#take me out to the hollosuite and the casino episode? And Nogs's paper moon stuff too!
obessivedork · 2 years
WHY was the fact that Ezri is technically around the same age(ish) as Jake and Nog not really brought up in DS9???? HELLO?????? We missed peak shenanigans of the three of them hanging out making pillow forts and being young 20-somethings together figuring themselves out despite the horrors of war!!! (Not to mention witnessing that would probably make for some good character moments with Kira) That would’ve been WAY better than watching her struggle to fill Jazia’s boots just because she happens to have the symbiont now and also whatever they thought they were doing with that thing between her and Worf and Bashir which was terrible- comphet really did wreak havoc on especially Ezri and Bashir’s characters in season 7. 
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