#storytime! i stole a corpse!
chloeworships · 2 years
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She looked exactly like this except she had long bangs and was mean to me 😭
Also in the movie THE NAMES!!! Haha I had an ex named Victor 👀
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She actually said “F*ck You” to me. This is what she wrote to me on this background
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Mean A….😂
Here’s one of the stories I read about her
There’s that number 7 again.
I’m going to find out what the Jewish folklore story says and update y’all if this story gets juicier.
PS. Carl is the name of the serial killer in THE CELL who kills women and turns them into life-sized dolls described in the article.
It’s the details for me babes.
Wait one bloody second
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This was smack dead in the middle of the article and I’m just now seeing it. Hahahahahhahaa. I love it. I was just talking about nuclear fusion and comparing it to past discoveries. Amazing.
Btw the Cuban people need help y’all 😭💔😭💔 Can the embargo be lifted??? 🥺👉🏾👈🏾The people are suffering 😞 They can hardly get toilet paper and soap. Remember when God showed me Che? Well I learned while I was there that there was a massive protest 🪧 prior to my arrival. God also showed me a vision of bars of soap 🧼 to confirm these are the items I should send. Can we do something? 🥺
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misses-celeste · 4 years
DnD storytime!
So during this game I convinced my DM to let me play a Drow Warlock who believed he was a Cleric actually and told everyone he was. And before you say that’s overkill our party was a “play what you want idgaf” so we also had a ranger with a dragon, a kenku bard who stole others songs, and Druid twins who were double in level what the party was. In actuality it was amazingly fun! The Druids players worked with the DM and served as our mentors as we all worked to our ultimate goals, mine being spreading the words of my god and gain his love, the ranger to have an army of dragons to protect his home, the bard to get a voice of his own, and the Druids to punish those who destroyed their home forest.
So one day we’re raiding a dragons nest, partly because the ranger wanted some white dragons and because the dragon was terrorizing the local villages. Win win! While we’re fighting the dragon I go down and the party is panicking cause the cleric just went down! But the party was in the middle of a dragon fight and dealed with that before rushing to my dead corpse. The Druids realize they can Reincarnate him and get too work. I’m sitting here loosing my shit hoping that my boy will still be a dark elf- so imagine me chewing up my player sheet and my DM says “Moss(me) you awake to a ice cold cavern, no longer in your afterlife you see the Druids standing over you- but something is off.”
“You can only see sixty feet ahead of you with your dark vision.”
“Oh no.”
“You look down at yourself- no longer the ebony purple elf with silve hair braided back but a pale blonde hill dwarf.”
“Oh my god.”
And so the party is happy I’m back but laughing as I went from a whole 5’9 dark elf to this little twink man of a dwarf. The session comes to an end and my DM actually pulls be aside and explains that I had been in my gods realm for a good hour and a half and I saw the things he stood for. Now my god is an old one of the forest and basically a Wendigo that Moss made friends with while running about his forest. So Moss saw Wendigo’s realm, which is just a huge forest with demons and devils and supporters of Wendigo go and torture the ones below them, innocent people that got lost in the forest and forgotten by time. I tell DM how Moss reacts, which is amazement and joy and how Moss happily partakes in the torture. So now instead of a Drow (Who doesn’t know he’s a Warlock) Cleric I play a Dwarf (who knows he’s a Warlock) “Cleric”. Now I’m waiting for when my DM will have everyone leave for Wendigo tells me to stab some motherfuckers.
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a-rat-and-a-blob · 5 years
Twitch: Oooooh! A corpse! I wonder what goodies it has for Twitchy! Haha!
ZAC: Uh.. Nope! (Grabs Twitch by the scruff) I told you! No looting bodies.
Twitch: Goopy One! Don't give me that human drivel.. Twitch loots to survive! There are plenty of things.. food, ingredients, weapons... and maybe some extra treasure on the side!
ZAC: But the golden rule! Would you like it if someone stole from you when you died?
Twitch: Hah! If the surface dwellers steal from me, they face the might of my army!
ZAC: Your army doesn't exist yet.
Twitch: My ROACH army! And enough of the golden rule hogwash. Let me give you a better situation. What if you had nothing and you were super hungry and low on resources and you see a body? Do you loot it, or do you play "nice"?
ZAC: I dunno.. If I were like that, I would just go sneak into the cultivairs and eat some fruits.
Twitch: THAT'S NOT THE POINT! Bah! Grumble. Sometimes I feel like those powers of yours spoiled you.
ZAC: I wouldn't call getting emotional breakdowns from other people spoiled..
Twitch: Huh? Goopy One! That's not what I meant! I only meant your physical powers not emotional powers. Hehe.. (Looks at body)
Twitch: Heh... I don't smell anything from that corpse. It's probably useless stuff. Let's go home. I have a great story for Twitch storytime!
ZAC: Oh! Can I be a superhero again!?
Twitch: Sure Goopy One. Just don't go destroying my things again.
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vidkid20ssimblrlair · 5 years
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Episode 15: The Dinner (Part 3)
"No. I'll go."
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We looked over to see Aaron in the main archway looking slightly disheveled but composed. He sat down next to Lin. He stared at Nathan and then Mr. Jones. "I will like to apologize for my absence, Luther. I decided to come back out of respect for our guest."
"I was just about to ask about you. I'm glad you can join us," Jones said smiling.
"So it's storytime? Delightful," he said slurring slightly with his posh accent. "Well, I'm a doctor obviously. 
“More like a quack,” Lin snorted.
He frowned at her but continued. “As I was saying I worked at a hospital and was asked to aid in the crisis involving the dead. Patient after patient coming down with some horrible disease. It was horrifying, I offered to help out with the army to set up a sanctuary in an abandoned asylum. Where I met you all. But I know you’re curious about what happened earlier. About that letter."
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“Aaron, you don't have to,” Maidson said quietly.
“It’s fine. I did have a wife and I had a child on the way actually. I can't say that didn't love her, but I was going through the motions and wasn’t being very honest with myself or her. When I heard she was with child, I planned to break off things with a colleague I was seeing. A colleague I was having an affair with. His name was Alexander or Alex. He was a kind soul. Thoughtful. Smart. I didn’t want to break his heart, but I owe my wife that much. She was having my child for christ sakes! But the day I ended things with him was the day the hospital became overrun with the dead. The last thing he gave to me was that letter and the last thing I said to him was I didn’t want to see him anymore. You can imagine how that makes me feel. How that letter is valuable to me.
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Well, now you know something that even my mother didn’t know about me. Now you know part of the reason why I drink.”
“That’s actually really touching, Aaron,” Lin said genuinely stunned.
“I guess so,” he said shrugging. He pulled out a flask emptying the contents in his mouth and placed it back in his pocket. “Anyway, it appears I need a refill. So enough about me. How about the next person go, so I can carry on drinking.”
I looked from one to the other. Their eyes zeroed on me again. I knew my time was up. 
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Audrey reached across the table and touched my hand. She smiled and whispered, “Tell the truth.”
I sighed, sat up, and cleared my throat.  “I wasn’t a good guy. What I might say may change your opinion of me and that’s fine, but know I’m not that man I use to be.”
They all shared concerning looks but paid close attention to me now.
“I was also a thief. I was also a convicted felon. I spent a lot of my life in prison for dumb shit. I stole from people’s houses, assaulted people, and booted cars for a living. I was addicted to the fast money and the thrill of it all. Got even worse when I became a father. Couldn’t exactly get an honest job to take care of her you know. Not when you got a record,” I said as the total silence in the room was deafening.
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“Anyway, just before this shit went down I was wrongly convicted for a murder I didn’t do. I was able to break out of jail thanks to the dead taking over the prison. Lucky me huh? Crazy thing is I ended up traveling with the cop who framed me and an actual murderer. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Audrey with the luck I’ve had, but I know what you’re thinking. I know I can’t get this stench off of me. Even in the fucking apocalypse, but I swear...”
“So you’re a convicted felon?!” Matthew gasped.
“Oh, here we go.”
“You..you...we can’t trust you!” he stammered angrily rising up to his feet immediately.
Madison stood up and blocked him shielding me from him. “Matthew. Please.”
“He’s a convicted murderer!”
“Wrongly convicted and he didn’t have to tell us that. He could have lied!”
Matthew fumed. “Wrongly accused. Ha! He could be lying now. He’s dangerous!”
“I’m not lying!”
I stood up and looked past Madison. It was then I felt Audrey behind me grabbing my arm. She tugged at it trying to pull me away, but the two of us weren’t letting up. Our eyes locked on each other ready to shed blood if need be. Only Madison was keeping us from throwing blows. She stood helplessly between us trying to keep us both away from each other. She looked strangely tiny as she stuck out her arms trying to distance us. I glanced over to see the rest of the table was now standing. Luther remained seated, but they all seemed to be talking all at once. Their cries all mixing together as they appeared to be pleading for us to stop as well.
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The only person who seemed to be egging it on was Wade. He marched over to Matthew’s side and glared at me. A pure look of disgust graced his face.
He then shook his head and folded his arms. “I knew it. You’re probably one of the Cartel aren’t you?”
I scowled. “No, you racist shit!”
“Please stop this!” Audrey cried grasping my arm for dear life. “He’s not dangerous. He’s a good man! He saved my life. He literally went through a burning building to save me. I swear!”
“I believe her!” Madison cried. “Please.”
“So this is how you treat me? After I kept your fucking secret,” I spat turning back to Matthew. A smug smile then graced my face as I realized what I was saying. He seemed to catch on and he suddenly looked terrified. I continued. “So, Wade, since you want to open your big ass mouth, did anyone tell you that we didn’t get any gasoline? Not one drop? I’m sure Matthew told you. Ohhh, we weren't supposed to tell you till we scrounged some up, so you wouldn’t bitch about it!”
“What?” he gasped wide-eyed.
“And Madison, do you know what your little boyfriend here told me not to tell you?”
She turned her attention to me confused. “Huh?”
“He’s lying!”
“We found a walker on a stake that looked remarkably like you. Also found a message.”
“Wait! What?”
“The message said, “We’re watching you! Was written in blood on the wall of the gas station when went we back, but you’re not supposed to know that! No one is. Now, who’s the trustworthy one now?”
Madison backed away wide-eyed from Matthew then. She looked completely shocked. The color almost looked to be draining from her face.
“I..I was protecting you,” he stuttered. He stepped towards her softening his voice. “I was going to tell you...”
This didn’t calm her. Not one ounce. With a flash, her hand connected with his face and slapped him. He stumbled backwards and grabbed his cheek.
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Wade who stood behind him pushed him as he bumped into him. He balled up his right fist and raised it as if to hit him, but put it down thinking twice. He then joined the rest of the household who stood quietly on the sidelines now staring at us like spectators. A mixture of shock and disappointment flashing upon their faces.
“I...I trusted you!” Madison howled. “How could you? This endangers me. It endangers us all. How could you keep this from me? From us?"
Matthew said nothing. The room was completely silent. You could almost hear a pin drop. Then I jumped feeling something on my leg. I looked down to see a cat. A white cat. Audrey had mentioned it, but I stared down at it perplexed by its presence. It meowed and walked over to the glass door. My eyes were drawn to it while everyone else seemed to be in a trance staring at Matthew as he stumbled over his words trying to explain himself.
I watched the cat paw at the glass. It eyes focused on something outside. Grace then spotted the cat too. She walked over to it pushing pass Matthew and she bent down to retrieve it. As she bent down to pick it up, something bumped into the door loudly. It was so loud we all jumped and I though the glass had broken. Audrey practically leaped into my arms from just the sound.
I looked up and away from the cat to see a corpse staring in now. He clawed at the glass door and loudly banged his head on it again making a thin crack. The cat sat down and continued to paw at the now blood-smeared glass. Everyone seemed to be fully aware of the cat and the corpse now. They gather at the door looking positively frightened.
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DJ quickly came over looking dumbfounded as stared at it.
“I’ll take care of it,” he said regaining his composure. “But dinner’s over."
There's some foreshadowing going on at the end. ;)
And ugh wished I could have done more with Vince's flashbacks, but it was a last min decision to include it. Someone needs to make a ski mask for TS3. -_- Anyway, the first poll for the season will be posted next. Will be something to lighten things up as things are about to get rough.
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