#succession au where everything is the same but Lestat is also there
everarddelanden · 5 years
VC College AU Meme
VC College AU Meme
What name does your character go by? Any nicknames? Just Everard, His Twitter handle is happy_ever_ard and certainly there are nicknames being used with and without his knowledge. He mingles in a lot of scenes and stands out.
What does your character study?: He followed some of his brothers and Rhoshamandes into Business School. He had to redo a year and he recently dropped out all together.
Where does your character live? Roommates? Off campus or on campus?: He has his own, small apartment in town, but just about close enough to walk to school, but he usually just took an Uber.
Campus Life
Do they function well in a campus setting?: He does. He’s the love-or-hate-him kind of guy with no grey area, so either people invite him to every party or they make fun of him behind his back. He does not have many real friends apart from Rhosh and does not care much for it either, because even without friends he still gets to be pretty much involved in everything he wants.
What are their favorite subjects?: Mostly extracurricular stuff. He loves to join debates and argue for the sake of riling people up. Playing devil’s advocate is his favourite pass time during these gatherings.
Do they work on the side?: No, his family makes enough money to pay for everything.
How do they get on with their professors/other students?: Again, love or hate him. Some teachers can be swayed by his persuasive, outgoing nature and comedic streak, others don’t take that shit and can’t stand him. The same goes for the students.
Do they have extracurricular activities they participate in?: Yes, as described before, he enjoys the Debate Associations and keeping up to date with what’s going on in the world. 
Are they doing well or failing?: He always teetered on the brink of failing. It’s the reason he had to redo that first year and is giving up on it all together now. The business path was the only logical way to go for him, as he is expected from home to be successful like the rest of the family, but Everard is not business material. He just does not realise that his expertise lies in Entertainment. ‘Entertainment doesn’t make money’. Not being interested, combined with his lifestyle and his emotional issues at the moment, made it quite impossible for him to keep up. 
How do they handle the pressure of their education load?: Not at all. Yes, he parties a lot and does not sleep nearly enough and often skipped classes, so a part of it all is his own fault, but he also has major concentration issues and the lack of interest in the subjects can get overwhelming, making him procrastinate. He really needs Rhoshamandes’ help on focusing long enough to finish his assignments, but now Rhosh is off the radar, he just can not keep up anymore.
Who did your character date or have a crush on?: Everard never actively dated. He does hook up quite a lot over the weekends, but they never were or never are relationship material. In all honesty, I think he’s not relationship material either.
Who does your character date or have a crush on?: He only recently realised he’s in love with Rhoshamandes, who is now unavailable, even for the friends-with-benefits part of their friendship and he’s handling it veeeery badly.
Who are your character’s friends?: I think he only considers Rhoshamandes a real friend, but he gets along very well with Daniel. He’s also been on and off good grounds with Bianca and recently he’s been warming up a bit to Armand. Who’d have thought.
Who does your character not get along with?: Lestat. They are club rivals. Don’t steal my shine, bitch. I also don’t think he’d get along with farm boy Mael and he’s had some obligatory issues with Professor No-Bullshit-Talbot.
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