shannonfreakingleto · 6 years
Do Or Die: Part Twenty Three
Taylor’s POV
Making it home as soon as I walked into the house I got Shannon to help me out of my dress. Hearing him moan behind me from the lack of underwear I smirked, although I hadn’t wore panties the majority of this pregnancy Shannon was always shocked to find none anytime I undressed. 
Walking straight to the pool I pulled Shannon along with me, climbing down into the pool naked Shannon quickly stripped and joined me. Floating on my back I floated in the water as I looked up at the stars, feeling all the pressure drift away in the water I sighed happily. Feeling the water move slightly Shannon swam over to me, pulling me to his body he rubbed over my belly softly. Moving his hands to where they were kicking I smiled, standing in silence for a few seconds I slowly looked up to see the biggest smile on Shannon’s face as he looked at my bump. Running my hands through his hair I held onto the sides of his face.
‘We still need names…’ I smiled
‘Do you have any ideas?’ Shannon smiled
Biting my lip I looked down at my bump again, rubbing over it I had thought about the names for a long time. Taking a deep breath I nodded, seeing Shannon smile he rubbed over my stomach feeling them move around I laughed.
‘Ok boy first I like…Wyatt, Streyn, Brody and Jonah for the girl I really like Thea and Arianna’ I smiled, seeing Shannon nod I raised my brow waiting to hear what he thought about the names.
‘Oh I like Brody baby! I also like Arianna…I don’t have any for a boy but I like for a girl Alexis and Adelynn. Do you have any middle names picked out?’ Shannon smiled
Scrunching my face up I thought over the names, nodding my head slowly I hoped Shannon loved the idea that I had come up with. Taking his hands I squeezed them softly as I looked him directly in the eye.
‘Nothing for the boy but for the girl…I was thinking Raelynn’ I said biting my lip
‘Raelynn? Where’d you get that from it’s really pretty’ Shannon said opening his eyes wide, blushing I looked down at my bump as I spoke
‘Just say no if you really want to but…I’ve been thinking about it for a while now…It’s Torrie and my middle names…Rae and Lynn…Raelynn’ I said searching his face for a reaction, smiling wide he pulled me into his embrace and hugged me tight.
'I love it baby! It’s adorable!’ Shannon said smiling into my neck
Thinking about all the names they ran through my head, pulling away from Shannon he kissed me softly before he quickly climbed out. Smiling he returned with a notebook and pen, sitting it on the side he climbed back down into the pool. Writing all the names down that we liked into columns, I drew another line turning to Shannon I smiled.
‘You pick the boys full name’ I smiled, looking at Shannon he bit his lip
‘Can I make his middle name Jared?’ He asked slowly, nodding my head I smiled
'I was hoping you would say that, although Jared is a huge pain in the ass and I may hate him sometimes he’s still family’ I smiled
Seeing Shannon smile wide he kissed me softly, pulling away slightly Shannon kissed my nose slightly before he looked down at the list of names again. Writing all the names down we slowly scored them off of the list, narrowing it down to Jonah and Brody, Shannon made the final decision which I was more than happy about. Looking over the girls names they took a little longer, finally with much debate we narrowed it down to Alexis or Arianna. Writing them both down I fell in love with the look of one of the names, writing the final names down again Shannon and I smiled at each other. Wrapping my arms around his neck he put his hands on my stomach as I pressed my lips to his softly. Pulling back slightly I rested my forehead against his, kissing his lips again quickly Shannon rubbed my stomach soothingly.
'So we have the bear cub’s names…’
Shannon’s POV
Kissing Taylor again softly I held her as close as I could. Feeling the temperature drop around us as we relaxed in the pool Taylor shivered. Kissing her lips again softly I moved us both over to the side of the pool, climbing out we grabbed the towels off of the chair and made our way slowly up to the bedroom. Looking clothes out for us both I sat them on the bed as I dried down, watching Taylor as she applied her moisturizer she rubbed it all over her stomach. Watching her closely I smiled to myself as I pulled my boxers on; walking over to her I put some into my hand and started to help her. Rubbing it on her back and on her stomach Taylor lifted her hand up and wiped some on my nose, scrunching my nose up I wiped some on her cheek as she giggled.
'I think you missed a spot baby’ I winked
Laughing I held onto her hands as she kissed me softly, wiping her cheek against mine the cream smudged onto my face. Laughing loudly I wiped it off and put it on her belly. Looking her up and down I couldn’t stop smiling.
'You look amazing baby…absolutely gorgeous, Baby look at you. You are carrying life inside you it’s a beautiful thing’ I smiled, looking at Taylor she laughed loudly.
'Oh god yeah right! I look like a greased pig! I don’t look beautiful…I have two little life’s inside me that’s beautiful not me’ Taylor frowned
'Baby stop that. You are beautiful. There are woman out there who don’t have the chance to do what you are doing, you aren’t carrying just one but two! It’s a beautiful thing’ I smiled, looking at Taylor she averted her gaze to the ground.
'I know…I’m glad I can do this. I don’t take being pregnant for granted at all, I love that I can carry our little ones…just sometimes I don’t feel beautiful being this pregnant’ Taylor sighed
'You are beautiful every day I love watching your belly grow, my favourite is watching you smile and talk to them’ I said lifting her chin to look up at me
‘You really mean it? Although I have stretch marks, you can’t wrap your arms around me or do anything normally…I always nag at you and you grin and bear it all…you still think I’m beautiful and want to be around me?’ Taylor asked as she raised her brow
'Yes baby. I love every bit of it. Even when we argue over something so tiny I love it, this pregnancy had brought us so much closer’ I smiled as I rubbed my thumbs over her cheeks
'I love you Shannon…so freaking much and I’m glad you are around to go through this with me. I can’t wait to have you by my side to bring our beautiful babies into the world’ Taylor sniffed
'I’m not going anywhere baby I’ll be by your side every step of the way. Baby don’t cry, everything is ok and will be perfect’ I smiled as I wiped her tears away
Pulling her to my chest I rubbed up and down her back as I hummed moving side to side I felt her relaxing into my embrace. Smiling I started to sing our song, closing my eyes I sang the first verse of Do or Die. Feeling the babies kicking I put my hand on her stomach, moving us slowly around the room Taylor ran her hand up and down my bare arm.
'They know mommy is upset… See they are worried about you too mommy. I can’t help not being worried, especially with you, you’re my everything’ I smiled
'I’m ok little ones…daddy’s helping; they take after their daddy worried about everyone but I’m ok…I’ll be fine just a few more weeks’ Taylor smiled as she trailed her finger down my nose, scrunching my nose up I smiled
'Just hold on a little longer baby they’ll be here before you know it I can’t wait until they are here I wanna hug them and I’m sure they're ready for their daddy bear hugs’ I smiled
Kissing Taylor again softly I stood back yawning as I handed Taylor her night dress. Pulling it over her head I grabbed a shirt and pulled it on waiting until she climbed into the bed I turned the light off. Crawling in beside her I opened my arms wide waiting for her to cuddle up beside me, looking at her she raised her brow.
'Come cuddle I need my Tigger cuddles’ I smiled
Rolling her eyes at me she moved over in bed, wrapping my arms around her I held her to my body as close as I could. Kissing the top of her head I smiled, closing my eyes after all the drama from the day I was more than ready to call it a night. Hearing Taylor clear her throat she trailed her finger up and down my arm.
'Good night kisses Leto!’ Taylor whispered up at me
Smiling I  moved back slightly holding onto her face I kissed all over it, rubbing our noses together I kissed her lips softly. Smiling into the kiss I slowly pulled away closing my eyes as she did it back I smiled then she finally pressed her lips to mine. Laying back down again I smiled as I closed my eyes.
'Goodnight beautiful’ I yawned, feeling Taylor move beside me she cleared her throat again, opening one eye I looked down at her.
'Excuse me daddy but you forgot your little bear cubs’ Taylor said biting her lip
Laughing I sat up moving the blanket I lifted Taylor’s top. Kissing her stomach softly I rubbed over it as I looked down at large stomach. Kissing it again softly I couldn’t stop smiling.
'Sorry bear cubs, Daddy’s just really tired. I love you both and can’t wait to meet you both’ I smiled
Laying my head on her stomach I rubbed my hand over it, closing my eyes as Taylor ran her hands through my hair both of the babies kicked. Lifting my head I playfully tapped her belly, frowning and other strong kick pushed against my hand.
'That wasn’t very nice’ I said playfully frowning, kissing Taylor’s stomach again I blew a large raspberry on it
Smiling I kissed her stomach again, scrunching my nose up as one of the twins kicked hard I bit my lip. Laying down again Taylor moved close to me, letting her get comfortable I pulled the blankets over our bodies. Holding her close to me I kissed her softly one last time as we both slowly drifted to sleep. Relaxing with Taylor in my arms I fell sound asleep with everything I ever wanted and more.
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Chrissie Hynde, Debbie Harry, Viv Albertine, Siouxsie Sioux, Poly Streyne, Pauline Black 🤘😤🤘 #punkrock #punk #blondie #theslits #siouxsieandthebanshees #theselecter #thepretenders #xrayspex
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