screenshotsofdespair · 18 hours
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color-palettes · 2 days
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Father of The Void, Can You Hear Me? — Submitted by nemethos-deamon
#626F89 #A0AEC6 #C7D6DC #C8C7DC #A6A5C8 #827991 #654A4D
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I am here, on a path in the woods. And at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princess.
I am here to slay her. If I don't, it will be the end of the world.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 3 days
Druid, whom I (the DM) gave a wand that let's them speak to dead plants specifically: I want to talk to the table.
Me: of course, what would you like to know?
Druid, to the Table: are you happy being a table? Did you want to be a table, or would you rather be something else?
Table (me, putting on a scratchy, world-weary voice): what? ...no, I... I want to be... a boat! I grew up by the water... a tree by the shore... I'd like to go back... see the ocean... yeah, that would be nice
Druid: I promise that you'll see the ocean
Bard: Damn, I'm going to cry over a table wanting to be a boat
Me: Am I actually that good, or are you okay?
Bard, tearing up: I'm fine! It just wants to see the ocean!
Druid: Yeah, we're crashing the party and taking the table. Our boat needs a figurehead!
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dear-ao3 · 17 hours
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lesserknownwaifus · 21 hours
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The mascot for the local restaurant, Ladytron
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shiftythrifting · 17 hours
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comically large hexblade/possesed greatsword whos only ability is to give its wielder the strength to hold it, is found by a kobold who is very proud of it's ability to swing around this massive sword with relatively no issue
­Oh no a new blorbo!
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idk if you already have this one but here you go :D
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color-palettes · 2 days
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What Has the Susurrus of Raindrops Whispered to You? - Submitted by SeesawSiya
#202648 #375299 #3e8ea7 #b4c8e1 #7e487c
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 days
Gunslinger: That's a nat 20!
Druid/Monk: Damn, hell of a first roll.
Gunslinger: Yeah, these dice eat.
~several nat 1s and a broken gun later~
Gunslinger: I'm retiring these dice.
Cleric: I thought you said those dice eat?
Bard: Yeah, eat shit.
Gunslinger: I hate you all.
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dear-ao3 · 1 day
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shiftythrifting · 14 hours
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I bought a little pot at a little antique store in East Rochester, NH, US. (It's really made from cast iron!) (And I only bought it to make the pot joke. Best seven bucks spent!) Lighter for scale.
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