#tarmac hell can't hurt us anymore
liquor-liquor-lips · 2 years
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"I asked you for one more miracle."
"I heard you."
(inspired by x)
For @topsyturvy-turtely and everyone else who has been personally victimized by the tarmac scene. I hope this post hugs you whatever you are.
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chevvy-yates · 7 months
21 for Ryder, 24 for Thyjs, 28 for Jay, 31 for Vijay + 19 for everyone :P
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19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
Ryder is quick to anger from one second of the other. You need to be careful not to bring it to the top. He's extremely prone to get angry as the rogue AI has major control over him and his emotions. He's aware of it though and always is super anxious to avoid it growing to fast. He doesn't like to be that angry but he can't stop it as he has no full control over it. He knows he can easily hurt people that way, be it just verbal or in the worst case life-endangering for others.
21. their favorite place to be?
In Night City? It is the Afterlife and in his favorite techno shack named 'Hell Bunker' under the Dark Matter building where they often host his favorite rave event 'Chrome Chamber Rave' (it is a head canon). Best rave event in whole NC. You get everything in there: hard beats, thick bass, chains everywhere as decorative elements, cages, neon lights and the music is always accompanied with a laser light show. People show up in various astonishing outfits, it has a big floor and two smaller ones, there's also a whole floor with two different dark rooms as well. If you're already a fan of Totentanz: Hell Bunker is 10x better! – It just depends on your taste in music.
Other places:
Tempelhofer Feld*, Berlin in Germany: When Ryder used to live in Berlin as a teen, he spent most of his free time there watching young Militech pilots train on the tarmac while he was daydreaming of a career as pilot as well. It was his favorite place and all his free time he was able to be outside he spent most of it there. Even when there was no training he just went there, sat down somewhere on the field or even at walkways and watched the clouds and the sky. Alone or with his then boyfriend Tommy. And even today he'S a little obsessed with it. He know every bit of history that happened at the Tempelhofer Field, from the first airship that went of there in 1897, to the history of the former airport there until the opening of the Tempelhofer Park in 2010*. during the 2040s Militech bought most of it and build a training base for pilot there, renovated the old tarmacs and since then it is a military base again with a small part still being accessible for Berlin's citizens as the Berliners loved their park so much that Militech wasn't able to get the entire place.
*Historically it was an area used for military practice, and as a parade ground of the Berlin garrison. It is closely linked to German military and aviation history. Love the thought so I integrated it into his back story. **It covers 355 hectares of the site (former airport, buildings and surrounding land incl), making it the largest inner city open space in the world.
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19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
Thyjs is not quick to anger. It happens, though. You must be a real idiot and super careless and behave like a complete douchebag for that. If you claim to be a soldier and be of a higher rank than Thyjs and do not care about your mates and play solo – Thyjs will get angry. And he won't stay silent about it. And sore Thyjs … is like a pitbull. You would never think he would turn into this but his words will get loud, angry and they hurt as fuck, but are nothing but the truth.
24. do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
Thyjs plays piano. Classical piano. And he's good at this. He also likes to paint, preferably more a style of impressionism (as Van Gogh is his favorite artist). He didn't start painting until his accident so he needs to practice a lot and is in his finding phase. He mostly draws flowers. And he likes to create flower bouquets for it first, so he can draw his own still life. Thyjs loved flowers since he was a little boy, but it all got put aside once the drill started to turn him into a war machine. But now he's not on duty anymore he picks it all up (also his piano play) as sort of his own therapy to compensate his ptsd (and emotional numbing).
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19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
For Jay it depends on the topic. If it's something he likes and you absolute talk disrespectful about it? He will get angry and literally spit the fitting words right back. He may even start to microhack you for it. Yes it's unfair, but Jay doessn't fucking care.
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
When Jay cares, he also stops being "annoying". When he starts to care about someone it is because he likes them for their character. He will be nicer then, still a bit teasing though. And he definitely will stay at their side if he noticed they have a problem that needs solving (be it simple of difficult). He will lend an ear and offer his help no matter what. Jay will find a way :P And is he doesn't like someone? Again: microhacking, hehe. There's nothing more annoying than getting microhacked, especially when its another netrunner and Jay just knows he's better than the other in it (because he's special for reasons). It's mostly harmless hacks like some tiny cyberware malfunctions, or optic resets but also hacks like 'Murphy' that disrupt cyberdecks for a while causing it to randomly launch all of its applications, until the runner finds the cause. But beware, Jay may find too much joy in it and if he really hates someone for whatever reasons, this little mostly unharmful but annoying microhacking can end up in something more hurtful: Anti-personnel called 'Brain Wipe'.
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19. are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
As like his brother, for V it depends on the topic. Vijay is a good soul, he's rarely really angry. Mostly he's just a little more or less upset but really angry? Like Ryder-angry? It is super rare. He may get angry about certain sea live topics and the continuous mass pollution in the ocean that is almost nonreversible. He's got a huge grudge against politics mostly because they do not care about the last remaining nature at all. So if you wanna make him angry, you must be a not caring politician. Oh and he absolutely hates it when Jay microhacks him just for fun. because Jay is one of the very few runners who definitely can bypass his ICE to cause mayhem to his C-Deck. And Vijay absolutely hates it when he gets e.g. Murphy-de or decKRASH-ed. Sometimes Jay thinks his lil' brother spends too much time in cyberspace (he's got a window open while in real life almost 24/7) and then uses decKRASH to drop V out of the net. Vijay gets furious when that happens because he knows it was his evil twin, but he knows Jay only means well for him because V definitely should turn off c-space for a bit as well (Jay is a lot in it as well but not that addicted to be in it 24/7 like V)
31. do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
Vijay loves attention, and he loves gifts. Can be just a little thing, a bracelet, flowers, a plastic sea animal or a plush orca, 80s vinyls or just digital art you made for him. Vijay will give you the happiest smile ever.
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trashcatsnark · 1 year
OC Songs! Aidan V. Becker!~
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I was tagged by the precious @tarmac-rat and the just as lovely @beammeupbroadway
I have a very chonky playlist that you can find here, but heres a handful of selections
Tremble by LPX (Also kind of my headcanon of what Aidan's singing voice sounds like)
I don't wanna tear your heart out But I'm edging on a breakdown I've been up and down the same route Too afraid of the fall out I know that we gotta quit, you just never see it
Keep holding my breath blue, how better can I show you What can I do to cut through, falling fast but I can't move I know that we gotta quit, you just never see it
Wish I could purge you out I'm sick with doubt, god help me now
Two by The Antlers (prefer the acoustic version on youtube tbh)
You had a new dream, it was more like a nightmare You were just a little kid and they cut your hair Then they stuck you in machines, you came so close to dying They should have listened, they thought that you were lying Daddy was an asshole, he fucked you up Built the gears in your head, now he greases them up
Can I Leave Me Too by The Greeting Committee
I'm scared of myself without you I'll change my ways for a few days if it means you'll stay I'm filthy, creepy, clingy for you always
If you go, can I go with you? If you leave me, can I leave me too? I'm afraid that I might need you If you go, can I go with you?
Good Girls by CHVRCHES
Is it easier when you don't have to count to ten? When you don't have to pretend? I want to know that feeling Is it easier when you don't have to start again? When you don't want to make amends? I want to know that feeling
Good girls don't cry And good girls don't lie And good girls justify but I don't Good girls don't die And good girls stay alive And good girls satisfy but I won't
Fast Talk by Dawn Golden (Jackie and Aidan vibes)
And everyone who knows our name Says that we ain't ever gonna change They say we're born to die young But we're trying to find a better way They say we're born to die young But we're trying to find a better way Maybe heaven is a ghetto with no bad blocks Shangri-La dealers at the bus stop And maybe God is just a cop that we can fast talk So if you're guilty and you know it, put your hands up 'Cause karma's just a different word for bad luck And what if death is just another pair of handcuffs? Then we better run
Baby Teeth by Flower Face (Johnny/Aidan vibes)
If I can't hold you like a lover I won't hold you at all The tide is turning on you, baby, and I feel nothing anymore If we could stay this way forever would it ever be enough? I wear your bruises on my shoulder now forever and evermore
Your lip got split, spill grenadine kisses, the codeine kids got you down Picking fights with the devil, you know, you've got a real smart mouth Driving you home from the bar and you're touching my face but I don't make a sound
Hope In Hell by Black Pistol Fire (Johnny/Aidan vibes)
It's over now, you see Keep pulling at my seams Fuck you and the horse you rode in on Down on my luck But I never really had none I soften up the blow It only goes to show Useless to try
Only my mind, I think you got that too You can have it all But how much do you wanna lose?
Dog Teeth by Nicole Dollanganger (Johnny/Aidan post bender vibes)
He handed me a pair of pliers and he told me to pull out his teeth Because as long as he'd had them he'd use them to do bad things
You're cold on the inside There's a dog in your heart and it tells you to tear everything apart My body's covered in teeth marks, your bite's worse than your bark
You ruin everything you touch and destroy anyone you love, you're all over me
Sorry by Nothing But Thieves (Johnny/Aidan post bender vibes)
I broke your heart so carelessly But made the pieces part of me And now it hurts what we've become 'Cause you taught me how to love It's me who taught you how to stop
And so many fucking more, I could fill a book, but here's a few
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