hydrus · 7 years
Version 291
os x
I had a great week. I fixed some important bugs and made good progress on the downloader overhaul.
crash bugs
I have cleaned up some more crash bugs.
One big one was initialised by the file import frame (the one that opens when you drop files on the client or hit ''files->import files''). It actually triggered the crash up to an hour later, which has been a common theme here--the crash occuring during idle time well after the problem window did its thing. In any case, I have fixed that bug and improved how that dialog parses files in general.
Now I know what was causing the bug, as long as working on several other user reports, I have cleaned up a bunch of other places where it might occur. Some were one-in-a-million, others likely more common, but I've cleaned everything I could find. My test client has yet to crash since I did this work, no matter what I did, so my fingers are crossed.
If you still get a crash, please continue to send me information on what you were doing during and before the crash. Again, I apologise for the inconvenience--this wx update has gone well except for this unexpected series of problems. I hope we are mostly beyond it now.
misc stuff
You can now set more non-alphanumeric keys as shortcut keys. Anything that is sensible and ASCII--like &, /, *, or '--should now be mappable.
The client now deals with difficult-to-delete temporary paths in a better way. You shouldn't see any more spam about it in your logs, and the files should be cleaned up much more reliably.
os x build
I've had some recent trouble getting a good OS X build out. I run 10.9.5, and I think it is getting just a bit too old for some users and some newer code I would like to use. I have made today's build less ambitious, so if you had trouble with v290, please give it a go and let me know if it runs. If you can run it ok and were ok with v290, please let me know what version of OS X you are running.
I meant to make an optional super-safe build for people to try out today, but then I couldn't get that to work, so I have ultimately decided to rebuild my environment from scratch. So, I will attempt to update to a fresh version of a later OS X (probably 10.11, but we'll see) next week and try to put out an all-round better v292.
downloader overhaul moving forward
I made very good progress on the downloader overhaul this week. I almost finished the new parser I have planned, and a lot of things are falling into place. If you are a very advanced user who is interested in making a parser, you might like to briefly check out the new ''network->manage parsers'' dialog, although it doesn't do much (or save/export) yet.
With some luck, I hope to have the parser finished next week, and maybe the thread watcher system working with it. I will make some defaults for users who want to build their own parsers to consult, and I will eventually write a proper help document for the whole system.
full list
expanded the permissible shortcut keys to all reasonable ASCII characters, such as comma and ampersand and the types of brackets
fixed a delayed crash sometimes caused by the file import frame (the one launched by dropping some files on the client or going file->import files)
the file import frame does its file parsing job in a generally more sensible way, particularly when new drops occur while parsing is ongoing
fixed a crash that could be initiated by the manage tags dialog setting the favourite tags late
fixed a crash that could be initiated by manage parents closing before results came in
fixed a rare possible crash that could be initiated by a review service panel delivering results late
when media pages load, they will be more thread-crash-polite to wx
wrote a new 'PageParser' object that will be the primary parser in the new downloader engine. this can deal with a variety of complicated parsing situations. it is still a work in progress, not yet ready for proper use
started new 'manage parsers' dialog for the new parsing system and arranged a bunch of things around that to make the eventual transition easier
edited some more old 'parsing scripts' ui to again make the transition easier. file lookup scripts will be converted to something new as we move to the new parsing system
fixed some bugs in contentparser instantiation
fixed a bug in the html tag rule edit dialog that wouldn't allow attribute pair editing
the names in the manage tags file lookup script dropdown are now sorted
removed some old redundant error-hiding code from the pubsub system
a common 'is my page closed' check is now a lot simpler and faster
fixed an edge shutdown bug where log messages were not able to be written to the log file
some media viewer objects delete themselves more safely
maybe fixed a rare menu refresh bug in linux
improved how hydrus deletes temp paths--if they are 'in use by another process', it will now put them aside and try again later. this error typically occurs when file mimetype parsing fails, and due to the error context hanging around, an open file handle is still in scope.
the client is better about recovering from missing tags in the db--in certain circumstances, it will now generate a 'unknown tag:random hex' as a simple placeholder that can be better used to investigate the error, rather than dumping out
downgraded os x opencv to 3.1.0 to hoyefully increase compatibility
putting out a separate os x build with opencv 2.4 as a test for users with problems booting the main build
the server closes a little more neatly
upnp errors are more verbose
misc code cleanup
next week
We are getting close to some fun stuff, so I would like to focus on the new parser. I also have a ton of cleanup and small issues and requests to be catching up on, and we'll see how this OS X business goes.
0 notes