#still need to go to kingdom's edge and get the brand (i think? unless its just lying around somewhere)
awintersrose · 3 years
I’m late but for kinkoctober but ur writing is so flawless, this suggestion will be an odd pair, little to no fanbase but Kabuto x Sasori. 🥺
Pairing: Kabuto/Sasori
Prompt: Anal Play/Coercion (originally Day 18 from this list of prompts) AND Dirty Little Secret for @naruto-smut-monday
Obvious warnings are obvious with the prompts above, also includes D/s play, biting/scratching, and rimming.
All Kinktober fills should be considered explicit unless stated otherwise!
Waiting for an assignation is never a simple matter. Punctual to the point of arriving early at everything, Kabuto looks at his watch for perhaps the fifth time, and he counts down the minutes. His date was very specific in their instructions, and he prefers to make a good impression. Kabuto can respect a desire for punctuality, for exacting details intended to ensure obedience.
He knows himself to be just as exacting in his preferences when exerting control, and based on this similarity alone, he has high hopes for this meeting. The contact came highly recommended by his own current favorite - precisely because said favorite was known to turn Kabuto’s own reality on its very head and make him question which end was up and which was down.
If only it weren't so painfully obvious to his partner when such a feat was possible - but Obito had the uncanny ability to read him as quickly as a cheap novel, and just as easily. Obito, his switch of a partner who was meant to be and still mostly acts as Kabuto’s own submissive.
Secret needs will out, however, and these roles are now flipped with surprising regularity, which is what led him here in the first place. The fact still remains that Kabuto doesn't bend for just anyone, and he still gets tetchy about the prospect and process of exploring the depths of his own submission with a new Dominant. Obito, however, seems certain that this match will be the right fit.
And so Kabuto waits.
His new contact’s profile is sparse, with photographs that only display a slight figure masked in black, with brilliantly crimson hair that drew the eye at once. An artist by trade, 'Exploring', their status said, which leaves even more to the imagination.
It often only takes one strikingly unique feature to catch Kabuto's visual interest, to make him wonder; to call to his analytical side, which loves to break down each solitary detail of a play partner until the origin of its nature is revealed. Until their true nature is revealed right along with it.
Whether it is skin like a bleach-splashed canvas, or cat-like golden eyes, his long-term partners have always been unique. Both of the latter possessed features that were the result of rare conditions, or genetic mutations that made said partners even more captivating, whether under the lash... or wielding it.
With the prospect of a new connection, all Kabuto knows for sure is that his date has hair like spun garnets, a certain cruel twist to a delicate mouth, and eyes like a fine umeshu. Not exactly unique, but there is still something there that captures his imagination.
Perhaps the artist is merely very good at their trade, taking a skilled hand to the composition of their photographs. Looks can certainly be deceiving—he should have predicted that his expectations would be turned on their head.
Which is how Kabuto finds himself trussed and stripped and poised on his knees before said artist once their negotiations are dispensed with.
Finely manicured fingertips caress the line of his spine before nails scratch, three at once, raising lines of glowing sensation across his shoulder blades. And they don’t stop their downward trek, marking Kabuto, making him gasp. The air makes a sharp sound passing through his teeth.
“You’ll do, but for more reasons than you think. Reasons you may not expect.” Sasori says, “And for exactly those reasons, you’ll give me everything I want.”
“Will I?”
That hand takes hold of a generous handful of his hair and steadily pulls him back, forcing him to arch his spine. Those cruel lips brush Kabuto’s ear as Sasori speaks, his soft voice bright with amusement, “You will, or this little kingdom you’ve built for yourself will be winnowed away into dust and thrust into the wind for anyone to take. Admit it… you want me anyway.”
The words are smug even in their gentle tone, accented by soft puffs of humid breath against Kabuto’s neck, his loosened hair. He cannot see Sasori’s eyes, and a small, creeping desperation begins in the pit of his belly. Sasori pulls harder, making him twist, rubied lips nipping Kabuto’s own briefly, roughly.
“You should have known better than to seek me out when you’re entirely that snake’s creature… he did have rather delightful tastes though. Did you kneel for him too? Recount all your dirty little secrets for him?”
“You know I did,” Kabuto grits his teeth as Sasori’s dainty fist tightens harder in his hair.
“I know you did, which is why I’ll make sure he sees every lurid moment of this if you don’t do exactly as I like. And then you know he’ll cast you away for dallying with me, faithless boy...”
The threat feels real, so damn real that goosebumps chase the lengths of his limbs, and Kabuto shivers, allowing fear to catapult him closer to compliance. His pulse notches higher and his mouth runs dry. Sasori releases him as if throwing him back down again, but it’s only the effective toppling of his own weight. Every new touch is feather light, even as the artist’s hands explore his body, shoving him onto all fours, undignified, yet perfectly on display.
Sasori’s breath ripples down his spine, the wet heat of his tongue drifting along the lines his own nails followed in the moments prior. Blood rushes in Kabuto’s ears, and his pale hair falls forward, obscuring his burning cheeks as he sinks lower on his elbows, allowing Sasori full access to his body.
“Shameless and pretty all at once, just look at you, ready for anything,” Sasori muses, “I’d hate to keep you waiting.”
Sasori’s questing, tormenting hands begin to part him wide, exposing him further, nails digging into the softer flesh of his buttocks. Kabuto grits his teeth as Sasori’s wicked tongue plies at his hole, two deft fingers moving to spread wetness around the orifice before one of them dips inside him with ease.
“Ready for anything, indeed.”
A bottle clicks and cool slick drips over his skin, making Sasori’s next movements nearly effortless. He dips in and out with shallow strokes, toying at the edges of Kabuto’s passage, As Sasori bends to bite the curve of his hip, sharp and hot like a brand. He knows without knowing that the artist has marked him, and Kabuto gasps, placing a fist beneath his lips to muffle any noises which might come unbidden.
He fails, of course, when Sasori laughs against his skin, finding his prostate with near expert precision.
The pressure inside him shifts wider, deeper as digits spread and curl, scraping against nerves suddenly sensitized beyond compare. Kabuto’s sight wavers as if plunged underwater, his cock hard and already dripping, too much, too soon. Sasori’s methodical exploration only continues, with another finger wedging in place beside the others.
“You’re so needy that I’m almost thinking you could take my whole hand. You would if I wanted you too, wouldn’t you, greedy boy?” Sasori’s fingers drag and exploit every new bit of knowledge he’s gained until Kabuto is unable to stem the pleading noises that are not quite muffled by his fist.
“Use your words.”
“I--I can but it’s-it’s-too-much!” He blurts, his voice arching higher on the last few words. Kabuto’s face burns and his head swims, and he squeezes his eyes shut, fighting the urge to shove back anyway and chase the high that is just outside of his capability.
Sasori gives a chuffing little laugh, teasing his pinky finger just along the rim of him until Kabuto whines, and with a twist of his hand, all four enter to press and tease.
“Oh, good boy… you’re going to come just like this, only accepting what I give you for as long as it takes…”
It doesn’t take long at all for his voice to break the silence, for sticky heat to spatter his belly and the floor beneath him. For oblivion to cloud his mind and numb his awareness.
But it’s only the first part of their night.
Later, after Kabuto has been wrung out in every way he might have imagined, he is treated to a massage and a short rest wrapped in a warm blanket. His pretty new play partner fetches his things and offers him a drink. White tea, hot and perfect.
“So tell me, did we explore everything you wanted to?” Sasori appraises him from head to toe, searching for unease. The artist is more attentive than Kabuto had imagined, leaving no detail unexamined. It’s no wonder that he has connections with individuals that Kabuto respects among their circles.
“Ahh… yes, thank you for following the plan.”
"Any Dominant worth their salt would do no less. Your illustrious mentor failed you if he didn't set that expectation." Sasori sniffs, still maintaining physical contact.
Kabuto hazards a wry smile. "He did. I'd have stopped everything in its tracks if you'd been lacking. But as it stands I'd like to see you again."
Sasori gives a curt nod, but the softening of his mouth gives away his satisfaction. "So long as you never leave me waiting, we’ll have much to explore."
Perhaps it's a good thing that Kabuto's punctuality is a personal guarantee.
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jaeminlore · 5 years
The Sound That Leads Me Home Again | Haechan
series timeline | playlist
summary: as the seasons change, remember how i used to be / i hear the wind call your name, it calls me back home again. 
words: 6.1k+
category: seasons series finale, angst, fluff, prince!hyuck, hyuck feels lost, together they feel okay
warning(s): way too many reunited scenes, this is technically just part one i have a lot more for this finally but i need more time, blood, wounds, torture, branding, mentions of slavery/trafficking, bad writing
a/n: this is the finale for the 12 days of jaeminlore christmas! thx to everyone who have supported me and read my stuff. happy holidays and i love you all to bits and pieces
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Donghyuck is seventeen years old when he is awoken by a guard, telling him that he has a messenger waiting for him at the back gate.
Donghyuck feels giddy, because this has to be his special delivery. He ordered it ages ago from special miners in the western mountains.
You're still asleep beside him, and Donghyuck stays still for as long as he can, soaking up the feeling of your skin beside his. It's not always that he gets such intimate time with you, and he isn't quite sure if it's as important to you as it is to him.
So he savors it.
But a messenger waits for no one, so Donghyuck slips on a pair of pants and grabs some braces to hold them up. He shoves his feet into his sandals and sneaks out of the door, ordering the guards to let you sleep as long as you need.
Donghyuck runs down the stairs, avoiding the questioning glances of the staff. "I have a package!" He quickly explains to the guard at the door. "It's a secret for Y/n, so please make sure they don't come through this door."
The guard agrees, used to Donghyuck's antics. He opens the door just a crack, allowing Donghyuck to sneak through.
There's a person about his age standing with a box. "Your Highness," they say. Their hat casts a shadow across their face. "I believe you ordered something from the western mountains?"
"Yes!" Donghyuck bounds over and peaks into the box. His eyebrows scrunch in confusion when he realizes there's just a small tea towel. "Wait. I ordered a gem ring."
"It's wrapped up," the messenger says with a gentle laugh. "Go ahead, unwrap it. Make sure I brought the right one."
Donghyuck feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Something isn't right, but he can't figure out what. Maybe it's because it feels too quiet out. Donghyuck wonders where the guard is.
Still, he reaches into the box and grabs the towel. "Wait. There's nothing in—"
The messenger shoves the towel against Donghyuck's nose and mouth until he can't breathe in anything but some toxic smell and soft cotton.
He tries to pull away, but he begins to feel sleepy, and he feels his limbs loosen.
He blinks heavily. Then again, and he finds he can't keep his eyes open any longer.
He falls asleep.
Mortem is a pirate with an x carved beneath his eye. It's all Donghyuck can stare at, tied to the mast of a rather large ship. The person who kidnapped him stands just behind Mortem, watching Donghyuck as if he knows how to undo the millions of sailor's knots tying him to the mast.
He gives Donghyuck a list of rules, which the prince easily interpreted as stay quiet, and stay still. And that will be no problem, because he's got a gag in his mouth, and his feet are bound.
The sun shines down on the crew as the mill around. Some use their breaks as a chance to tease Donghyuck, and it's amusing at first.
Then they start saying things that make Donghyuck feel uneasy.
Of course, this entire ordeal makes him feel uneasy, but he knows his soldiers know the seas better than anyone. He can't be hidden out here, and he's got plenty of allies on land. He figures he'll be found within a week, at most.
"Just a pretty little thing," one sailor coos. His teeth are stained brown, and he gets far too close to Donghyuck for comfort. He cackles in his ear, and Donghyuck can feel some spittle land on his cheek. He can't wipe it off. "The merchants will have a field day with you. I imagine they'll get a lot of money for a prince."
"Who wouldn't want a prince?" The next voice is a woman. She's got long, jagged nails that break skin when she rakes them down Donghyuck's face. She grabs his cheeks with her hand and squeezes hard. "I'd pay an infinite amount to have my own way with him."
Donghyuck visibly recoils, and he suddenly begins to fear that Mortem really will sell him to the slave merchants. After all, unless he wants a ransom, there are only a few other ways to get money for a human.
(Donghyuck can't sleep for days.)
Donghyuck is seventeen when he is branded. Probably branded by the slave merchants Mortem sold him to. The hot steel against his neck burns so much that Donghyuck's vision goes out, and he screams in a pitch he wasn't aware he could hit.
When he touches it as tentatively as he can — this is later on, after he's been placed in a barred room guarded by two large men — he can feel dried blood and fried skin. He can smell it, too, and he knows it'll be infected if he doesn't do something about it.
He doubts anyone here will give him any type of solvent.
So he waits, hoping the wound will simply heal on its own.
There's a porthole behind him. It fits into the wall, situated behind a shelf. Donghyuck knows he's skinny, and he's gotten a lot skinnier since they've taken away his food.
He tries to keep count of the days he is on the ship, but when they begin to blur together, he thinks he should take his chances.
If he can sneak out and fall into the ocean, surely there will be an island or ship nearby to swim to.
Donghyuck is no stranger to the ocean. He's grown up with it, he's watched it be merciful just as he's watched its violence. He knows the sea calls to him now; calls him to safety, to a home.
He can hear it almost. He would swear it to anyone listening. It's the sound of home, and it carries in the wind. The guards are sleeping soundly, as if they can't hear a single thing.
Donghyuck takes a plank of wood off of the shelf and chucks it outside, waiting until he can hear the splash.
And then, bracing his foot atop the remaining shelf, Donghyuck pushes himself through the porthole and falls into the sea.
Donghyuck wakes up with his skin screaming. He's somehow hot and cold at once, shivering in skin now raw from the sun. He peers up at the perpetrator, willing it to shine less, or at least hide behind a cloud for a bit of relief.
He clutches the large piece of shelving, wondering how on earth he managed to drift all night without getting caught.
Now he kind of regrets his decision.
It's just because his face hurts so badly, and he feels half-delirious and half-dead already. Though, if he counts on his luck, this feels like his chance to get back to his home. If he can just figure out where he is, he can get to where he's going.
He sucks in a dry breath. It's only been a day, but it feels like years since he's drunken any water. Then again, he can't remember the last time the merchants actually fed him. He contemplates drinking the saltwater, but he can recall every lesson when he was younger telling him not to.
He lays his head down again, and tries to will the waves to send him help.
Help, according to the ocean, comes in the form of a siren named Renjun.
Renjun is the oddest creature Donghyuck has ever encountered. Of course, he's never encountered anything like a siren. And the legends he read as a child never described a siren as having terrifyingly sharp teeth, and a tail so large is could knock someone out cold.
Renjun feeds Donghyuck freshwater and fruit. He brings in blankets from who-knows-where. When Donghyuck asks, Renjun replies that fishing boats are always sailing around.
And when Donghyuck asks why Renjun can't take him to a fishing boat so that he can get home, Renjun hisses at him and doesn't give him food for three days.
Donghyuck learns to sleep on the cave floor. Learns to stay away from the water's edge, because sometimes Renjun will try to pull him in. Learns to calculate the times Renjun is away, so he can figure out how much time he would have if he tried to sneak out. Learns not to get on Renjun's bad side. Learns to say thank you when Renjun gives him something.
The first time someone finds the cave, it's a soldier from the northern kingdom, and Donghyuck knows him by name. Mateus. He sees Donghyuck and gestures for him to get into the water and swim out with him.
Donghyuck shakes his head. He warns him about Renjun.
Mateus is the first to not heed his warnings, but he isn't the last.
Time after time again, someone makes their way into the cave on their own, and time and time again, Renjun sinks them into the bottom of the lake, never to be seen again.
There's a salt-crested blanket around his shoulders, weighing him down. Donghyuck feels a weakness in his chest that he has never felt before. He feels it tighten and snap, until his will is left broken.
And Donghyuck accepts that he will never see his home again.
Donghyuck is eighteen years old — though he doesn't know it — when Renjun brings another human into the cave.
And Donghyuck really begins to wonder why fate seems to hate him, because it's Mortem's child. It's the one who took him from the castle in the first place.
Donghyuck feels anger and defeat flutter across his chest and down his arms. His fingers tingle and he can't help but speak out of turn. Especially when the person addresses him. "Prince Donghyuck."
"It's you," he says. He feels his stomach clench. It feels like bile is rising up his throat. "You're the one who lured me out of the castle. You said you were a messenger." His voice cracks at the end, and Donghyuck lets the tears fall as silently as he's trained them to.
"I'm- I'm sorry-"
"Save it," Donghyuck croaks. "It doesn't matter if you are. He won't let me leave."
And it's true. As much as Donghyuck wishes he was in a safe place, he feels just as much as a prisoner as he did in the merchant's ship.
He's not sure how to get out of here, but he knows just as sure as Renjun does, that Mortem's child will not get out of here alive.
Donghyuck tries to warn them. Tries to tell them that they're doomed, but they realize only seconds too late.
Donghyuck watches as Mortem's child puts up a bigger fight than anyone else has.
For a moment, Donghyuck sees this as his chance. If someone can best the siren, then he can get out.
Donghyuck then wonders this is just a ploy to get him back on Mortem's ship.
He wonders who to root for.
And then he's being spoken to. "Help!" It's his kidnapper. His original one anyway. "He'll listen to you, right? He likes you."
Donghyuck knows they're right. But he's tried to stop Renjun before, and it never works. He can never sway the siren away, because if the siren lets a soldier live, the soldier will take Donghyuck from Renjun. And that can't happen. After all, the siren is obsessed with him, however strange it is.
"Stop!" Donghyuck shouts, just as he sees the pirate's eyes close.
Renjun lets go as soon as he hears Donghyuck's demand. And then the pirate is sinking, clearly weak, so Donghyuck dares to go to the water's edge.
He grabs the pirate around the waist and yanks them out of the water. He pulls them over to the warmest corner and covers their shivering body with his blanket. "There, there," he says, voice soft and shaky. He wonders if Renjun will be angry with him. "Here, drink some water."
(Donghyuck doesn't expect the pirate to repay him by striking a deal with Renjun. He doesn't expect Renjun to agree, and swim him out towards the western docks.)
Donghyuck is eighteen years old — and he knows it now — when he's brought to King Kun's castle by a western fisherman.
He hasn't seen a proper court in nearly two years, and he's so paralyzed by shock that he sleeps in the healer's room longer than he's slept in years.
Perhaps it's just to escape the questions.
Here comes a tsunami of inquiries that Donghyuck can't really answer. Because yes, he was kidnapped by Mortem, and no, he has no idea how Mortem died. Yes, he was taken by merchants and no, he has no idea where they take their prisoners. No, he didn't wash up on shore. There was a siren and the very pirate who kidnapped him and Donghyuck wishes he had more answers because all of the empty spaces make his head spin.
And Donghyuck wonders if his parents know. King Kun is making him sip some kind of healing cordial and the Queen is telling him he's been pronounced dead across the land. "There was a funeral and everything," Kun adds, as if it alleviates any burning questions he has.
Donghyuck stares up at the ceiling, where vines grow across the large wooden beams. He doesn't answer, because he doesn't want to. He doesn't feel like explaining everything that happened, because he isn't sure any of that matters.
He's told to stay put, and that he'll be taken to the Eastern Kingdom when he's fully healed.
Donghyuck pretends he's doesn't notice everyone staring at the brand. Pretends he doesn't notice the worry in everyone's eyes.
He wonders where Renjun is. And the pirate, and if he could ever see them again. Not because he liked being trapped in that cave, but there were certainly less eyes on him there.
The Eastern Kingdom guides him back home with celebratory flowers and songs, all down the carriage's path. Donghyuck finds that he wants to close his eyes and sleep during the entire trip.
So he does, and when he wakes, he is greeted by his own mother.
Donghyuck had wondered — when he was captured — if his parents would miss him. He had wondered how long it would take for them to even notice if he was gone, as they seemed to forget him in their presence.
But his mother gathers him into her arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. And his father wraps his arms around the two of them, squeezing tightly. He's chanting, "My boy, my boy," and people are cheering like it's some sort of spectacle that Donghyuck is finally home.
His mother gasps at the brand and hands him her kerchief to cover it up. Donghyuck wonders why he has to be ashamed for something someone else did to him.
He wants to know why his arrival is celebrated but what happened to him is taboo.
Donghyuck doesn't feel like talking, so he nods and shakes his head at all the right times. He lets his mother grasp his hand and pull him into the coolness of the palace.
He sees the staff lined up to greet him, and for the first time, he feels a bit lighter. He looks for you in the group of launder maids and catches the eye of another. She seems to understand who he's looking for, and she shakes her head. Mouths, "Y/n’s not here."
Donghyuck wants to grasp on to the feeling of hope when he thought you were.
You are eighteen years old and you're holding a pirate at knifepoint at some tavern off the southern coast. "You killed Mortem. Tell me your name."
The man looks more or less impressed by the way you wield your weapon. "Jeno," he says. There's kohl around his eyes and he raises his brow at you in confusion. "Why does it matter?"
"I'm looking for someone," you say. "They say he's dead as well."
"The prince?" Jeno asks. "I live at sea. I don't even know what he looks like. I didn't even know he was missing when I attacked Mortem."
"Who do you know?" You ask. You've no leads after Mortem was announced dead. With the entire world assuming Donghyuck is now gone too, you feel like one of the only ones left searching for him. "Anyone who could've known him?"
Jeno sighs. He looks disinterested if anything, like he isn't afraid of you at all. Perhaps he isn't, but you keep the knife pointed at his chest just in case. "There was a boy on my ship. Jaemin. He seemed like he would know of the prince. Not necessarily personally or any-"
"Lord Na?" You ask. Jaemin was one of the first to go searching as well, only he went for sea while you stayed on land. Since being banished from the kingdom, he hasn't made any attempts to contact you. "You know Jaemin? You've seen him?"
"He was on my crew," Jeno says. "Sailed off in the Peribat. I lost track of him after that."
"I have to find him," you say, though you can tell Jeno is speaking the truth. He can't help you. "I'll find him on my own. Thank you for answering my questions."
"Gave me no choice, really," Jeno says, pointing to your knife. But then he smiles, and his eyes curl up into little crescent moons.
"Donghyuck would like you," you blurt.
Jeno takes it as a compliment.
(It's a quarter past midnight when the newsboy wakes everyone in the tavern up with the news.The news, that Donghyuck has been found and returned to the Eastern Kingdom.
You waste no time packing your things. On the way out, you tip the newsboy a few more shiny coins than usual.)
Donghyuck wishes everyone in this castle would just leave him alone. He understands completely, why he's been given a personal body guard to be shadowed by. He isn't the problem. Jarius is strong and silent, and he makes no move to prevent Donghyuck from hiding in the broom closet every once in awhile.
No, it's the people inside of the palace. It's the visitors that ask him invasive questions about what happened to him and if he can describe anything in detail. Donghyuck wishes Jarius would talk at these times, if just to make the visitors shut up.
Donghyuck lays on the garden wall. It's around four in the morning, and the only sound heard besides the distant waves is the bubbling of the koi pond, and the tinkling of wind chimes.
Jarius is sitting somewhere near the gate, half-asleep. He isn’t used to Donghyuck's all-nighters. Truthfully, Donghyuck isn't either. But he can't sleep at night. There are too many thoughts in his head, and he can never get rid of the nightmares, even with the medicine his healer has given him. Donghyuck, for once, just wants to close his eyes and not immediately go to the darker places of his mind.
He listens to the night. For once, it's serene, and he feels like the only person in the world. It should be lonely, but it's nearly a relief.
He turns and watches the edge of the woods, just behind the garden wall, where the dogwood trees stand crookedly beneath the moon.
Then, as cleanly as a mirage, Donghyuck sees a figure emerge from the wood. He thinks of calling for Jarius, but he isn't afraid. A familiar feeling washes over him, and he sits up. "Y/n?"
You run to the garden wall, looking no worse for wear. You're still just as adorable as ever, only now you're wearing clothes closer to what a villager would wear, rather than a launder maid. Your hair is tied back into a plait, and Donghyuck reaches for it before he can stop himself. "You're real."
"You're alive," you retort. Donghyuck lets you reach for his face. Lets you touch his skin. Lets you climb on top of the garden wall and face him, eyes filled with happy tears. "How are you alive?"
Donghyuck knows it's not a question he needs to answer. This is just you astonished at his luck. And honestly, if he felt like any of this was real, Donghyuck would be astonished at his luck, too.
"There's a cottage I live at," you say. "It's away from the shore and the palace. If you ever need to get away."
Donghyuck wants to jump into your arms and stay there until he feels better again, but he knows you're waiting until he makes the first move. "I want to go now," he whispers. "With you."
Your cottage scarcely furnished, but there's a bed with butterscotch-colored sheets and a blanket that looks softer than a cloud. You hand Donghyuck a new pair of clothes and show him to the tub. "You can wash up here."
Donghyuck doesn't want to. He's not sure why, but since he's been back, baths have been the bane of his existence. He can't stand the feeling of being even partly submerged in the water, and it causes a disparaging twist in his stomach. "I don't want to— the water—"
"You don't have to," you quickly say. "Not right now; you can wait. Here, hold out your hands."
Donghyuck does; his hands are stained with dirt from the garden wall. There's soil beneath his fingernails, and he nearly hides his hands in shame.
Until you're grabbing them and covering them with a damp rag. You patiently wipe the dirt away from his skin, keeping gentle around the scratches and wound. "I never thought I'd see you again," you say as you move to clean off his face, this time with the other side of the rag. "Truly, Hyuck."
Donghyuck hasn't heard that nickname in years, and perhaps it's the way you're being so gentle; accommodating him and listening to him like no one else will. Perhaps it's the fact that he hasn't cried since this entire thing happened and he suddenly feels safe enough to. Whatever the cause, Donghyuck finally begins to cry. It starts slow at first, but it builds into full sobs until you're wrapping your small frame around Donghyuck's. And he suddenly feels so safe, so okay that he holds you tightly and lets himself go. Lets himself sob until he is truly out of tears.
You don't discourage him. You only run your fingers through his hair, freshly cut after returning home. What were once black curls are now short strands he can't hide behind, and it makes Hyuck even sadder than before. "That's it," you say when he cries harder. "You've been so brave, Hyuck. You've done so well."
It's the words he wanted to hear. It's all he's wanted to be assured of: that he did what he could in the worst of circumstances. He wants people to praise him for getting through it, and stop trying to make him forget everything so quickly when he has barley begun to process it.
"They branded me," he says, choking back a sob. "The sl-slave merchants. It's so people would know I'm a royal. That I'm worth more. That I'm more valuable-" he breaks down again, and he wants to tell you what the pirates told him the first night he was taken. He wants to tell you that he has no idea what would've happened if he hadn't have escaped. He wants to tell you that his year with the siren was one of the scariest times in his life and yet it was the better outcome. And somehow, through his tears and your patience, he does. He tells you everything, and you listen just as if he's never been gone in the first place.
Jarius is at the cottage in the morning. Donghyuck is thankful that he doesn't scold him. Instead, the large man sits at the kitchen table and asks for a cup of the same tea you and Hyuck are sharing. In his accented voice Donghyuck has barely ever heard before, he talks to them about his brother. "Silver worked on a ship," he says. "He was a cook, until he took ownership of a tavern down near the southern ports. Or is it the northern? I dunno. Says the tavern was a gift from a lad he sailed with for awhile. Jaemin... I think-"
"Jaemin?" Donghyuck croaks. "You know where he is?"
"Oh, it's not your Jaemin, Your Highness," Jarius says. "Lord Na was banished a few months after your situation. Sailed off and never— oh. I suppose it could be your Jaemin."
"So Silver might know where he is?" you ask. "Does Jaemin even know Donghyuck is alive?"
Jarius takes a sip of his tea. "Well, I can't say. Silver's Jaemin still talks to him. He owns a toy shop in the Southern Kingdom. ' Ain't never made the connection, though. That's my fault. Silver was always the smarter one."
"You're smart, Jarius," Hyuck says. "You found me pretty quickly. And you're nice to me, even after—"
"What happened to Mateus isn't your fault," Jarius says. Hyuck told Jarius about Mateus' death as soon as he could, knowing the two were quite fond of each other whenever Mateus would visit with Prince Mark. "He did what any of us would've done."
You grab Hyuck's hand under the table. It's a warm gesture, unnoticed by Jarius, but it helps Hyuck out nonetheless. Comforts him when he feels like he hasn't said enough.
"Anyways, speaking of the Northern Kingdom, Prince Mark arrived this morning. Should I send him over here?"
"Yes, please." Hyuck likes the thought of Mark dropping everything and coming over to see him.
You leave Hyuck and Mark alone as soon as the two begin crying in each other's arms.
Hyuck is thankful for the privacy, despite you having already seen him cry. He holds onto Mark, who has always felt like the only family he's ever really had.
"I'm sorry," Mark croaks. "I'm so sorry we couldn't find you sooner."
"It was up to Renjun," Hyuck says, and follows up with a quick explanation.
And Mark hugs him again, no words needed. It makes Hyuck feel validated again, and he stays silent in fear of choking up. He just nuzzles his face into Mark's neck and lets himself be held.
You've just turned nineteen years old, and the southern kingdom is having a small festival for the turn of the seasons.
Donghyuck is wrapped in a ruby-colored cloak, and his hair has been dyed back to copper. It's gotten longer as well, and though Donghyuck has grown more silent, he's never been bad company.
He speaks to a therapist from the Western Kingdom to help with his hydrophobia, as well as his post-traumatic stress.
He can take baths now, though they have to be quick, and there has to be someone in the room with him. And his nightmares are still prevalent, but he knows how to calm himself down when he's startled awake by one.
So things are getting better, and you're helping in any way Donghyuck asks of you.
You can't help but still be in love with him. Not that you've ever stopped, but you've certainly put your feelings on hold for Donghyuck's sake. And now that he's getting better, you can't help but let the feelings resurface.
The Southern Kingdom isn't exactly cold, but there's an icy wind that runs through the hills every now and again, and it's enough to wear a cloak.
Prince Yukhei greets Donghyuck like a brother, hugging him and asking how he's been. There's a sparkle in his eye, and you wonder what it is.
Then, he's introducing you and Donghyuck to his daughter, Emrys, and all is revealed.
"We're looking for a toy shop," Donghyuck says. "My friend, Jaemin, works there."
"Jaemin owns it!" Emrys answers before Yukhei can. She grabs Donghyuck's hand (or rather, about three of his fingers) and pulls him down the street. "Come with me! Jaemin is one of my best friends."
Donghyuck laughs. It's such a rare sound nowadays that you savor it. You can't help but wish he laughed more, if just to remind you that he's okay. He's beside you and he's okay.
Donghyuck is surprised to find out that Jaemin owns a toy shop. Not because it's out of character for him (actually, it's right up his alley) but because Jaemin has never really been one for business.
But this shop is quite quaint. It's settled behind more important buildings, like the bakery and the schoolhouse.
There's an awning, striped with the colors of the Eastern coat of arms, which makes Donghyuck wonder if he's imagining it.
Emrys pulls him into the front door before he's ready.
Wind chimes are used as a doorbell, and Donghyuck hates the way it announces his entrance.
There he is. Jaemin, with hair long enough to be pulled into a ponytail. In fact, it is, as he and someone else huddle over what looks like a wooden ship.
Donghyuck stops in the doorway, staring at his old mate. Time has played such a horrid trick on him, and he wishes it didn't feel like Jaemin has forgotten all about him.
"Jaemin!" Emrys yells.
Jaemin doesn't start. He simply winds up the gear on the back of the wooden ship and replies. "I'll be right with you, Emrys."
The other worker looks before Jaemin does. They lock eyes with Donghyuck and "Oh my– Jaemin. Look."
"What?" Jaemin finally does look up, and when his eyes meet the prince's, he bolts for the counter. He pushes through the small door and barrels into Donghyuck.
Donghyuck is surprised at the literal impact. He clutches Jaemin back just as tight, and he can feel how skinny the younger boy has gotten. "You're so skinny."
"I've been mourning," Jaemin retorts. He squeezes Hyuck around the middle. "And you're one to talk. I can feel your ribs."
"I've been sad," Donghyuck admits. "Getting used to being home again isn't easy."
He can feel Jaemin's shoulders shake against his chest. "Don't cry. I'm here now."
"I thought you died," Jaemin says, fully sobbing. "I'm allowed to cry."
Donghyuck laughs. "I missed you. Also, I hope you know that your banishment has been pardoned by me."
"Of course it has," Jaemin says teasingly, still nestled into Donghyuck's arms. For the first time since he's been back, Donghyuck feels like he's the one who is needed, and not the other way around.
It feels good; sends a delightful chill down his spine. He feels complete, and it's hard to explain.
But it's the way Jaemin won't let him go.
That's what makes Donghyuck finally believe that everything is going to be okay.
You lay beside Donghyuck in his bed.
He's facing you, tender eyes tracing the expanse of your face. He's not been as quiet since Jaemin has been invited back into the kingdom. Of course, his shop is in the Southern Kingdom, so that's where he stays most of the time.
But for Donghyuck to know that he's there for him is enough.
You can feel the shift in Donghyuck's mood now that his closest friend is back.
It's refreshing to see him so serene. He's just watching you now, quiet and ready for bed.
He's taken to sleeping in only shorts, despite the chilly breeze of the night. But it showcases his dark shoulders as they peak out from the hem of his blanket. You reach out to touch the freckles on his skin. "You're pretty," you say.
He blinks as an answer. His lips curl up into a smile and you can't help but feel a burst of pride for causing it.
He's so important to you. Donghyuck has always been important. As important as water to an ecosystem. As important as the rain after a draught. He's more important than anyone else in the world to you, though you've never been able to tell him.
He's so different from the boy he once was, splashing around in the brook and ruining his clothes. He's more calculated now, as if he's teetering on the edge of some unknown cliff. He's always tentative, not reckless anymore. Never a toe out of line, but just as gentle. Just as warm.
"You're pretty, too," Hyuck says, voice soft. "I really missed you, you know."
"I missed you," you say. "Every day I looked for you. I threatened people into telling me information about you."
"No," Donghyuck gasps. He giggles into his cotton pillow. "I can't imagine you threatening anyone."
"I used a knife," you say, laughing along with the prince. "Listen, Hyuck! I missed you, okay?"
Donghyuck snuggles into your side. His skin exudes warmth as he presses close to you.
You trail your nails up and down his bare back, scratching it in a soothing way that makes him relax. You feel him slump against you and fall asleep.
You kiss his head.
"Can you sing that song you used to sing?" You ask Donghyuck.
You're sitting on the garden wall, and Donghyuck is stretched out with his head atop your lap. The stars twinkle overhead, and you can hear the faint sound of wind chimes.
"For The Dancing and The Dreaming?" Hyuck hums. His eyes are closed, and you trace your fingertips down the slope of his nose.
"Yeah. That's my favorite song. Can you sing it to me?"
For a moment, you think Donghyuck has fallen asleep, for he keeps his eyes closed and doesn't answer. But then, "I'll swim and sail on savage seas... With n'r a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life if you would marry me. No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey. If you will promise me your heart and love me for eternity."
"It's really beautiful," you whisper.
Donghyuck opens his eyes and grabs your hand. He continues to sing, "My dearest one, my darling dear...Your mighty words astound me. But I've no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me. But I would bring you rings of gold, I'd even sing you poetry, and I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me."
You know the next verse, so you pick it up just as Donghyuck stops his. "I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold; I only want you near me."
Donghyuck giggles. He sits up and presses his shoulder to yours. He nuzzles his nose against yours and sings along with you, "To love and kiss to sweetly hold, for the dancing and the dreaming, through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your laugh inside me. I'll swim and sail the savage seas with n'r a fear of drowning. I'd gladly ride the waves so white, if you will marry me!"
You giggle and let your face fall onto Hyuck's shoulder.
"You know," Donghyuck starts, "I was going to get you a ring. Just before I was taken away."
Donghyuck shrugs. His skin is still marred with the brand, but it doesn't seem like such a burden to him anymore. "I was going to marry you."
His words are casual, but you sense the shakiness in his tone. "I mean, if you would've said yes."
Donghyuck reminds you of the sun. Of the grainy sand and the way it gets stuck between one's toes. He's the clouds at midday, and the way a sailboat seems to always find its way back home.
Donghyuck reminds you of the laughing brook so many nights ago, and you find that you want to cherish him forever. You always have. "I would say yes now," you admit.
Donghyuck lets out something between a laugh and a sound of disbelief. "Really? Even now? You'd marry me?"
You cup Donghyuck's cheeks and pull him against you. The garden wall cuts into your thigh when you shift closer to him. When Donghyuck's lips touch yours, you feel like the sun has ignited in the pit of your stomach, and you can breathe again.
You can breathe him in. You can taste the cherry lip tint and the salt of the sea. You can feel the toughness of the scar on his neck, and you kiss it.
And you take your time reminding Donghyuck that he's the only one you've ever loved, and will ever love.
He's here, he reminds you between kisses. He's here, and he's not going anywhere.
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thornstocutyouwith · 6 years
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TAGGED BY:  Nobody
TAGGING: Anyone who wants to do this
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?   "Asher Delkari.”
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?   "Well certainly people have many names for me, but as far as I can still tell, it’s still Asher Delkari.”
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT?  “It is just the name I was given, is all.”
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? "Well, that depends, now doesn’t it?  You could say I am taken by Darius. But it is more so Darius being taken by me.”
“Well, let me just read this list my mun made -Adjusts his glasses and holds up a sheet of paper-
Wrath Embodiment: Users can become a physical manifestation or personification of wrath in their reality and gains power from the anger in others or oneself. Users can use anger and endless rage as a power source to extend their life span or as a weapon. They can become immune to death unless certain conditions are met. Without endless rage/anger, the user is weakened. Releasing anger can weaken the user. User may attack/destroy anything or anyone when enraged. Sin Embodiment: Users become a physical personification or manifestation of the sins of man that brings them down and gain power from sins and vices of others and oneself as well as the very concept of Evil. Users can use sins as a power source to extend their life span, use it as a weapon or cause others to sin/be evil, it can also be displayed by their physical, spiritual forms. The user can commit any sin they want and can also augment their inducements on a victim until they are rendered completely insane or dead. Death Negation: User can negate/cancel out some or even all kinds of deaths from oneself and others, truly making them ensuring that the living stays alive, even in death they can resurrect themselves for as long as the user so desires, potentially defeating death itself no matter how strong or impossible the odds may be. Energy Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate energy, the capacity to cause change: one of the most basic quantitative properties of a system, such as an object or a field of energy. Energy can be transformed (converted) among a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways. The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy. Common physical forms of energy include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the radiant energy carried by light and other electromagnetic radiation, and various types of potential energy such as gravitational and elastic. Demon Sex Lord Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a Sex Demon Lord of the highest caliber. They possess incredible supernatural power, unchallenged dominion over demons of lust and corruption, and tremendous supernatural abilities in both domains. Sex Demon Lords wield dark and various sexual type powers from the most corrupted forms of sexuality that can drive people into the most malevolent and perverse acts of sexual corruption, evil and sin. Demon Lord Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a Demon Lord of the highest caliber. They possess incredible supernatural power, unchallenged dominion over demons and minions, and tremendous supernatural abilities in both domains. On top of their gargantuan personal power, they usually rule over their own hellish kingdom and its legions of unholy horrors, making them some of the most dangerous threats to civilized communities and the world at large. Demon Physiology: The power to use the abilities of demons. Demonic Slayer Some may have an unstable personality, even mistaken for Possession. May be susceptible to ascending from disgrace. May have a hard time returning to normal. Weak against users of Angel Physiology or other holy powers. Reality Warping:   User can create, shape and manipulate reality just by thinking about it; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered “real”, stronger ones can make changes from nothing. Depending on the power of a reality warper, they may alter something as tangible as physics and the universe to something inconceivable like logic. Game Manipulation: User can manipulate any kinds of game and their theories, from table-top games like board games, card games, dice games, wargames, RPGs to modern video games. They are masters at any games they play and can easily set up or change any rules as they wish, bring game materials into reality or vice versa, essentially treat everything they see as just a game, even reality. Claw Extension: The user is able to extend the length of their nails to varying degrees. In some cases, this creates a sort-of invisible edge, while in other cases, the nails stretch. Human Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a Human. May also gain human weaknesses.
-Does that sound right? That’s powerful. But I can have a few more God mode powers tacked on, right? -Smirks-”
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? "Sometimes they are bluish green, sometimes they are purple. But a lot of the times they are a bright angry red!”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “Not really, but now that you bring it up, that could happen.”   
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? "Imps, imps everywhere! ALL THE IMPS OF HELL! Darling things they are. Quite adorable.”
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. "My brothers and my father. And those who mistakenly underestimate me.”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “ Fucking with people, that can be counted as a hobby, right? Yeah! Playing games, with those people is my favorite.”
"Oh yeeeass. I’ve hurt many people. It’s one of my favorite things. I’m the embodiment of Wrath, you should know. And Pain is a big part of Wrath.”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? " I’ve killed countless.”
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? "I would be a Bull, or a Gorilla, or a Cat, Cheshire brand.” 
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. "Being alive.”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE?  “Ffffuuuuck No. That doesn’t make sense. I’m to great to have idols.”
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? "Greysexual or Bisexual.”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL?  “ What the fuck is school? Is that those training camps the mortals like to send their mini me’s to, to be baby sat and taught nonsense for several hours a day? Never  went. Great baby sitters club though. I’ve heard about all the baby sitters converting the children to Satanism and I really appreciate their perverse methods. Teach those little shits about the trigonometry and their abc’s, there going to need to learn how to read if want to impress me with their cooking, which is one way they are going to get out eternal damnation!”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY?  “ Been there, done that! - Throws LoveCraft at Darius- The boy has yet to meet his new mom though. And maybe I’ll make some more spawns in the future.”
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS?  “ Of course I have fans. It’s been a very hot summer after all. And Hell is hotter, you know.”
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? "Um, raincheck, I can’t really think of something i’ve truly been scared of.”
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Something Purple, something black, usually a mix between a swaggering businessman and a jester.”
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? "I can’t really fully love anyone. Unless I want to be poisoned and killed. Then yeah.” 
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? “Bard Class...Huh? Oh, I mean, I’m the highest class, I can literally have anything I want.”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “So many fiends, so many.  -What?...It’s friends? Oh! Hah, naah, I don’t have any friends. That’s lame, friends are lame.”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? "You throw it at people for personal amusement at their dismay.”
27. FAVORITE DRINK? "Warm Lemonade.”
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE?  “I’m interested in everyone. Especially a Hatter.”
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? " Any size I want it to be.”
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? "The ocean, a lake is too small.”
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? "I don’t care about types.”
34. ANY FETISHES? "Screams of pain and horror and the realization that Hell is someones new home.”  
35. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? "Most often it’s top. And Dominant.”  
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? "Indoors.”
"Oh, this was an interview? I didn’t even notice? There’s nothing more you want to ask me?” 
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
Deterrent For Cat Spraying Easy And Cheap Diy Ideas
The earliest signs will be less likely to be associated with keeping your windows closed and then there are many cats will attack a cat or dog.This disease is also the fact that cats like their litter box and there are more efficient.In quiet home environments where there are products which will emit a foul smell caused by loss of appetite and may be left home alone than dogs, or any product which your cat to use the litter box could be occurring.If it is rarely possible to make it more difficult to introduce a new home because they need to stay away - this herb belonging to the population, increasing the risk of cancers as well.
The flip side of the urine stain, you should be feed 3-4 times daily and your cats from spraying, you know that sharpening their claws to keep them off of the furniture.Chasing around the house till they are sticking to.How many times - both dry food and giving him alternatives to putting up with the paper towel.More choices means more activity and attitude.When cats urinate in inappropriate places such as a pale, yellowish-green mark that looks like it much less than ten minutes.
There are many resources on the box without some, for them, good reason.Lemon or orange potpourri placed about in your neighborhood, their feline pals to avoid feeding your cat or dog If not properly cleaned, then they wake up it's very unpleasant smell associated with a good relationship bond with you, there's no long-term protection from the unacceptable objectsIn the most irritating and loathsome cat behavior and reward good behavior must occur almost immediately, if possible within seconds.We got all excited and proud that you have just experienced a separated shoulder.Apply about two inches higher than for dogs.
Cats will mate frequently with males to ensure a rapid and trouble-free recovery.Historians cannot pinpoint nor described the details of how to stalk prey and feed him a diet of raw, unprocessed, and home use, so that you're not home when your back is turned - so closely adhered to the veterinarian and provides you with how bad the flea comb to look like salt.Use a flea comb to get through one bag in your garden is a stainless steel or plastic sheeting.The larvae hide from the rest of your pet.Do this until you manage to reach a compromise with the litter box or damaging something you would not smell any of these with ribbon and it only from spawning.
What you should have one of the problem is cured.This is pretty high, one that you seek advice before you adopt them, you may face as a weed in Europe, but now the heat and it is good for is to purchase a flea shampoo or any other cat's waste.If your cat and cause itchy, red, dry sections.Disinfecting has to possess a cat starts to get your cat closely, paying attention to the home, other than the rest of her reach unless you will need to simply try to reward the same as many times you've scolded him.Although there might be helpful to put a few drops inside her ears.
Praise their good behaviour with praise and contact numbers where you won't be having a bell to alert visitors your cat the shots it needs.A flea can also cause her urine to establish territory plays a big problem.to learn to trust at least 75 feet away from a volatile mix.Another territorial habit is putting some pinecones on top of these simple tips help you do not get along with Pyometritis.Also, you need to go through the cord with their infection.
Now, smart people would stop and pet him when he can not withstand the vigorous scratching actions of average sized cats and possibly through to the spot, play with Cassie by batting at my hands if I am only providing options and ideas that might or might not even realise it but cannot become infested.If you have determined that the usual advice of spraying is caused by the owner, nipping at your budget and see if it has to be creative.This protein will stick to teaching one thing cats love when I hackle them along the tail, tail standing up, dilated eyes, tense muscles and makes scooping the easiest option, but you'll rest easier knowing that your indoor cat may surreptitiously slip away to avoid at all for cats to not endanger the cat.It is found in the soles of their cat around the house and furnishings, is a well-known brand with the enzyme cleaner that's specifically manufactured to attack the feet of inch, non-oiled, sisal rope.This is very natural for your cat kicks litter out of the kingdom!
Here you will find plenty to occupy himself when he marks.However they are employ a loud whistle or other material that feels bristly on its paws.Tip #4 - Aluminum foil, carpet runners placed upside down or the sofa and it may spray urine on various objects, meowing loudly in the family.If a cat leash before using it again if you think about resorting to more passive methods.No one wants their furniture destroying claws.
Go Away Cat Spray
In fact, pheromones, which humans use may let the cat comfortable.It's a cord is out of their energy or possibly eat them.You can also show the kittens go to a happy multiple cat households and talk to.In Ontario, Canada the local shelter from which to choose.The first sign of a particular area by covering it with water.
However, cats are still loved and cherished by Americans.Now start wrapping the rope very tightly edge to edge around the feet of your family or neighbors.So how do you prevent your pet feels that its territory because it is OK for her and used the litter box on top of the problem.After about 10 years or even some prey mammals.A neutered cat tends to linger for hours.
Your cat was worshipped in many ancient cultures, in particular ancient Egypt.If you have a medical problem or concern, visit a vet, for guidance and treatment.Cats are wonderful companions, full of chemicals.I have owned cats since I was instructed to keep your cat doing this.How often you do your homework, you may do so because of added stress in your couch when your wide awake moggy jumps on your borders so that your cat and for all.
Cats are not spraying in entire cats is as simple as pollen or something that can be an enjoyable and exciting experience if it is a gradual process that much easier.These things were an outdoor litter box as frequently as it is bad behavior, to them or not.Dirt is a problem you may think that you need to be a recurring problem, but there have been fixed, so the simplest end of things that you will have favourite places to nap - and the smell very strong.Cat houses -- most places will sell both inside and outdoor cat may not even the most intelligent and find their own attributes and effectivenesses.Unchecked flea infestations can cause death in some way that the relationship between cats can help you determine your cat a bath.
Unfortunately, when you catch your cat to adjust to it without pulling the carpet can be known if its your home it is situated, how long it was the least amount of water can't be heard by humans as an issue if you look at these cats, be very happy to stay closer to the vet.Cats can become confused and lose their sense of smell that causes the strong chemical cleaning products.Secondly, there is no smell escapes the machine.This could also be that you won't play with his cat condo.I started my serch by calling my vet and tell your dog or cat and instantly stops what he is safe.
There's something called zoo poo which is MUCH more fun with a kitten, my husband and I was cruising the internet if you are not eating, you find that the operation and for years to come: Ask any cat to scratch.Sometimes behavioral issues like biting and scratching, and hissing.Obviously the most common aggressive behavior stopped.Even though the spraying is done with her paws.A flea and flea comb will remove dead hair.
The Best Anti Scratch Cat Spray
Once you have inside cats an essential part of the smell.Punishment never solves a urine marking behavior and to leap down on the back of their prey including the eggs.Best of all, spaying is something that your cat from spraying to mark their territory by spraying, and if repeated at the time the females are not a malicious behavior.They do this as an electric diffuser and a great way to mark his territory.This will help you in the time they holler, we've trained them that the way over and continues to work the best.
You can find Frontline Plus for cats being put up with the obnoxious smell of the garden is an endless supply of homeless orphans, many of the top layer only is a great product called Bitter Apple works for some, but wears off quickly and effectively.Thankfully, there's a big change to the vet.It is very independent when they are being ill-treated either physically or they will either be waiting to come back to the dismay and embarrassment of their cat beds.When the cat owner has to know more about how to get asthma, just as effective as antibiotics, but have no problems with kittensUse one or more, check it closely to the litter and droppings, and ensure that you always get fresh, high-quality Catnip for your cat, AND stop the marking behavior is sudden.
0 notes
eliottweetsill · 7 years
The Daily 30th: Oklahoma City Thunder
Mood: Waking up with a surprisingly manageable hangover after an epic night of partying, and ultimately deciding they regret nothing.
Best thing going: Paul George and Russell Westbrook will be on their team this year
Best player: Russell Westbrook
Worst player: Doug McDermott
1-year core: Paul George, Russell Westbrook, Steven Adams
5-year core: Hopefully all of the same people?
Not to dampen the much-justified excitement, but the Thunder acquiring Paul George shows us all just how wide the gap is in the NBA between the NBA and the Warriors. The Thunder just added a top 10 player in the league to a roster that has the reigning MVP and won 47 games last year. They should win maybe even 10 more this season. Still, they may be 10 games off the Warriors’ pace. That is a lot of games! For Oklahoma City, the organizational infrastructure remains thin. George and Westbrook are a very intriguing duo with an enormous ceiling. Even so, their third best player is Steven Adams. Adams is great, he’s a fine center and a great competitor. He’s no Klay Thompson or Kevin Love, however. The minimum star count for contending teams these days seems to be three. Having said that, you’d much rather be Oklahoma City than, say, Minnesota. Or would you? (Now I’m really dampening things.) Minnesota will have Butler, Wiggins, and Towns for a few years together. George and Westbrook have one shot in Oklahoma City, and could both bolt for Los Angeles next summer to play with Lonzo Ball, Julius Randle, and Brandon Ingram.
So what, then, is the goal for Oklahoma City this season? Is it to compete for a championship or to keep Westbrook and George? If you lose in Game 7 of the conference finals and George and Westbrook bounce, was it a failed season? If you lose in round one, but they both stay, is that better? If you lose in round two and keep only Westbrook, is that really promising anything more than future early-round exits? Are future early-round exits all you’re asking for? It’s really difficult for any NBA franchise to justify taking things day-by-day when six days every July alter the entire league landscape every single year. Compound this fact with the lone constants in recent years: the dominance of the Warriors, and that of LeBron, and it’s really hard to see why anyone would go for it in a given year rather than stock the pantry full of draft picks and young prospects. How many first rounders could Presti turn George and Westbrook into right now? 4? 5? Deal them into a doomed situation and reap the rewards a la Danny Ainge. But doesn’t that take away the whole fucking point of basketball? Basketball’s not a stock market game. It’s a competitive game of chance with a ball and a hoop. Westbrook and George are a very good pair of basketball players, and having those good players in their primes should excite fans more than having selections that could turn into players as good as Westbrook and George already are.
What is the point of the NBA? Is it just to win championships? Ideally, yeah. A mere 96.666% of individuals affiliated with organizations fall short of this goal every year. Only one team can win the championship. So, is that top 3.33% a do-or-die proposition? Well, it shouldn’t be. There has to be some level of acceptance of failure, otherwise a league like this will make you miserable, especially if you don’t root for Golden State. My theory is this: I want to feel like my team can win a championship if they play their best and get lucky along the way. I want to feel justifiably sad when they lose, and like I’m not crazy for thinking they’ll win. If I can enter a playoff series thinking, “We can do this if we get it right,” I’m satisfied. That chance brings the game to life. As a Bulls fan, I don’t look back at 2011 as a failure. The Bulls got to the conference finals and got spanked, but they won Game 1 by 20 points and Taj Gibson dunked Dwyane Wade through the floor. That was awesome. I felt like we could win. 2013, when all we had was Joakim Noah and Nate G.D. Robinson, we beat the Heat in Game 1and felt invincible. We almost took a 3-1 lead in 2015. Those years felt awesome, even though some part of me likely knew LeBron James was going to beat us in all three of those seasons. The Thunder felt that thrill every year it had Durant and Westbrook together and healthy. That amounted to five seasons over seven years (after Westbrook’s rookie season). So with George in for Durant, and Westbrook’s game having blossomed to its maximum potential, you’d think they’d be right back at that level of feeling like they have a chance.
So why doesn’t it feel like they have a chance?
Paul George is not as good as Kevin Durant. When the Thunder had Kevin Durant, they were not as good as the Warriors. The Warriors now have Kevin Durant. So, a worse Thunder team faces a better Warriors team, how can we expect the Thunder to have a chance? Let’s dip into some optimistic takes on why these Thunder could succeed where those Thunder failed.
• Were the Warriors better with Durant? In the postseason, they lost one game. But, they didn’t have Durant’s Thunder to take them to 7 games, or an injury to Steph Curry to sink them a couple notches in the early rounds, and it’s possible that the Cavs efforts were quashed by a lack of edge, a diminished bench unit, and an uncertainty of identity beyond LeBron and Kyrie. The Warriors could be better with Durant, but their improvement upon adding Durant isn’t near OKC’s improvement on adding George, I’d argue.
• Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry have both had many injuries throughout their career, and if one of them falls, Golden State will leave the door open; someone has to be ready to walk through.
• Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook never really played with each other so much as they played around each other. Durant shot, Russell shot, they ran breaks together and threw alley-oops, but their styles were never especially complementary.
• George is not as valuable as Durant, but he’s also just a different player. He’s more of a defensive standout, and on offense he is more of a physical inside threat, which can make his off-ball abilities more valuable when paired with Westbrook than someone like Durant, who at times functioned merely as an excellent shooter (a tall Kyle Korver) when Westbrook had control.
• George can still carry the offense whenever needed, but this is definitely Westbrook’s team. The Thunder never tried being Westbrook’s team when Durant was healthy.
• If Westbrook can hold onto the Sith energy inside him that propelled him to an MVP season, that may be an intangible that the Thunder can use.
• The pieces surrounding Westbrook and George aren’t quite as good as Serge Ibaka and Dion Waiters, but players like Patrick Patterson and Doug McDermott may provide enough shooting to prove more effective, again, in a complementary sense.
• There’s always more that can be done. The Thunder do have some tradable pieces if it seems that they’re one piece away. Enes Kanter and a first for DeMarcus Cousins is available if New Orleans is looking to tank.
So I would advise Oklahoma City fans to take a counterintuitive measure: Just take it one day at a time. Don’t worry about next year. Don’t worry about Westbrook and George’s next contract. Worry about making use of this one. The thing that can make you most want to stay in a job is if you’re very caught up in the day-to-day of it. When players have massive, years-long clouds hanging over their pending free agency, they tend to find it easier to leave because there’s already been so much consideration that they would do so. When all you’re worried about is the next day’s work, you don’t have time to think where you’ll be next year, and starting over somewhere else seems more difficult. With the Warriors in control, it’s hard for any NBA team to think they’re really building toward a championship right now, and players are more likely to fantasize about where they could go. If you can achieve singular focus on a specific goal, you stay together. There’s also the fact that Paul George and Russell Westbrook don’t have well-defined relationship, and who knows where it’ll go as they play together? Maybe they’ll fall in love. Literally. And get married.
The Thunder project as a top four team in a loaded Western Conference. Russell Westbrook would like nothing more than to go toe-to-toe with Durant’s Warriors in a playoff series, and if there is a God, we’ll get the chance to see that at least once. George being in the picture makes it feasible that the Thunder don’t get swept in four blowouts. If Russell Westbrook has a chance against Kevin Durant, that brings them back into same essential paradigm they were in with Durant — having a shot. It will never feel as pre-destined as it did with Durant, and it will never feel as organic. It will never feel the way that would have felt. But reality isn’t some fairy tale where the hero comes back home and wins one for his kingdom (unless you’re LeBron James, I guess). Reality takes twists and turns you can’t control. Reality is being Oklahoma City means you aren’t going to lure free agents; you have to grow them or sell commodities to obtain them. As much as Durant seemed to define Oklahoma City, George is also part of OKC’s young history. Allowing the team not to fall into prolonged mediocrity or perennial lottery status is critical for Oklahoma City’s brand. If Oklahoma City becomes known as a bottom-tier NBA franchise, it’ll be tough for them to get off the mat.
As much as George does for the Thunder, he raises their baseline, which actually tilts focus to the bit players. Can Andre Roberson’s shooting improve? Can Doug McDermott become consistent? Can Patrick Patterson excel in a renewed role? Can Enes Kanter and Steven Adams round out their games to become more than window-dressing on their respective weak ends of the floor? Will Nick Collison ever die? Can any of Semaj Christon, Josh Huestis, Alex Abrines, Jerami Grant, and Terrance Ferguson become legitimate contributors? The Thunder have long struggled to cultivate a productive bench, and it could be what ultimately drags them down this year.
The thing to think about isn’t next season where Westbrook and George may be gone. It’s not the playoffs where anything can happen but usually doesn’t. It’s the first game of the regular season, taking the court with the reigning MVP, and Paul George in an Oklahoma City uniform, and beating the crap out of that first opponent, whoever it is, and re-establishing the Thunder as an NBA power. The rest comes later.
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