#tagging yall bc ur communities rlly are making this abt ships
callingallcars · 5 years
Bro it’s cool if you’re fandom mom tho, like us childsrens need some protection - dq
*disclaimer: this got real long so imma hide the bottom part so yall can read if u want bc i have some Things To Say*
see this is how i feel sometimes but i would absolutely hate to come across as overbearing bc like. im not related to yall and i dont kno most of u in real life but sometimes, and my older fandom friends and those my age who have been thru it with me kno, sometimes u just gotta be like “yo dude i get it i rlly do but i promise. u do not wanna do that”
theres a rlly good post and i think its specifically mentions shipping but i cant remember but the gist is like if u make fan content -especially with ships- and the creators wanna see it they will find it. like theres obviously a big difference between someone creating art based on the band and music and someone creating art based off of fandom. ppl like caffeinatedeyes making those return patches (sidenote her art is amazing pls check out her patches on twitter) is polar opposite from anyone, especially a minor, making and/or sharing a p****graphic fr*rard drawing and not blocking out the guys names so that they might see it on twitter.
also i go back to the being able to trigger tag on tumblr and how famous artists tend not to use tumblr like they do instagram and twitter and how tumblr algorithms suck so much anyways you cant find anything even if u tried but thats just a sidenote
also not to rant On This but the way some folks in the mcr fandom (no one in particular this is just in general) can take the fr*rard shipping a lot too far? to the point where its like creepy? and also very reminiscent of that whole y*oi problem? with the fetishizing of queer people and the being mean to the parties’ spouses? yikes bro??
this is coming from someone who was admittedly the Dumbest tm type of fan when i was really into one direction and 5sos ok. but there was a fandom mom on tumblr who talked abt this kinda stuff too and i thank god for them every time i remember i really almost thought doin somethin Real Stupid was a funny and mature idea when i was 13.
my point is please think before you post stuff, please think before you tag or even name ur faves in sexually explicit stuff esp on twitter, pls pls pls do not use a ship as a reason to go after ur ships’ SOs. Just pls think before u do like anything really thats pretty much how life works but especially think before u involve a literal stranger in ur stuff about them. 
fandom can be really really really amazing and fun and gives people an amazing sense of community, but you gotta make it safe for the whole community or no one has fun. 
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