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daigina-3 · 2 years
Steve comes home to a sacrificial ritual being set up in his living room.
Or that’s what it looks like.
He kicks the door closed and chucks his keys and wallet in the little bowl by the door like always, pushes his glasses up- they always slip down when he fiddles with the lock- and rounds the corner to head for the kitchen via the living room.
Except there’s a bunch of candles, a mix of black and cream colors, set up in the living room. Most are in plastic candelabras- bought from the DollarTree, maybe- and a big black blanket is spread in the center of the room, the couches pushed back from their usual center placement.
“What the fuck?” Steve calls, knowing exactly who’s going to answer because only one person could have done this-
“Steve!” Eddie rounds the corner from the other hall, his arms full. “You’re home early.”
“Uh- yeah-“ Eddie side steps past him, sparing a quick kiss on the cheek, which Steve returns, confused. “Are we.. sacrificing something? Or is this like a dark-themed romantic surprise because you know how I feel about wax-“
Eddie laughs and starts laying the things in his arms down on the blanket, forming a perfect semi-circle on the floor in the center of the room. A little plastic axe, a fake plastic branch, a mini ukelele, a toy sword, among others.
“No, definitely not-“
Steve cuts him off and, realizing something is missing, whips his head around in minor panic. “Where’s-“
“Heeeeeere she comes!” A voice calls from the same hall Eddie appeared from a moment ago and Steve recognizes the voice before he sees who it is, heart unclenching from his momentary panic. He’s relieved to see Gareth- a chubby little baby in his hands, held high above his head like he’s Rafiki taking Simba to Pride Rock. “The lady of the hour!”
Behind Gareth, shuffling and staring up at the baby he’s holding aloft are Dustin, Will, and Jeff, looking like occultists following their sacred baby-leader to the altar.
“Hi Gareth- hi guys,” Steve pushes down crazy helicopter dad mode and reaches up. When she sees Steve, Sam’s eyes light up with recognition- a smile breaks out on her round little face, all dribble and just one or two teeth that recently started coming in. She screeches in excitement m and reaches back to Steve with her tiny, tiny little hands- tiny little hands that might as well have Steve’s heart in a vice grip.
“Hi hi hi, Sammy,” Steve coos, taking the squealing, arm flailing ball of excitement from Gareth’s hands.
Steve will literally never get tired of how excited she is to see him, how even when he goes for a two minute bathroom break Sam screeches at the sight of him returning- will wiggle out of Eddie’s arms or bang on her high chair until Steve picks her up.
(Much to his husbands dismay- Eddie jokes that he’s nothing but a source of bottles to Sam and while they both know that’s not actually true… Steve can’t help feeling a little itty bitty bit smug when she kicks her way out of Eddie’s grip and reaches for his nose or glasses to tug on in delight).
Steve settles the smiley little butterball on his hip, rubbing little circles on her side as she grabs at the collar of his t-shirt. It only takes a couple seconds for Eddie to drift toward them both, attaching himself with an arm around Steve’s waist and Sam tucked between them.
Steve leans into the warmth of Eddie and the way he’s wedging Sam close to them both.
Around them, Gareth and Jeff light the candles around the room while Will and Dustin find a spot to set up Will’s phone.
It dawns on Steve- “Oh! Is this the Gundam and Gadgets thing for Sam’s first birthday?”
Eddie can’t hold back his laugh and he knocks Steve’s head gently with his own. “You know it’s Dungeons and Dragons, you old coot,” he says lightly, his breath tickling Steve’s cheek.
Steve smirks. He knows, but he likes to hear Eddie’s exasperated laughter when he calls Orcs “Shrek guys” or asks if the scores work like golf. He bonks Eddie’s head back lightly.
Eddie had mentioned it- said he’d seen a thing online but Steve had imagined picking papers out of a hat or something, maybe spinning a wheel.
Eddie twists a finger in Sam’s curls, his mouth pursed. “Paper in a hat? That would hardly be appropriate for such a tremendous occasion.”
Sam slaps at Eddie’s finger, grabbing it and yanking it down to her mouth. Eddie lets her slobber on it with the indifference of a man who’s had way, way worse than baby slobber on his hands.
“Our little Samwise is choosing her class- her lifelong craft that she’ll work to perfect. You can’t choose that with paper.”
Steve glances up from where he’s watching Sam gnaw on Eddie with her little ridiculously tiny hands wrapped around his. He knows the rings are non-toxic, made Eddie get them all checked, but still wonders if the metal is good for her teething gums.
“Isn’t that right, Sammy-fries?,” Eddie wiggles the baby- still gumming on his finger- into his arms. “This way she gets to choose what she gravitat- OW, fff-“
“Language,” Steve chides.
“-forks, Sammy, those teeth are deadly! Jesus, what’re you gonna do when you have a full set?” Eddie shakes his hand, inspecting his finger where two little red indents mark where Sam had bitten down. Hard.
She never touches her expensive doctor recommended teething rings, but biting on hands and fingers til they bleed? Her specialty.
Sam giggles as Eddie shows her his boo-boo and pretends to be fatally wounded.
“Candles are all done,” Jeff announces. “And Erica texted. She wants us to Skype her in after.
“Oh- Lucas and Mike made us promise to record it, too,” Will finally steps back from where he and Dustin have carefully propped the phone against a teddy bear elevated by books on a side table, looking like it could fall any second and angled perfectly at where Eddie is setting Sam down, equidistant on the blanket from each of the symbols surrounding her.
Steve recognizes some of the things- the sword is probably fighter, the little branch is probably meant to be a mage staff? Or maybe the other magic class, Druid? There might be more classes that use staffs or branches though. The ukelele is easy, that one’s a bard- Steve knows it’s Eddie’s favorite class- and a few other things that are obviously to do with fighting or something but he can’t really tell what’s meant to symbolize what.
Behind him, Gareth dims the lights just a little and saddles up next to Steve “This is gonna be so fuckin-“
“-Language!” Chorus Will and Dustin at the same time-
“Sorry- fricken awesome.”
The excitement among all the guys is palpable and Steve finds himself getting wrapped up in it too- they’re all sitting down around the special little blanket, Dustin and Jeff leaning across Will to make bets (Jeff’s money is on fighter but Dustin’s heart is set on Rogue) and Eddie sets Sam up, smoothing her hair down and gently explaining to her the sacred ritual they’ve set up for her. She barely understands much more than “yes” “no” or “dinner” but she looks up at Eddie with the biggest, most interested eyes a baby can have. Steve gets it- that’s probably how he looks at Eddie too, most of the time. Wide-eyed and love-struck.
A little ‘ping’ sounds softly as Dustin hits record on the phone and Eddie holds Sam up.
“Today,” he says like he’s making a speech to a crowd of several hundred rather than a living room of five dudes and a baby, “marks a special day in the young life of Samantha Munson-Harrington. Also known as Sam, Sammy, Spammy, Samwise, Samfries or Spud. She has reached the end of her first calendar year and it is time to choose the path down which she will walk for the years to come.”
He sets her down carefully equidistant from all of the symbols and scoots back among light cheers from the guys- including Steve, who gives a little ‘woo!’
“Aaah-oo,” Sam claps.
The guys start beckoning Sam this way or that- Gareth trying to get her attention towards the little axe and Will tapping the floor in front of the little play sword.
After a lot of looking around the room at all the crazy grown adults yelling at her, Sam surveys the items in front of her. Gareth’s little calls of “over here! Sam! Sam-erino, look at the cute little deadly weapon!” get more insistent and Will’s tapping is almost drowned out by Dustin making weird bird noises, as though cawing like a raven is gonna do anything but weird the kid out.
Finally, she crawls forward and reaches out her hand-
She grabs the ukelele.
Everyone goes wild.
Steve laughs at the way they all cheer anyway, even though Sam didn’t choose what they wanted, and Eddie scoops her up with the ukelele in hand, smothering her plump little cheeks with kisses.
“A bard,” Dustin bounces from where he sits cross cross applesauce. “She’s a little bard!”
They Skype Erica in- after, of course, they spend some time passing the baby around so they each get their turn cooing and snuggling their new little bard. Jeff holds Sam and plucks the ukelele in her arms, making her eyes go wide at the sound it makes. They laugh as she searches for what made the noise and aww appropriately as she discovers that instruments make sounds, slapping her little fingers against the strings with Jeff’s help.
Erica’s busy with her life as a new lawyer, as always, but never too busy for Hellfire. She answers on the second ring.
“Okay, nerds, I have a case in about fifteen so don’t waste my time-“
“Bard!” Eddie announces, holding Sam up to the phone so Erica can see her. She still hasn’t let go of the ukelele- it has, as all things must inevitably, ended up in her mouth. She’s chewing on the frets and smiling at the phone like she knows the camera’s on her.
(She always smiles for the camera. She’s a little show-boater like that.)
Erica makes a couple snarky comments about how she knew Dustin’s as gonna lose their bet- which, not surprising; they always have some kind of bet going and Dustin’s always losing- and she blows Sam a few kisses before she has to head out.
Will sends the video off to the group chat Hellfire has and spends the next few minutes laughing over Lucas and Dustins responses.
Sam ends up in Steve’s lap, doing her new little tick where she stands and bounces up and down. Steve keeps his hands on her arms for support and showers her with little kisses every few minutes- both as a little congratulations and because he can’t help it.
Jeff breaks out the beers. Eddie takes up the little ukelele, which definitely still has some Sam-spit on it- and plays a couple songs. He starts with her current favorite- one he and Steve play around the house for her to make her smile.
“I wanna rock n’ roll all night, and party every day-“
Sam goes nuts, squealing and dancing until she falls back into Steve’s lap and gets up to do it again.
The guys join in- all six of them singing (at different stages of off-key) to this bright little light, the center of Steve and Eddie’s whole world, of all of their worlds, really, who’s pulled them all in and made their lives a little warmer. Made their rag-tag family a little bigger.
“Happy birthday, Sam.” Steve whispers into her curls. “Little bard baby.”
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jaimee2001 · 7 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: T. Harris London Purple Striped Polo Shirt - Gentleman’s Fit Size M.
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mysterymirrors · 17 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Tiësto Clvb Life Jellyfish Abstract Graphic Crewneck T-Shirt - Black - M.
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saleinthecity · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: J.CREW Mens Size M Performance T-Shirt with COOLMAX Technology $50 Oxford Blue.
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andrewhunt1155 · 4 months
The Best Places to Shop in Saginaw, Michigan: Malls, Boutiques, and Markets.
Saginaw, Michigan, offers a diverse range of shopping experiences, from bustling malls and unique boutiques to vibrant markets. Here are some of the best places to shop in Saginaw, Michigan:
** Malls
1. **Fashion Square Mall**
**Location:** 4787 Fashion Square Mall, Saginaw, MI 48604
**Description:** Fashion Square Mall is the largest shopping center in the Saginaw area, featuring over 100 stores. Major retailers include Macy's, JCPenney, and H&M. The mall also has a variety of dining options and a food court.
**Highlights:** Diverse range of stores, seasonal events, and family-friendly atmosphere.
2. **Green Acres Plaza**
**Location:** 4672 State St, Saginaw, MI 48603
- **Description:** This open-air shopping center features a mix of national chains and local businesses. It offers a convenient shopping experience with ample parking.
**Highlights:** Anchored by stores like T.J. Maxx and Bed Bath & Beyond, and various dining options.
** Boutiques
1. **The Saginaw Store**
**Location:** 100 S Hamilton St, Saginaw, MI 48602
**Description:** A charming boutique offering Saginaw-themed apparel, accessories, and gifts. It’s a great place to find unique items that showcase local pride.
**Highlights:** Local art, custom T-shirts, and Saginaw souvenirs.
2. **Simply Chic Boutique**
**Location:** 5789 State St, Saginaw, MI 48603
- **Description:** A trendy women's clothing boutique offering a curated selection of fashion-forward apparel, accessories, and home decor.
- **Highlights:** Stylish clothing, personal shopping experience, and frequent new arrivals.
3. **St. Laurent Brothers**
**Location:** 1101 N Water St, Bay City, MI 48708 (near Saginaw)
**Description:** Although not in Saginaw proper, this iconic candy and nut shop in nearby Bay City is worth the short drive. It offers a delightful selection of homemade chocolates, roasted nuts, and other sweet treats.
**Highlights:** Freshly made candies, gift baskets, and nostalgic charm.*
** Markets
1. **Saginaw Farmers' Market**
**Location:** 203 S Washington Ave, Saginaw, MI 48607
**Description:** This vibrant market offers fresh produce, baked goods, and handmade crafts from local vendors. It operates seasonally and is a great place to support local farmers and artisans.
**Highlights:** Fresh fruits and vegetables, local honey, artisanal bread, and community events.
2. **Green Market at the Dow**
**Location:** 301 Johnson St, Saginaw, MI 48607 -
**Description:** Held at the Dow Event Center, this market features local vendors selling everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. It’s a community hub where residents can gather and enjoy live music and food trucks.
**Highlights:** Variety of vendors, live entertainment, and special market events.
** Specialty Stores
1. **Kokomo's Family Fun Center**
**Location:** 5200 Kokomo Dr, Saginaw, MI 48604
**Description:** A unique combination of an entertainment venue and a retail store. It offers games, mini-golf, and go-karts, along with a store selling toys, gifts, and novelty items.
**Highlights:** Fun activities for families, wide range of unique gifts.
2. **Meijer and Kroger**
**Location:** Multiple locations throughout Saginaw
**Description:** For everyday shopping needs, these large supermarket chains offer groceries, home goods, and a variety of other products. Both stores are known for their wide selection and convenient locations.
**Highlights:** One-stop shopping for groceries, household items, and more.
** Antique and Thrift Stores
1. **Carrollton Village Shops**
**Location:** 2933 Carrollton Rd, Saginaw, MI 48604 -
**Description:** A collection of small shops offering antiques, collectibles, and vintage items. It's a treasure trove for those who enjoy hunting for unique finds.
**Highlights:** Antique furniture, vintage clothing, and rare collectibles.
2. **Goodwill and Salvation Army Thrift Stores**
- **Location:** Multiple locations throughout Saginaw -
**Description:** These thrift stores offer affordable second-hand clothing, furniture, and household items. Shopping here supports community programs and services.
**Highlights:** Budget-friendly shopping, constantly changing inventory, and support for charitable causes.Saginaw’s shopping scene caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences, offering everything from mainstream retail to unique local finds.
Whether you're looking for a fun day at the mall, a unique gift from a boutique, or fresh produce from a market, Saginaw has something to offer every shopper.
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stories-all · 4 months
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boboprincess · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: G/FORE Womens Colour Blend Fore Cotton Slim Fit Golf T-Shirt NWT.
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divine29-blog1 · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 3/$15. Pulp Women's teal sleeveless polo tee size M.
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postjunk-vintage · 6 months
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makingmidcenturymod · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Flying Disc Golf Frisbee USA Ultimate Team Patagonia Capilene Red T-Shirt M.
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antwerp-collection · 1 year
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peacedtogether · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Free Fly Women's Flats Grey Scoop Neck Bamboo Heritage Midi Dress Minimalist M.
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atozearth · 1 year
Best Top 12 Trending T-shirts For Men In 2023
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Top 12 Trending T-shirts For Men In 2023
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Under Armour Men's Boxed Sports style Short-Sleeve T-Shirt , Academy Blue (408)/Red , Large Product details - Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 11.06 x 9.61 x 4.33 inches; 7.2 Ounces - Item model number ‏ : ‎ 1329581 - Department ‏ : ‎ Mens - Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Under Armour - ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BGWH7NMR Also read more Best 8 Travel pillow So this is the list of Top 12 Trending T-shirts For Men In 2023, choose your best outfits according to your size and comfort with our this details blog, I hope you find this blog helpful and you will share with your family and friends so they can also choose trending best t-shirts for them. Read the full article
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mysterymirrors · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Tiësto Clvb Life Jellyfish Abstract Graphic Crewneck T-Shirt - Black - M.
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cainenterprisesllc · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Men’s size medium adidas golf Climalite He-Man golf league maroon polo T-shirt.
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