team with the expansion draft this week, but when we finally open it up, it's not going to be what we wanted.
The (Not Las) Vegas Golden Knights have until Wednesday morning to submit their draft list, which must contain one player from each team in the league. The roster will be revealed that night during the NHL Awards show (and probably throughout the day in the form of leaks to the media). The 30-player team must have at least 14 forwards, nine defensemen, and three goalies, and it must also be salary-cap compliant.
In the spirit of fun content, I imagined four different expansion drafts for the Golden Knights, each using its own unique criteria: one team designed solely for tanking, one team for comedic purposes only, one win-now team, and one team that represents the best possible outcome for Vegas. (And thanks to TSN's draft simulator for making this easy.)
In the 1989 movie Major League, Rachel Phelps inherits the Cleveland Indians from her dead husband. Like any sane person, she does not want to live in Cleveland, so she puts together a roster she hopes is so bad that it will drive down attendance to the point she can enact a clause in the lease with the city that would allow her team to move to Florida.
This would be the Vegas equivalent of that team.
Forwards: Jared Boll, Zac Rinaldo, Brandon Bollig, Jordin Tootoo, Matt Hendricks, Shawn Thornton, Dustin Brown, Ryan White, Steve Ott, Cody McLeod, Luke Gazdic, Cal Clutterbuck, Chris Neil, Tom Sestito
Defensemen: Josh Jorges, Eric Gelinas, Jack Johnson, Dylan McIlrath, Kevin Klein, Andrew MacDonald, Brenden Dillon, Robert Bortuzzo, Jason Garrison
Goalies: Anders Lindback, Kari Lehtonen, Cam Ward
Utility: Luca Sbisa, Brooks Orpik, Mark Stuart, Garrett Sparks
Cap hit: $69,135,476 Players under contract for next season: 20
How many games does this team win? If I set the over/under at seven, you probably need to think about it for a while, don't you? Remember: the expansion Ottawa Senators won ten games, and that team was trying.
If we're sticking with the Major League theme here:
Zac Rinaldo is Ricky Vaughn. Rinaldo is probably better suited for some sort of penal league, and it's not hard to imagine his teammates referring to him as Vedge Head.
Just a bit outside. Photo by Greg M. Cooper-USA TODAY Sports
Brooks Orpik is Jake Taylor. Orpik should be in a league outside of the United States and his knees are shot.
Jack Johnson is Roger Dorn. There's something here with both players being concerned about making as much money as possible at this point in their careers.
Steve Ott retired, but I bet he could be enticed to play one more season centering a line with Luke Gazdic and Chris Neil.
Also in Major League, there's a scene where an Indians fan is looking over the roster and says, "Mitchell Friedman?" It's because no one has heard of those guys. If Vegas went strictly off that philosophy (I swear, this is the last Major League reference here, and this is only because it's been on HBO a lot lately), here's that team:
Forwards: Nicolas Kerdiles, Tyler Gaudet, Justin Kea, Turner Elson, Alex Broadhurst, Mark McNeil, Corban Knight, Andrew Crescenzi, Patrick Cannone, Chris Terry, Ben Thomson, Ben Holmstrom, Daniel Catenacci, Casey Bailey
Defensemen: Linus Arnesson, Tyler Wotherspoon, Dillon Simpson, Brad Hunt, Will O'Neill, David Warsofsky, Dan Kelly, Andrew Campbell, Andrey Pedan
Goalies: Daniel Altshuller, Mac Carruth, Edward Pasqualle
Utility: Mike Angelidis, Liam O'Brien, Ryan Olsen, Jordan Binnington
Cap hit: $18,529,918 Players under contract for next season: 22
When you're the biggest star on the team. Photo by Bruce Fedyck-USA TODAY Sports
As you might have surmised, this team is technically invalid because it falls way below the salary cap floor—but who cares? Mock expansion drafts should be enjoyable and picking these random names (Is Chris Terry the most recognizable name here?) was too much fun. They played a combined 60 NHL games last season!
And what if I told you some of the names on here aren't NHL players and are names I actually made up or grabbed from somewhere in pop culture?
Is Casey Bailey an Ottawa Senators center or a fringe character on Dawson's Creek?
Is Andrew Crescenzi a Los Angeles Kings center or Diane Lane's love interest in Under the Tuscan Sun?
Are Alex Broadhurst and Jordan Binnington hockey players or romantic rivals in Downton Abbey?
I guess we will never know, because you're not looking up these names and we both know it. [Editor's note: We looked up the names, and rest assured they're all actual hockey players.]
Admittedly, I have lost the feel for what the Montreal Canadiens are doing these days—they're big and tough, but they also traded for Jonathan Drouin. That said, all of GM Marc Bergevin's moves in the past year would indicate that he wants his team to win immediately. What if Vegas GM George McPhee decided he needed a playoff team in Year 1?
How would that team look?
Forwards: Alex Burmistrov, Matt Moulson, Lee Stempniak, Mikhail Grigorenko, Benoit Pouliot, Jonathan Marchessault, Trevor Lewis, Eric Staal, Tomas Plekanec, James Neal, Michael Grabner, Jordan Weal, Bryan Rust, David Perron
Defensemen: Sami Vatanen, Trevor van Riemsdyk, Jack Johnson, Dan Hamhuis, Thomas Hickey, David Schlemko, Nate Schmidt, Martin Marincin, Colin Miller
Goalies: Petr Mrazek, Michael Hutchinson, Andrew Hammond
Utility: Cedric Paquette, Reid Boucher, Troy Brouwer, Beau Bennett
Cap hit: $72,172,143 Players under contract for next season: 30
This was tricky. I originally scooped about $83 million in contracts on my first pass and had to make some hard decisions about where to spend and where to save (sorry, Bobby Ryan). Everyone is under contract for next season so no one can escape McPhee's clutches as he builds the most mediocre ship possible.
And Jim Rutherford doesn't have any agreement in place with me, so he can keep Marc-André Fleury.
Here are potential forward and defense combinations:
Perron-Staal-Neal Moulson-Weal-Marchessault Pouliot-Plekanec-Grabner Boucher-Paquette-Rust
Johnson-Vatanen Hamhuis-van Riemsdyk Schlemko-Miller
Mrazek Hutchinson
This team suuuuuuuuuuuucks! The forward group is fine enough, but once you get past Vatanen, it's just terrible on the back end. This is why McPhee can't get caught up in appeasing fans off the bat with the idea of a winning team, because it'll be a bigger disappointment when the team is bad—and there's no way of getting around this team being bad. If it's going to be bad, at least have it be bad with potential going forward.
There's no point in even drafting Vatanen and Neal (more on this when we get to my amazing team), because they can be the Norris Trophy and Rocket Richard winners next season and this team still isn't cracking 70 points.
And if you're wondering how Johnson can be on both the tanking team and the win-now team, think of that as insight into how general managers view Johnson versus his actual value.
So what is the ideal Vegas team?
We know we can't win now. We know this is going to take forever. So we want to sprinkle the roster with motivated veterans at the end of contracts and young players who have long-term value. How will this team, which is just as bad as any of the others, look?
Forwards: Jonathan Marchessault, Alex Chiasson, Andrej Nestrasil, Mikhail Grigorenko, Lukas Sedlak, Benoit Pouliot, Carl Hagelin, Colin Wilson, Jacob Josefson, Brock Nelson, Michael Grabner, Jordan Weal, Nick Shore, David Perron
Defensemen: Josh Manson, Zach Bogosian, Trevor van Riemsdyk, Jamie Oleksiak, Matt Dumba, Nikita Nesterov, Chris Wideman, David Schlemko, Jason Garrison
Goalies: Petr Mrazek, Michael Hutchinson, Louis Domingue
Utility: Reid Boucher, Martin Marincin, Nate Schmidt, Malcolm Subban
Cap hit: $51,489,940 Players under contract for next season: 30
Years from now, you'll hear stories about how someone like Joe Thornton was a member of the Golden Knights and you'll wonder how it happened. It will be because Vegas wanted nothing to do with that roster, so they drafted a player who wasn't under contract and who they knew wouldn't join the Knights to avoid taking a bad contract or wasting a roster spot.
Hands off Marchessault. Photo by Dan Hamilton-USA TODAY Sports
For my terrible roster with potential for helping the franchise down the road, I'm assuming I have blackmailed the Ducks and the Predators out of high picks to not take Vatanen and Neal. If the Panthers want to blackmail me out of Marchessault, too bad. He's mine. You can't have him.
I'm sure if this were real life, I'd do more blackmailing, but the point is this: I want draft picks. I want them now or I want them at next season's trade deadline for rentals like Grabner or Perron. I would assure every veteran that he was on display for a trade to a contender next season, so don't half-ass it because you're miserable. Bust your ass for 20 minutes a night and hit the tables at the casino later. It's impossible to be miserable in Vegas.
With just about everyone else, I'm looking for long-term potential (Weal) or players who can do more in bigger roles (Josefson) who I can also swap. I do not—I repeat, I do not—want Bogosian, but he's a young right-handed defenseman and I think we can pump and dump him to some other team later.
I'm also taking all players I have under contractual control. Would I like Antti Raanta? Sure, but I'd rather take the 30-goal guy on the cheap contract I can flip either immediately or later and then maybe take a run at Raanta in free agency.
This team would still finish dead last next season, but I'd have like, a thousand picks in the draft. I'm trying to lay a foundation in Vegas and that foundation doesn't need Vatanen, who will be a million years old by the time the team is good, and it doesn't need Brown's contract, because getting to the cap floor is easy.
This team is going to stink no matter what, but it will stink on my terms.
Four Mock Drafts for the Vegas Golden Knights published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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eastcountytoday · 8 years
Pleasant Hill Chamber of Commerce Names New President and CEO
Pleasant Hill Chamber of Commerce Names New President and CEO
PLEASANT HILL, CA— The Pleasant Hill Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors named Steve Van Dorn the Chamber’s new President and CEO on May 11. Van Dorn will replace Ann Luke, who recently resigned. “Van Dorn is an established leader within the Chamber of Commerce industry and will bring years of experience to his role as the new leader of our Chamber,” said Julie McCoy, Chair of the Pleasant…
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Original Courthouse during 1862 occupation. Notice Yankee tents and wagons
Starke Miller has reintroduced a chapter of Oxford history that over time has “Gone With the Wind.” The activities that transpired here could fill several novels. On our recent Gettysburg/Sharpsburg/Harpers Ferry/ Franklin expedition, Oxford was anything but forgotten.
HottyToddy.com: Starke, is it correct that Grant arrived here in December 1862 with 50,000 troops or is this our imagination?
Starke Miller: Grant came to Oxford on December 4 and 5 with 50,000 men. Another 30,000 were stationed at College Hill.
HottyToddy.com: What was his objective?
Starke Miller: Grant thought he was going down the Mississippi Central Railroad to take Jackson and then he was going to Vicksburg. He was going to use the railroad for his supply line.
HottyToddy.com: You once told me that if the railroad into Oxford had not been completed in 1859, the war would have never crossed our path in Lafayette County.
Starke Miller: The Rail Road brought overnight mail, same or next day newspapers. It cut travel time from days to hours. It even brought fresh oysters to Oxford. But it also brought the Yankees and all their destruction.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Earl Van Dorn somewhat threw a monkey wrench into Grant’s plans. How did this impact Oxford?
Starke Miller: Van Dorn raided Grant’s supply depot at Holly Springs. Grant realized he could never fully protect the rail line or his supplies behind him. He realized he had to go down the Mississippi river to get to Vicksburg. He knew the Confederates could not tear up or burn the River like they could the railroad.
HottyToddy.com: In 1863 more cavalry was passing through Oxford. Which army had control over the town at that time?
Starke Miller: A few thousand Union Cavalry passed through Oxford, one day that summer on their way to wreck the railroad engines, cars, shops and the round house at Grenada. It probably took them at least 3 hours to pass through Oxford. They would have gone into most of the stores on the Square and bought, or stolen, whatever they wanted. There also would have been some harassment of citizens.
1864 Union sketch of the burning of Oxford. Yes, that is a Doctor’s office skeleton a Union Cavalryman had on his horse.
HottyToddy.com: Fast forward to 1864. Union General AJ “Whiskey” Smith was intent on burning the town and Ole Miss. Did he succeed?
General Andrew Jackson Smith
Starke Miller: Smith had burned Ripley one month before, in the same manner, he burned Oxford. He was chasing Nathan Bedford Forrest both times. In Oxford, Forrest had left here two days before and had raided Memphis. Out of anger, I believe, Smith ordered the town of Oxford and the University of Mississippi burned.
HottyToddy.com: Who was Jacob Thompson and why was his mansion significant to Oxford?
Starke Miller: Jacob Thompson was probably the wealthiest man in Oxford with the largest, finest furnished house in Oxford. He had been a member of President Buchanan’s Cabinet before the War. He was a member of Jeff Davis’ government during the War. His fine mansion, with its furniture, nearly all imported from Europe, was burned by A. J. Smith the same day in 1864, the town was burned.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was in and out of Oxford a lot. Why so?
Starke Miller: From January to August of 1864 Forrest used Oxford for his headquarters.
HottyToddy.com: Was Thompson truly a Southern spy or is this simply a fabrication orchestrated by abolitionists? 
Starke Miller: After the Union Dahlgren raid on Richmond, when it was discovered the Raiders had one of their objectives to kill Jefferson Davis, the Southern gloves came off. Southerners hatched a plan to kidnap Lincoln and Jacob Thompson was sent to Canada, with a large amount of gold, to finance a number of Confederate schemes against the North.
HottyToddy.com: Describe the 1861 Oxford Square.
Starke Miller: Very similar to today in layout. Probably at least half the buildings were wood. The Courthouse was a bit smaller. One very interesting thing I figured out, from the census, was that right at 40% of the business owners and clerks were foreign born. In walking into the stores, you would have heard a lot of different accents.
August 1864 ~ The ruins of Oxford after Union General “Whiskey” Smith burned the town. The white columned building is Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Photo from Jack Case Wilson’s, “Faulkners, Fortunes and Flames”
HottyToddy.com: Did the Yankees declare martial law in Oxford? 
Starke Miller: Whenever the Yankees were in town overnight, they would have a dusk to dawn curfew on the townspeople. They did not want pot shots taken at them in the dark and also just for their general security.
HottyToddy.com: Some individuals believe Oxford was burned in retaliation for the destruction of Chambersburg, PA by Confederate troops. Is there any truth to this theory?
Starke Miller: That did happen just before the Yankees came to Oxford. There is a story that the Yankees in Oxford learned of that burning from a Southern newspaper they found in Oxford. But I have an account of a messenger riding up to A. J. Smith, as he sat on his horse on the North side of the Square with the news Forrest had slipped around him to the West and that he had raided Memphis the night before. That is when Smith ordered the town and University burned. I believe it was purely anger. There was NO military need for it.
HottyToddy.com: Looking to 1865, what transpired in postwar Oxford? Was a German immigrant a major player in rebuilding the Square?
Starke Miller: Hermann Wholleben was a 27-year-old blacksmith in Oxford before the War. He joined the 1st Mississippi Cavalry, and he participated in Earl Van Dorn’s raid on Holly Springs in 1862. Instead of grabbing a new saddle or a repeating rifle or a nice Yankee overcoat, or getting drunk, he went to the paymaster’s office and grabbed a sheaf of uncut Yankee $20 bills. After the War, he buys about half the Square and is a very wealthy man. Faulkner used this story in one of his books. Will Lewis (owner of Neilsons) and I believe it also.
Plaque on a building on the Square
HottyToddy.com: An individual, Alfred H. Kendal, who is buried in St. Peter’s was an unsung hero for Oxford and Lafayette County at age 14. Few of us know who he is and why he is important.
Starke Miller: When the Courthouse was fired by Smith’s men in 1864, fourteen year old Alfred Kendal took a wagon up to the door, and he saved most of the marriage, probate and land records out of the courthouse. He was a brave young man.
Starke Miller, a Civil War historian and expert on the University Greys, conducts incredible tours of Oxford; Ole Miss; and St. Peter’s Cemetery. Starke recently directed a tour to Gettysburg, Sharpsburg (Antietam); Harpers Ferry; and Franklin (TN) for me. It exceeded my wildest expectations! This guy is good!! 
Steve Vassallo is a HottyToddy.com contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at [email protected] or call him at 985-852-7745.
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss…
The post Ole Miss Musings: The Historic Oxford Square….What Actually Happened Here appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Original Courthouse during 1862 occupation. Notice yankee tents and wagons
Starke Miller has reintroduced a chapter of Oxford history that over time has “Gone With the Wind.” The activities that transpired here could fill several novels. On our recent Gettysburg/Sharpsburg/Harpers Ferry/ Franklin expedition, Oxford was anything but forgotten.
HottyToddy.com: Starke, is it correct that Grant arrived here in December 1862 with 50,000 troops or is this our imagination?
Starke Miller: Grant came to Oxford on December 4 and 5 with 50,000 men. Another 30,000 were stationed at College Hill.
HottyToddy.com: What was his objective?
Starke Miller: Grant thought he was going down the Mississippi Central Railroad to take Jackson and then he was going to Vicksburg. He was going to use the railroad for his supply line.
HottyToddy.com: You once told me that if the railroad into Oxford had not been completed in 1859, the war would have never crossed our path in Lafayette County.
Starke Miller: The Rail Road brought overnight mail, same or next day newspapers. It cut travel time from days to hours. It even brought fresh oysters to Oxford. But it also brought the Yankees and all their destruction.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Earl Van Dorn somewhat threw a monkey wrench into Grant’s plans. How did this impact Oxford?
Starke Miller: Van Dorn raided Grant’s supply depot at Holly Springs. Grant realized he could never fully protect the rail line or his supplies behind him. He realized he had to go down the Mississippi river to get to Vicksburg. He knew the Confederates could not tear up or burn the River like they could the railroad.
HottyToddy.com: In 1863 more cavalry was passing through Oxford. Which army had control over the town at that time?
Starke Miller: A few thousand Union Cavalry passed through Oxford, one day that summer on their way to wreck the railroad engines, cars, shops and the round house at Grenada. It probably took them at least 3 hours to pass through Oxford. They would have gone into most of the stores on the Square and bought, or stolen, whatever they wanted. There also would have been some harassment of citizens.
1864 Union sketch of the burning of Oxford. Yes, that is a Doctor’s office skeleton a Union Cavalryman had on his horse.
HottyToddy.com: Fast forward to 1864. Union General AJ “Whiskey” Smith was intent on burning the town and Ole Miss. Did he succeed?
General Andrew Jackson Smith
Starke Miller: Smith had burned Ripley one month before, in the same manner, he burned Oxford. He was chasing Nathan Bedford Forrest both times. In Oxford, Forrest had left here two days before and had raided Memphis. Out of anger, I believe, Smith ordered the town of Oxford and the University of Mississippi burned.
HottyToddy.com: Who was Jacob Thompson and why was his mansion significant to Oxford?
Starke Miller: Jacob Thompson was probably the wealthiest man in Oxford with the largest, finest furnished house in Oxford. He had been a member of President Buchanan’s Cabinet before the War. He was a member of Jeff Davis’ government during the War. His fine mansion, with its furniture, nearly all imported from Europe, was burned by A. J. Smith the same day in 1864, the town was burned.
HottyToddy.com: Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was in and out of Oxford a lot. Why so?
Starke Miller: From January to August of 1864 Forrest used Oxford for his headquarters.
Burned Oxford Square
HottyToddy.com: Was Thompson truly a Southern spy or is this simply a fabrication orchestrated by abolitionists? 
Starke Miller: After the Union Dahlgren raid on Richmond, when it was discovered the Raiders had one of their objectives to kill Jefferson Davis, the Southern gloves came off. Southerners hatched a plan to kidnap Lincoln and Jacob Thompson was sent to Canada, with a large amount of gold, to finance a number of Confederate schemes against the North.
HottyToddy.com: Describe the 1861 Oxford Square.
Starke Miller: Very similar to today in layout. Probably at least half the buildings were wood. The Courthouse was a bit smaller. One very interesting thing I figured out, from the census, was that right at 40% of the business owners and clerks were foreign born. In walking into the stores, you would have heard a lot of different accents.
HottyToddy.com: Did the Yankees declare martial law in Oxford? 
Starke Miller: Whenever the Yankees were in town overnight, they would have a dusk to dawn curfew on the townspeople. They did not want pot shots taken at them in the dark and also just for their general security.
HottyToddy.com: Some individuals believe Oxford was burned in retaliation for the destruction of Chambersburg, PA by Confederate troops. Is there any truth to this theory?
Starke Miller: That did happen just before the Yankees came to Oxford. There is a story that the Yankees in Oxford learned of that burning from a Southern newspaper they found in Oxford. But I have an account of a messenger riding up to A. J. Smith, as he sat on his horse on the North side of the Square with the news Forrest had slipped around him to the West and that he had raided Memphis the night before. That is when Smith ordered the town and University burned. I believe it was purely anger. There was NO military need for it.
HottyToddy.com: Looking to 1865, what transpired in postwar Oxford? Was a German immigrant a major player in rebuilding the Square?
Starke Miller: Hermann Wholleben was a 27-year-old blacksmith in Oxford before the War. He joined the 1st Mississippi Cavalry, and he participated in Earl Van Dorn’s raid on Holly Springs in 1862. Instead of grabbing a new saddle or a repeating rifle or a nice Yankee overcoat, or getting drunk, he went to the paymaster’s office and grabbed a sheaf of uncut Yankee $20 bills. After the War, he buys about half the Square and is a very wealthy man. Faulkner used this story in one of his books. Will Lewis (owner of Neilsons) and I believe it also.
Plaque on a building on the Square
HottyToddy.com: An individual, Alfred H. Kendal, who is buried in St. Peter’s was an unsung hero for Oxford and Lafayette County at age 14. Few of us know who he is and why he is important.
Starke Miller: When the Courthouse was fired by Smith’s men in 1864, fourteen year old Alfred Kendal took a wagon up to the door, and he saved most of the marriage, probate and land records out of the courthouse. He was a brave young man.
Starke Miller, a Civil War historian and expert on the University Greys, conducts incredible tours of Oxford; Ole Miss; and St. Peter’s Cemetery. Starke recently directed a tour to Gettysburg, Sharpsburg (Antietam); Harpers Ferry; and Franklin (TN) for me. It exceeded my wildest expectations! This guy is good!! 
Steve Vassallo is a HottyToddy.com contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at [email protected] or call him at 985-852-7745.
Follow HottyToddy.com on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat @hottytoddynews. Like its Facebook page: If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss…
The post Ole Miss Musings: The Historic Oxford Square….What Actually Happened Here appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Four Mock Drafts for the Vegas Golden Knights
Protected lists! They are here! It's Christmas morning!
That is, it's like Christmas morning if you were a bad kid and your parents got you nothing but socks and sweaters to teach you a lesson. Yeah, you need socks and sweaters, but no matter how many packages you tear open, there will not be a Nintendo (or whatever the kids play these days).
Likewise, the NHL is giving fans a new team with the expansion draft this week, but when we finally open it up, it's not going to be what we wanted.
The (Not Las) Vegas Golden Knights have until Wednesday morning to submit their draft list, which must contain one player from each team in the league. The roster will be revealed that night during the NHL Awards show (and probably throughout the day in the form of leaks to the media). The 30-player team must have at least 14 forwards, nine defensemen, and three goalies, and it must also be salary-cap compliant.
In the spirit of fun content, I imagined four different expansion drafts for the Golden Knights, each using its own unique criteria: one team designed solely for tanking, one team for comedic purposes only, one win-now team, and one team that represents the best possible outcome for Vegas. (And thanks to TSN's draft simulator for making this easy.)
In the 1989 movie Major League, Rachel Phelps inherits the Cleveland Indians from her dead husband. Like any sane person, she does not want to live in Cleveland, so she puts together a roster she hopes is so bad that it will drive down attendance to the point she can enact a clause in the lease with the city that would allow her team to move to Florida.
This would be the Vegas equivalent of that team.
Forwards: Jared Boll, Zac Rinaldo, Brandon Bollig, Jordin Tootoo, Matt Hendricks, Shawn Thornton, Dustin Brown, Ryan White, Steve Ott, Cody McLeod, Luke Gazdic, Cal Clutterbuck, Chris Neil, Tom Sestito
Defensemen: Josh Jorges, Eric Gelinas, Jack Johnson, Dylan McIlrath, Kevin Klein, Andrew MacDonald, Brenden Dillon, Robert Bortuzzo, Jason Garrison
Goalies: Anders Lindback, Kari Lehtonen, Cam Ward
Utility: Luca Sbisa, Brooks Orpik, Mark Stuart, Garrett Sparks
Cap hit: $69,135,476 Players under contract for next season: 20
How many games does this team win? If I set the over/under at seven, you probably need to think about it for a while, don't you? Remember: the expansion Ottawa Senators won ten games, and that team was trying.
If we're sticking with the Major League theme here:
Zac Rinaldo is Ricky Vaughn. Rinaldo is probably better suited for some sort of penal league, and it's not hard to imagine his teammates referring to him as Vedge Head.
Just a bit outside. Photo by Greg M. Cooper-USA TODAY Sports
Brooks Orpik is Jake Taylor. Orpik should be in a league outside of the United States and his knees are shot.
Jack Johnson is Roger Dorn. There's something here with both players being concerned about making as much money as possible at this point in their careers.
Steve Ott retired, but I bet he could be enticed to play one more season centering a line with Luke Gazdic and Chris Neil.
Also in Major League, there's a scene where an Indians fan is looking over the roster and says, "Mitchell Friedman?" It's because no one has heard of those guys. If Vegas went strictly off that philosophy (I swear, this is the last Major League reference here, and this is only because it's been on HBO a lot lately), here's that team:
Forwards: Nicolas Kerdiles, Tyler Gaudet, Justin Kea, Turner Elson, Alex Broadhurst, Mark McNeil, Corban Knight, Andrew Crescenzi, Patrick Cannone, Chris Terry, Ben Thomson, Ben Holmstrom, Daniel Catenacci, Casey Bailey
Defensemen: Linus Arnesson, Tyler Wotherspoon, Dillon Simpson, Brad Hunt, Will O'Neill, David Warsofsky, Dan Kelly, Andrew Campbell, Andrey Pedan
Goalies: Daniel Altshuller, Mac Carruth, Edward Pasqualle
Utility: Mike Angelidis, Liam O'Brien, Ryan Olsen, Jordan Binnington
Cap hit: $18,529,918 Players under contract for next season: 22
When you're the biggest star on the team. Photo by Bruce Fedyck-USA TODAY Sports
As you might have surmised, this team is technically invalid because it falls way below the salary cap floor—but who cares? Mock expansion drafts should be enjoyable and picking these random names (Is Chris Terry the most recognizable name here?) was too much fun. They played a combined 60 NHL games last season!
And what if I told you some of the names on here aren't NHL players and are names I actually made up or grabbed from somewhere in pop culture?
Is Casey Bailey an Ottawa Senators center or a fringe character on Dawson's Creek?
Is Andrew Crescenzi a Los Angeles Kings center or Diane Lane's love interest in Under the Tuscan Sun?
Are Alex Broadhurst and Jordan Binnington hockey players or romantic rivals in Downton Abbey?
I guess we will never know, because you're not looking up these names and we both know it. [Editor's note: We looked up the names, and rest assured they're all actual hockey players.]
Admittedly, I have lost the feel for what the Montreal Canadiens are doing these days—they're big and tough, but they also traded for Jonathan Drouin. That said, all of GM Marc Bergevin's moves in the past year would indicate that he wants his team to win immediately. What if Vegas GM George McPhee decided he needed a playoff team in Year 1?
How would that team look?
Forwards: Alex Burmistrov, Matt Moulson, Lee Stempniak, Mikhail Grigorenko, Benoit Pouliot, Jonathan Marchessault, Trevor Lewis, Eric Staal, Tomas Plekanec, James Neal, Michael Grabner, Jordan Weal, Bryan Rust, David Perron
Defensemen: Sami Vatanen, Trevor van Riemsdyk, Jack Johnson, Dan Hamhuis, Thomas Hickey, David Schlemko, Nate Schmidt, Martin Marincin, Colin Miller
Goalies: Petr Mrazek, Michael Hutchinson, Andrew Hammond
Utility: Cedric Paquette, Reid Boucher, Troy Brouwer, Beau Bennett
Cap hit: $72,172,143 Players under contract for next season: 30
This was tricky. I originally scooped about $83 million in contracts on my first pass and had to make some hard decisions about where to spend and where to save (sorry, Bobby Ryan). Everyone is under contract for next season so no one can escape McPhee's clutches as he builds the most mediocre ship possible.
And Jim Rutherford doesn't have any agreement in place with me, so he can keep Marc-André Fleury.
Here are potential forward and defense combinations:
Perron-Staal-Neal Moulson-Weal-Marchessault Pouliot-Plekanec-Grabner Boucher-Paquette-Rust
Johnson-Vatanen Hamhuis-van Riemsdyk Schlemko-Miller
Mrazek Hutchinson
This team suuuuuuuuuuuucks! The forward group is fine enough, but once you get past Vatanen, it's just terrible on the back end. This is why McPhee can't get caught up in appeasing fans off the bat with the idea of a winning team, because it'll be a bigger disappointment when the team is bad—and there's no way of getting around this team being bad. If it's going to be bad, at least have it be bad with potential going forward.
There's no point in even drafting Vatanen and Neal (more on this when we get to my amazing team), because they can be the Norris Trophy and Rocket Richard winners next season and this team still isn't cracking 70 points.
And if you're wondering how Johnson can be on both the tanking team and the win-now team, think of that as insight into how general managers view Johnson versus his actual value.
So what is the ideal Vegas team?
We know we can't win now. We know this is going to take forever. So we want to sprinkle the roster with motivated veterans at the end of contracts and young players who have long-term value. How will this team, which is just as bad as any of the others, look?
Forwards: Jonathan Marchessault, Alex Chiasson, Andrej Nestrasil, Mikhail Grigorenko, Lukas Sedlak, Benoit Pouliot, Carl Hagelin, Colin Wilson, Jacob Josefson, Brock Nelson, Michael Grabner, Jordan Weal, Nick Shore, David Perron
Defensemen: Josh Manson, Zach Bogosian, Trevor van Riemsdyk, Jamie Oleksiak, Matt Dumba, Nikita Nesterov, Chris Wideman, David Schlemko, Jason Garrison
Goalies: Petr Mrazek, Michael Hutchinson, Louis Domingue
Utility: Reid Boucher, Martin Marincin, Nate Schmidt, Malcolm Subban
Cap hit: $51,489,940 Players under contract for next season: 30
Years from now, you'll hear stories about how someone like Joe Thornton was a member of the Golden Knights and you'll wonder how it happened. It will be because Vegas wanted nothing to do with that roster, so they drafted a player who wasn't under contract and who they knew wouldn't join the Knights to avoid taking a bad contract or wasting a roster spot.
Hands off Marchessault. Photo by Dan Hamilton-USA TODAY Sports
For my terrible roster with potential for helping the franchise down the road, I'm assuming I have blackmailed the Ducks and the Predators out of high picks to not take Vatanen and Neal. If the Panthers want to blackmail me out of Marchessault, too bad. He's mine. You can't have him.
I'm sure if this were real life, I'd do more blackmailing, but the point is this: I want draft picks. I want them now or I want them at next season's trade deadline for rentals like Grabner or Perron. I would assure every veteran that he was on display for a trade to a contender next season, so don't half-ass it because you're miserable. Bust your ass for 20 minutes a night and hit the tables at the casino later. It's impossible to be miserable in Vegas.
With just about everyone else, I'm looking for long-term potential (Weal) or players who can do more in bigger roles (Josefson) who I can also swap. I do not—I repeat, I do not—want Bogosian, but he's a young right-handed defenseman and I think we can pump and dump him to some other team later.
I'm also taking all players I have under contractual control. Would I like Antti Raanta? Sure, but I'd rather take the 30-goal guy on the cheap contract I can flip either immediately or later and then maybe take a run at Raanta in free agency.
This team would still finish dead last next season, but I'd have like, a thousand picks in the draft. I'm trying to lay a foundation in Vegas and that foundation doesn't need Vatanen, who will be a million years old by the time the team is good, and it doesn't need Brown's contract, because getting to the cap floor is easy.
This team is going to stink no matter what, but it will stink on my terms.
Four Mock Drafts for the Vegas Golden Knights published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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