#sure man so that's what we're doing now. ok. we are Fertile
thatlittledandere · 10 months
I remember getting into Persona 4 and thinking man am I glad I don't find Dojima attractive. Well
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aidenlyons · 6 months
D: Hey, thanks for coming over, we finally broke through, I think.
R: Better be, it's damn late.
D: I know, c'mon, Colby's bringing it up now.
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Aiden used to have trouble sleeping when he was a kid, too.
“Do you want to hear a bedtime story? Ok.. Once Upon a Time, there was a man. A wealthy, important man and his beautiful wife. But he was very sad because as hard as they tried, they couldn't have children.”
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D: Shit, look at all this information.
C: Supernatural research. Into a William Lyons, who was born about 75 years ago. Big landowner, politician in Windenburg.
R: Lyons, you said?
C: Yeah, is that important?
R: Maybe. Go on.
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“Because this man was wealthy and important, he had to have a child. Someone to pass everything down to. Carry on his family name. But nothing worked. Until the man remembered an old story his mother told him about a witch in the woods who would grant wishes.”
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C: Says here he had a son, and was presumed dead in a military conflict in Selvadorada. He wasn't dead, just cursed.
D: Cursed?
C: Mmhm. A spellcaster gave him a fertility potion. We all know magic like that has a cost.
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“The witch agreed, for a price. Anything, he said. Soon after his wife got pregnant and he left to defend his homeland. When he returned, he found the witch took what he felt was most important. His fame, that everyone knew him. Now even his wife didn't know him.”
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C: The price was his fame.
R: The hell's that supposed to mean?
C: Apparently he was cursed that no one would ever remember him again. When he walked away from someone, within hours they would forget him.
R: Shit.
D: I second that.
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“But the witch's curse didn't end with him. It was passed down to their son by mistake. You see, one day the boy's mother left him with the nanny, who had been there for years, in order to visit her friend. When she returned home, she didn't know her own son.
Rather than upset her, the nanny claimed he was hers. She had been there a long time and was smart. She figured out the boy was cursed. So she never left his side, made sure he knew the danger.”
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D: Am I reading this right?
C: His son was cursed, too, but not as bad.
R: Ghost.
C: Mhm. Says here he has 24 hours before a person forgets him completely. Sometimes leaving gaps that the mind tries to cover for.
R: That explains a few gaps in my memory.
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“Could that be what happened to dad?”
“No. And we're not talking about him. Time for bed.”
Erika doesn't talk about him because the truth is, she can't remember. And if she thinks about it, it terrifies her.
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R: Does it have a name for Ghost?
C: Uhhh.. yeah. Thomas. Thomas Lyons.
R: Shit.
C: Mean somethin'?
R: Yeah. An' I'm not sure how I feel about it.
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Pesadilla navidad (part 2)
(Part 1)
Rex and Nota were in the summoning room, Nota had dragged Rex there with a plan to help become Santa. "So what exactly are you planning?" Rex had asked his cousin.
"We're gonna summon some new servants to help us become Santa!" Nota answered.
Rex made a confused face at that. "Really? Any particular reason why we can't ask a few of the servants we have already?" He asked her.
"Fresh faces are probably the best tbh, people that still don't fully understand Christmas. Plus as a bonus, we get to bolster our army for the Lostbelts!" Nota explained to Rex.
Rex seemed to understand better. "Alright then. You sound like you have some in mind already too." Rex noticed.
"Actually I do! Remember some of the attendees to you and your wife's wedding?" Nota asked him, trying to get him to piece it together quickly.
Rex was then confused again. "Why summon them?! Is that even remotely a good idea?" He asked, remembering how unruly they were at the wedding.
"Well we already have an inherent connection to them, it seems. Already summoned a decent amount and remember what happened when your wife became Santa?" Nota was explaining to him.
"You mean when she was split into two?" He asked.
"Right! Something about her very nature didn't match up with the grail! Now, if that's the same with the rest of the pantheon, which it should be, then this can prevent them from wanting to steal the Santa thing away from us." Nota elaborated.
"Ok, tho that doesn't tell me why they'd want to help." Rex said. "Sure some would cooperate maybe, but others are unruly and straight up rude."
"We'll just offer them something in return!" She said. "They'll cooperate with the right motivation." She said.
"Kay, but how do we even control who comes out? This stupid things is fickle as hell with stuff like that, always needed a decent catalyst to summon anyone." Rex questioned.
"Well actually, I'm going to use this opportunity to try something I've considered for a while but have never been sure of. Remember how most of these guys really like sacrifices? Well maybe if we offered a small blood sacrifice to them in the summoning room it could drag them here!" Nota explained to Rex.
When Rex heard that he was a bit hesitant. "Would that even work? Feels a bit too easy tbh." Rex questioned.
"There's no guarantee it'd work, but it's something." She said to him.
The two were hesitant but it was better then nothing. They both stood in front of the summoning altar, took out small special sacrificial flint knives and cut their palms to let out some blood. The blood hit the base of the altar and they immediately started up the machine to summon someone.
It seemed to work well actually, a small group of Aztec and Maya gods had been summoned. They along with at least a few that were summoned prior were gathered into a small room for the cousins to explain their plan.
Among some of the gods in the room was: Tlazolteotl goddess of lust and sin, Coyolxauhqui goddess of the moon, Itzpapalotl goddess of sacrifice and obsidian, Xochiquetzal goddess of fertility and love, Zipacna Caiman god, Cabrakan earthquake god, Tlaloc storm god, Chalchiuhtlicue goddess of waters, Mayahuel goddess of Alcohol.
You could hear the gods chattering and talking in the crowd before Nota and Rex came up before them to finally explain what was going on. "Hello everyone! Happy to see you all here!" Nota yelled out towards the crowd.
The crowd quieted down a bit after she yelled out. "What exactly do you want with all of us, human?!" Yelled out Tlaloc, seeming especially annoyed.
"Oh no need to be so grumpy weather man!" Nota retorted back. "We've called you all here because we'd like your assistance in an important matter." She explained.
"Why should we help you two?" Zipacna bellowed.
"Well first of all, your our servants now, and secondly we promise you won't go unrewarded!" Rex told the impatient Caiman god.
"Now first of all! Do any of you know about, CHRISTMAS?!" Nota questioned the audience.
Mayahuel spoke up "I know it's a holiday where you exchange gifts?" She tried to answer.
"Good start!" Nota exclaimed to her. "There is a gift exchange between people, but also there's a very important figure who delivers presents to everyone, Santa!"
Then Rex pulled down a picture of Quetzalcoatl in her Samba Santa outfit. "My wife, Quetzalcoatl, has been Santa before and we've had other Santas too. But this year, we'd like to pursue the role and we'd like your help with it!"
Then Cabrakan yelled out "why should we help you be Santa when we're probably more qualified?!" He said, somewhat brashly and arrogant.
"Oh that's cause when Quetzalcoatl became Santa, the opposing nature of her own godliness clashed with the power of Santa and caused her to split into two Quetzes!" Rex explained as he pulled out the pictures of Tecnica Quetz and Ruda Quetz.
The gods were all of a sudden making worried faces and concerned chatter. "And she was a very powerful deity, if some of you, let's be honest, 'lesser' deities were to come into contact with it things might end way messier." Nota said.
Cabrakan was a lot less arrogant suddenly "Alright then. Point taken." It may not have been clear but these gods had at least a strong respect for Quetzalcoatl, and if that happened to her they didn't want to know what'd happen to them!
"But since we're just normal humans, there shouldn't be that much of a risk for us! But don't worry, you all will get the absolute best presents from us!" Nota told the crowd.
At least some of the gods seemed to be on board with the idea, or at least were less argumentative about it. "What do you need us to do, anyways?" Askes Itzpapalotl.
"We'll need some of you to be making some presents, another few to help us get in costume, someone to provide our transportation, and someone to take the Santa grail away from the previous Santa." Nota explained to everyone.
"Is it normal for you to need to take the grail away?" Tlazolteotl asked the cousins.
"No. But we're determined to be Santa, and that's why we brought you all here I'm the first place." Nota told her.
A/N: and here's part 2! Hopefully you guys liked it! I'm having fun writing it for sure!
@hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @littleminxthings @syracusemoon @madillhethen @chaldeamage-neo @exmeowstic @violette-dreams @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong
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shizukateal · 2 years
Lore Olympus Fast-Pass thoughts (203)
Let's talk Kronos, the underworld bureaucracy, and Ariadne.
Yeah, that ain't him, chief.
Perse, if you cut your finger off can you regrow it like a plant?
Please tell me you wouldn't have fallen for that even if Zeus hadn't told you he was around.
I liked the moth theme a lot, but I prefer how Perse looks with her hair down like that.
I'll talk about that maze in a minute.
The cons of Kronos being a horny old man is interacting with him. The pros are that, much like his youngest son, his dick takes over his brain when it gets hard, so he is the most gullible bitch around right now.
Ngl tho, I would find that expression adorable if that was actually Hades.
I too thought that Kronos had taken her to the sleep realm, so we're even on this one, Zeusie.
On the one hand I am also not sure what Zeus will do in this situation, on the other he is an annoying little shit, can shapeshift, has a lot in common with his father, and both of them hate eachother so there's definitely a lot of possibilities around.
Oooooooh this look is a winner for me.
Ok, so last week I re-devised my Fertility Goddess Heir Theory in case Zagreus and Dionysus end up fused into the same being. I've also been saying that Perse will probably end up trapping Kronos in Elysium, so this maze could be foreshadowing for that, but its presence is also interesting because of some fascinating little details about the underworld family that are not talked about very often.
Remember Ariadne? Dionysus' wife, the one who gave Theseus that yarn to travel the maze? Well, some tellings say that after she died because Perseus, Dionysus went to Hades, got her and his mom out the underworld and got them deified -I get the feeling this was also that time Dionysus promised that guy to fuck him and that resulted in the invention of the dildo-. This is probably to explain that she seemed to be a deity in Crete, "The Mistress of the Labyrinth", specifically. Now, obviously that referred to the maze we actually know about and not the one this episode but, wouldn't you know it? I found out through Wikipedia that apparently, her dad, Minos, ends up as a judge of the dead after his death! And her shitty ex also ends up tortured down there for a while until Heracles bails him out. So wouldn't it be exquisite if Zagreus Dionysus becomes a prince of the underworld and has his wife work in his realm, close to his dad? Wouldn't that be a thing.
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