#tagging it as jonerys 'cause i know this entire community is going through a massive endless panic attack
bendthekneejon · 5 years
My self-care routine for the Jonerys fam
I’ve had anons and private messages of people telling me they feel physically sick from this whole Jonerys situation or that they’re falling into depression. Fear is consuming many people here. So I wanna give out some advice for your mental health.
It hasn’t even been a week and the wait has been torturous. So we got 10 more days to endure this. I’d rather spend them hopeful, EVEN if it’s wishful thinking (I don’t think it is, but well). Because when I’m hopeful, I’m in a good mood. And when I’m in a good mood, I have more energy and vitality, I feel better, I sleep better, I can focus on other things in life. So yes, I’d rather be hopeful and spend this following week and a half in a healthy way. If GOT ends tragically, I’ll cry on May 19th (and beyond), but why should I start torturing myself with pessimism from now? Am I gonna change anything by doing so?
Now, about self-care. My mental health used to be a fucking mess, I was medicated and wasn’t getting better. But I have changed my way of life to get better, and it’s working really, really well. Some things about this may sound weird to some of you (especially for the Westerns), like energetic healing and stuff like that. But give it a try. I believe in it 100% when I used to think it was bs just some years ago. Try to trust it--you lose nothing and can gain much. 
My tips:
Take care of what you eat. This is always my #1 advice. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. They are excellent to detox the body, which you need to do if you have fear and stress stored inside. Try not to eat red meat at least for these days. If you can afford organic foods, go buy ‘em. Watch out for coffee, it can increase your anxiety. Eat one bar of dark chocolate a week (minimum 75% cacao) for the serotonin, preferably one without milk. Try to consume vitamins C and D (for D, let the sun rays embrace you! for C, consume citric but if you have the chance to get a vit C shot in your area, go for it, it’s vitalizing as hell and lasts for a month). PLEASE no fast foods no shit foods they are terrible for emotional balance!
Work out. Guys, this one is a MUST. I’ve always been sedentary as fuck. Picture a lion chasing a zebra. If the zebra runs away and saves itself, it will start shaking—this is nature’s way to take out all the emotions of fear and stress that are stored inside an animal’s body. But when we human beings get scared, we freeze, which is exactly the opposite of what we must do lol. We gotta take those toxins out and the best way to do so is by moving the body. Dance, run, do some hot yoga, but you gotta SWEAT. Every day. Our bodies generate toxins EVERY DAY.
If you do yoga, try to do balance poses, they help with your actual inner emotional balance as well.
Shower more than once a day: morning and night. If you can in the afternoon, do so as well (my apologies to planet earth). Water is extremely purifying. The water should be preferably cold, at most, a little warm. If you loooove to shower with hot water, when you’re done, let one COLD water jet fall on the center of your head. Yes, it’s not fun, but it helps to neutralize emotions marvelously. Also, do NOT get into bed without showering first. You’re carrying a shitload of toxins and negative energy from the people outside and getting them into your most personal place. Again, at least for these stressful days, try to believe in energies if you don’t.
Try to be around people. Don’t lock yourself away. Try to laugh with them to release serotonin and dopamine and all that. Try to hug as many people as you can. Go to a friend and fucking HUG THEM. You have no idea how healing hugs are, even physically (dopamine and all that stuff). Cuddle with your partner if you have one (or with your mom, brother, etc), tell each other I love you. LOVE. IS. HEALING. AS. FUCK.
Now this is gonna sound cheesy as fuck (but believe me, it’s important): try not to have casual sex with someone you don’t love, much less with someone who isn’t close to you and you don’t know too well. If you really want to have sex, I strongly advise for you to make love with your partner (yes sex in general is great to chill the fuck out but trust me with this one).
Get a plant, preferably a bonsai, and take care of it. Caring for another being is extremely healing. If you have pets, give ‘em some love as well.
Keep your room clean with very very few things in it. Yes, Marie Kondo was right. That shit is healing as fuck. Tidiness and organization in your personal space give you a sense of internal organization and balance as well.
Try not to watch the news nor any violent movie/tv show (YES EXACTLY AVOID GOT, at least when it’s not a sunday night lmao)
Write your feelings down. All of them. Discharge them. If you bottle them up, they will leak through your day through exhaustion and bad mood.
During panic attacks, like when you’re afraid your characters will die, make an attempt for reason to overcome emotions. eg. Read a list of reasons why they would survive (i literally made my jonerys list to read it to myself during these moments of despair).
Keep your mind busy. Try not to have many moments without doing anything. This way, your mind will focus more on your real life and the activity you’re doing than on the fictional characters in your mind.
Avoid alcohol, tobacco, drugs in general.
And the most valuable advice I can give you: LOG THE FUCK OUT OF TUMBLR. LOG OUT. DUDE. WHY ARE YOU TORTURING YOURSELF LIKE THIS. LEAVE THIS FUCKING HELLSITE. Look, I’m here only to answer my friends’ messages, not even looking at my dash (i’m only using tumblr for desktop, i deleted the app) bc I KNOW others’ pessimism will intoxicate me. Now, if you really want to stay here to look for more evidence on why the leaks are FALSE to calm yourself down, then that’s completely valid but please be careful, eg. unfollow and block the pessimistic blogs or try to only look at the ones who share the reasons why the leaks are false (this is not marketing for my own blog i swear lol, it’s def gonna help you to only follow the optimistic ones). AND LOG OUT OF REDDIT TOO BISHES FUCKING YEET THAT SHIT AWAY.
And if you STILL feel like shit at night, take a sleeping pill (last resort…try to keep your body free from chemicals for now).
Anyway, if I remember more I’ll add them. If someone has more tips, you’re more than welcome to share them.
PS: For these things to actually make a difference in you, you gotta be constant and disciplined. It’s not just about going out for a run once or drinking an orange juice once. It has to become part of your daily life to change your mindset and the way you see the world and yourself.
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