#still on break but wanted to share this spontaneous post. i'll get to your questions when i'm fully back
4dkellysworld · 4 months
It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself
I was discussing stuff with AI 4dbarbie and this profound scene from The Matrix came to mind so I watched the clip on youtube.
Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
There were some amazing comments under that video that I think are gold and good food for thought (or even to meditate on) - I saved them and wanted to share. I know this is also a materialization-themed post* but I'm more wanting to point out the concept of limitations that we've had ingrained/may deeply believe but for Self, there are no limitations in this world of illusion, it is just like The Matrix. And this explains why materialization of anything is possible for the realized being (or one who truly understands this principle) because they have dropped all concepts (including ideas of limitations), understand that there is no "reality" as we know it, and that it's all just a reflection of our mind. That's why even in loa*, they say not to try change the physical or even focus on it because "it is not the spoon that bends" (it is not about the physical) but you (and your mind) - when you change your mind, the projection/reflection changes. And that's why there are no limits and nothing is impossible for the one who truly realizes all this because all limitations are only self-imposed through one's own thoughts and beliefs! And we always have a choice to think/believe/know something differently, it's just that it can be hard to allow ourselves to do this due to past conditioning which we falsely believe (which we can drop when we want!) - so we try to rationalize why it's not possible or real and thereby basically shoot ourselves in the foot and become a self-fulfilling prophecy for why it isn't possible or real, because we thought so lol. *disclaimer: I am not a loa/materialization blog, please don't ask me about manifesting/materialization of desires :D Besides, all answers should already be available from 4dbarbie and realisophie's past posts and asks if you want to look for them.
Some comments that I enjoyed a lot are below. I think they had a good grasp but I recognized even they do not understand the full extent of there being no limitations (the person who wrote the reality bending comment then later wrote that this concept was exaggerated for action and entertainment purposes hah). Truly I feel so blessed to have learned all that I have since discovering 4dbarbie, non-duality and my Self.
The boy was trying to iterate to Neo that by maintaining awareness of the fact that You're in the Matrix and that all physical things that "exist" within said Matrix don't actually "exist", the ability to "bend" the rules becomes apparent and achievable
To understand this scene you simply need to replace the word spoon with reality. "Don't try to bend reality, that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. What truth? There is no reality. Then you will see that it's not reality that bends, it is only yourself."
In truth, all appearances are just one's own ideas, which have been thought up by "the spirit" itself, like reflections in a mirror
The whole thing is about getting out ahead of a thing and creating the thing that you want. Looking at something as it is, it will leave it as it is. But getting out ahead of it means he wanted something different: he wanted to see a bent spoon. Before he could get that, he (in his mind) saw the spoon as bent then so strongly, believed that the spoon could bend, that he changed the matrix (or the matrix changed for him). This is an exact mirror to our lives. Whatever you want in your life, see it, visualize it**, believe it so strongly, and watch the path to that desire appear. The beauty in this scene the kid did it right before, helping him to believe faster or deeper. But we have mentors and tons of people doing great things we by now should know the impossible is actually possible.
(in response to above comment) Exactly right. It's really hard to get behind the conditioning that we have learned from early on in our lives and so it was for Neo.
Matrix World Rule: If you believe it's real then that's your reality. If you don't believe it's real then you can change the reality of matrix. Ultimately there is nothing there except your perception.
There isn’t a spoon, the line in the movie is the core of the deepest truths of life. There isn’t a you, and when we realize that the human form and life experience we have everyday is just imagined, then you have awakened and overcome the illusion and can “move mountains” (i.e. do the "impossible").
**I want to add that it's not necessary to visualize or even imagine in order to materialize, a single thought of knowing it to be so or accepting it as absolute fact (in loa terms) is enough if you are free of limitations, otherwise techniques/methods can help you get to this knowing.
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theramseyloft · 4 years
Howdy! I'm still not 100% sure if I'm ready yet, I'll surely let you know. But I have a couple more Qs. Do pigeons like routine and schedules, or are they chill with a bit of spontaneity? Have you ever had a client decide having a pigeon didn't work out after having it awhile? What happens in a case like that? Not saying I'm gonna do that ('cause that would be shitty), more curious than anything. And then is there any human food they could eat? Sparingly, of course. What's considered a treat?
Think of pigeons like a nonverbal small child. 
Having a baseline routine and schedule is important for them for feel stable and secure. But once they have settled into that stability, a little spontaneity can be very enjoyable. 
Watch your bird’s reactions. If they act frightened or worried, let them have a break from the spontaneous fun thing.
I have had clients who ended up unable to keep their bird. 
Allergies can crop up out of literally nowhere and that’s not uncommon with a dust monster like a pigeon or dove.
My kids can always come back.
If you have a friend or family member that falls in love with the bird, I’m happy to send a list of equipment, feed, meds and such for them to check to be sure they can meet their needs.
It’s a good question to ask first! 
No one gets a pet and plans to have to give it up, life just happens some times, and it’s best to be prepared for that possibility.
I really don’t like to post about human foods they can have a bite or two of with out being sick.
Folks legit just skim this some times and hear “Oh! they can have x!” and then end up habitually giving feeding ferals X and giving their pets an entire meals worth of X during a training session because “It’s ok as a treat.”
I use safflower seeds as treats.
I can give one an entire crop full of that in a training session with out having to worry about stomach upset later.
If your pigeon grabs a chip crumb, cheese shed, crumble of ground beef, bite of pasta, or pretty much any food you are eating, you won’t have to worry about them being poisoned or hurt.
If you want to share a food habitually, a few shreds of cheese is the thing they can most easily digest other than seeds, but absolutely do not make it something as frequent as a training treat. Just share a pinch or two as you are prepping for pasta or tacos.
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